What games are similar to the Fallout series?
Games like this
Leaving your house if you live in Africa
factorio reminds me of fallout
Living in a white country after 2050
Wasteland 2
Arcanum, mechanically.
Nier: Gestalt, aesthetically.
Atom rpg
Underrail, Wasteland, and ATOM RPG are all solid Fallout likes.
Anything like Fallout Tactics aside Jagged alliance?
Closest in gameplay / theme to Fallout 1 / Fallout 2:
Atom RPG
Krai Mira
Closest in setting / theme, but not in gameplay:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Metro 2033
Vaguely related in setting and nowhere near as good in gameplay:
Mad Max
Closest in gameplay, but not in theme / setting:
Wasteland 2
Divinity Original Sin 2
Shadowrun: Hong Kong
Closest in gameplay loop but not really related at all:
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Neo Scavenger
Age of Decadence
maybe if you're desperate, Elder Scrolls III, IV, V
Other Infinity engine isometric RPGs, like Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment, etc are also an option
Other isometric view games you should play:
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Jagged Alliance 2
Anyway try underrail, you'll probably like it OP.
Is this game any good? Don't really know much about it.
x-com apocalypse
wasteland 2 to a point
Silent Storm and its sequel
The writing is solid
Games to try if you like Fallout 1:
Fallout 2
Fallout Tactics
Atom RPG
Jagged Alliance 2
Just a friendly reminder that Jagged Alliance 2 is the best game ever made.
It was a bit rough around the edges but had a pretty solid base.
Will check, also Im getting Wasteland 2
My nigga
Its one of the best by far. I play it a year ago and I was hook right away
I know it's been being shilled nonstop on this board for a while, but this is probably the best cRPG this decade and shares a lot in common with Fallout 1/2.
Atom RPG is classic Fallout but in post-apoc Soviet Russia. It's alright. Nothing to write home about, not worth the $15 either, but if you can find a copy of it (it's only about 3GB and has no DRM), you can give it a whirl.
Underrail is fallout but with all the fun and soul sucked out of it. What a dull experience.
I think underrail is for fans of COMBAT in the fallout universe which no one was.
The only fun of fallout combat is getting hits in the eye or balls
Combat sucks but if you had no issue with Fallout you'll be fine.
I like fallout combat and think no other isometric game comes close