You have 10 seconds to justify why you don't have a modded original xbox.
You have 10 seconds to justify why you don't have a modded original xbox
because I have no interest in the xbox.
I have no real interest in modding my original Xbox.
I can't find my Halo: Combat Evolved special edition xbox
Because the best xbox games are better on pc
>he doesn't have a modded original xbox dev kit
Couldn't fit it through the door.
The OG Xbox never made it to my country
I do, I installed about 2TB worth of games onto it, then never touched it again.
Idk, I guess modding it was more fun than actually playing anything on it, now I just have no interest
It's too big lol~!
But I have modded it. In fact I just got done playing some outrun 2006
Is there an easy way to connect it via hdmi like old Nintendo consoles have? I'd love to have stuff like Ninja Gaiden black on native hardware rather than relying on xbone emulation
i already did, spent many years watching japanese movies streamed from my pc to my tv via xbmc
I do, but ftp-ing shit over to it is a pain. I've been spoiled by how simple the Wii is.
You wish
Just use good component cables
Too lazy.
I have most of the games I want to play besides a few anyway
>can emulate every Xbox disc I put in the console
>decided not to modify the outside part, so as to be more low key
>can literally rent a bunch of Xbox games (if it were still early 2000s) , copy it to the Xbox itself, and then return it for free games
>wouldn't ever do this though because I'm a collectorfag
Did the softmod over a fucking decade ago using splinter cell or mech assault.
Best place for hdd-ready games?
Here's a kitten for your time.
i did, it's only got about ~10 games i care about though and once i get through the other 9 it's going into the closet
I already do! I own three model 1.4 xbox's.
Just started playing pic-related after some kind user on /t/ gave me a download link.
Saved me a good 40 dollarydoos.
I don't recall Ninja Gaiden ever being on PC
Hey dude you forgot to take your trip off
its just a voodoo machine fuck blinx the time cat
I'm not mentally retarded.
its 2019
Because I didn't have one when they were new and I can't find any second-hand in my area.
Somewhat surprised at that too; I figured the Xbox would be as common as PS2s thanks to the proliferation of Halo 2, but it's weirdly hard to find one. Goodwill, flea markets, nada.
Occasionally find them on Facebook Marketplace but they're pretty far away.
what possible use could it have today? Honestly, name one. There's very few worthwhile games that aren't backwards compatible with the xbone, and if it's for emulation, there's the PC for that. So what purpose could this possibly serve today? I get it 15 years ago, but today?
What exactly do you mean by HDD-ready?
If your games are in .ISO format then just transfer them over using Qwix.
If your games are just folders then use an ftp client like winscp.
And if they're wierd dual-layered DVD .ISOs that go over the size limit then use XDVDMulleter to extract the folders
I've never seen someone be this casual before.
i have an HDTV now? it's not 2008 anymore. having a xmbc console is not cool. a literal $30 computer can do all the same shit and in HD. kodi/rpi builds have replaced this shit. it had it's place at one time for sure. i loved my xbox media center. but now? lmao you have to be kidding
I have one. But the catch is that it's a 1.6
I have one but i'm honestly thinking about getting the xbox scarlett or whatever it's gonna be called. The games just look like fucking shit without a decent upscaler and i've tried the backwards compatibility on the xboner and the upscaling is actually decent. I just hope this time around they have an option to transfer your old saves.
PC exists
I found the game I wanted as an .iso, but qwix and a few other tools wouldn't accept it. The ones that are just folders and files work just fine.
you are the homo sex
Why? Because i'm speaking the truth? Pre-7th gen games all look like shit on modern HDTV's without an upscaler.
Where does one look to get their console modded? My old xbox is just sitting in my closet.
use the type of display they were made for them dum dum
it's easy to do on your own
>bought a used xbox game
>wouldn't start
>copy everything except the demo videos
>use the type of display they were made for them dum dum
Not everybody has access to CRT's, and some people would like to play their games at a higher res anyway.
i don't waste money on paperweights with no games. i had the only consoles that mattered that generation: ps2, gamecube, dreamcast, gba.
Don't give up hope!
