What's your favorite sports videogame?

What's your favorite sports videogame?

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woAh HeNTAi hahahahahaha HeNTAi where’s The FanArt!?

Does Girls Und Panzer count?
If not then NFL The Street


NHL and NBA 2K are the only fun ones, but the latter is so fucking bogged down in microtransactions and kikery as to be unplayable nowadays.

The sad part is I saw this packaging at my local grocery store and my first thought was that I'd someday see some fuck on Yea Forums post it completely off-topic to complain about it.

Anyway SSX3 is the GOAT.

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She cute.

Baseball is the worst sport. Boring as all fuck to both watch and play. Prove me wrong.

This but unironically

>Complain about it.
But I'm praising it because she's cute as fuck

even men can't compete without steroids, arm patch should say softball

Honestly I prefer the jizz brains over "wtf soibois have infiltrated big league chew OHNONONONONO THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF CHEWING GUM"

It’s fun to bat, but other than that you’re right.

>PES 5
>NFL 2k5
>MVP Baseball 2005
>NCAA Football 07
>NBA 2k12
>PES 6

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the person who drew it knows nothing about sports and was just hired to draw a cute girl

I'm far more upset that she's wearing a sun visor and not a cap.

Does rocket league count
NBA jam
Nfl blitz

Should have made her a Jew getting gassed to remind us of the Holocaust.

>qt rough and tumble tomboy baseball player
I know what gum I'm buying

bought the PS2 version of that at a local Goodwill earlier

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Automotive sport games and NHL hockey. I wish EA would die so some other company could try a hockey game because EA just uses their sports games as a platform to sell dlc player cards.


You guys are completely missing the real flaw here, which is that women don't dip

>Does rocket league count


I doubt kids even know big league chew is supposed to be like chewing tobacco. It’s banned in the MLB and the only people I know who dip are boomer truck drivers and farmers.

I'm not a big fan of sports games but you asked so I'm answering

Top Spin on the OG Xbox
SSX 3 and THPS 3 are tied for top spot
Grant Turismo 4, but I never played any driving sim after that so IDK
followed by Wave Race on the N64

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Man, people usually say this about golf.
I got really into watching the pga tour a few years ago, it's pretty fun if you watch an entire season and pay attention to standings.

I hope that doesn't replace the original packaging.

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NCAA 2009 was the last sports game I played.
I don't even know if it was that one, all I know is that is where I heard "Me, Myself, and I" by De La Soul. That's where I first understood what sampling was.

>I doubt kids even know big league chew is supposed to be like chewing tobacco
Every kid should watch The Sandlot.

Gameday 98 was my jam.

My post was mostly pre-emptive. Still, I agree that she's cute.
Good on you. Fantastic game, hope you enjoy it.
>SSX3 & Neo Geo Battle Coliseum in the same post
My man.

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This. I'm fine with the girl because she's cute but the original packaging is iconic.

I work at a supermarket and I see both the OP's and the original you posted next to each other. Not sure if there's a difference besides the packaging.

Honestly golf is 10/10 if only for the announcers. They have absolutely nothing to talk about so they end up saying the absolute wildest shit.

>The Sandlot
You’re killin’ me Smalls.

has it not been ruined by a remake yet?

Waluigi was the best one.

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Cute girl, but there's so many things baffling about that packaging that it flares up my autism
>metal bat over wooden
>batting, and wearing a hat
>not even a hat, but a visor
>completely gripped down on the handle

there's a sequel I never saw.

>literally has mouth cancer
Jesus christ

and I prefer them both over SJW apologist cunts like you.

>metal bat over wooden
actually fits better considering softball is pure aluminum

Have you never watched softball? And metal bats are used by non-MLB leagues all the time.

>arm patch literally says "baseball"

If Tony Hawk's Underground counts, that.
If not, NBA Street Vol. 2

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It's all in the little things. At least she isn't a disgusting swarthy she-beast with a pared down double-chin.

Because the lazyshit didn't bother fixing it from the original.

FIFA 2010 World Cup
NBA Street Vol. 2
SSX3 (Tricky gets an honorable mention)
Backyard Baseball
NFL Street was pretty fun.

>man size wads

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I may sound like a baby boomer but do kids these days even have the attention span for movies? every child I've seen is literally on youtube or playing some shit mobile game constantly with a phone on their hand. Of course I am out of touch I don't hang out with little kids.

>do kids these days even have the attention span for movies?
not when everything needs to be part of some cinematic universe with 30 hours of required watching

>equals 26 sticks
My god, man!

