vidya to help with a deep depression?
Vidya to help with a deep depression?
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Depression Quest
Delete Your Wojaks Online
Just swim up nigga, lmao
Shitposting here like all the other underage faggots for a quick dopamine boost, followed by emptiness
Have you tried not being depressed all the time?
>what instant gratification will help me out of this depression that was probably caused by instant gratification
You're still at it tomoko friend?
russian roulette
vidya wont help, just get a good job
>been working for 6 months now
>4 attractive girls my age work with me and we regularly converse
>work very closely with this extremely attractive blonde 17 year old girl
>cute receptionist gets all giggly with me when I talk to her
>girl whom i previously worked closely with before she changed positions just gave me the cutest smile and good bye wave at the end of the day today
>4th girl is meh but she's cool
>all of the guys are super chill with me
>boss likes me
everyday I wake up happy to go to work, I will never fucking go back to being a fucking neet
They clearly have no other life. LITERAL years of trying to find friends and spamming the same profile on the same board, day in day out.
that's nice but what about sauce
>girls my age
>17 year old girl
>I will never go back to being a neet
What the fuck am I reading ?
Did you skip school, kid ?
sounds like ur a fucking loser with no life outside ur work
im just saying that this one particular girl is new and 17, her birthday is coming up in a week.
Keep your head up my guy. We all going through shit.
Animal Crossing. No joke.
It's a mindset. You can choose to be happy.
This guy gets it. Happiness is a choice
I have still no idea how old you are
what about the person who has none of these?
You're really an insensitive faggot who tells people "I know how it feels" when they tell you they've been sexually assaulted
Lady Gaga and I fucking hate you
How the HELL could you know what I've been through?
im old, that's all you need to know
It's physically impossible to be sad after playing NiGHTS into Dreams
y-yeah man, it's all just a distraction. I'll just get back to all those cool things I have. haha
well meme'd my fellow underageds
>you don't know how it feels to be depressed
yeah, I do. I was depressed when I was in college and then I rallied and unfucked myself. You only have one life to live. Don't live it as a depressed zombie.
Thats why depression is considered an illness. You can have everything and still be depressed
I sorta have a life.
It'd be better with a bf though.
That still contradicts what youve written
Im 29 next week if that helps you
What do you mean?
>I simply unfucked myself
That was the only important part of your sentence and you squandered it
You sure as fuck aren't gonna find it here. Try it in an MMO or second life, find a friend first and see if it turns into more. That's how I got my bf - years of playing games daily until it became more
>depression is considered an illness
yeah by drug companies that want to sell you the "cure". want to know a secret? before modern pharmaceuticals people have had to nut up and start kicking ass and have sex. You aren't sick, you're just not trying hard enough.
well, im certainly younger than you m8
>says girls close to his age are 17
>says he's old
either you're a pedo, or you are a NEET living in a fantasy land in your own head
What were you depressed about? Were you physically, mentally, emotionally, AND sexually abused as a child? Were you ever unable to make meaningful connections with others because you know they'd condemn you for something you can't control? Shut the hell up. You don't know pain
That was my point, pal
Anyway, if you dont wanna say it, I wont force you
>"I'm old"
>"I'm totally younger than 29"
What's the deal with 22 year olds acting like boomers?
No, I had loving parents and am a 100 IQ 7/10. My grades started slipping after I got a gf and I stopped wanting to go to class. I had to focus on what was important and make sure I finished my CS degree.
on the rocks
>What's the deal with 22 year olds acting like boomers?
That's something I like about the Sopranos, a 47 year old is a "fucking kid"
Don't talk about other peoples' pain and how they should deal with it if you can't even grasp what they're going through
LISA: The painful RPG
It will drag you to a certain degree of depression, and if you're really down you can only go up
What if I'm depressed because my brother killed himself today? Good games for that?
praying for you bby. was your brother a nice guy?
other than the diploma which cost me 140k I have literally none of these things
If happiness was a choice, everyone would just choose to be happy and content during every waking moment of their life.
The truth is that we don't have free wills at all. No one chooses to be unhappy or angry, it just happens.
metal gear solid
>Saint's Row IV because you have superpowers and that feels good
>The Last of Us because its immersive and you will forget about your shitty life