so flat. disgusting
So flat. disgusting
get jinxed was a pretty good trailer though.
I wanna rub my dick on her chest and play it like a Xylophone
Walking toilet
>not wanting to get in their and lick her nips
>pin her down and mating press
alessa savage jinx pov
youre welcome.
I can only find the vr version.
Poppy is hotter.
Riot makes some good trailers and videos.
I see a tummy in need of licking
yeah man, I jerked it to the K/DA vid 3 times the first day it came out.
I'm sure they farmed it out, like all those great "Blizzard" cinematics were actually made by Blur Studios
learn how to use search engines, dumb faggot
nice try caitlyn
>punky crazy pale waif
Why does this archetype make me so hard
I literally can't play Soul Calibur because of Tira
You mean delicious
new champ incoming
my second favorite character after Ivy.
3D women are not important
she could use a few more muscles
Because you watched Tank Girl and The Addams Family as a kid and combined TG and Wednesday into the perfect waifu
>that voice
Thanks for killing my boner.
Why cant any of these cosplay thots ever dye their hair/get some extensions?
Sexy cosplays are 99% of the time shit but the kicker is always the terrible wigs for me
Not worth the trouble.
>1 eye on fanboys' wallets
>1 eye on the streets (where she'll be working after she hits 30)
Cosplay thots deserve the gas
A friend of mine plays with her because she reminds him of the Dragon Booster chick
Not flat enough
user that's a deep dive.
But I think you're right
I like either flat as board or huge tits, inbetweeners are just meh
I know nothing about LoL except the KDA girls, Jinx, and that redhead that fucks the horse. Jinx seems pretty top tier to me.
Yordles too low
dyed hair always looks terrible, too thin and greasy, and proper looking weaves and extensions would be expensive as fuck for something you're only going to wear for two days.
>the koreans that riot hires make good trailers
>eve that low
>rock chick that high
If you haven't fapped to the K/DA video you're a faggot. Also Jinx a fucking shit.
Eve is a whore who'll kill you to death
Rock Girl is cute and pure
waifu doesn't mean a cute anime girl you inbreed normalfaggot
All their videos are made by a French animation Studio actually.
half of the girls there would kill you for dumb reasons, some of which have slept with people in the lore (mostly old but most aren't updated too) or have done stuff that suggests they have.
>dat lip bite
Why is Zoe an F? Bare feet should get an automatic A at least
>flat being the problem
>not the hair or the skank tattoos
>or, more importantly, the fact that she's not poppy
for me?
>half of the girls there would kill you for dumb reasons
yes but Evelynn is literally a murderer succubus who feeds on suffering, she doesn't even sex you she tortures niggas to death
I miss SCV Tira
>Reksai not in S tier
Shit list, would fuck the shit out of her
>suicide girl cammy
riot has zero originality
karma seems like the kind of girl that'll spank you for being naughty
Annie in F makes me sad
why don't you take a seat user. Just take a seat over here.
Katarina is a ruthless murderer for nox as well. Ori is a murder but even when she isn't doing it on purpose.
Xaiyah would kill you for dumb reasons and has fucked her bird boyfriend already
Miss Fortune in current lore is a downer and would probably treat any guy on her boat as a potential rapist if he tried getting too close
Leblanc is leblanc
Did Ahri's lore change?
Kayle is a nazi
Morgana uses her sister to justify her own murderous actions
Lux is dating Ez until the new comics retcon her current self
Ashe is married to Trynd and fell for him later on
Janna (unless lore changed, I forgot) literally had lingerie scandals in her random lore notes
Kaisa has space aids and you'd be basically sliding your dick inside something like kog just to reach her vag
I like most of the girls listed high up but don't be a faggot about your reason.
so perfect
>all the boring anime thots are top tier
>all the actually interesting girls are low tier
suprised fox bitch isnt at the top you boring cunt
>Lux is dating Ez until the new comics retcon her current self
there's even a voice line in the game about "are we supposed to be dating, or something? we've never even met". That ship is dead.
