Kinotcher thread
Kinotcher thread
The Trouble with Trannies, Drowning in Danger, etc.
Every NPC in Skyrim has a unique schedule that they follow, can be interacted with in multiple ways, has voice acting, and can be one of ten (10) different races.
This game is fucking beautiful.
Thanks for your input Todd
>Skyrim has a unique schedule that they follow
ad infinity, with no to little change, and no real reason they follow it
>can be interacted with in multiple ways
exhaust dialog tree, no change, 1 quest in 10 NPCs that is a basic go-here-do-this-come-back, comeoete quest, no change.
>has voice acting
With the same 4 or 5 actors, that all sound the same.
>and can be one of ten (10) different races.
Not human? Why bother.
TW3 has a lot of npcs that, true to life, simply fucking ignore you. Walk into any city, and this shit happens. Now fuck off faggot.
>blue fog and green tint
Are you fucking blind.
Blood and Wine is what convinced me that the Witcher 3 is something special.
That yellow tint though. Good thing reshade exist
Why couldn't the campaign be anywhere near as good as the dlcs?
Hey pard
And now without the piss.
Witcher sucks but not as much as it's fans.
Suck the Netflix show's cock cuz you're such faggots.
>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received
Oh, just noticed the reshade toggle text. Sad.
Still no piss though.
Post the link to the retard that enacted this lol
You are aware this was on purpose to look like paintings of old italian villages?
I just have clear toussaint mod from nexus, no text
You mean Superior poster?
Also it’s an iPad
I like to boot up witcher 3 on chilly fall days with a hot pot of coffee and burn some interesting smelling candles my neighbor gave me a few years ago at their Oktoberfest.
Sometimes I’ll just wander around paths in the woods, but mostly I like to walk around the cities. The HD texture mod and enb/sky/weather mods really help the game out though.
>wakes up
>stands in spot until evening
>goes back to sleep
ok todd
This is a game, not a painting (except when it is). It just looks like piss and vomit. If it's on purpose, I don't want it.
Not enough because vanilla lighting also looks awful, just more subtle.
basic story related NPCs like zoltan have more combined dialogue than any NPC in skyrim lol
yeah that tint also exists in real life, it's called some UV rays being reflected off of an angle on the earth's atmosphere resulting in yellow/orange light entering. Time to go outside of your basement and take off your fedora to get a good look at IRL's yellow tint.
Look at this fag lmao
why do faggots who want to critique TW3 find extremely mundane and autistic shit to bitch about? you're angry about something no one even notices? it's almost like they insert didlos up their asses and go out their ways searching for stuff they don't like in the game to complain about. Must suck dick that the game is so great you have nothing to go anal about other than mundane shit like a piss filter.
All in all, I'd say this is a seethe, cope and dilate'er from me. Go check if EA deposited your shill money to your account yet.
reshade fags are literally mentally ill. that looks like hot trash
Why do faggots who try to defend TW3 latch onto only the most mundane complaints and ignore the major flaws when they're pointed out? Oh, right, because you can't actually refute the latter.
>Toussaint tint
>something no one even notices
Are you fucking retarded? I could give you main game looking like shit being something that plenty of people don't notice, but this shit is highly apparent.
Hilarious how you got triggered so hard by a post that wasn't even trying to shit on the game. Classic defense force.
This is your brain on CDPR.
Calm down, bud. If you like your game looking like piss that’s fine but it’s not something everyone enjoys
I have STLM and clear toussaint, what lightning mod do you recommend?
There we go, now it doesn’t look atrocious anymore
I also used CT but heard that STLM is fucky in places, so I threw on a reshade instead, and that did the job. I installed STLM once to take a look at it myself, and it was also decent, so you might as well keep it if it works for you.
Also if anyone here is replaying the game I would suggest to get the (G)LORIFIED TRISS face mod, I think this face looks better than the vanilla one, also paler skin for Geralt and glowing medallion is another good one
$0.99 has been deposited to your EA store account
I like the game, that’s why I’m criticising it. I made it better with mods
Because they have 10k hrs on tf2
No, sorry, I'm actually a contrarian fromdrone and only shill for bethesda.
