It's really telling how the majority of people who played 3H picked Black Eagles despite it having all the warning...

It's really telling how the majority of people who played 3H picked Black Eagles despite it having all the warning marks of being the evil house. Makes you think how all it takes is a pretty girl to make people okay with genocide and how easy people are willing to swallow "killing the evil lizard people who rule the world and make all our lives suck"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Your post would make a lot more sense if the BE path didn't also start the church route where you get to kill Edelgard and repopulate the world with dragons with your dragon mommy/daughter/wife.

>abolishing the class system and removing the reptiles that control the church and government is evil
I dont understand why you people defend the jews so adamantly. Literally Edelgards route is the only really good route, and everything comes at a cost.

>animetards incapable of critical thinking
No route is "evil," it's just different perspectives and value systems at work.

Killing that blue cuck was so satisfying.

It's easy to see why crests aren't necessary in the Empire since they don't have clay to defend.
But Farghus needs it for defending the north and the alliance needs it to defend from the brown people to the right.

Jokes on you I picked Edelgard knowing she was the """"evil""""route. She has clear parallels with Oda Nobunaga and I am about that life.

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>Claude does basically the same shit but with less bloodshed

Well, for one if you didn't look into the game too much you have to choose your house in the first five minutes.

Rape her

But that's exactly how Rhea gets away with everything.

2 of the 4 routes start from Black Eagles user

That's just the game being shitty though.

They make "the ends justify the means" meaningless by giving every ending the same ends.

Edelgard kills your father, turns students into literal monsters and tried to assassinate the heads of foreign nations and wages war on them when that doesn't work. Yes, she is objectively evil.

It's not the game being shitty, it's straight up Edelgard and the whole Black Eagles route that's fucking shit.


they had it coming

Jeralt most definitely did not have it coming.

"Accidentally" killing all the slitherers (or whatever happens in that route), and having Rhea apologize for being unapologetically evil and untruthful, is also very shitty.

get on the Ballista user, I've got a sure FIRE way to settle this

Damn, I just started and I think I picked the dumb blonde bitch.

>Catherine joins you outside the church route
Weird, I'm on my first playthrough and had assumed the "recruit" option when talking to her was only there just because. I can't wait to eventually bring her along to kill Rhea.

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This game looks legit uglier than FF7 on the PS1

It's at least a thousand times less shitty than killing a bunch of innocents and waging unnecessary wars against the other territories. Claude also did all that shit while unifying Fodlan with the rest of the world. Edelgard's bitch ass only did that shit for just Fodlan.

Jeralt is the captain of the guards, who was killed by the girl planning shit for months with Edelgard. Edelgard invaded shortly after. Seeing a connection here?

She won't join the Empire, so you have to do church for her to kill Rhea.

>paizuri, throat fucking, or anal
>i will allow you to choose your own servitude

If Hitler had been a woman the Nazis would not have been anywhere near as reviled.

Okay, now what?

>posts the filler route that solves nothing

So she leaves after the skip then?

If you get an A or S support with her, you literally NTR Rhea out of her brain

The Church sides with you in all routes cept Edelgard's Beagles. Love how the emblem for the Church route is the Crest of Flames.

It solves the Edelgard problem and both Claude and Dimitri survive. Best end.


All the endings are happy endings, so what Claude "did" doesn't fucking matter.
In that case it's so contrived to produce a happy ending that it is made worse as a route.
At least in BE there are high stakes and a measurable cost that give the victories weight, instead of literally stumbling your way through slitherer genocide.

>default choice is the most popular one

Imagine my surprise

Edelgard dead, Slithers' leaders all dead, DImitri and Claude live, you keep your god powers. Absolute fucking win.

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Don't forget that Byleth is the new Archbishop so the Church is on lock as well.

its extremely clear that the BE / Church route was supposed to be the current "canon" one. They push edelgard so hard at the beginning its crazy. Then she slowly reveals her plans through the story / her supports and you realize that hubert is leading her on. You then choose to try and fix a problem by giving her the sensei dick or ending it altogether by deus vulting her.

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Rhea is not slayed. Crests are still a problem. The slithers didn't really disappear.

Joe Zieja is based

He's a dad in a FE emblem game. Even Felix's dad got the FE treatment. I think Seteth might be the only important dad who didn't get killed but even that is something you can make happen

You could say the same thing about BE's "happy" ending. As if all the problems she caused were waved away.

Picking Black Eagle is legitimately the best route, assuming that you recruit every possible character

In Edelgard's story she's objectively correct, using the best methods possible to proactively solve long-term problems in the system, and she does so with minimum casualties and without going bugfuck crazy the same way she does in other routes. She never falls for the Slitherers lies and doesn't go off the deep end for power. And most importantly she becomes the most moral person of the three, letting civilians go, taking surrendered POWs and letting them live as they choose, and putting checks on the evils that she's aligned with to stop THEM from being able to go on their own slaughtering rampages.

Dimitri and Claude's deaths are sad, but necessary for Edelgard's goal, which is the complete destruction of the current social order. In the epilogue it explains that she deals with the Slither group in a shadow war, to involve the least number of civilians, and once her job is done and she's reestablished a society actually made for humans, by humans, she gives up power and goes to fuck whatever boy she picked for the rest of her days, however many are left.

Just because she's a complete monster in every other route that goes bugfuck insane for the sake of the plot doesn't mean that she does in her own route.

1. BE was the most shilled route in marketing, so people playing it blind will choose Edelgard
2. BE route splinters into a 2nd route, so Churchfags will also choose BE over BL and GD

I will be very surprised if Black Eagles are the most popular faction once everyone finishes the entire game.

Rhea did nothing wrong. Crests are necessary to protect Foldan from outside invaders. Slithers never disappear in any route.

Not a problem, not a long time problem, they still have the means to take them out unlike Edelgard's epilogue.

>not tanky against anything thats not the sword units
>not even a 60% chance to hit
>if he does manage to hit he doesnt even kill
>all the while you have to fight a fucking army while half of your team afks waiting for enemies to walk in
why would they do this? why is this paralogue so shit?

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Hello Hubert.
Edel still isn't going to have sex with you.

>Slithers never disappear in any route.
You genocide them and their faggot leader in Golden Deers retard

I DO say that about the BE ending.
Except, the heightened drama, the human cost, and the tenacity of her sticking to her ideals make the happy ending feel more earned in that route.
To be clear, I'm comparing it to BL and what I've only heard about in GD.

>crests supposedly make you superman
>my crest units still get shitted on by generic brawlers

>Picking Black Eagle is legitimately the best route, assuming that you recruit every possible character

That is definitely the worst way to play it.

Maybe your units could go help him? Do some link attacks together.

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>Rhea did nothing wrong.

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Edelgard's assessment is massively incorrect and colored by her own incorrect beliefs.

She never killed innocent people and turned them into demonic beasts. She merely suppressed rebellions and that's really about it. Sure, killing the rebels wasn't needed, but it's way more tame compared to what retarded Edelgard does.

Funny how the thing most people hold up as the church being assholes, Rhea killing Lonato and the western church bishops, is completely undermined by the Flame Emperor scene two minutes later that confirms Lonato and the western church were working with her. That evil bitch Rhea is clearly a monster for... executing people that openly planned to murder her seemingly at Edelgard's behest.

don't forget messing with newborns


Stop posting the same shit and expecting a different response you lazy sack of shit.

Motherfucker, you were a stillborn and she saved your ass.

>has clear parallels with Oda Nobunaga
Nobunaga was always chill about everything though. He even calls himself the "Demon King" just because he thought it was funny that everyone called him that. Hell, he liked the Christians even though he wasn't one himself.
Edelcuck is way too unhinged and unstable to be even similar to Nobunaga.

NOTHING about 3H's story is worth getting this worked up over. It's fucking bad.
It's made completely pointless the second they make the House you choose the good guys and they make the other houses dumber to make it easier for you to justify your pick.
That's not how this split story should work. It's so dumb.

Edeltards are completely deranged waifufaggots. If she was a guy no one would defend her.

Have sex you pathetic incels. Just because she is a strong independent woman who dont need no church doesnt mean you can shit on her. The church is manipulative and murderous and all because of racism towards humans.

Each route has its pros and cons and everyone has their own personal reasons and motives for what they fight for.

This is honestly my favorite part of post game.
The dialogue that goes down between former housemates and the rush from Paths That Will Never Cross drive home the overall theme of the game for me.