Most of these don't bother me, i'm not a purity fag. I'm just not into turbosluts that dick anything that moves. There's nothing wrong with being sexual - what are we, Anime Moefags?
>Did Ahri's lore change?
IIRC they no longer made her a succubus like being but feeds off of chi and chakra and shit.
>the Toph rip off gets an A
She wears shoes for fucks sake, acquire some goddamn taste you heathen
>S tier ADC in LoL
>only Hextech addition to TFT that's actually good
Shit on Riot all you want but they know what's up
>You mean for the non-canon anime skin?
No. I've had it pop on vanilla Lux
>there's even a voice line in the game about "are we supposed to be dating, or something? we've never even met". That ship is dead.
New lore writers are trash though. Did you see how they turned Aatrox into shoutman? They're forcing this whole Sylas thing because they love dumb anime shit and want to pair everyone with they're anime guys. Remember how Lux wanted Kayn's dick in that one skin promo?
What's the point of a bra at this point?
that was jinx.
looks like we touched a shipper nerve.
>Anime Guys
Man, Ez is the most anime guy to anime in the whole cast, even his default skin looks like an anime protag. He's got a fucking vest, spikey hair and SHONEN GOGGLES.
What's wrong with liking flat girls? They look younger, they're fun to tease, and you're literally closer to her heart.
>whispers directly into your mind
>no drama
>loving wife
That was a typo on my part. The statement still stands. They take every unique idea and turn them into beef cakes or anime. Aatrox was this fucking war "hero" that inspired people through generations... now he shouts edgy destruction shit.
>looks like we touched a shipper nerve.
I don't really care for them myself. I just dislike how the new lore theme seems to just change stuff for dumb reasons. Now Demacia is totalitarian because they love to force grey relationships with everything. Kayle is literally evil in the new lore.
>Man, Ez is the most anime guy to anime in the whole cast, even his default skin looks like an anime protag. He's got a fucking vest, spikey hair and SHONEN GOGGLES.
You're not wrong there. He was anime down to the damn k-pop dancing. The difference is that their new anime chars are nothing but chained down edge-tier kind of guys. They all feel like different shades of Sasuke instead of just trying to make them different. My point is that they have this whole new theme and narrative for everything they want to push. Original Lux's lore (not even talking about ez here) involved her being fully militarized as a child and her bubbly attitude being a facade for the most part. Lux's new lore is just going to make her another downer char in general and have the one thing she gave all this up for to protect (demacia) be part of the problem.
i like flat girls. they're easier to cuddle
>the damn k-pop dancing
that dance was the Hare Hare Yokai dance from Suzumiya Haruhi
>I like slutty whores
yeah but she's not crazy
I would masturbate to her if she weren't associated with such garbage. I'm better than that.
This is leblanc. She is known to create a clone of herself to peg her lover from behind as she fucks him from the front.
I literally do not understand why anyone even knows the name of any LoL characters other than Jinx.
Even more anime than. There's going anime and there's going a specific archetype of anime and only staying there. They don't just do it for the "anime" champions too. Every institution or utopia was changed to be bigots or totalitarian in nature. All the opposites of those groups like Noxus got changed to be more as good guy underdogs in a way. Noxus was supposed to be a fucked up and bad place with people who only became that way through its endless cycle of violence. Guys like Swain were necessary "goods" because they wanted to make changes but were actually morally grey in the way they needed to be. It had bad eggs like Draven and Cass, respectable evils like Darius, and murderous due to circumstance like Katarina. Demacia was generally good but only because they existed as the opposite from Noxus's plague spreading itself, not because they were angels. You have Lux's original lore for that. Now we have Demacia as basically nazis and Noxus being treated as the more justified, but why? Why take a core part of Shyvana's lore and add unnecessary edge when the original lore gave it's edge meaning and substance for the character's evolution to meeting Jarv? Why take the wonder of the void and it's void-lings and just make them toys of your new OC gods? Why not create an interesting origin for them instead?
I'm just saying that it feels like every part of the original lore is getting removed and replaced with what they think is cool. It feels like something a writer would change. Summoner's original lore had tons of garbage but why downgrade what was good?
