What the fuck happened?
Humble Bundle hits new low
Oh no no no no no
Will /mlp/ be deleted when the show ends? I don't remember the last time that happened to a board.
seethe more, ponies are based.
I unironically don't understand why we still need it. I genuinely can't remember the last time I heard anything from fans of said TV show, outside of Barneyfag obviously.
Just throw them back on Yea Forums and /trash/, seems like a waste of server space
Let them have it. The show is finally fucking ending, and all will be freed from that cancer.
Oh, thank you for telling me, user!
wasn't there another MLP humble bundle before
no, the real low was the bundle that was entirely CK2 DLC, and the fact that anyone at all considered that acceptable
Yea Forums was neutered by ponies, in a way, now they're afraid to discuss a fucking thing in fear of creating a new mlp
they banish all discussion of whatever's popular to fucking /trash/ to sit with the furry porn
Isnt there going to be a new generation?
global rule 15 faggot
Should have been deleted after season 3 the fandom was only ever really obnoxious in the early 2010's.
Nobody cares anymore and the MLP craze these days just feels like a weird dream.
The board is super dead too, there's like 5-6 posts per minute and 80% of the board is just random off-topic shitposting and fetish generals.
It served as a containment board for the special needs
>Yea Forums was neutered
Yea Forums is shit anyway
yeah but now it's shit with most of its dick missing, it's just pathetic
There is but it’s pretty much guaranteed to be abysmal due to the writers working on it. Dead fandom won’t be able to support it and Hasbro will hopefully end it quickly.
Can someone explain to me why Yea Forums mods are so fucking shit? They delete anything they don't like, why would anyone go there for discussion?
Yea Forums was worse than Yea Forums when it came to generals. Katawa Shoujo is one thing but for years the board had a general on Frozen, they're arguably worse at letting go.
I thought they hit that low before.
This bundle is just an example of the gradual decline of Humble Bundle.
Yea Forums has been more destructive to this website than /pol/
Kys, brain damaged freak
Will Yea Forums be deleted when then don't even talk about videogames? This board is just Yea Forums lite because tourists think they're morally sound to not post on Yea Forums instead.
who cares; get a life, loser