Hey Yea Forums! What is the superior Terraria mod??? Calamity, or Thorium??? ;D

Hey Yea Forums! What is the superior Terraria mod??? Calamity, or Thorium??? ;D

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Lewd her

using mods is cheating; kill yourself, loser

>mods deleted the last Terraria thread
What cocksuckers.

>liking a brony mod

>Being a dedicated shitposter
Didn't you get btfo by like three other user's in the last thread? learn your lesson and stop bringing up ponyfags

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You're delusional if you think you're gonna shit up another one of my Terraria threads by pushing your shit where it doesn't belong. I've destroyed once before and I can go for eternity baby.


>You're delusional if you think you're gonna shit up another one of my Terraria threads by pushing your shit where it doesn't belong.
Nigga nobody want's bronies here, you're the only one bitching about them
>I've destroyed once before and I can go for eternity baby.
Confirmed autistic

Just fucking talk about Terraria then. You're the one who keeps bringing up bronyshit.

what happen to server

>what's the better mod???? Bloatware 1 or Bloatware 2????

it fucking died

i finally timed out after a minute of no blocks spawning, i hope its back soon

I just hope the stuff I destroyed to redecorate is in my inventory

Fuck, I thought it was my own problem, glad to know others got dc'd too

pls com bacc soon

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>server still isnt back

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bump so i dont feel like i wasted 3 hours

rip the dream

thorium is better by far. Calameme falls prey to feature creep, imbalance, and a billion other problems. I even specifically wrote a pastebin on /tg/ explaining all of the issues. and I say this as someone who's played the mod about 5 times, if only to know how fabsol screwed it up every time. But the times I've played with thorium far outshadow that.

not like this...

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today is a sad day for green team

how many sad cats do you have

Your pastebin is outdated as fuck. Update it

just a few

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bet my ass the server died because we were mining too fast while water was falling

Can we get a vanilla server?

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Where the fuck is the server owner, you'd think he'd notice it was down by now

Y'all want me to make a vanilla server or a modded server (refer to pic)

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He went down with the server as well


I'd prefer modded but vanilla works too

>no server sided characters

Modded, but also add auto trash and where's my items, maybe recipe browser too

Modded, but get rid of consolaria.

this is how green team dies, not with a bang but with complete silence

Attached: complete silence.jpg (1024x756, 45K)


same ip?


I think I'll try modded terraria when I've finally exhausted the final update. Until then, fuck mods. (and fuck jannies)

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Did you get written permission to post that picture?

Where is this IP?


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Large World Enabler
Assorted Crazy Things
Wing Slot

looks like the server crashed again


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no u

No, I stole it. What are you gonna do about it, punk?

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I like calamity although it doesn’t balance out well with other large content mods and any difficulty above rev just gets autistic. If you ignore some of the gay shit calamity is a lot of fun if you like a challenge

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also I like saying I like calamity on /tg/ because their hatred for it is more obsessively autistic than it’s brony dev

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server never

Why isn't the party girl angry?

ded again

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Party "girl"

i like calam but i don't like that alot of the bosses are "spam small projectiles that do 100+ damage a hit and have the boss ram you" but the shit they drop makes the next fight that much easier to put up with.


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fun times, see you guys tomorrow hopefully

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