>trusting hitlergard

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In context of the story, crests literally give superhuman abilities, not to mention the ability to use godly weaponry. Just because the gameplay doesn't make them OP broken bullshit doesn't mean that it isn't true, considering every route goes over how fucking retarded the Crest of Flames makes the professor.

Playing the bad guy is fun sometimes, chill the fuck out

>Hell, he liked the Christians even though he wasn't one himself.
Only because they were the newcomers and had more humble attitudes not trying to take control of everything like the monks did. It's pretty fucking hard to be corrupt embezzlers when you just debarked on a new land trying to set up a base to spread your faith user.

I don't know what Dimitri-fags are if not underage shonen-fags and/or women. You're not much better for thinking that the other Houses are "good" stories.

If Claud is Tokugawa Ieyasu, Edel is Hideyoshi, who is Dimitri? Masamune?

dont forget the seemingly INFINITE reinforcements that end your game if they step in the town 5 times. that paralogue is bullshit and completely not worth the trouble.

Oh and also the game is padded to shit and it makes experiencing the "full story" extremely boring.

No, there is no recruit option for her in BE.

being an unhinged evil tyrant is fun when you admit you are a piece of shit, which is why doing the evil route of Yugioh tag force is popular, Edelgard would be better character if she was more honest

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dimitri is Shimazu


>mfw put stride on my warlock Sylvain
I traverse the whole map in one turn why did no one tell me about this?

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>yfw dedue transformed

Dude Rhea told Catherine to set fire to fhirdiad in the final chapter of Edelgards route. An entire city full of innocent civilians.

Catherine who once said she would even kill children if Rhea asked her to was reluctant to do it.

>execute people that tried to kill you first
What's the problem?

That's because he had Byleth to vouch for the alliance to the church. But arguably, the fact that Rhea is still alive might cause problems down the line.

Edelgard is the anti-villain route, a villain route would be pairing up with the Slitherers.

Alois is also a dad, we just never see his kid.

Rhea doesnt fucking matter because her mommy lust is sated by byleth in BL route. And Dimitri/Claude can easily wreck nemesis if he ever shows up even though it's unlikely after their leader jobbed to dimitri without him ever even realizing it

Pairing up with the slitherers, huh?

Edelgard is literally a rebel without a cause though.
>Dimitri agrees with her
>Claude agrees with her
>fucking Rhea herself wants to give her position to Byleth to prevent the Seiros part of her from killing more people

Reading through this thread has made me realise that people dont actually know the price of freedom,or that things require sacrifice and life isnt pretty or fair. Or that revolution and change is written in blood.

>no route where you say fuck school and join your dad in cool mercenary missions doing wacky stuff

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Most of that happens outside of her route, and she had nothing to do with Jeralt's death. Even fucking Solon had to step in and reluctantly save her sorry ass because they sure as hell didn't plan for it to happen.

It could've worked if they made it clearer that it was your influence in their lives that made the difference happen.
That's what they were going for with the timeskip, but it should've been made more clear.
>start them off as assholes with clear flaws
>Thanks to Byleth-sensei, I learned that __________
Basically give your students obvious character turns and point out how the other students failed to change at all.

oh shit the 3-13 archer is back

Okay, that kid no longer has a dad.

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If you're going to take characters at their worst I assume you do the same for Edelgard. Edelgard burns Bernie Sanders alive and uses her citizens as a shield

>when most of the shit is done by the will of this egotistical girl who think she knows better than everybody

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She only declare war against the church and its allies in her route. She didn't even touch the alliance for 5 years since they were neutral while Dimitri sided with Rhea who had gone full Seiros.

Here's where everything falls apart. No one acts the same in every route besides maybe Claude. Imagine if you were watching LoGH and in every Alliance episode the Empire was suddenly more unhinged and evil and then every Imperial episode the Alliance is even more corrupt and sending their citizen's to die. This is what playing through 3H's story is like.

kinda like what edelgard already did, huh?

Edelgard is "ends justify means", and is not inherently evil. She just wants to rid the world of the nobility, crests, and the Church which is the reason why she ends up waging war to begin with.
Her endgame goal in every route is to unify the continent and kill Rhea, who herself has been manipulating humanity using the Church in order to ultimately resurrect her mother by using Byleth.

Ah yes,i too havent played the game.

She literally didn't need to start a world war because some combination of byleth being archbishop and claude/hubert behind the scenes would have solved the problems shes starting world wars over

People should also do that for Dimitri but never do btw. It's impossible to actually discuss this fucking games story thanks to the inconsistencies.

>Edelgard: oh shit I forgot about the reptiles

you are retarded sjw blu loser go cry on twitter

Paths That Will Never Cross gets me going every damn time. Encountering Lorenz on the bridge in BL was probably one of the biggest highlights for me with his pre-battle dialogue with Byleth.

We already had that long ago, it was called Path of Radiance.

No, because Edelgard is doing it with good intentions and regardless of whether the costs are higher or not, still ushers in prosperity to Fodlan. With the Dubstep Empire you're getting a Dystopia with your faction being the winners and everyone else being slaves.

Freedom from what exactly? "Evil" dragons? Meanwhile Retardgard doesn't even know her own history and starts a revolution based on her ancestor's lies, a man so butthurt that humanity wouldn't submit to him that he made up lies that makes the dragons the bad guys in his fake story.

Reminder that crests were literally created so people could defend themselves against the tyranny of the Empire. Nemesis literally took up arms because the Empire tried to force all of Fodlan to submit to them. It seems to me like the Empire itself is the problem here.

Edelgard turns into an smt boss

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So it's okay to side with the bad guy as long as it's for GOOD INTENTIONS
great morality lesson

Except the Lions do it because their homeland is getting invaded. Edelgard casually nukes Bernedetta to get an advantage in a skirmish. And Edelgard is the inconsistent one, all the other characters are relative consistent.

I wanted to do an evil route, and frankly the route doesn't even portray Edelgard as wrong and you wouldn't think her misguided if it's the only route you've done. Everyone should do BE first because I imagine the route is probably ruined by the knowledge you gain in other routes.

I haven't done GD yet but on average the BE characters are more likable than the BL ones too. Everyone in BL is either shitty or boring aside from Ingrid and Annette. Felix is based in some supports and shit tier in others so I'm not really sure how to rate him. Everyone in BE is likable aside from Bernie.

>song playing when you kill fagmitri is Goodbye King of Delusion
Damn even the developers realize Dimitri is a retard.

Reminder that Edelgard literally turns into a demon by the end of the Blue Lion's route because of how mustache twirlingly evil she is

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And then Rhea turned into Seiros and proved once and for all that she's a ticking time bomb. It doesn't matter what Rhes says or does because when Seiros comes out, Rhea can't stop it.


Wrong it's about the results, that's the definition of an anti-hero. There's nothing to argue about unless you're challenging the dictionary itself.

All you have to do is proclaim that you find anti-heroes unacceptable and everyone will understand your opinion. Stop trying to misappropriate words simply because your emotions are getting out of control.

>Seiros goes crazy when a crazy woman kills her followers, desecrates her mother's grave and burns down her church
I suppose Dimitri is the villain too for going crazy when Edelgard tore his country apart.

You're corroborating my point.
>turns out you could've just asked nicely
That's fucking abysmal writing.
It's also not found in the route people are shitting on, but it diminishes that route regardless.

are you guys retarded? shamir can handle any flyer that come in by herself at the town and you just push forwards from the left and right sides with all your other units
did this shit first try on hard I have no idea how anyone could think this paralogue out of all of them is bullshit

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Reminder that Rhea was never fucking Edelgard's goal. Reminder that in the Golden Deer route, Edelgard literally has Rhea locked up F O R Y E A R S and never just executes her.

Rhea is ALWAYS a fucking scapegoat for Edelgard to turn into a villain because of her mental disorder Edelgard is a snake who creates narratives that make her the hero. if she really wanted to just KILL THE EVIL TYRANT LIZARD why the fuck did she have her in a cell HOPING she'd turn into said EVIL TYRANT LIZARD

Don't give the retard any ideas

iN ThE bLaCk EaGlEs

It's just three AU's user, no need to make it sound complicated. And Claude does act differently between his route and outside of it. Claude runs away like a coward and does seemingly stupid thing to destabilize Fodlan in order to protect Almyra as a whole in his own route, he actually does want to help Fodlan and throws himself into danger to do so.