My very first modchip install was on a 1.6 Xbox. I was shitting myself the whole time worried that I was going to break something, I gave up for a week after I buried the pin header in a a giant glop of solder. turns out I just needed a hotter iron, some flux paste and one of pic-related for $2.
Once the pins are in and don't have any unwanted connections it's all smooth sailing.
>Complains no games
>Lists Dreamcast
I have two.
Please stop me from buying systems I don't need because thrift stores can't be trusted
Not that user but let's not shit on the DC. It had games but fucking lasted only a couple years due to Sega being retarded. Interesting fact: Sega proposed the idea of the Xbox playing DC games but due to difficulties it was dropped.
>Not everybody has access to CRT'
yeah not everyone has access to the most popular and now today free display technology of CRT that people will basically pay you to get rid of. Higher resolution is unnecessary when you have native resolution.
>most popular and now today free display technology of CRT
Am i really arguing with an ESL?
Couldn't afford one back when it was new. Too much backlog to bother getting yet another console now.
Having trouble there bud?
no real point since i already have an xbox360 (also modded) and the best games the og xbox had work on it
Firstly, make sure you actually have enough free space on your HDD before you try and transfer the game. I remember being stumped for hours before I realized that I was trying to fit a 3gb game into 2.5 gb of space. Those stock hard drives aren't very big at all.
Secondly, have you tried burning the ISO to a blank DVD and ripping it using DVD2Xbox? That can sometimes work if you're having trouble.
How large is the .ISO? if it's like 8 gigabytes then it might be a dual-layed dvd image
My friends older brother had one. Shit sucked, it was modded after like the first month or two and he never updated so it had maybe 10 games and 5 of them were okay. Then there was Halo which was solid.
>if it's like 8 gigabytes then it might be a dual-layed dvd image
Likely a shitty redump reimage that converts them from xiso to dvd0 format. You'll need xdvdmulleter.
forgive me if i'm wrong but couldn't you mount the .isos over the net? i feel like i downloaded the games to a separate storage space because the xbrick came with a fucking 8GB hdd? is that right or am i just imagining streaming the movies to xbmc? i feel like the roms in xbmc were also loaded over the network?
Okay. It's because I have 3 modded Xbox original consoles, all softmodded myself. Only one has an expanded HDD though; I couldn't be bothered to do it for the backups.
I think you can, never bothered. I just have a 1TB HDD in mine. I prefer to keep everything on its own well maintained ship.
I have
But I haven't actually used it in like three years
I know that network loading is a thing with the Playstation 2 since the slim models removed the ability to add a HDD.
I'm not sure if the Xbox dues ever bothered with that since every Xbox comes with an HDD by default and upgrading them is usually trivial
Thats actually his GameCube collection
based and redpilled
i know it could do DVD folders. i know it could do ROMs. i might be imagining the actual xbox games, but i played so few of those i can't even remember.
Wanna throw that link my way friend
I've got too many games just on PC to get through.
Do you know how fucking long crpgs are? Jesus christ. And I'm not even looking at anything past 2010.
I'm a dumb-dumb and don't understand how to swap out the hard drive please explain in brainlet words.
holy shit zoomers don't understand the concept of hotswapping? are they all this retarded or just this one guy that posted
Consider playing good games instead.
hotswapping hasn't been used since 2003
There is the Pound My Ass cable, which to me makes everything look like a blurry mess but apparently "bro it looks awesome" so see if it's to your taste.
Gonna need to drop some cash on an OSSC or something of the sort for the optimal 10/10 experience.
You don't even know what you're talking about dumb boomer
This only goes up to Is and the rest are dead according to comments.
Do you live outside the US? Murakumo's like $5 here.
be aware that the .iso is fucked and way too big so you'll need xdvdmulleter to extract the files and ftp them over to actually play the game
Still have mine but it's buried beneath a ton of shit and hasn't been turned on in years so it might not work anymore.
>not knowing shit about early 2000 softmods
>talking shit to your senpai
load up halo and put your xbox in the microwave. that's the easiest way to mod your games
hot swapping hasn't been used since 2003.
not gay
I used to burn all my games to DVD so I've done some fucked up stuff to get games under that 4.7GB limit.