I don't think it needs to be fixed, that's the official baseball hall of fame logo and I'm pretty sure it's supposed to appear on the packaging. I guess they could have put it off to the side like shown here but i'm pretty sure they were forced by corporate deals to have that logo appear on the image.

>do kids these days even have the attention span for movies?
I mean, Frozen is a thing

Frozen came out 6 years ago, I'm referring to "kids these days".

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Why does this artstyle look so familiar.

Only whatever they're marketed. Also depends on how much time they spend with their parents.

Frozen 2 comes out in a couple months and will be the biggest animated movie of all time. Kids these days still wear Frozen merch, I see that shit every day.

>not wanting waifus on everything
>needing to self-insert yourself into packaging characters

This is why we can't have nice things, because faggots like you.

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NHL Hitz, any of them
NFL Blitz, any of them
Mutant Football League
Mutant Hockey League
Any Madden game where you could make your own teams
Fight Night, any of them
Some of the early UFC games
MLB 2000
NBA Street 1 and 2
NFL Street
NFL Extreme
NHL Rock the Rink
Does Wrestling count? If so then Smackdown 2, Raw 2, and Fire Pro Wrestling
Can put chicks on your packaging all you want, Women Sports still suck shit.

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I'm not an artist, but why is there a thick black outline on her right side but not her left side. It feels wrong to me.

Why do you think marvel movies make so much bank. Movies like 2001 a space oddessy couldn't exist today, and yes that's a shitty thing desu.

waifufag sperm brains are ruining the industry.

looks like art by InCase to me

>Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005
>NBA Hoopz
>NFL Street
>Madden 2007
>NASCAR Thunder 2004
>MVP Baseball 2004
>MLB The Show 2006
Sad we don’t see many good sports games anymore, especially extreme sports. Most recent ones I’ve played are The Golf Club 2019 and Nascar Heat 3, which I found good compared to their predecessors and Madden 18, which I found fun but it feels like I’m playing the same game from 10 years ago but filled with micro transactions and ADs.

It's not an old hag so it can't be incase

What the baseball bubblegum industry. Trust me I doubt it's gamers and rather the popularity of baseball in general. They need to attract those softball girls somehow.

And how is having qt girls as advertising a bad thing, what are you some low t-soiboi.

I mean it's not like your whipping your dick out at the store you neckbeard. So long as they don't plaster fat ugly hamplanets Ill embrace this new marketing tactic.


>the industry.
name three (3) gum brands that have a waifu on them

kill yourself disingenuous sophist.

>peanut free
>gluten free
this is just as absurd as gluten free water.

What if he just really likes 90s as fuck baseball guy?

>doesn't jack it in the cashier lane
>calls others s*iboys

NBA street Vol 2.
Combat sports? Fight Night Round 4

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Stay mad homo.

Then he should admit it instead of getting butthurt over 2dgrills that are obviously being used to make more sales in an already dying industry.

And he should buy more gum.

There was a period of time from 1998 - 2004 or 2005 where the licensed music in games was god tiered, and EA games had some of the best out there, NFS Underground, SSX 3, Burnout 3, these were the peak of licensed game soundtracks.

major league chew, bazooka, bubble yum

I hate to use this ahitty and retarded phrase, but k*m brain(s) perfectly describe people like you.

why did arcade-style sports games die out? Everything's a hardcore simulation now

Wii sports resort for the nintendo wii

All he said is "he hopes they don't replace the original"

My favorite bit of pointless advertising is when gummi candies market themselves as a fat free food.
I wonder how many people can't put the two and two together of what your body does to a food that is nearly 100% sugar.

EA has exclusive licenses to the NFL and NHL
2K has exclusive licenses to NBA.
NCAA is sat on by EA and not really used. Non-brand sports games don't sell.

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Because dead dream simulators are where it's at, normies don't actually care about fun games, they just want to feel like they're either coaching the real deal or impose themselves onto the guys not do dribble combo to top off the baller meter and shoot a flaming basket ball from the other side of the court and make the rim explode.

they still exist the big thing that killed their presence is huge money deals with major sports organizations.
EA is tied with the NFL, 2K with the NBA, Sony with the MLB, so you can't have something like NBA Jam without going through them, and the games market is way too big for no-name games to make it, while at the same time the popularity of sports being in decline.
Though I would love to see something like 2020 Super Baseball being released today.
motherfuckers its 2020 next year why isn't there robots playing baseball yet?!



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>and NHL
Not sure about that one, but it may be true
>2K has exclusive licence to NBA
Not true. ea is still trying
>NCAA is sat on by EA
They can't monetize college athletes in vidya anymore.