>Edelgard is monstrously evil in 3/4 routes

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Except that can only work if there's multiple Byleth's around. You are completely missing how Byleth can only knows all these things about the various houses from the first dozen chapters where he serves as their teacher.

who cares what happens in the non canon routes, BE is the popular one and the most marketed one she is the main character and will always be more important than your shitty dimitri and Claud whine all you want people will always like Edelgard

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>inb4 the church route is canon

I'd assume if something occurs 3 out of 4 times, that is more canon than the one time it does happen.

she just uses the church as a space goat cuz most problem roots come back to the empire and she cant have that when she ascends as god emperor

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>finally looked up a lost item guide
>mfw all this MOTIVATION

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>Still not realizing that the Edelgard and Black Eagles were marketed the most to conceal the fact that Edelgard was the Flame Emperor

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>game gives you a choice between a hot girl and 2 sort of gay, Jpop-looking nu-males
>surprised people choose the hot girl

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My biggest regret with my BE run was that I didn't get to see the battle dialogue between Mercedes and Annette since I couldn't bring myself to make the two fight one another.
I'm hoping to revisit that and more once Lunatic comes.

Amazing logic. Well I guess that solves all this games inconsistencies the,n by majority vote.

Most if not all of this games story problems could be solved with a simple.

>Just talk.

Which should tell you how well written the routes are.

I mean, Edelgard watched her 10 siblings die in horrific experiments, have her lifespan reduce to a merely decade or so, have her uncle betray and seemingly steal the throne from her. Why is it that Rhea gets a pass for all the shit she did because of some tragedy while Edelgard doesn't?

When at their best, no character is evil, except maybe Rhea.
When at their worst, everyone is evil, except maybe Claude (cowardly isn't evil imo).

There's a lot more to talk about here than banal moralfaggotry.

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thats how alot of stuff in real life is sadly.

with that said dimitri does try to just talk to edelgard near the end of the BL route, granted she's unwilling to compromise her ideals.

>itt coping dimitrifags
We won, Edelgard is the most popular character and everyone chose Black Eagles. If there is canon announced it will be us.

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I can't wait until I finish my third route and put a stop to these shitty arguments once and for all by creating and objectively correct tier list to tell you faggots which characters are good and which ones are shit.

ITT: people who only played blue lions

Cowardly isn't evil but I guess it depends if making the Alliance a puppet state for Almyra by becoming its leader while secrerly working for Almyra is considered evil or not.

Edelgard will be the 1st DLC character in Smash's DLC pack 2.
Pack 1 are all 3rd parties, but there will be a pack 2 which will be all Nintendo characters.

Edelgard will be the DLC to launch around April, to promote the DLC coming to Three Houses

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Edelgard just doesnt trust anyone, you dont count cuz you are the amazing OC i dont think she even fully trust Hubert, Claude and Dimtri could have tried but they would have never convinced Edelgard about anything cuz in the end for Edelgard its not about the church nor about the wizards, its about proving she is the only one right and fit to rule

That's too late for talks to matter, sadly. They've already fully committed for 5 years at that point.

There's no route available where I can use all my favorites though.

>BE are wojack posters
that should tell you everything

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just bring the overpowered stinky neet lol

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Nothin personal Bernie

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>Pretty girl
You serious m8?
I picked it because it had the most interesting looking characters in it. Everyone in the other houses just seemed less interesting then BE from the description the house leaders give of them all.

No one talks and everyone tries to accomplish their goals by themselves. Most if not everything could be avoided if Rhea, El, Claude and Dimitri sat down and put all the pictures on the table and set up a plan for how to best solve their problems.

thats what i've felt is the case, sadly.

while this is true, my original point of the reply was "nobody ever trys to just talk to eachother" granted it is by far too late, but i'm still unsure if edelgard or dimitri would be cool with eachother's plans, even five years prior.

Cute girl >>>>>>>>

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have sex

That's a good point, there's no way to have both Hubert and Hilda in the same run. That's a real shame actually.

two sides of the same coin

>finally get the chance to play a faction that isn't pure goodly good for the good of goodness in an FE game
>Yea Forums absolutely flips its shit

I don't understand

I mean, that's kinda what Byleth is there for. Still, the backstory for each of the house leaders had effectively made it impossible for them to openly talk to one another. Edelgard's childhood is self explanatory, Claude is a plant while Dimitri has never gotten over Duscar and is mentally unstable. And let's not forget the one person that knows the truth about the whole crest thing has chosen to lie about it and replace the truth with lies, which sadly enough, ends up causing more harm than good.

People are just assuming BE fans are semenminds so they're mad about it. In actuality the characters are really good.

Look at the game UI in battle faggots
>Blue is (You)
>Red is the enemy
>Yellow is other
This shit is in your face the whole time when you play the game no matter who you pick now shut the fuck up

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I would also need them to raise the army cap to at least 13.

>They still gravitate towards the moralfag route.
I think Fire Emblem-fags just wants to have the moral high ground and smite irredeemably evil villains.

I've always wondered what causes Burger King to go all the way over there instead of parking in the first available space

hmm yes i played BLUE LIONS a route where dimitri is BASED and edelgard is HITLER and in the end everyone lived HAPPILY EVER AFTER
i dont really what other routes add to the story even if BLUE LIONS is the one that covers the least of the world

i mean most of them are, the house was never marketed as this amazing group of friends or anything, it was always about Edelgard, Normies only pick BE and FByleth for pure fap bait. but its true BE has good characters like Ferdinand and Dorothea but they were brush aside to market the GoT lookalike

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The game doesn't calculate the wall in the distance

>Burger King

I think you mean Hungry Jack's

you mean based GD where we solve Edelgard's hissy fitty in our free sunday, admit it BE is just shit and only waifufags like it

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>good characters like Ferdinand and Dorothea
Dorothea is okay and actually becomes bearable after the timeskip, but what redeeming qualities does fucking Ferdinand have? Haven't seen all of his supports but he's such an oblivious pretentious douche

>there are people that actually dont llike flayns softspoken sub voice
its amazing what are you on about

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That was Seiros

If Edelgard was male none of you incels would be praising her. She's meant to be evil and non-redeemable yet here you are defending her actions because you are lonely pathetic losers who can't think without your dicks.

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The problem is that the game still tries to present that faction as being justified and in the right. If they, for example, had the characters acknowledge what they were doing was pretty fucked up but rationalize it to themselves in different ways, it would have gone over a lot better. It wasn't that we were playing a faction that wasn't pure goodly good, it was that when playing that faction, the game tries to pass it off as goodly good anyway.

I wish the game didn't have the school portion. What used to be quick breathers you did between missions have become a long and vital part to the game. I just want to read some fun supports inbetween missions not run around all over, look up lists of Tea likes and dislikes and lost and found lists online, I don't want a major way to raise stats and supports to be from outside of doing missions.

Let me reword this because I worded it dumb, the game probably only takes into account the nearest free space from the title he is supposed to step on originally and does not care how much walking it will take for him to get there vs the path of least walking.

What the fuck? Pretty much in every route the lords go on and on how it was your prescence and influence what got them where they are/contained their insanity.

Yeah they would, have you seen Yea Forums's boner for griffith
she's literally griffith with tits

Ferdinand is this noble guy who wants to one up Edelgard and gets humbled hard once she takes the throne cuz she robs him of everything, he also is one bonker unit with his personal skill

>If Edelgard was male
She'd be popular with fujos, otomes and Yea Forums

Her voice isn't the problem, Flayn is just fucking weird. She acts like an autistic undercover FBI trying to bait pedos

Now Mercedes and Ingrid's voices, those are grating

You mean based BE and BL where the main enemy of GD's route is just a sidenote?
See what I did there?

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>I haven't seen all of his supports.
Yeah, you haven't. I bet you think Lorenz is a shit character as well.

>edelgard teleports into the vault to stop the death knight
>teleports out
>hires bandits to kill claude/dimitri instead of teleporting into their rooms and killing them while they sleep

>crests were invented so people could defend themselves from the Empire's conquests 1000 years ago
>Edelgard decides to prove crests aren't needed by conquering everyone and killing whoever disagrees

>She acts like an autistic undercover FBI trying to bait pedos
she just wants to fish user whats wrong with that

It's more like first 30 and you're given optional backstory to every individual character before you choose.


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Does every route have the same monthly missions or are they different?

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Nobody here complains about the sub voices because everyone here is a filthy dubfag.