Jinx is attractive despite being flat. All things being equal tho, bigger is better
>Only you can hear me, summoner
>you're the only person she can speak to
>yandere Sona
Nice fanfiction, trist is SSS tier
Summoners don't exist anymore. She is talking to her tits.
I think flat looks good on jinx. Cowtits would not suit her.
you're right, it means CUTEST anime girl
half of that whole list are sexually open or curious in dialogue. Turn off your autims, please. New Eve doesn't even fuck people, since she's a sadist who just seduces people far enough to kill them brutally. It's in her new lore. She's not a succubus anymore.
Cowtits are for mentally stunted manchildren that need a surrogate mother. Have sex manbaby.
Wanna know how I know you'd be a "I have that hair type I don't need a wig!" Joker/Kirito if you cosplayed? Real hair and extensions will never achieve the same volume, workability, and consistent shape as a wig. It's loads more expensive for a result that won't look nearly as good (especially in a con setting) and carries way more commitment than a wig. Yeah some costhots get all their income from Patreon and are fine meshing. Who wants to go to their day job or walk around in public with giant electric blue braids that they only needed for a couple photoshoots & a 2-day convention (where they may be wearing other costumes that need completely different hair)?
Flat chests are for pedophiles and faggots that are afraid of the feminine form. Kill yourself degenerate
"curvy" girls are mostly fat asses
Flat is where its at
>flat chest
>nice ass
>kind of thick but not fat legs
mein dicke
Cope, Oedipus
Flat is justice, but tattoos are disgusting.
I forgot about this chick
I used to have a friend who was obsessed with her
It's fine if she's clearly crazy. Like half her appeal is that she's disgusting.
>annie F
>zoe F
Every time fanart puts tits on Jinx, she becomes 10x better.
Final warning
i dont know why but i love when flat chests lactate, and i wanna suck on them.
its like that story the little engine that could. seeing flat chested lactation is truly a sight to behold due to the unexpected yet determined nature of it for me.
sure a big titty woman is great and has loads of milk but she doesnt even need to try.
flat chested nipples shooting milk means the woman is DETERMINED to feed me. My kind of woman, someone who truly values my comfort, nutrition, and general well being.
Thanks to her flat tits, Jinx is the perfect wife values-wise.
Why is Riven not in S tier ?
She got Noxian's girls lust, without the downside of being of crazy bitch
I do not trust this at all.
Her hymen is busted, like her blade.
She framed Rising Zan for killing his Sensei
Name ONE female virgin in Lol cast who won't ever kill you and/or hurt you.
Spoiler: You can't
Riven is the best.
They probably changed the lore again since season 3, but all the yordle girls wouldn't kill or hurt you. Prank you at worst and cause accidental injury maybe.
>Fucking up Yonians is bad
>Name ONE female virgin in Lol cast who won't ever kill you and/or hurt you.
she's too strong. She'll pin you down and have her way with you won't be able to get her off.
>Name ONE female virgin in Lol cast who won't ever kill you and/or hurt you.
this is peak woman
you do know that was made by Blur studios?
Normal people aren't involved with a test like that
>prefer them flat
>all i get is either trap or loli shit
im sick and tired of this
>you won't be able to get her off.
that's her problem, I'll get off just fine
She got ruined by one big autist who comissioned a shit load of art of her and Zac.
Here's your downside
Riven would be just as disgusted by that ship as anyone else
can't have shit like this with a flat chest
I don't want whoremode, I want ultimate lifeform
I like androgynous looking niggas 95% flat chest and maybe some ass. I end up only getting loli and fucking traps though when I porn search. There all the small titty at?
Zac is a good boi, he deserves Riven
>Fan forces her with Zac
>Riot forces her with Yasuo
The poor girl is fucked either way.
That's more than you deserve pedo.
If I ever see you in real life I'm going to kill you.
Zac's a nice dude, heroic, can take any shape and his dick-psuedopod can fill her like no man can, I don't see the problem. Same logic as liking slime girls
But Riven don't deserves Zac.