That still fits your narrative, right?
Gotta try harder than that man. Also, the only kino part of TW3 is HoS.
Can I make this work on my PC or am I fucked and have to play on PS4 again?
>replacing yellow tint with gray tint
>DX:HR flashbacks
you forgot bloody baron
whats wrong with playing TW3 on the PS4?
nah, kino is about cinematography. the baron is a good solid story line but there's nothing special about the cinematography.
kino is a meme word that comes from the german word for "cinema", it just means "good"
lmao kino was a thing before bloodborne posting fag.
yeah I know you fucking homo, it started on Yea Forums and I remember it very well. it doesn't have a definition at all, it's just a fancy foreign word for "cinema"
why bother discussing things you don't understand user? it has a description, and the baron don't fit.
>dude my arbitrary definition is fact
you're trying to hard
Both games are 10/10 and look beautiful.
skyrim is more of a 7/10. toddshit is just trash and I legit stopped playing open world for 6 years because of how garbage his games are. Playing Oblivion and Skyrim gave me this lasting impression that there's a dividing line between open world games and corridoresque games: corridor/level based games have significanlty higher qualtiy put into their worlds and are handcrafted because they're small and resource management allows them to make them look good and unique, while open worlds tend to be significantly copy-paste/flipped asset based because there's a huge world and you can't afford to handcraft it and make it detailed as say, a level-based game. I discovered how wrong I was in the witcher 3 and realised that was just todd being as cheap as possible in his games.
Yeah they fucking botched the visuals
witcher 3 had watch dogs level of downgrades but it's ok when the slavs do it
The final game looks a lot better than pre-release footage. The only part that received a downgrade is the swamp area and even that has been fixed with mods. I'm so sorry you're a poorfag and tasteless.
>*Clock Gongs*
>Screen Transitions to Closed Room murder scene
>*Detective Authority Activates*
>"Mhmm... Victims had their faces smashed, bodies burned, and skewered by stakes... a Culprit X™, I think.
>"Come on, Beato"
>*follows blue truth vision*
>girls in Witch™ costumes appear
>"Here's my blue truth" UWOOOOOOOOOOH ZEN ZEN DAME DAAAA *cries for 3 minutes before slashing a witch with a blue sword*
>"Mhmm... Culprit X™ Pretending to use Magic™ ... Better tell the survivors about this"
>"Come on, Beato"
>*Screen shattering transition with clock showing time passing*
>"Just some murderers posing as Witches™, here's proof *Shows servant with goat mask on*"
>"The Rokkenjima Incident" Complete *Happiness of Marionette starts playing*
>3 tons of gold received
I've to agree with that his version without the piss shade is better. It's not so much flora, it's the guys in armor who have excessive yellow tint on their gear.
Man i cant go back into Skyrim and i dont even want to touch Fallout 4.
i mean both games have only 2! better aspects and thats sandbox.and mods.
Thats it. Everything else is so much worse compared to Witcher 3
i mean entering Novigrad for the first time was amazing. It was a real breathing city with shitton of things to discover.
The biggest town in Skyrim was a fucking joke compared to it.
Same goes for Fallout 4
Look on the plus side, because the Witcher knocked it out of the park when it comes to a open world game, Bethesda will now have to match that or surpass it because for once they have real competition. If TES6 isn't as good it will be very damaging to their reputation.
the only downgrade to the game is the LOD, otherwise everything else looks better.
>If TES6 isn't as good it will be very damaging to their reputation
What reputation have they got left after blunder 76? They're a joke company and deserve not a single penny. They'd need to make a new engine in the first place and not keep beating the rotten corpse that was gamebryo.
Kino yea
Comfy as fuck lad, comfy as fuck.
Just stick to consoles.