Keep samefagging user.

Besides when's the last time you even bought their gum. It's pretty obvious that they are trying to market to a larger crowd because I'm sure they don't sell as much as they use to. Trust me this isn't going to make me buy their gum, I'm not some brainlet who picks products based on their packaging, but if the greedy marketers want to pull a Japan and use waifus I won't lie and pretend I hate it. It's not like zoomers aren't the biggest weeboos ever who buy anything with a cute 2d girl on it look at gatcha games.

If it causes some girl to want to play baseball, causes more sales for the company, and provides eye candy I say plaster more waifus who gives a fuck at this point. Where's my McDonald's waifu.

>Bigger market
>causes some girl to want to play baseball
Sounds like horseshit, this stuff only ever comes out when you're already in the sport

>Where's my McDonald's waifu.

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I completely forgot that EA still makes NBA games.

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>Sounds like horseshit, this stuff only ever comes out when you're already in the sport

Then if it's purely sex appeal it's even more 90s.

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Truly simpler times.

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Please anons I'm begging you. I just want a new game to play. :(
Any good sports games I should play that has an actual good career mode? MLB power pros was the shit and I really hate that the sports RPG genre didn't really catch on.

I don't care if it's old/new whatever system, I just want something fun where I can get scouted, tell my rival to SHOVE IT, steal his girlfriend and be the world's best sportsball player.

nba2k is kinda fun but honestly the career mode went fucking down the shitter since 2017, 2018 was zoomers, 2019 had hardly any story.

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It wouldn't bother me as much if this shit wasn't fucking EVERYWHERE now. They really started laying it on thick and it's fucking annoying.

sports games aren't that popular.

I remember there was version of black guy on the packaging. This was about 17 years ago long before the PC craze was taking root.

Late response, but I work at a movie theatre and kids still fucking love movies. I am, however, a huge traditional animationfag and it makes me wants to puke whenever I think of some kid's first experience with a movie being some fuckawful CG REALISM remake and not the gorgeous original films.

She cute, I don't see a problem with this.

Oh come on guys. Can't this be a sports video game thread and not another thread?

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I'm more pissed off about big league chew being that goddamn expensive, holy fuck. When I was a kid, it was like 50 cents and the package was fuck huge.

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Dragon season is upon us...

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Inflation, grandpa, get with the times.

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hello, fellow Tampa fag. All our teams suck except that one time they were good, Bucs are super bowl champs, Lightning won the stanley cup, Rays won the pennant.

I'm not old, I'm 34.

You dont even know what the meaning of shit is

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Our first and last win ;-;

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None of you fags will ever know the pain of being cockteased like a Braves fan.

>Can remember our 1st (or 2nd, been so long) grade classroom making a big sign or whatever for the Bucs back in 2003
>That was 16 years ago
Feels fucking weird how irrelevant they are. My papa screams at the TV every time the Rays do some dumb shit that cost them a game.

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We suck so damn hard we don't even get the opportunity to be cockteased. At least your team has made the playoffs in the last 18 years

Nigga you have clearly never been to Louisiana

My first girlfriend at 14 dipped Skoal

T. Trailer trash

I was in 8th grade and had a Warren Sapp jersey. The Tampa 2 was the only reason the Bucs were ever relevant and that all went to shit when Monty left.

Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball is the best baseball video game out there.

Prove me wrong.

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Damn it Yea Forums, you failed me again.

Here me out here boys and girls.

Sports games.

But in first person.

They would be hard as fuck and a big hit at parties or for streamers. Can't deny it. Huge money making idea right here.

.93 cents for a bag of big league chew? What a steal

unironically porn when?

we're promoting tobacco use to children, but it's ok because at least we're not being sexist!

What about the other Griffey Jr baseball games?

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Dry as fuck taste.

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Mario Tennis for the N64 is the GOAT tennis game. Prove me wrong.

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I assumed this shit was discontinued forever ago because it encouraged kids to do dip, like how candy cigarettes and cigars were stopped. The fuck.

I just included games that strive to replicate the sport. Obviously the arcadey games are going to be more for.

Even still, none is above PES 5.

What about football manager? Also is PES 5 the ones autist use for FCC or is it the latest pes?
I know for certain that you need a decent amount of mod support for that shit.

>fun not for

Hockey is the only good sport that exists, unfortunately EA has the rights to the NHL series.

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How many bottles of maple syrup have you downed the past week Mr.Canadian?

based, that skill stick was fucking hilarious.

for me it's 07 though.