>implying flat/small chest on an otherwise full bodied woman isn't the best
why stretch out the nipples with cowtits when small breasts leave them ripe for the bullying with your hands
unironically based kek
>Same logic as hentai
>Shoved down your throat because one autist wanted it
Here's the problem, user.
Can you imagine being married to this bitch? It would be a living nightmare
>preferring petite girls automatically makes you a pedo
are you retarded?
>she sits on your face daily
It would be all worth it
>Implying she'll get maried
There's noway she's sharring her throne, user.
She probably just have a reverse harem.
I do love that riot makes chicks with fat tits and wide hips, too bad the game is unfun as shit
>I only like girls who look like they're 10, but that doesn't make me a pedo
>Because I've never molested a child (yet) SJWs btfo
It's extremely fun if you're smurfing or doing dumb offmeta shit with friends, making both your allies and enemies seethe in Ranked, but that's about it.
Why do anons talk shit but know they can't even commit
Too much tits
the game just feels so bad ever since the rune rework and they removed defense from the game, its really awful when shit can 100-0 you while missing 3 of their 4 abilities
i wouldn't expect you to understand but women can still be developed while still having small breasts
I would be her penis boy. I would worship between her thighs every day
Blame the riot balance team being a bunch of monkey's and basically balancing the game around chink gaming cafes. They haven't fixed it because they have no intention of fixing it, even though people have bitched about it for 2 seasons now.
Enough about those walking vaginas, let's talk about the coolest hero of LoL
he should be the protagonist
Flat girls give amazing head though, so I'll take it.
So do girls with big lips, ofc.
Wrong AD assassin, user.
Talon is cool, tho.
I love playing talon, you get to be a fucking moron and still get away with it cause you shit damage and riot allows you infinite mobility
>S tier
how pleb can you be
>sits on your face
>spits in your mouth
>makes you kneel and kiss her feet
>constantly remind you how worthless you are next to her
>be out there conquering lands and taking names while you'll be at home cooking dinner and folding her panties
nah, chestlets and hiplets are undeveloped. The word you're looking for is sexually matured
>Tattooed basic whore
fucking dropped
Ezreal, Jayce, Garen, and Yasuo are the only people worthy of being called a protagonist
Talon is an antagonist, he's just a criminal scum killing people to meet ends.
never once mentioned preferring women without developed hips
you just hear the word "flat" and "petite" and automatically assumed i'm talking about children, you sick fuck
Lel that deviated eye
Try it nerd i'll send you to the fucking shadow realm
>It's extremely fun if you're smurfing
imagine being this much of a faggot you have to play on very very easy mode to enjoy yourself.
Flat chests can mean 3 things
an undeveloped women, a child, or a man
Proclivity for flat chests suggest degeneracy
Here's my vote.
Armored waifus is the real deal
>Flat chests can mean 3 things
>an undeveloped women, a child, or a man
you don't really see a lot of real females regularly, do you user?
Fuck you I'm flat and everyone finds me hot
Post pics pls
>Fuck you I'm flat and everyone finds me hot
i love flat chests but still somehow doubt this
trick question
Goddamnit fuck off faggot
Well no-shit retard, men don't have tits so of course homosexuals will think you're hot regardless of chest flatness.
Good job on the stomach though, just 'mirin
I wonder how they'll ruin Quinn
Why do incels think every girl has boobs? There are many adult women who are almost completely flat-chested. Everyone has a different body.
>every girl has boobs?
who said this
It's weird how Quinn came from a time where every champion was hypersexualized, if she came out today people would be screaming "sjw shit" non stop
Why do incels think every girl has a vagina? There are many adult women who have huge slobbering cocks until they get the surgery. Everyone has a different body.
it's very clear that people in this thread have not really seen real women in a long while
>like all those great "Blizzard" cinematics were actually made by Blur Studios
You're confused user, Blizzard has always made their own cinematics.
Am I the only female girl around here who laughs at incel beta virgins forcing a sexist "ideal" female body type upon half the population of Earth?
youre not doing much to help your case here.
