Find a flaw

Find a flaw

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Literally Hitler.

he said a flaw

She has the shortest route with only 1 cutscene. Worst and half assed route

I love how despite Edelgard causing the deaths of many in the name of disbanding the Church, Rhea just goes batshit insane about killing you because you took her mother away.

>mfw that scene and Catherine doesn't know what to do

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Her route sucks.

She rapes peasant women

she killed... a few

literally a gorilla

>She rapes peasant women
How is this a flaw?

Cute Hitler.

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yeah it's pretty batshit

Still breathing

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She can't function without her husband Byleth

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Incapable of doing this

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>last map on BE
>Cyril is positioned right next to Rhea in her Immaculate form
>I move Petra (Assassin) into his range
>he proceeds to fly over and get his shit kicked in when Lethality procs
I was surprised.

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she's perfect, but i prefer my girls with a few flaws.

generic boring white spoiled cunt
give me that jungle cunnnnnyyyyy

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Shes like 20 even pre timeskip you retarded tryhard pedo

she's not riding my dick

Petra is 15 pre timeskip

Sabotages her own units.

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She claims she cares about history, yet she takes the Slitherer's lies hook, line, and sinker. She also refuses to take any path other than the one that ensures the most possible deaths, and the only time she thinks to battle the Slitherers is after she's handed them an entire country and ensured the war will be as long, miserable, and horrid as possible. Fodlan probably wound up as an irradiated hellhole.

Being a fence sitter is a sign of arrested development.
She should stop being bisexual and pick a side.

How do you save her

what the fuck

She's not Dorothea.

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This. I was going to romance Edelgard but ended up liking Dorothea more.

poor bernie. she dindu nuffin and didn't deserve this

b-b-but she dindu nuffin she a good girl!

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Either recruit Bernie into your team or join Black Eagles and give Edelgard the dick


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Not enough lewds

and her concubines

Bernie is just lute but with a dyke haircut

what, you don't like short haired gals!?

she has no concubines

fife emblem = gay
fag game
hasnt beem good since awakening
fire gay
gay emblem

she's clearly a commie

Does anyone else feel like this game is just way too fucking long?
I'm sitting here on chapter 18 just bored out of my fucking mind wanting it to fucking end.
I feel like I could have gotten to chapter 18 in every other FE game six times over by now.

>Edelfags like, a week ago

Oh look.

>20 is Pedo now

I...I give up.

>not dany gives the neet a purpose in life
oh this is why Yea Forums hates her so much

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There's too much school time in the post-timeskip half.

I love Bernie bullying webms.

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She’s not Lucina

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Based Lucinachad.


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>NG+ Blue Lions route
>Mercedes and Felix C support
>Jeritza and Mercedes mention they look familiar
>Jeritza is also the Death Knight
I can't believe it took me till NG+ to figure this out

that tfw when

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>I proceeded to crit him

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Why is Edgelard such a dummy

Poach Casper so you can do their Paralogue with the Death Knight post timeskip.

Drank the Molemen Kool-Aid

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I can't she's 100% right

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I dunno man.

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>that genuine smile from Dimitri
What did Edelcunt mean by this?

actually she doesn't set bernie on fire, she sets everything around bernie on fire. The center platform isn't aflame.

>S-sensei, what are you doing in my room this late at night!?

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I'm doing Black Eagles on my second run and the most basic level they try to manipulate you on to whitewash Edelgard as a remotely reasonable choice is hilarious.

Like when Rhea orders the execution of the western church people who plotted the assassination on her, they have Caspar going "Whooooa that's so extreme, even for her!" and Bernie going "Oh no, that makes me scared of what would happen to us if we did something bad!"

Like shit dude, if you don't make written declarations of your intent to kill the pope, you seem to be pretty much in the clear.

That happens with the Blue Lions and the Golden Deer as well. Rhea executing those guys is bad.

Overflowing with flaws.

So they say, but none of the other routes rely on making sure you think your students are afraid of the church and the church is evil.