>remove all demos that first party xbox games often came with
>replace anything that doesn't sound important (other languages, credits, etc) with dummy files
>re-compress the FMVs
what a coincidence the same year HDTV and DVRs became mainstream. you can literally choke on your iphone you zoomercuck
>Do you live outside the US
look at these fucking prices:
>mfw that fucking postage
When are you aussies gonna rise up and do something about your overpriced vidya?
I actually got my hands on a modded Xbox recently, redpill me on what games I should get for it. Here are the ones I own physically.
I'm playing through Thief 3 right now, it's better than the PC version.
you should probably microwave your console and breathe in the fumes really hold em in for a long time. just breathe that shit in. if you don't feel high just microwave some batteries and inhale that. maybe lick them in between puffs
Why is this fatty so mad?
halo series
splinter cell
rainbow six
kotor 1/2
get xlink kai to play online
Jokes on you, I have a modded crystal ice blue Xbox with a SmartXX chip and LCD.
I have three, two of them with LBA-48 hard drives. Got two from Canada, postage was enough to make it worth it. The third one I found in a broken Xbox at a thrift store, but chips are easy to move.
Eventually I want to try a reverse SATA adapter and SSD in one to make it lighter and run cooler.
You have it.
JSRF/GT (easier to find than JSRF single)
The ridiculous thing is once properly extracted the game files are actually just 1.7 gigs.
It's just that with the nuking of theisozone niche tools like xdvdmulleter are much harder to find. I had to get my copy from a mega link that I found under a suspicious Spanish YouTube video, it worked fine though.
The game was never even released in PAL territories so those prices are just a result of the garbage exchange rate combined with Ebay jewery. Used xbox games are like $5 here too.
i ate three family sized bags of chips today i can be mad this a xbox thread
But I do.
I do.
lol hell no.
og xbox has a better library than 360 and 1
>You have 10 seconds to justify why you don't have a modded original xbox.
Because I struggle unless the mod is extremely straightforward and don't play my XBox enough to justify paying someone to do the job for me.
I’m not skilled in modding consoles, and I don’t wanna damage my OG Xbox in the process.
>Splinter Cell Double Agent
the DS version was literally better
the dreamcast was stacked with games, you absolute zoomer.
Because you have to be an idiot to have ever had an xbox
Because it burnt out and the guy who made the mod chip doesn't make it anymore so I can't even mod the other OG Xbox I have
Because between a modded ps2, 3ds, N64 (Japanese games are super cheap) and a smart phone, my back log is bigger than your mom.
gayest shit i've seen in a long time
Because it was stolen from me in college
Because the softmod does everything I need. First and last great Xbox.
Because i dont know how
I hear my 1.6 is harder to mod. I don't know where to begin.
Ftp is so easy though if you leave it always wired up
softmodding a 1.6 is exactly like modding any other model of xbox.
hardmodding is where it gets more complicated.
hardmodding is usually the act of changing the console's BIOS to that it will accept new hard drives since by default the xbox has only 8 gigabytes of space and the HDD is permanently paired to the console via an identification code.
With any other model xbox you would usually dab a few points of solder around the board to disable the write protection on the xbox's BIOS, allowing you to replace it with a custom one that doesn't care about what hard drive it has.
With the 1.6 models the Bios is permanent and cannot be changed.
so you are required to solder in a modchip with it's own Bios that the xbox will use instead. As far as modchips go it is not very hard at all but is still often too daunting for most people.
There is a program that you can use to sort of get around hardmodding called CHIMP but I have no experience with that. As far as I know it involves installing it to your softmodded xbox then plugging your new hard drive into where the DVD drive normally goes, this apparently copies all of the original hard drive's data over including the special identification code. you then have to "lock" the hard drive somehow that I believe involves changing the little jumpers. on the hard drive itself.
someone will probably be able to correct me on this
Could never find ISOs for it
Because I prefer ng2 over black.
But I modded 6 of them.
I've been having trouble getting this game to load, is it a common issue?
Because I wanted to wait until at least this year to do so.
The least boring thing in that webm is the IKEA LACK.
if only
I fucking wish.