>.t booblet.jpg
>this much cope from incels who can't get a loli gf
I love boobs of all size unless they're double or more than a handful. Anri Okita = Good, Hitomi Tanaka = too much
jinx has milk?
What do people think of this ninja
>tristana B tier
>evelynn D tier
God, she's so tiny and tight.
Just imagine the amount of nasty shit you could do.
Quick. You have one sentence before Ahri rapes you
sit on my face first
Make sure you bite!
BPD and Ecstasy, conceited with low self-esteem
She's a teenage dream if you hate yourself
Bright dyed hair and obnoxious clothes
Thinks communism is the way to go
She's a whore, a hole, a dime-a-dozen Jezebel
Lower-age mind and SSRIs, a thousand yard stare for all those guys
That she fucked and sucked before you came along
Retarded views on politics, likes to listen to shitty music
She drinks and smokes and tokes out of a dirty bong
She saw Ramona Flowers
And felt so empowered
By a movie made in Hollywood
It's sad to think she's someone's daughter
Like a lamb to the slaughter
But honestly I'd still hit if I could
hey fuck off
she's a thousand year old sir
Is she really? I never read zoes lore
I will try to outfuck her
Thanks gook.
>small to no tits
>wide hips
LITERALLY the perfect body type.
moot fucking hell what the fuck
those inklings were far more interesting, dammit
That's why they're soulless trash. Blizzard is the Disney of gaming, generic brand rip-offs of pop culture. kys blizzdrone
'Thank you'
Jinx is so fucking unappealing, fucking scrawny hungry skeleton, she looks like a zombie.
Just looking at her makes me feel gross, like I'm looking at a heroin addict or something, she looks like she shoots up intravenous drugs, catch an STD just looking at her too long.
Some people are into crack whores I guess but not me thanks.
Call me gay if you want, I know that's standard practice when someone insults your waifu or a fetish you like, honestly looking at her makes me FEEL gay, what a turn off.
Bane of melee toplaners.
Irelia is top tier Cake she just stopped the noxian invasion and now she wants to rebuild her Clan except everyone in her family got killed so its up to you
>Rek'Sai that damn low
>lulu will never ult herself and then tease your tiny body
is she sucking that rats dick?
Here's a little something for you.
she nuked an entire city and is basically the only god the godkiller aatrox is scared of. she's why aatrox got stuck in the sword
guess I'll die
>mommy tier
When you become a cake tell me how much your implants cost
Thank you. You have no idea how many gallons of cum have been spilled to that artists renditions of them specifically.
Don't forget that the "god" that inhabits her and makes her an Aspect is a sadistic fuck that chooses little girls as avatars on purpose because of the idea of innocence making it appear more friendly to mortal beings
Fuck Zoe
she is over 3k years old its first line on her lore page
Wait, Zoe is actually an eldritch horror?
>Dr. "Goes wherever the fuck he pleases" Mundo not in Chad
Needs fixing
Ok you made me read her lore (fuck you for that btw)
So she's not outright malevolent, but because she warps the laws of causality shit happens
lol why do you have illaoi in the guy list and not Ezreal
>mspaint comic
didnt even open. get fucked.
>Rape post gets passed
Her "LUL SO RANDOM" shit is actually incredibly horrifying reality warping and she routinely destroys villages simply by showing up, getting away with it because she's "just a child," casually disregarding the fact that most people who meet her recognize her as a monstrosity.
She's also a harbinger of Armageddon-tier threats and warps causality on an insane scale. She isn't so much sadistic as absolutely uncaring about most things aside from her own brief entertainment, which is arguably worse since you can't even tell what she might do on a whim.
why is there so much Jinx foot porn?
not really seeing any of that on her lore page but it makes sense given the line about unbinding the laws of reality
Sure, whatever. Just pointing out that it's just a factual inaccuracy to say that Blizzard outsources their CGI, that's all.
big boots and she's flat and skinny, accentuating her limbs
A lot of it is in her quotes and her bio stories, but don't read any of that shit it's hardly worth it and you'll probably regret it
just pointing out that Warwick is Jinx's father
>muh Yordles
kys pedo
f you read all of their lores, something happened and Vi's father sent her away from where he was, however the container she was in is specifically noted to be able to fit two girls. These two girls are most likely Vi and Jinx. Warwick was hunted down by Singed and forcefully experimented on. Then towards the end of his life Singed revealed he had a little girl who knew his name.