I still think it's stupid when it's like these people were part of the church, planned an assassination of an archbishop, and also tried to break into a sealed mausoleum to steal the bones of the founding saint of the religion.

What fucking slap on the wrist did they expect?

Imagine if you were in her position, and everything around you was set aflame. In a forest.
It'd only be a matter of time until you were consumed in the ensuing forest fire.
At the very least, you would be torched alive standing on a wood (i.e trees, which are very flammable) platform.

Ah yes. Setting everything around someone on fire so they have more time to contemplate the horror of how they're about to fucking burn alive once the fire starts to spread inward is much better than just surprising them with a death by burning.

She has 5 movement.

Moralfags like you don't belong on Yea Forums.

She's just making it so that Bernie does 5 more damage.

>Genuinely sets up Bernie to die horribly
This is Edelgard left to her own devices, the devices that distinguish her before the game begins, during the intro, and before the time skip. It's impossible for her to not be evil.

imagine being a BLACKED Eagle

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So how is she going to fight the slithers like this?

>game incriminates the Church's massacre of Lonato's army which was mostly commoners and peasants
You know Edelgard, if the Church is as evil as you say it is, how come all your evidence of it is fabricated, or shitty fanfiction made by your ancestor?

She's literally hitler and treats her subordinates like shit all while hiding behind the facade of le greater good.

That scene is unironically one of the most hypocritical scenes in the entire game. She literally sent an army to their death so she could use it as propaganda a year later. She orchestrated a massacre to justify her own massacres later on.

TFW that even from the first trailer for the game you had decided to choose the best route.

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she is trying to turn the world into our modern day civilization. she's not exactly trying to eradicate jews. this meme needs to end now it's not funny.

What do you mean it's hypocritical?
She's approves of 'dying for the greater good'.
Ignoring the fact that her cause isn't necessarily 'the greater good', she essentially did what she said.
That is, making a sacrifice for 'the greater good' by sending an army to their death so that her goal would be accomplished.

Unless you meant to quote

Is there anymore objectives in this game other than "defeat enemy commander" or "fucking murder everyone on the map"? Like is their any seize the terrority/throne, sneak through undetected,escape, survive etc?

I keep seeing people complaining about boring objectives and kinda want to get this

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There are none.

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>What fucking slap on the wrist did they expect?
A proper trial, perhaps? Also the part where Rhea uses it as an excuse to start a fight with the Western Church despite the people committing the crime saying they weren't with the Western Church.

Can't put a baby in her.

when did hitler ever send his armies to their death solely for propaganda purposes?

Hard to find a flaw with a picture like that.

The grater good is your empire, your throne instead of people you pretend to represents
This bitch its literally stalin/castro

Your reading comprehensiom really sucks huh

based blue chads can't stop winning

I love Edie and I want to rub my dick on her thighs

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>flames don't touch bernadetta at all
>she does extra damage since the arrows are set ablaze
>the flames protect her from people closing in on her
>her platform is now wood and doesn't burn
>you are the one that triggers the flame by taking the bait

lmfao cope

Based Lucinafriend

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>yeah the pope is ordering executions what's the big deal LOL

user there's a reason they were called "dark times"

>Rhea executing those guys is bad.

It's not, it's not even particularly extreme. It's fairly grey for a video game character, but in the setting provided it's perfectly reasonable.


Oh yeah, Rhea is the extreme one here...

Not really. Personally though it never bothered me that much. I feel the map design is actually pretty good, a lot of the time my first time going through a map was just exploring its gimmick and such, though it feels like there's a lack of enemies at times.

why are redheads in fire emblem always best girl?

I don't know if he did because I'm not good with history.
It's also not what I was getting at.
Instead of moving the goalposts, explain to me why Edelgard saying that sacrifices for the greater good aren't in vain, and thus sending sacrifices to achieve her goal is hypocritical.
She's doing exactly what she said.