The final game without mods looks horrible, the vegetation is like 2d pastels, there's no color or detail to the backgrounds so it always looks like grey/blue haze, maybe slightly orange during a sunset, and there's a general lack of ambient occlusion. With mods like STLM it already looks better.
I keep asking in witcher 3 threads but nobody delivers for a desperate user. I need a save file just after the baron quest has been completed. I've played through up to the baron like 8 or 9 times now and I stupidly keep uninstalling for some reason or another. I really want to see the rest of the game but I cannot be bothered to play up to and passed the baron for the 10th time.
Why do you keep uninstalling it like a retard?
literally me
Afraid I don't have one right after that point, I'm deep into Blood & Wine now
Would anyone else be interested in an Eskal spin off game?
>Just as good at witchering as Geralt
>Is humble and doesn't go on about his issues and lonelyness despite the amount of suffering hes gone through
>Left to muck around in new countries after 3
Dudes prime material
Multiple retarded reasons. I've had to reinstall all my games after resetting windows 10 maybe 3 times, then I upgraded my motherboard and needed a new copy of windows 10, then probably a few uninstalls just to make room on the HDD, and also i think i broke the game a few times with mods and instead of deleting the mod folder I uninstalled the entire game like a fucktard. At no point during these did I opt to keep my save files. I'm genuinely retarded as fuck.
I'd rather go with Lambert or a new Witcher. A Manticore Witcher in Zerrikania would be neat.
Just play through it over again. It's gonna be a bore until you reach past the Baron, but at least this time you'll have a save and shit.
Because they are trying as hard as possible to loathe a company that has done litteraly nothing wrong. They aren't exemplary, but the fact that CD is one of the few publishers that isnt turbo jew and is just regular jew, it gets huge praise from games media.
And as everyone on this website knows
So they latch onto the most benign shit to prove how superior they are.
I liked Eskel. He came off as more archetypal Witcher compared to Geralt who was basically a rockstar hanging around with kings or Lambert who was a whiny prick regretting he was ever made into a Witcher. Eskel seemed to have the most balanced approach as influenced by Vesemir.
what a prick
Nah but lambert, as based as he is, would make a poor protagonist. Dudes super bitchy and hates being a witcher, plus hes canonicaly the weakest of the wolf school in terms of swordplay and achievements.
not a protagonist material
i'd rather take a new witcher
Would you user?
Skyrim is a 6/10 at best, the OST being the best element.
>has a heart but isnt a goodie two shoes
>Just as good as Geralt
>Avoids attention as much as possible
>Fucked a succubus
>Has a pet goat
Based Eskal
>Would make a poor protagonist
Quite the opposite, really; he has a lot of room for development from a "super bitchy" Witcher who hates what he is, and he's an underdog considering the fact that he's the weakest of the wolves with barely any achievements to his name.
All in all, there's a LOT of room for growth, which makes him a perfect protagonist.
>The HD texture mod and enb/sky/weather mods really help the game out though.
I just looked a bunch up, and I can't immediately tell the difference between vanilla and them. The Witcher 3 already had a lighting system that modders usually create for a game, like ENB.
I can see your point, but i figured the dude was more interested in retiring as soon as he could preferably with keira.
I mean the only plot hook I could think of for him would be someone kills one of his lovers or friends and he goes on a revenge quest (again). He actively avoids big contracts on monsters and shit, y'know?
>The final game without mods looks horrible
The final game looks incredible. Eat shit you jealous cunt.
I could see Keira pulling out the best of him and vice versa. And the plot hook could have something do with Keira or whatever it is she wanted help from him with etc.
But yes, I think a game with Lambert as the protagonist could work just fine.
When you lay out all the effort put into the NPCs, it just makes it even more laughable that they couldn't achieve an immersive or atmospheric city setting even close to what a couple of retarded polacks made in a cave.
>modding a game on your first playthrough
you deserve it
>what a couple of retarded polacks made in a cave.
with a couple bottles of potato vodka