Jinx's lore has her described as having a far off stare as if she's witnessed something horrible. It's possible she somehow accidentally gave Singed WW's location, which is why it's "all her fault". Alternatively it might be Vi's fault which is why Jinx is mad at her.
And Vi has memory loss.
My personal theory is that Warwick was once a criminal who reformed and settled down, Singed twisted as he is decided to test that by kidnapping and torturing him. Warwick tried to save both of his daughters, Vi and Jinx, by letting them escape down the sump river. But Singed manage to grab Jinx, who was then forced to witness her own father be mutilated and tortured for years. Then when she finally got away, she found out her sister no longer remembered her, which is why she taunts her so much.
>kills half of ionia
>turns a gangster into a yiffer for science
Literally all commissioned by me. I want Jinx to step on me.
keep up the good work
If true then Singed is ultrachad megabased and the lore is officially kino
Only because they got Djerv for the music and flat is love, flat is life.
cumbraÃn thread
I love her so much.
Riot cinematics are made by a French studio Fortiche. It's not a secret.
>dick in danger
Wait what?
in danger of cumming non stop
That I can agree with.
I have more curves than her
lol it was kyle right
Ahri wife
Oh jesus you're one of those. The really insane part is you think you get to call anyone else mentally ill.
>Literally main Braum, Vlad and Kayn
>Say No homo after every match.
But that's the best part!
>You think i'm crazy you should see my sister!
...adds up
>not purple bitch
When Singed started doing those chem bombs in Ionia Darius's child died during the invasion and Noxus made sure that he couldn't find out his son had died because he would have left Noxus if he did
>Braum the Bro
nani the fuck
>slitting his waifu's throat right infront of him
Does Darius go Nuclear? I'm pretty pissed at him for being a cuck if he doesn't go Nuclear
he is a cuck to NOXUS
He doesn't, but it's hinted that it's a very slow buildup with all the stuff about Darius getting old and Noxus being not what it seems and all that
Dude's basically knockoff Guts anyway
>tfw these good characters trapped in a shitty game
Whys him getting old matter, do they eat old people?
>Noxus being not what it seems
Isn't Swain literally possessed by a Demon?
Swain's deal is not that he's being possessed but that he's the one who's controlling the demon and use it as his arm, that's why he thanks Irelia for cutting his right arm because he got stronger.
His deal is that he is against the black rose, and the nobility in Noxus, and that he is some kind of big reform politician. Him being against the black rose also means that he is against Mordekaiser's being binded to the underworld by the black rose, and he want to bring him back, and that is by far the most stupid thing in his lore that makes him dumb as fuck.
You can only date either a flat and short woman or an endowed woman who the same height as you
what do
tough call but I probably go for the endowed woman if an endowed woman whose short isn't an option
>Whys him getting old matter, do they eat old people?
Sion was a busted down old warrior who died doing what he loved, killing a fuckton of people and taking a Demacian king with him.
Then they decided that wasn't enough and resurrected him with blood magic and some fucked-up frankenstein shit. Now he's a walking abomination that can just barely remember it's not supposed to be alive anymore but with those memories constantly suppressed by a desire to murder everything you come into contact with, a walking monument dedicated to desecrating his own ideals and existence.
Not really a strong morale booster as to what's waiting in store for you after retirement.
Gamers and weebs by proxy need to swim in acid.
>C*mbrain got filtered
hello newfag
Sup c*mbrain. How much porn have you posted in this thread?
none, I just absorb it
She's a trashy whore who likes it dirty. What more could you want?