>been spending most of the game trying to waifu Leonie
>get one support with Bernie
>love her now
I thought it was a meme but she really is best girl.

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And more importantly her bull Ferdinand

What kind of retarded head-canon is this.

Ever heard of oxygen deprivation?

It's a self-serving narrative that only works to conveniently justify everything she does.

The people working with her don't know the truth of what she's doing, what she's done, who she's working with and all the people she's betrayed or killed along the way. They offer to help her because she acts like their friend, and she sacrifices their lives for ghastly reasons and a cause they wouldn't agree with.

She tricks villagers into getting killed to provoke her enemies. She tries to assassinate school children. She brings an army and killers to then attack/kill those school-children.

And then when people die on her side, she shrugs it away saying "Ohwell, it's fine, they died for my cause." But her cause turns out to be entirely self-serving bullshit. She's following false truths and doing so only because she herself has been hurt by it, so she condemn hundreds of thousands to suffering, misery and death.

>Y-you didn't have to show me ALL your tattoos petra..

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>my noodle-arm ashe got a 5 str stat bonus after becoming a wyvern rider
I love this system.

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More like Edelgard's entire fucking act is trechary.

She does stupid shit that ruins everything and helps no-one while acting on bad information that you even learn in her own route isn't true. And then when you get the big reveals, it turns out she's doing it completely out of personal motivation, rather than any kind of high-minded idealism instead.

It's not the ends justify the means, it's a woman who's been fed lies lashing out at who she thinks has hurt her.

It's especially shown at the end of the Kingdom route, when she's defeated, her power taken away and she's turned just back into herself. Dimitri literally holds out a hand for her, he'll listen to her, he'll accept what her grievances are and he'll help make the world right... Instead, she literally takes the dagger he told her was a symbol of "Making her own future" and casts her life aside. For no reason but personal pride. What happened to fixing this world? He will HELP HER DO THAT! But nope, she just dies for her own sake.

Anyone who didn't say "Fuck this" along with Dimitri as he walked away from her cooling corpse wasn't paying attention.

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There was one defense mission where you have to protect Rhea. Pretty much the only one I've seen so far that isn't rout all enemies or kill commander.
She kills millions of people for selfish reasons which then leads to the entire continent being ruled by mole people.

based boarposter

What the fuck was his problem?

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I don't think that's accurate. Lysithea complains that she's the youngest student at 15 (Cyril is also 15) so Petra would be minimum 16.

Oh no, I do agree with you.
I don't think what she's doing is justified.

What I mean is, according to this definition of the word 'hypocrite' on the Merriam-Webster dictionary,
[a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings]
how is Edelgard being hypocritical by following through with what she said?
>It's not possible to change the world without sacrifice. Dying for the greater good is not a death in vain.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not defending her, but she does follow through with that she spouts.

I should add that I haven't finished the Black Eagles route yet, only Golden Deer.
So there might be some points that I'm missing that you could enlighten me about.
From what I'm reading in the thread, I'm guessing that her true motivations differ from her dialogue in that image?

>blue chads btfoing blacked eagles
>they can only respond with lewds of their """empress""" and thinly veiled ERP posts

Petra starts at 15 but has a birthday pretty early on.

Her motivations are effectively: "I was fucked over by the system, so I'm going to get personal revenge on the system while selling everyone out to an evil cult."

The route is clearly and Evil route all the way through, it starts as ends justify the means, but the paint comes off and it's clearly just monstrous. Which is why people then roll their eyes when the epilogue says "But everything worked out and everyone was happy!" despite that not being setup at all.

Fucking rekt

Edelgard isn't bisexual, she's Bysexual.

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Ah, fair enough.

Ah okay that makes more sense.
In the Golden Deer route, there's no indication (as far as I know) as to what her true motivation is, so I was led to believe that it was an 'ends justify the means' type of deal.

She's kinda retarded

Protobanham needs to compete in more american tournaments.

She's literally Nemesis 2.0 but too much of a brainlet to realize.

