You get yourself trapped in the last videogame you played...

You get yourself trapped in the last videogame you played. Your task is to kill the protagonist using whatever you can find. How do you fare?

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how do i kill the main character in mount and blade?

I don’t play video games so I don’t care.

Courier from new vegas,
Just plant a mine under a random spot and watch the nigger fly

>My Lv400 Keyblade Wielder from KHUx
I wouldn't get out of there alive.

Attached: KHUx character.jpg (1017x739, 131K)

very carefully


Not a chance, even human Kerrigan would sense me coming and just snap my neck.

How kill steve

I played Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward a couple of hours ago. Seems like it'd be pretty easy to just fuck with Sigma's bracelet so it goes off and kills him for tampering with it.

Attached: AB_bracelet.png (250x259, 82K)

Doomslayer from Doom
I'll grab the gasoline that fuels the chainsaw and wait until the heat of Hell sets fire to that fucker

I'm mainly posting here just cause want to share this, and this thread is the perfect place: I used to have fantasies of me and my friend being sucked into Playstation All Stars Battle Royale (yes, really) and becoming characters. I remember my weapon was a fucking wooden sword, and I had the superpower of cloning myself. I don't remember what my friend had, likely because social autism made me barely know my few friends. In between fights, there was a break, in a building with a gym, a bar, and fast food. I think I got that from some Robot Chicken advert for the game. (Here comes the best part) I, for some reason, had a burning hatred for the 2D furfag known as Parappa. We would argue, I would tape a picture of him to a punching bag, and I even thought of secretly assassinating him by strangling him during break time. I was on pretty good terms with the rest of the roster though.

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GTA Online. Easy just hit them with a car.

that's pretty incredible


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Dark Souls... so do I kill Gwyn or the chosen undead?

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Did they fuck

>Asura's Wrath

>had a burning hatred for the 2D furfag known as Parappa. We would argue, I would tape a picture of him to a punching bag
Holy shit user, and I thought me wanting to be Ippo/little mac was bad.

Attached: Ippo takamura 2.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

>Ocarina of time
Pretty sure I'm fucked.

>EDF 5
>15,000 Armour Ranger with Rapid Fire Shotgun and a Lock-on Missile Launcher that fires 30 missiles per shot.

Even if we assumed it was a fresh new game he would still have a weak fully automatic assault rifle which would still kill me in a second and a Rocket launcher that can level a skyscraper with 1 shot. Stealth doesn't even work because they are all equipped with a Radar that senses nearby hostiles and innocents that is always active.

How in the name of flying fuck am I supposed to kill Ryu?

>Rocksmith 2014
I have to kill a version of myself wielding a guitar? Doesn't sound too hard.

i have yet to meet one who can outsmart bullet


>Mega Man Zero 2
I fucking can't. If I do kill him somehow he'll just come back.

Why would you want to be an eternal self-cuck?