>hahaha I can't wait to rape and kill civilians, I love murder

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yes you did a NO U to my NO U pretty clever aint it? still its pretty fun i hope IS never states who is the canon house, it would put this place in flames regardless of who is

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It's all completely the same pre-timeskip. Of course some dialogue is changed, but that's it.

Man the women must be creaming themselves at the thought of being made love to by such a handsome and troubled man.


Ingrid sounds like a regular girl whats wrong with her

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>sub voices

Didn't that guy literally talk about how much he loves killing like a chapter earlier?

Do gays even care about Bland Lions? They vastly prefer Claude right? If they want they can just poach the boy toys from Lions.

but dude, he reedeems later haha he was justified

Edelgard plan was getting them both killed and be like
>Bandits attacked us, Claude and Dimitri both gave their lifes for me sniff sniff, ill never forget you my summer lovers
and be off the clear.

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>bylat just comes up and fucking kills the guy
the ashen demon, at it again


>Dude is perfectly normal in BE and has a loving little sister.
>This is him in BL.
God this is so fucking dumb.

>be a mass murderer
>cry about your sister when you're about to be killed
Fuck Randolph

>was presumably tortured and had his eye carved out before he escaped his execution
>wtf why would he do this to the enemy soldiers

Nigger was doing the same thing, why is he the good guy? At least Dimitri doesn't pretend to have some sort of moral high ground.

>Dimitri admits he is a monster and makes the empire admit their hypocresy
>Edel tries to grab the high ground even when doing evil shit
you are not helping your case niggro

I think that's just a case of bad writing, they probably wrote the intro before they had the actually story laid out

Teleporting is just one of those FE things, every villain can do it until they can't anymore.

why cant i romance seteth fuck this stupid shitty fucking game i want to make dragon babies with him

He still has a loving sister, all right

Yes, with a woman. Not a gay man. Sorry if this offends you.

boy this sure doesnt age well as the game goes on

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but you can

just don't join BE.

You can.

The more you think about the story the worse it gets. This is getting Gundam Wing levels of dumb. Only thing missing is a route where a 15 year old girl somehow manages to win in the name of pacifism by doing absolutely nothing.

Ferdinand is the exact opposite of pretentious douche. He's competitive with Edelgard, sure, but he's actually a pretty intelligent and genuinely kind guy who takes the idea of nobility and the nobility's responsibility to the commoners very seriously. Ferdinand is to nobility what a billionaire that actually pays all their taxes is to trickle-down economics, the kind of person that, if all of them were like him, the system would actually fucking work.

he literally does though, he claims to dindu nothing and says he just wants peace!! felix. was right, he loves this shit

>Shamir (Universe 6)

Don't be an idiot, I picked Black Eagles because a rule of thumb is that the character who is pushed the most is the character whose route makes the most sense to play first storywise.

someone post the "I'm flammable" one


think of it this way, 3 leaders of the most important factions of the country are sleeping, 2 of them get their neck sliced while 1 is left alone what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Edelgard is retarded but not that... you know what the whole bandit plan was probably Hubert's idea

Church route best route because you get to kill this cunt with your own hands.

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???? I literally just ended my BL route marrying him and being immortal lovers.

Not true. Dubfags don't get to experience the true beauty of Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, and Sothis is 100 times better in Japanese along with a whole bunch of other characters. But sub is usually better than dub in JRPGs, only time I preferred the dub was Xenoblade 1, and a couple of games I have nostalgia for.

I wont even recruit people when i do my BE route. I dont want actual likeable characters to join this infested shithole of a house.

dimitri is so fucking irrelevant to the main plot, he does nothing but die like a retard in non lions routes
atleast edelgard dies fighting for her ideals

It's right fucking there, you can S rank him

Here's how classes in Three Houses works
>Almost all physical units want a Wyvern
>Like a couple units might wanna do Pegasus/Falcoknight
>Mages go Dark Knight
>People with Warp/Rescue go Bishop/Gremory
>Dorothea is the designated Dancer, if not her then a shit unit like Ashe or Ignatz
Prove me wrong

okay mr. jewish man thank you for sharing your post with us

Most of the guys that look like dicks at first glance are genuine good people that can admit when they're wrong and learn from their mistakes.

literally do not join edelgard, he will eventually be allowed to get recruited, then you can marry him.

I hated sub Sothis so I had to restart immediately, if Flayn is similar then I made the right choice

>a shit unit

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You'll have to kill everyone in the house then and solo the rest of the route.

>hating sub sothis
get the fuck out and never come back

I can't rationalize it even when thinking about edelgards motive, why would she have bandits attack her as well then. If you didn't show up they would have killed all 3 of them she's not that dumb, I truly believe it's just bad writing and it's never explained why

I killed the shit out of just about every student. The only one’s left alive were Manuela (who I just never got around to killing), Claude, Marianne, Catherine, and Shamir. I recruited Dorothea and Lorenz but let Lorenz die once he betrayed me

>he doesn't know about ashe
oh no no no

so defending your country is retarded now? Edelgard appears more cuz you have to off her before she turns too dangerous

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Wait you can kill Manuela? What route?

"Admitting" you're a monster and continuing to do monstrous things doesn't give you the moral high ground, it just means you're a fucking lunatic.

So does Ashe's side quest give me shit if I don't recruit him or does it make him fuck off with a relic as "my reward"?

Do you get anything for S ranking your weapon type?

I just made my Ignatz a thief/assasin for the steal+locktouch utility but he turned out pretty good.

>No Bow Knights
>Wasting Dorothea as Dancer when her spell set has Thoron, Meteor, Physic, Agnea

What the fuck are you talking about?

first sentence is worng
bow knight is prefered to wyvern lord

>he doesn't know about fisticuffs

The Silver Maiden paralogue. Manuela and Hanneman join the Adrestian Empire. I killed Hanneman but didn’t get around to her.

he's retarded for dying for an ancient evil dragon, who after using dimitri as a human shield then burns down his capital city

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He and Ingrid are basically untouchable dodgetanks for me. He rides a dragon and shoots a bow, crits constantly. He can fly across the map and assassinate the commander faster than he can blink.

>using lances on byleth
>went sniper -> bow lord for the dex gain
it makes no fucking sense but it worked

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+2 range and a -5% speed growth with a -10% speed growth for most of its likely class path
Or the ability to fly over things

If any of the three houses were meant to be evil, irredeemable and in the wrong you wouldn't be able to fucking pick them as a route.

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the thing is she didnt accounted the human factor, she though Dimitri and Claude would fight, and her plan exploded in her face when Claude did his best Joseph joestar impression, she even fucking calls him a coward after you save them and bickers him why did he run, thats Edelgard biggest problem she makes plans and never accounts how people are going to react
this picture for example she is expecting everyone to hand over their countries cuz thats the deluded person she is

Wait you can literally recruit them with no prerequisites after a certain time
Literally just ask once the option comes up
I bet you're like the first person to ever get this

>Unironically thinking growths matter at Level 30+
Are you a brainlet? Bow Knights have 8 movement, 1-5 range and canto. There's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't have at least 1 in your team outside of terrain problems (which would cripple Dark Knights and force them all into Gremory/etc)

>needing growth rates by the time you are in the endgame

>needing to fly when you have orbital range

wyverns are not bad but they are second best to bow knights

I think Flayn should be the dedicated dancer, because Dorothea's spell list means you're always gonna be trying to decide between meteor/thoron/dance. Your dancer should be someone who offers nothing most turns, like Flayn or a RNG screwed unit (I used Ferdinand because mine was pure garbage).

i didnt say Dimitri had the high ground i just said that he isnt an Hypocrite like Edelgard, he knows he is an evil person who is unfit to rule and only does due to duty to Rodrigue and Felix and he owes it to Dedeu, Edelgard on the other hand its always about her

Can Flayn even be the Dancer? Does Flayn count as a student or faculty here?

Maybe if you were actually paying attention you would know that Claude running away basically ruined her plan and got her involved in the fight.

but she didn't want claude nor dimitri dead at that point, she hated the church not them. even she wouldn't want them murdered just like that, I can't wrap my head around it still

>Punished Dimitri

He's not, because I didn't recruit them either
I thought they were just going to show up and join later, okay?
I didn't kill them in the paralogue, at least, I just beelined towards Hubert and ganked him with Ingrid.