He's just an asshole. There's no deeper meaning behind it.

She's hypocritical in some ways, like she hates how Rhea lied about crests while she lies to her teammates all the time, so it's somehow okay for her to lie but not Rhea

Thirsty beta orbiter.

Dimitri's fanboys aren't doing much of anything, other than a huge circlejerk. Rather than adressing Edelgard's actual goals and ambitions, they try to paint her as some selfish cartoon villain, who acts on emotion and vengeance. Not to mention straight-up ignoring in-game events, especially in regard to the Slitherers. This is because even BLfags can't point to any concrete plan or goal Dimitri has, other than just being against Edelgard, so they resort to attacking the opposition. Case in point:
This attempt at mischaracterizing Edelgard is doubly hilarious when you consider that Dimitri's whole shtick is years spent REEEEEing about Edelgard, while she only views him as an obstacle to the better world she wants to create. On that note, she's the only lord in the game who is actually proactive about causing some change in the world - she's already been preparing her move since long before the academy phase even started, whereas Claude and Dimitri do nothing beyond merely hanging out at the academy. It should also be pointed out, that anything these two ever achieve in their own routes, they only do as a result of Edelgard putting events into motion. Even when they win, they're only continuing what Edelgard started.

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>so I'm going to get personal revenge on the system while selling everyone out to an evil cult
Good thing that doesn't happen, retard.

I've only played the Church route, but she was basically the best part of an otherwise boring route. Seteth couldn't really carry the story and Byleth obviously didn't do anything interesting.
I guess taking out the dubstep Slytherins in one chapter was kind of funny because I expected them to be an actual threat.

>Finish Eagles
She's a bit excessive.
>Finish Lions
She's a bit of a cunt.
>Finish Deer/Church
She's just a LITTLE bit retarded.

Where the fuck does she get the gall to REEEEEEEEEEEE at Claude?

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Church (mommy) > GD > BL >>>>>>>> BE

Her motivation is that she has her history wrong, she thinks nemesis was some dindu and that humans created the crests and relics themselves so Seiros got jealous and killed them all and then ruled humanity with an iron fist for the next thousand years as punishment. But that isn't even close to the truth, in GD she even accuses Claude of not knowing the truth behind everything which is ironic since she's operating based off straight misinformation meanwhile Claude actually finds the truth and even fights Nemesis.

> On that note, she's the only lord in the game who is actually proactive about causing some change in the world
Maybe play GD

There were a couple of defense missions so far from what I've played. Even "kill everyone" missions occasionally have some flair thrown in like "capture this place to spawn friendly reinforcements" or "escort this npc to hamper the enemy"

>declare war on every cunt on the continent

Did her crest cancer metastasize to her brain or something?

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Enlighten us as to how she is being mischaracterized, then. Also, the fact that Dimitri and Claude accomplish good things thanks to the war does not acquit the person who started it. Basically, you've made no arguments of any merit so far.

No, she's just an egotist.

C'mon son, you've gotta post the full one

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If it did, she would actually be the most tragic character in the whole thing
>Want to affect positive change
>Cancer eats away at your brain and makes you make increasingly bad decisions while the uneaten part can only scream in silence
>Surrounded by waifufags and betas who would never challenge you on anything so your only hope of being saved is your enemies

I liked the subtly of the beta pic.

I find it incredibly sad how her fans can't see through her manipulation and narcissism.