More like I'm just tired of them constantly retooling their lore like ADD fanfiction writers. Like I wouldn't even care that Varus is gay if it weren't for the fact that his entire identity was already based off the idea that he took on his powers after watching his wife and children and entire village get glassed/gassed by Noxus' bullshit and then just one day "lol nevermind"
Didnt think anyone could do worse than the other list, good job
lol no one remembered that she's supposed to be all sickly and fucked up from living in Zaun within like a day of her coming out. Hell Zaun isn't even an industrial hellscape anymore it's just like, a slightly darker and dirtier Piltover
>Aatrox gives him shit for using a bow
Aatrox gives everyone shit to be fair
Rhaast gets it even worse but it's justified there because of how assfuckingly terrible scythes actually are for combat
So aatrox critiques everyones weapons? I should try playing him
...or just youtube it
Only some champs
He pretty much just shits on everyone directly and baits them into trying to fight him
He does now. He used to be the ultimate edgelord, but like somehow endearingly but for some reason Riot decided they fucking hated him and threw him out
>love kog
>play with lulu or don't play at all since a couple degen champs forced all of his best items to become shit
fucking niggers
why because they'll never touch you? sounds like you're unimportant bro
Aatrox was reworked because he used to be a boring piece of shit that was unfair to play against, pure tryndamere and yi tier cancer
he also was reworked because his theme of darkin monster was not really well explored in his kit and he was not threatening at all when it came to appearance and attitude
riot game never rework for no reason, for 2 year aatrox was also a trash character (rightfully because when he came out he dived you lvl 2 and lvl 3) and then when rageblade was op and he was tuned a lil' bit he became good everyone forget how long he was trash and conveniently became an aatrox main
but it's always like that with "about to be reworked" champs, people suddenly become "old champs" main. Some people to this day still hate the evelynn update (because she's no longer an awfully gimmicky bruiser and they removed her AD ratio) or even, even older, old Galio and Poppy player.
camwhores look better then the original kek
Who here /jhin/
anyone with taste.
>She'll pin your down and have her way with you
You say this like it's a bad thing, user.
You're right, she needs more meat on her bones
my FUCKING man
by far and alone the best character in this shitheap game, with the best voice acting to boot
The most kino champion
stop samefagging jhinfag we know it's you
Do they have a jhin type sniper in Dota 2?
woah I do not know of any "jhinfag" I am simply a man who admires jhin albeit not with a romantic passion but strictly platonic.
well there's a guy literally named Sniper and he has a passive that increase his auto attack range with level and his auto attack range is like 10 time anyone auto attack range and his ulti is also a "stronger auto attack" that he need to channel
I like flat chests because they make the girl look more athletic
I'd honestly fuck Etna before those two
who cares, riot sucks dick, tiny white dick, fuck riot, and fuck trannies
c*mbrain posters are commies interesting
Chestlet in denial
Cosplay really just ruins 2D characters. I genuinely feel like it's disrespectful because they could never be remotely as attractive, as a body or a person. They're just making a mockery of the character.
so utterly arousing
flat is best
talk big like those lanky freaks in ruski prisons, go see what happens to them too
I got his Dark Cosmic skin in a chest the other day. Hype as hell about it, but I also suck ass at ADC and need to practice.
He and Twitch are the only ADC's I can stomach playing. I just find the default ADC playstyle so dull, but those 2 switch it up enough for me.
Kai'sa might as well but I hate her on the grounds that the void is my favorite, and she is the only person from the void who doesn't look terribly fucked up. Its kinda lame.
Endowed for sure
[Spoiler]I'd have her wear heels to be taller than me.[/spoiler]
thia guy knows his shit.
Based as fuck
Only time cosplay's good is at cons when you can hit on them and shit
>not being a chad
Looks like someone sucks at top lane.
Quit arguing about which size is best and post cute girls.
The true kino is a tall, skinny flat girl, being paired with a small, chunky and "gifted" shortstack.
Disgusting face.
that was the best kyonko doujinshi i have ever seen,too bad it will never get an ending.
flat is where it's at
God why is jinx so perfect bros?
Except she's not athletic, she's supposed to be a fucked up sickly little twig
>blocks you're path
I cant believe some of you fags actually read the lore. Shit changes after every new champion release.
>5'1 102 lbs
pretty close
Her theme song is such a banger.
Is this a doujin or just an illustration?