Reminder that by level 20 even the most rng screwed units should have at least 28 hp, 17 str, 15 mag, 14 spd, 20 def, 15 Res

The intended way for things to turn out was that Dimitri/Claude would have gotten mauled/several injured by bandits that night and then the church would look bad making things easy for the rest of the world to unite against the church. She didn't expect (you) to show up which is why nothing worked out as intended. Look at her reaction when Byleth gets in the way.

>chapter 7
>golden fish day
do i blow all of my bait now or wait for lots of fish on whatever chapter like people said?

>Dedue has 4 speed at level 30
at least he's untouchable

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wait for december, on double fish day

she did want them dead, they are the biggest offenders that will fight her when she does her plan, she doesnt trust anyone to try to talk things so she has to do gorilla tactics and weaken her foes when they are the most unaware

>gorilla tactics

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You're so fucking deluded. Edelgarde never wanted to just destroy the church, unlike what Edelfags try and say. She's always wanted to conquer ALL of Fodlan, including putting Leicester and Fhaergus under her foot. Hell her ending art has her stomping on the Leicester flag while its citizens grovel at her feet.
It's always funny to see Black Eagles fags try and say that Edelgarde didn't want to hurt the Kingdom or Alliance. She wanted Dimitri and Claude dead so conquering the other two nations would be easier.

Ingrid saved my ass in that final level. Fucking mages

Certify him as a fast class and it'll boost his speed to the minimum for that class. I doubt you can do assassin but at least do myrmidon or something.

She joins your class, so student.

>That mage on the right hand side whose spell always puts you at 1HP
>But only has a 60 Hit

>Send Ingrid in his face and have her murder him
>All the Slitherers on the map run like little bitches


>shamir comes with a tier bow skill
what the fuck do i even do with her besides impregnate her? pump her sword stat so she can become an assassin? leave her sniper?

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>liking the dub sothis that sounds like a female game journalist over the legitimate lolibaba voice

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i warped The boar....

Yes she did. They are the rulers of the nations she is going to invade soon, of course she would want them dead. If you are going to accuse something of bad writing, you could at least have a basic understanding of said story first.

Based Nintendo punishing cumbraïns

I'd try to make her an assassin. Her speed is her biggest issue later on.

I'm a total subfag but I fucking hate Sothis is both languages desu. She's ugly compared to the past manaketes and annoying.

That works too. Sadly it feels like the developers knew you'd try and solo the map with El Boar so they put in so many fucking powerful spellcasters.

Is this the first jrpg where most of Yea Forums is using the dub over jap voices?

i fucking hate jap voices and their squeaky voices they use for children, Yakuza is the only series where i like it

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why does people like Shamir? she is as bland as a paper and she looks like a journalist

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why do people say this when dubbed voices are more obnoxious 75% of the time

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Cry more moralfag, I enjoy being a mass murderer.

>that sounds like a female game journalist
What does this even mean?

She also has C lance so if you can get her riding up to C+, you can start rolling for bowknight.

I don;t know how to describe it but I can hear tumblr emanating from her voice

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catherine is the bland one, also shamir is hot and pretty good in game

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Claude was smart enough to surrender, Dmitri is retarded and let his Edelgard boner lead him to his death. Didn't matter who the heads of the other two countries were, the nobles would have resisted her and she wanted nobility all gone from Fodlan.
Also fuck dragons they deserve genocide.

how does that work? i have a character with c+ lance, b bow, and d+ riding currently that im grooming into being a bow knight. when do you unlock the ability to roll for it?

lvl 30, try to get her riding as high as possible

Catherine at least has emotions shame about her obsession and she is broken as fuck, Shamir wouldnt be out of place if she had autism Byleth has more emotion than her

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>i can hear tumblr emanating from her voice
Again, what the fuck does this even mean?

you need to talk with girls more dude, being in Yea Forums is ruining your brain

Of course They'd still resist, but having the king be dead would have been a huge boon. Half of Fhaergus surrendered to Edelgarde when the Kingdom assumed Dimitri was dead, then quickly jumped back on his ship when he returned.

in any case she doesn't ka ka ka so shes automatically shit

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Shamir is the kinda person that acts the way they do because letting their emotions show makes them feel vulnerable. Walled and guarded, not emotionless. She was probably a chubby girl that got picked on in middle school.

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now i see the appeal, thanks

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>that Sothis side mission

why he doesn't have the cool eyepatch in edel route?

She's completely wrong about everything. He entire premise is wrong.

Au contraire i picked Edelgard because red is my favorite color

Byleth influence makes Edelgard not rape Farhgus

They didn't want him to look too cool

archers, lots of them

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>mfw I forgot you could break all monsters shields to loot ores and shit thorough almost my entire paralogue

I just broke one shield and ganged up attacks on them to kill them in one turn.

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>my entire playthrough*

i can feel you LTC chad

You need at least a 30% chance to attempt the exam. If you fail, just reset the game and try again the next week. You also need to be lvl 30 to attempt certifications for master classes.

are certs set at the beginning of the month or week? could i not just save at the end of one week then go to the cert to attempt, close, and repeat?

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Beginning of each week. The results are predetermined before you attempt it. I don't know if results change if you play a whole month over again.

>everyone was doing shit over the timeskip
>for Hilda it just says she had a lot of free time

So is she the top Stacy of the game?

why would you need to redo a whole month if its set weekly? could you not just save at the end of free time one week, and progress to next week's repeatedly until you get it?

You forgot to say that she then proceed to join forces with the maniacs who did that to her. Edelgard is an arrogant piece of shit who is so convinced of her brilliance she'll shut out any attempts at diplomacy, preferring to remain wrong about absolutely everything.

Yeah but it could also be set to failure for all four weeks.

You talking shit about my waif Pet-chan?

Most people chose Black Eagles first because it's the first fucking option. When given a choice, the majority will always choose the first option presented to them, especially for something you have play three times.
It's always been a thing for pokemon as well.

most people chose BE because the game pushes you to join them hard. the devs clearly intended the church route to be the main one and BE is the only entry to that.

>the devs clearly intended the church route to be the main one
The game does nothing but make you suspicious of Rhea during the first part.

Jeralt explaining all the shit she did and why he ran away was the biggest red flag that she was a psycho

>the game pushes you to join them hard

how so, all houses get the same exact screen time before you get to pick

My Dimitri actually has higher speed than strength, 17 str and 19 spd at level 18. He can still one-round people, though.

Mine has 26 STR and 17 SPD at level 21. Honestly considering giving him some levels in thief at this point.

>byleth literally kills himself to save edelgard
>shes the first person you see when you have control in the monastery
>talking in the prologue hints at some connection with her "sensing a strange aura" from you
>probably since she has the same crest as you
they straight up beg you to join BE

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Why didn't they put any effort into making a variety of terrain and tileset types in this game? 99% of it is green grass fields with shitty rocks. Why aren't there autumn and snow maps? Why isn't there any visual variety in this shit

shamir's the typical "i've seen some shit" battle hardened, cold, dispassionate badass soldier/mercenary, she doesn't pretend to like others, and tells people the truth to their faces even if she offends them, and of course, she's a ridiculously overpowered archer
she's basically Shinon, with a rockin' pair of tits, great hips and more development beyond "i'm edgy"

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this just reminded me of the shitfest that was that FEH event where you had to scroll the map to look for your favorite unit, guess what the units that were at the start won

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Peg Knight early on to make up for her subpar speed growth. Then either Bow Knight or back to Sniper if you can't reach the horsey level.

also the game doesnt do Dimitri and Claude any favors
>He hides something dark, most normies read this as he is evil dont choose him
>His smile is is fake or differs from his eyes

She steps down in every other route and the church is even willing to side against her within the church route itself. Everything Edelgard does is a mere excuse for warmongering.

Edel only becomes Hitler if you don't side with her. If you side with her, she doesn't go full Nazi Germany on Faerghus. If you don't side with her, she fucking trashes the country so hard that everyone starts dying of famine and disease and the survivors are likely to be executed.


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I'm okay with genocide, regardless if it's the waifu house or the bad guys. I picked BE because it was the "literally Hitler" house.

>Edelgard turns out to be the sociopath AND the schemer in the end

BE romance: Dorothea
BL romance: Annette
GD romance: Hilda
Church romance: Shamir

Are these the correct choices? Ingrid is also a tempting option over Shamir.

should I make Dedue a warrior or a grappler?

Aren't they the same class?