None of that is wrong, though. It's more of a matter of outlook.
>humans created the crests and relics themselves
That's literally true.
>so Seiros got jealous and killed them all and then ruled humanity with an iron fist for the next thousand years as punishment
Evaluating Seiros' reign is always going to be a matter of personal opinion, but it's an absolute fact she killed Nemesis and subdued humanity.
What's your point? What does Claude achieve for Fodlan that wasn't enabled by Edelgard's war and Dimitri getting himself killed? I'm not saying Dimitri or Claude wouldn't have been good rulers in their own lands, but that's not anything close to what Edelgard envisions and works towards. Unification absolutely wouldn't have been possibly without the war.
> Rather than adressing Edelgard's actual goals and ambitions, they try to paint her as some selfish cartoon villain, who acts on emotion and vengeance. Not to mention straight-up ignoring in-game events, especially in regard to the Slitherers.
Fags try to portray her motivation as selfish and short-sighted, rather than recognising that her personal suffering allows her to understand the plight of the many people hurt by the system and crests. See, for example, how she connects to Lysithea. A lot of characters' motivations align with her goal as well, if you take them onto the BE path, e.g. Sylvain or Marianne.
The other thing is anons straight-up spreading misinformation about the Slitherers in her route, like

> Unification absolutely wouldn't have been possibly without the war.
>her personal suffering allows her to understand the plight of the many people hurt by the system and crests
You mean like all those people the EMPIRE experimented on and then all of the students and random people she uses in her OWN army?

>stop killing everyone I love
>no u
Is this the power of Edeltard?

>Dimitri's whole shtick is years spent REEEEEing about Edelgard

And his character arc is realising he was wrong, and letting it go. After halfway through his route he's changed from "I will kill her!" to, "I want to talk to her, if her path is just, then I want to help her achieve it." She's the one who refuses to work with him, not the other way around. And in the end with Byleth and Seteth reforming the Church AND destroying the Slitherers, Edelgard's goals are achieved for far better outcome in Dimitri's route than her own. Similar in Claude's of course.

>who acts on emotion and vengeance

She literally does, constantly.

>she's already been preparing her move since long before the academy phase even started, whereas Claude and Dimitri do nothing beyond merely hanging out at the academy.

Yes... They're just hanging out, going to school, learning and preparing themselves to lead their countries, exactly what they should be doing. Dimitri laments that he's too young to take his throne yet and can only watch as his Kingdom suffers in the meantime.

Meanwhile Edelgard is plotting assassinations of schoolkids, assists in the assassination of Byleth's father, assists in the atrocity at the village (her agent the Death Knight was there to help it along of course), and is setting Ashe's father up to be killed with lies and propoganda to try make the Church look bad. And you're holding Edelgard up as the right one in this point? Come the fuck on.

are the rest of the routes this long? i'm on chapter 17 at about 45~ hours in

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Edelgards is the shortest at 18 chapters, the rest have 21-22

>That's literally true
If fashioning the body parts of a people you genocided into weapons and sticking their hearts into them counts as "creating", sure I guess.

>so Seiros got jealous and killed them all and then ruled humanity with an iron fist for the next thousand years as punishment
She enacted bloody, rage fueled vengeance in response to the extermination of nearly her entire race.

Also, forgot to add: Edelgard doesn't need to be "acquitted" of anything. Her war is just and if you take issue with the very idea of starting a war, then the Kingdom and the Alliance shouldn't have existed in the first place, since they're just Empire secessionists.
How would it have been possible otherwise? Which of the three lands would agree to be absorbed into the other? Or, if you think they should form some sort of union, what reason would they have to do that at the time?
And yes - the system kept in place by the old nobility and church, that she wants to get rid of. Also, everyone except the Alliance uses crest beasts.
>She's the one who refuses to work with him, not the other way around.
He refused to work with her as well, which is why he is ousted from power in his own route. She refuses to work with Claude in his route as well, because he doesn't truly know Fodlan and she's right on that too. Claude always fucks off from Fodlan if he lives, even if he wins on his own route.
>She literally does, constantly.
As does anyone, but her character goes beyond that, which is why I'm calling it "mischaracterization".
>Dimitri laments that he's too young to take his throne yet and can only watch as his Kingdom suffers in the meantime.
That's exactly my point. Edelgard gets shit done well before she becomes Emperor and when she does ascend the throne, she does it on her own terms and consolidates power.
>And you're holding Edelgard up as the right one in this point?
Yes, because she makes the best of the position she finds herself in and works to realize her ambitions. It's "ends justify the means" and not some emotional flailing for personal revenge.

