Why is it like this?

Why is it like this?

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Haha that's a pretty epic meme! Can I retweet it?


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defend this

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It's funny because it's actually the other way around very funny and original.

Seething wyverncuck

>unaronically using pokemon as example


>actually pretending modern Yea Forums is funny

Grigori is literally the best dragon in vidya.

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Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind strangers!




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Epic. Simply epic.

Bro, this is so much win! Le narwhal bacons at midnight XD

Well, well, well

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EPIC POST!!!!11!

What is the most Western Japanese game?
What is the mos Japanese Western game?

both are good

ACKTUALLY they are called called a tonfas. Not a stalf


Do Male JRPG Fantasy game characters are often bound to look like this?

-Blue Armor
-Crown or circlet headgear
-Fancy Glowing Magic words that only special snowflakes can wield
-And of course, the blue/red/pastel colored hair

Basically a Dragon Quest looking schmuck.

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i seriously wish cRPGs were even 1/10 as good as these descriptions make them sound. They are such unbelievably boring games.

>Most Western Japanese
Professor Layton
>Most Japanese Western
Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy

Fucking retard

this pisses me off because some people actually believe it
if dragons were realistic they wouldn't have wings AT ALL because there's no fucking way something that weighs well over a ton would ever be able to produce enough lift to fly


big grig is bae

>realistic dragon design
>none of them are even dragons

even /m/ is not safe

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>Calling a Wyvern a ""Realistic Dragon""
What the fuck is this bait.

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i hate how all jrpg protagonists look the same! can't they make anything different?

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>not a dragon
are you retarded

>tfw I had that Peace Walker Walkman but some nigger stole it while I was waiting for a bus

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>scopedog on west

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>Western dragons
>they're all wyverns
What did user mean by this?

>i hate how all jrpg protagonists look the same! can't they make anything different?

>implausably skilled young man
>he is also a silent protagonist, just like all those jrpgs protags in that image
>but now he's wearing a silly mask so that you can't see that he's your stereotypical jrpg protag!
>this is somehow worthy of praise

YOu really didn't think through, did you?

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>dragons from 5 different games on the jap side
>only 3 examples on the west side, and all 3 seem to be concept art from skyrim

At least post examples from more than 1 western game, retard.

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Spectacular post

user I. . .

I used to have the normal version of those earphones.

I love this guy.

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Literally the most generic red dragon design, but pushed to its absolute limit. Grig truly is the best.

Its the best dragon design in video games
why would you use any other examples?

>best dragon design

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Agreed, maybe I dont play enough games with dragons in them but I honestly cant think any better example than him.

What game is the top right black dragon from?

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the best thing about him is that he's sentient and can speak. he's not some dinosaur that flies around searing shit while screeching high pitch noises.

Kalameet from Dark Souls 1

>the best thing about him is that he's sentient and can speak.
That's how dragons have always been portrayed in fantasy books.

this always pisses me off, quetzalcoatl is a fucking god not a generic type of dragon, use "feathered serpent" for that then

at least they correctly depict it without wings

which is why he's the best

Bruticus would reck all of those pussy mechs.

fuck you im a dragon

because you touch yourself at night to furry porn you fucking faggot