Well the game does try to default you into the church route to save you from the absolute travesty that is Edelgard...

I can't even imagine having taste this shit.

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Gee, it's almost as if the ends DOESN'T justify the means then.

Grappler has 1 more mov and is unrestricted by trees. Warrior has a decent mastery skill(+50 crit if you initiate combat while

>That second line by Edelgard
Holy fuck, she's delirious
>Why are you protecting yourself? Why are you trying to get your country back? lol why are you so obsessed with me? freak

>byleth literally kills himself to save edelgard
it is more of a damsel in distress trope, if he dies protecting any of the guys you would have a worse impression of them

>shes the first person you see when you have
control in the monastery
you have to talk to all 3 houses equally, btw dimitri is the first lord you get to talk to

>talking in the prologue hints at some connection with her "sensing a strange aura" from you
this actually never happens

>probably since she has the same crest as you
future plot points should not be considered as "pushing you to join her"

>this actually never happens
it does though? or are you too retarded to hit the talk button when it appears in battle

I would've sided with her just like how I sided with Naoya in DeSu

so, you count something that can be easily missed as being pushed really hard


>hit a on byleth or edelgard in the first fight
>talk immediately appears
>b-b-b-b-b-but i missed it!!!!

you are missing the point

She didn’t kill your father you retard. It was her Future enemy she was working with who often worked at cross purposes to her. Did you miss the part where she kills one of theirs and then they destroy an entire town as payback? Fucking boarfags are the worst at reading. GD is still the best route

give everyone AOE gambits

How much renown carries over to NG+?

Follow your heart bro, there's no right or wrong
I picked Ingrid and then Rhea

all of it +6000

Am.... am I supposed to take this woman seriously?

It shows what a piece of shit she is. She'd rather turn a blind eye to their monstrous actions and murder all of her classmates than consider that maybe she's not right about everything and that maybe Rhea is not the worst thing to ever happen to Fodlan, as bad as she might be.

Without Byleth restraining Edelgard she plunges Faerghus into extreme oppression, war, and tyranny. The country is overrun with thieves and murderers , and it's being controlled by an absolute evil woman. In the BL route Dimitri goes missing after 2 years, and then for another 3 years he spends all his time slaughtering imperial soldiers along with thieves and criminals. Everyone thinks he was dead but in reality he just went off the deep end hard. He's spoken of like a ghost or a wanderous murderer that hunts people by the Empire commanders.

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Yeah, Edelgard is a master of going "wow I'm only working with them, it's not my fault"

It's not really clear how much Edelgard was involved with that, especially since it was primarily a set up for the Slitherers to get the Sword Of The Creator, which she actively works to foil beyond what her cover at the academy would require.

whats the best master class for edel? was gonna shoot for wyvern lord but is there any worth in making her use magic, i remember she had a budding talent in reason

>ignoring how lonato son was killed because of the church

>not joining BE, completely neglecting edelgard, then splitting her head open
deus vult heretic

why would you have a massive hate boner against edelgard

already did user

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does resting restore all relics by 5 or just the sword of the creator/?

I thought that maybe i can get MC to Claude and talk to him but of course that everybody attacks my MC and i lose. What the actual fuck. I actually thought they were using Fire emblem mechanics but nope


The latter

>death knight showed up again
how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?

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Get pregnant. You sound like you grew a womb anyways.

is this the day im supposed to blow all of my bait?

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Not sure if I am just used to the Dub but I watched a comparison video and the sub is trash. Byleth sounds 15 years old.

People who say this game is so easy must be fucking crazy. Enemies crit and hit with such a small chance that i would probably lose all my units before chapter 15. Im at chapter 17 with dimitri and i am livid with rage. Constant hits with 60 chance from horses, Ignatz killing Mc because i thought i can talk to Claude. Ashe dying while in a bush from a two hit 40 chance from hubert. If i played on classic this would be a nightmare

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the game picks up and stops fucking around after the timeskip, also i think a lot of people just ended up using lysithea because shes broken, hope (but not expecting) a balance patch that nerfs her a little bit

>he's retarded for joining forces with the church against a mutual enemy

Should do it on goldfish day, large fish day, or if you want a rare cooking fish, the mystery fish day.

You faggots are very ignorants

i was told to wait for a "lots of fish day" for professor exp

>a bunch of innocents

you literally kill only soldiers in her route, you even have the option to spare some of them, all of her missions always point at the leader to reduce bloodshed to a minimum

I don't like edelgard but stop fucking memeing about "muh genocide" she doesn't launch tactical nukes

I just parked shamir and bernadetta near the walls sniping anyone that got into range

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They show up again if you play a female(lol and marry claude. Then invade your capital and Claude has to save your ass if you married him.

after the slithers framed him for it

this desu edelgard's weapon is in the intro and she literally sings the main theme

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Is that a real screenshot of the game? It looks so bad and pixelated.

Whatever OP is trying to preach aside, I just wanna know one thing

Is it good?
To fully grasp my level of shit taste, know that I love fire emblem in general and still enjoyed the gameplay in Fates even though the story sucked.

>normal guy during BE route that protects garreg march with his life
>psychopath during BL route

this is the main problem of the game, routes are all parallel universes where the opposing factions become comically evil, they even turn edelgard into a fucking resident evil final boss, shit's beyond stupid

Dude, Dimitri is the fucking Joker, come on.

>those jaggies

i stopped playing after fe12 because of life stuff happening but i got back into the series with this game and i have loved every hour of it so far. i heard the gameplay isnt as streamlined as fates is as far as gimmicks etc are (i never played 3ds) but the story is supposedly better than fates. someone i know who swears the fuck against awakening/fates admitted to liking this one so take from that as you will

How long does the school shit last?

It's almost as if the game asks you to pick a house after just a prologue and a two sentence description of the house members. Yeah, you should known literally everything from that alone! What are you, stupid? Maybe you play a dumb game like Fates instead. They give you 5 whole chapters to figure out who you wanna side with before you make the decision, because it's a game for dummies. Obvs

>people act differently under different circumstances

Till chapter 12

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>that smile
What the fuck? She should spent less time with Edelgard.

it actually makes sense profesor kun is the main catalyst of the events in the diferent routes

It's called "Fistfuls of Fish". You get 2 to 4 fish per bait so it's 2x-4x more exp. Buy bait every month to save up for those days.

It's the like the head graphics guy saw an early build with the AA turned off and thought "Wow I remember when games all looked like that, you never see it anymore so let's add a filter to make it even worse so our game stands out"

Blue Lion route is absolute kino and Dimitri has the best character arc in the game. Black Eagle is a pleb filter in that all the plebs choose it first

No. Its literally the difference between decent writing and marry sue. You can nitpick all you want from BE route, the fact is that they knew what they are doing all along, were ready for sacrifices in a war time for the greater good, and thought that they are doing the right thing so its justified to suffer and make other people suffer for it, and they would be absolutely right if the other guys werent written as a bunch of marry sues who achieve the same things without trying or sweating nearly as hard for them, hell, without even really trying to achieve them in the first place. I dont know how you can call that good writing, its literally pandering to childs with that age old message that whatever you do, as long as your intentions are good (as in, naive, thats the only kind of good kids understand) then it doesnt matter what you do or what you dont, all the good things will come your way anyway.
Though I guess you gamers wouldnt know a decent writing even if it nutted all over your greasy face.

>He hasn't played verdant wind yet

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I chose the Black Eagles first because I wanted to go BE->BL->GD.

Vanilla BE is ass. Petra is bottom five characters in this game in terms of me liking the character. Also mine got fucked with RNG so she was terrible. Hubert is only good if you get the dark seals to make him a decent unit since male mages suck ass. Double for lindhardt, but even more so given how he suffers from being the worst overall healer from my experience. Caspar is trash and was permabenched. Ferdinand is a decent guy but bland as hell, also Sylvain and Leonie outclass him hardcore as cavalry units. That being said, Dorothea is a solid red mage if ya get good growths and use her hidden faith talent. My wife Bernie from my experience was the best archer in the game, persecution complex is fuckin busted and she got killer growths each time I used her. Edelgard is a great character/antagonist and unit but she does have her faults.

The other two teams just have better casts. I liked all of the Blue Lions, with my least favorite in Mercedes actually being the best healer in the game and having one of my favorite paralouges. GD has Ignatz who is meh but his bromance with Raph was worth it. Lorenz is bottom tier as a unit and a human being but I love him.