>she thinks nemesis was some dindu
Thales even fucks up early on and refers to Nemesis as a thief. Edelgard's reaction to this is "u wot m8?", Then she just completely forgets about it instead of maybe wondering if she hadn't been fed a whole load of bullshit.

Gameplay-wise, sure, the ballista tile is safe until someone reach her.

But in reality she would have a horrible death. It's ok to like the villain, just do not try to convince anyone that she and her methods aren't evil.

>the system kept in place by the old nobility and church, that she wants to get rid of.
And replace it with an even worse system, lest we forget that.

what's your favorite Byleth line? mine is "..."

>It's "ends justify the means"
Pretty sure this is the biggest issue people have with her.

only reason that edelgard refuses to work with claude is that the future he wants isn't the exact same that she wants despite them having very similar goals.
also don't see what claude fucking off has to do with anything.

>hires bandits to murder children that trusted her and did not wrong her in any way possible
>E- Edelgard isn't e- evil! She's morally grey!

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What's the issue with the current crest nobility system exactly?
In Edelgard's ending how does she solve the issue? Does the other endings differs greatly? Or are those the exact same shit but with less bloodshed?

>And then the only person they even come close to killing is herself
>She's totally not a retard, guys

T-the ends justify the means!

>that laugh once he sees her face
You can like pinpoint the moment in time he goes unhinged

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>get bullied at school
>take a gun to school to shoot the people bullying you, along with a dozen innocent bystanders
>why are you guys not on my side?! I'm trying to stop bullying here! I'm morally grey!

I don't know the answer to any of those questions. I don't know what game you're talking about and I don't know who is OP's pic. Sorry I couldn't help.

Edelgard is always looking for the shortest way to end things. Killing off the future leaders of the Kingdom and Alliance would've been a nice blow to their morale and would've made her future conquest much easier with hopefully less bloodshed. Still evil though.

Edelgard is a hero because history is written by the winners.

Considering her epilogue notes the war was long and brutal compared to how everyone else defeats the Slitherers, and add in how she's willing to sacrifice tons of people and that the Slitherers have ICBMs, and Fodlan likely lost over 90% of its population and was probably rendered nearly uninhabitable by the end of said war.

I'm so glad they didn't give her a pussy pass like they keep giving Sylvanas in a certain other game.

Byleth "cutting" her off was the best thing I've ever seen.

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I.. I can't.

>just got to timeskip
>find out Dedue isn't around anymore

Did you do his paralogue?
He dies if you didn't do it.

I did everyones paralogue in BL route, you're talking about the one with the Duscur villagers right?

If you did it, he comes back later on.
Meanwhile, if you need a armored knight, that's what Gilbert is there for.

>Was also the bully in the first place
Colombine and Edelgard.

The winner that loses in 3 out of 4 routes?

The emphasis on the crest system encourages those with crests as the best leaders despite how stupid they can be. If you even read half of the supports with the nobles you can see that none of them are particularly happy with the situation.
In Edelgard's ending, she pretty much gets rid of the crests by killing Seiros. The other endings have the same thing with less bloodshed, but completely handwaved the exact process.

Oh right. Like anyone else is different

Yeah, they only get fucked in one other route.

not a man

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Killing Serios doesn't get rid of crests. Dat dargon blood is still pumping through people's veins and they'll still pass it onto their descendants.

Sylvain and his brother were clear examples of the problem with crests being used for social standing and their effects on the individuals.
Church route was a bore, but I'm pretty sure that the only major change was Byleth becoming ruler of Fodlan and it's left open-ended on whether or not the actual status quo really even changes. I could have just been speedreading though.

I can't she is a flawless Villain and Antagonist.