Playing BE first made me appreciate the other routes more. Also I always recruited my favorites (so essentially Bernie, Dorothea, and the whole Blue Lions and GD)

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that's not what I said you dumb faggots, the lords are close to blyat and it makes sense for them to behave differently without him but I was talking about the side characters that are not directly involved with you that become monsters if they are not part of your route and normal humans if they are, it's fucking stupid

also trying to kill lysithea and she goes "WOAH WAIT NIGGA HOW ABOUT I JOIN U LOL" and then does a complete 180 "WTF I LOVE EDELGARD NOW?!"

come the fuck on

Oh shit, now that I realized this, it makes Edelgard even more retarded. I've been wondering why she even bothered to keep Rhea locked up for all those years.

So who's ready for the DLC route where you say fuck Edelgard and fuck the church?

Pity the characters in GD are as deep as a puddle (excluding Claude and Lorenz)

Don’t worry, there are a disproportionate amount of FE veteran minmaxers who beat Conquest lunatic ezpz on Yea Forums

>tfw everything I hear about Edelgard only makes me want to play her route more

is fiendish blow not a stackable ability? i remember maxing mage on hubert and it's selectable, but it stops being selectable once you class him into dark bishop. i know the faire skills can be stacked, but i guess it may be too broken to stack the blows together

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I've played Verdant Wind, you learn more about the world and greater conflict but the story somehow has less drama and stakes than the more grounded Blue Lion route

This. Claude is too neutral and Dimitri is a whiny bitch clinging to a dying system. I like how Edelgard is progressive in a take action way.

He was executed because he was a retard who participated in a plot to murder the fucking pope without even realizing it. What a fucking idiot.

>the fucking final battle on GD route
Holy SHIT was that so fucking hard. I had to retreat several times, and I only won when I was able to get Catherine, Claude, Bernie, and Byleth to bum fuck him.

Literally the only problem on the final map was the cunt with Bolting and Nemesis himself, and Silence solves the first problem.

Imagine being such a psychopath that you think other characters don't go through trials in their own stories. Edelgard CAUSES everything to go to shit because she cannot fathom being wrong or misinformed.

Dimitri loses everything and knows that he doesn't deserve to be king after all he's done, but does it anyway out of responsibility. He doesn't try to paint himself as righteous or morally superior, but is given the charge of freeing his people from Edelgard's dickass despot friends who are making life a living hell for his people.

Claude lived his whole life as an outsider and sees Fodlan's provincial conflict for what it is. He's willing to abandon the region and all that earned there because he knows Fodlan isn't the entire world and that there is a life out there for him. The reason he succeeds in his route is that A) he's willing to ask questions and B) he is capable of acknowledging that he's wrong.

Compare them to Edelgard, who believes herself to be absolutely correct from the start, works with the people who fucked her and her dad's life to shit and is willing to believe their information. Threaten's to kill her classmates without ever attempting to explain her actions and only manages to convince them that she's somewhat justified because they see Rhea turning into a dragon (who retards say is "evil" for no reason). Then proceeds to murder every political leader to doesn't surrender to her or literally genocide other countries is the prof isn't there to rein her retardation in.

All the while using a weapon made from the bones of Rhea's family and wondering why she's so mad.

Fuck Edelgard.

I think the big thing is that Edelgard is paranoid and ignorant, someone who didn't explore other avenues as much as she should have. I feel like Edelgard's "motives" sort of line up wit the church, and their methods are much the same, at least for a while.

The worst part is Edelgard is literally accomplished all of the slithers' goals. She got played like a fiddle.

Yeah, but she's cute. And so is Hubert. aaaaaaa I don't know which one I want to romance!

lmao the reason why the other leaders get shit done is because of edelgard presenting herself as a common villain to unite against

You are saying as if Edelgard didn't succeed in her route.
Also it's been noted many times but the reason each of them succeed in their route is literally because they have a terrific tactician called Byleth in their rank. This is a video game and not a fucking book and I can't understand why you anons have to desperately cope with the fact that it's literally the player character who was the deciding factor in their success.
Also Rhea could have listened to Edelgard or try to find a different method to resolve this conflict peacefully but instead they immediately took arms and fight back. Dimitri was also "alright I'm in" without any valid reason other than probably trying to put down the empire for either territory or religious reason. Edelgard may be 100% bad but Rhea and Dimitri was not that different.

Unironically, Claude is the only logical guy here. Too bad it doesn't do much to be right in a world ruled by iron fists and a good tactician is all it takes to realize your ideals.

You can say the same about human history in general yet here we are.

Different guy here. As the INSTIGATOR of the main conflict, the war in part 2, and scheming bullshit in part 1, which includes the attempted assassination attempts of Rhea, Dimitri, and Claude, Edelgard doesn't make a compelling argument of her case. Do you really think Rhea would have listened with all the bullshit Edelgard had pulled?

Also, Why isn't defending your homeland a valid reason to fight against the empire that declared war on not only the Church, but your Kingdom and Alliance too. Not to mention his desire for revenge and misguidedly viewing Edelgard as the Culprit of all that has ruined his life after finding out she's the flame emperor.

>Dimitri was also "alright I'm in" without any valid reason
>Tragedy of Duscur, including the death of his father and Glenn
>Remire Village
>Kidnapping of Flayn
>Outright attacks on the students
>Connection to the Death Knight
>Assumed murder/replacement of Monica and Tomas
>Invasion of both the church and their allies (read: the entire HOLY kingdom, his homeland)

And that's just what was known at that time to at least be connected to Edelgard.

>In the epilogue it explains that she deals with the Slither group in a shadow war
And Claude and Dimitri deal with them in a fraction of the time. And they also didn't start a war because "well I don't like how things came to be this way, even if the world is at relative peace."

lionfags are as obsessed about eaglefags as much as dimitri is to edelgard. pottery.

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Maybe it's a result of sleep deprivation on my part, but I think I just realized the question Sothis asks you at the start of the game can apply to the three main lords in some way.
>Demon=Edelgard sides with TWSITD and begins a bloody campaign with the intent of conquering the entirety of Fodlan
>Ghost=Dimitri is haunted by the ghosts of his dead family and friends since before the start of the game, and his intense survivor's guilt influences all of his decisions throughout his route
>Mortal=Claude is the most humble and grounded of the three lords, and the most well-rounded human as a result

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Edelgard starting a continent-wide war is still her at her """"best"""". She's evil.

>yet here you are defending her actions because you are lonely pathetic losers who can't think without your dicks.
Speak for yourself, I'm a chaos lad and I'll always be a chaos lad

>siding with the douchebag's that got your family killed or gone insane.
I'd feel more sympathetic to edelgard I'd she wasn't an absolute retard working with the very fucks who ruin her life, shits pretty callous to do that, even if she hunts them in the epilogue after everything she wants done is dealt with.

Lads, is it possible for heavy armors to use spells? I want to put about 500kg of steel on Hubert and make him throw lightning at people.

Holy and dark knights are a thing user, you just gotta master class.

Ah, you didn't play the BL route. You should have said so.

Thanks user. I was unsure just how flexible the class combinations were since a friend told me that every class can use pretty much whatever they want.

>lso Rhea could have listened to Edelgard or try to find a different method to resolve this conflict peacefully but instead they immediately took arms and fight back
Yes, when madmen come to burn my country to the ground and take over, I'll just talk to them and ask them to stop. That will work.

>Dimitri was also "alright I'm in" without any valid reason other than probably trying to put down the empire for either territory or religious reason
Are you retarded? See , since you likely didn't play the game.

No probs user, just get the shit you need for the class you want and your good.

Brainlets that refuse to acknowledge the universe being subject to writer's bias to justify bullshit.

Monica's plans with the school were not something El was actively working with. Same with the Remire village disaster.

As if anyone would have believed her.

The story after the timeskip is a trainwreck in all the routes.
Instead of building up to the final conclusion the plot just throws you around the maps like a soccer ball.
For example BE battle with slithers in the closed city. Nothing is explained, no introduction you just place on the map and shown the objective. Who the fuck are the troops which defend them - no explanation.
Who the fuck are the slithers - no explanation
Who the fuck a named antagonists there - no explanation.

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fuck me they keep coming

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>Monica's plans with the school were not something El was actively working with
She willingly worked with Kronya/Monica though. She must've known something was up.

Original subbed version convo between Flame emperor and Thales shows that Monica was over at the academy mainly to watch over her.

Only played through BE and BL so far, but out of those two routes I felt BL post-timeskip had far less "uhhh wtf is this" moments compared to BE.

So why didn't Edelgard warn the monastary about the dubstep wizards and worked with both the chuch and the kingdom/alliance to take revenge on them?

She believes the church is to blame for all bad in the continent's society, including the dubstep wizards. She's using the dubstep wizards as a means to an end, after the war she plans on disposing of them
It's very sloppily written in her route

The evil guys were nobles and she needed their support to be emperor. So clearly the best option was to let them do whatever the fuck they want.

Who cares, it's a fucking video game

Despite? I picked it BECAUSE of it, i mean, i really wanted to see if they learned their lesson from Conquest.

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They did, now they know if they want to do an evil route they should have a cute girl be the face of it.


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All hail Lelouch! All hail Lelouch! All hail Lelouch!

That's actually surprisingly good advice. It minimizes the noise from exhaling and inhaling. However, something tells me most of the people on this board don't need any more advice on how to avoid people.

Can i marry my jew wife Anna in 3Houses?

It's almost like the devs want you to play the other routes to get the whole picture or something. Specifically, the Golden Deer.

No. She's in the game but she's not recruitable as of now or ever

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>tfw playing Deers first
Well at least now I have context.

So why do people hate Hitler anyways? He was doing good in ridding the world of jews and niggers.

>Lorenz getting T-posed
>Implying he wouldn't do the t-posing

>Hubert is only good if you get the dark seals to make him a decent unit since male mages suck ass.
How does male mages suck outside not getting Gremory? Warlock or Bishop can do the job just fine, and Dark Knight is fairly good too. Holy Knight and Savant are the only bad mage classes.
>Double for lindhardt, but even more so given how he suffers from being the worst overall healer
Warp and Physic combo is one of the best white magic combos in the entire game and a good argument to always steal Linhardt no matter the house you are in.

To be fair, Rhea in the Edel route has been aggravated beyond rational reason.

Edelgard basically pillaged her family's graverayrd to use their corpses to kill her, managed to poach the child that Rhea saved and infused with the heart of her mom, and is now wielding the crest and weapon of the man who genocided her race against her.

It's not out of character for her to be in DESTROY WITH MAXIMUM PREJUDICE mode.

The way Edelgard is handling this, as good as her intentions may be, is incredibly brash and arrogant.

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Femdom with her and Dimitri when?

Golden Deers are the meddling kids that will solve those mysteries.

Fittingly, the BE use the "shoot first, ask questions later" approach.

Yeah, remember all those moments where the people are being over taxed by the church?
Where Rhea order the knights to kill innocent people unprovoked?
When the Church starts wars and tries to pit the different nations against one another?
When she cautions experimenting on crests?
When the people are starving due to the Church's actions?

Oh wait, none of that happens because all the Church does is maintain a peaceful status quo and the problems with the crests come from the way the humans are twisting Seiros' teaching to keep power within their family.

I mean yeah that sure is an ugly necessary evil that Rhea can't really tackle without risking to throw the entire region in turmoil, what a callous bitch!

Good thing Edelgard is so wise she would never resort to necessary evils like sacrificing innocents, making pacts with chaotic evil factions hell bent on purging humanity and using and abusing crests and relics herself!

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>they removed children from the game where children would make the most sense
>tfw can't breed to make a child with insane crest AIDS

If you don't pick your team based entirely on what colour you prefer you don't know shit about videogames.

I don't think they were ready to handle a 18 years long time skip.

How do children even make sense in that story, let alone "the most" when Awakening is literally about time traveling children?

I love the way the actor voices this line

In the other routes you can recruit her when you hit level 15.
She has Swordmaster base stats if she joins early enough which is super overpowered.
She will be instrumental in efficiency play.

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You sount like an ANTIFAggot, never go full ANTIFAggot.

Truth be told in full scale wars it is normal people that kick the bucket when shit goes down, you and myself included.

Brigid is already an imperial puppet state I am talking about Almyria

Can someone please explain to me why I would side with the cunt that enabled the group that killed my dad?

>Dragons deserve genocide

Friends, I'm hooked and I cant stop playing this game. I'm over 130 hours in and half way through the Golden Deer route (I've completed the Blue Lion route).
Why is this game so addictive?

same except with edel's route after doing church, i think it's just a magical first time experience and once you hit ng+ you can now start experimenting with the mechanics of the game for fun/autism. i havent felt a burnout yet and im 160 hours in

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Because the other side of the coin is siding with a century old dragon that wants to use your body to resurrect her mother.
Even Jeralt straight up tells you not to place your trust in Rhea, and whisked you away from the Church to become a mercenary just to protect you from her.

Also since you're on BE you form a much stronger bond with Edelgard as her teacher, which makes her feel more remorseful for being involved with your dad's killers.
You end up becoming her sole pillar of support and the one thing that prevents her from being a stone cold emperor.

Don't bother defending at all, just split into two groups and pincer attack them. Make sure you have an archer in each group on Hard to deal with wyverns. Boom, done in no time.

"Ends justify means" is classic evil, though.

The winner decides what is good and what is evil.
Edelgard understands that and drives it home as a point during early Black Eagles. She's completely aware of what she is doing and what the stakes are.
Even the Church itself was rewriting history books and hiding the truth to fit their narrative.

That's what I did, except I also left an Archer at the starting point just in case one of the wyverns decides to make a beeline for the town.

>Even the Church itself was rewriting history books and hiding the truth to fit their narrative.
What narrative?

what are some good abilities for murderhobo dimitri? I'm using vantage + the lance and authority mastery skills. 2 slots remain.

What are the odds, seriously.
Unless they fucked up the way it's calculated, that's 0.2%.
Hot damn, I probably would have thrown my switch out a window

Edelgard is fully aware it is, but she's willing to act like a monster for a while if it's what it takes to uproot the source of the corruption.

Doing an evil thing doesn't make you evil by itself.
Thinking that you'll balance out the necessary evil by saving the day and making a better future is an incredibly slippery slope, but she's set to go down that path.

Edelgard is too brilliant to just be a puppet emperor and sit and watch while her society keeps stagnating in corruption, and she's too traumatized to get over what happened to her and leave the crest matter alone.

She's more in a bad situation than she is a bad person.

She’s not a villain though. The only good lord is Claude despite being the “scheming” one at the start

They’re closeted fags that wanna get pounded by the boar lmao

Sothis is an omnipotent ethearal goddess (and not a dead god-like dragon), the relics are holy weapons bestowed upon the saints (and not weapons fashioned from dragon corpses) and crests are a blessing that shows that you've been chosen by the goddess to be a leader (rather than a sign that the progenitor blood is strong in you).

Basically just painting it all as a "regular" religion by our standards, when it's a cult she started herself when her kin died, so people would never repeat those events.

Nemesis did not get a blessing from Sothis, he carved up her corpse.
The progenitors of the ten great noble houses are not heroes who helped Seiros take down Nemesis, they are his bandit bros.
Seiros didn't get a mission from the goddess to take Nemesis down, she flipped her shit when she found out what he did.

everyone loves a char. dont know why people are surprised people like ed

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You weren't supposed to post that...

All of these things are beneficial lies that Rhea probably hates telling.

If she could tell the world the truth, that Sothis was her mother and is now dead and her body was desecrated, then she could finally get some sympathy and understanding instead of bottling it all up inside. But she can't tell the truth, because the truth would result in widespread chaos. If people knew the goddess was dead, they would no longer follow her benevolent teachings.

The Church isn't lying for personal gain, they're lying for the stability of Fodlan.

In the early game you can just send her alone and she will rape anybody on the path

Apt comparison. A character who is rather complex but still clearly portrayed as a villain, and their fans refuse to accept that fact. Like Megatron in later Transformers.

Oh yeah absolutely, it's just that now it's a balancing act and she can't really do anything about human nobility being so crest-obsessed, and anyone prying too much and uncovering one of Seiros' lies will become very suspicious and make the worst assumptions.

That well intended lie has ramifications that are out of her control, and that leads to bad things.

This has more cringe than actual tumblr girls.

exactly. plus, red is 20 percent faster

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Is Edelgard a Char?

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I'm sure you also don't mind the fact that Rhea welcomed you with open arms into Garrag Mach and gave you the Sword of the Creator in hopes that her mother's will would subsume your own and facilitate her revival.