Am I spending free time unwisely? I went into chapter 5 or whatever, the one with the sword at the end, and every enemy was level 8. My only level 8 or above units were Byleth, Edelgard and Hubert

>Or are those the exact same shit but with less bloodshed?
You do know they're only able to do the exact same shit because they got supreme power over all of Fodlan through Edelgard's war, right? No war, no supreme power
Also the war ends earlier if you side with Edelgard and the Kingdom doesn't get fucked up by Cornelia with Dimitri not going missing and being crowned King, so objectively speaking Byleth siding with her leads to the least total bloodshed

>in all routes except his own Dimitri dies and his country falls apart
>Claude dies or leaves and his country falls apart
Rhea only really loses on Edelgard's route though.

I had a similar experience where my units outside my main few seemed underleveled. I suggest trying to tackle a few of the optional battles soon and trying to have stronger units weaken enemies so the weaker units can go in for a safe kill.

Sounds more like you're funneling your exp in battle unwisely.
Make sure everyone gets a piece of the action. Set up your lowest level units to get some kills.

Does it really count as losing for Claude if he fucks off to be king of a much bigger country?

Just imagine how much everyone would hate this Edel if she didn't have the excuse of being a cute girl

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They try to enact peace and respect, so they likely try to leave newly claimed territories alone over time. Meanwhile, Edelgard's wide war with the Slitherers is noted to be long and bloody, compared to how the rest deal with the matter. Killing and increasing the body count are her only methods, and she makes the epilogue conflict as bloody as possible.

I didn't talk to Edelgard before Rhea sent me to the catacombs and now I'm stuck into Church Route without wanting to. There you go

Hey at least I ain't losing anybody. I got those blowout victories down pat

I want to impregnate Annette and then not take responsibility.

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My my fuhrer can't be this cute

I feel like it's the opposite actually
>anons whine for years about neverr getting to play as the empire in vidya
>3H comes out
>anons complain the empress is too bitchy
I have a feeling people here would have it easier to come around to Edelgard if she were a male character, if only for being able to become bros with a conquering emperor.

He still loses in Fodlan, it's just that it's less of an issue for him than it is for the other two lords.

The Slithers end up causing so much trouble it takes fucking Claude coming to the rescue with the Almyrans for them to be stopped so thinking they really settled the issue just easily by taking out Thales, and/or Nemesis is naive
There is nothing that states she doesn't just leave the newly claimed territories mostly as is either besides you trying to force what is objectively stated to be a good end for all of Fodlan like the other endings, as somehow being much worse for them

I think the problem most people have with her is that she's a dumbass with idiotic plans who's transparently being manipulated but is too fucking dumb to realise.

This board hates women. If Edelgard was in the BL, Yea Forums would call BE based

I find it's more a matter of people arguing that she's indeed a villain, not some kind of anti-hero or tragic hero.

20 year old beta without a crest, tries really hard to get his small dick wet inside the future empres

Yes, he's fucking 20 before the war, what a fucking loser

But what was Byleth's tax policy?

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>male byleth
>enlightened one outfit is completely different
>female byleth
>enlightened once is half new outfit with the bottom half those mismatched stockings

Cunny for the Cunny God.

>who's transparently being manipulated but is too fucking dumb to realise
Play her route, dumbass.

Who's that, Sothis?

Because male Byleth physically assaults people

>tfw felix in BE route
I will betray everything and everyone

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I did. She knows the slitherers are using her, but she also fully buys into their lies about the origins of crests and relics.

Post the Dimitri fight one if you have it, please.

i wonder how edelgard feels if fbyleth marries hubert instead of her

I don't but you can have a sylvain

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Nemesis did nothing wrong though. Fuck dragons.


I can't look at this turtle without thinking of moot

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Nah, Edelgard is an anime girl, Yea Forums would still love her regardless from character design alone.

She literally flirts with Dorothea.

So why don't Indech and Macuil get off their fat asses and help?
If you attack them with Seteth he says he was going to ask them to join up, but they give some bullshit reply about not being as strong as they used to be while shitting out damage.

Indech is too busy guarding that one shitty temple. Macuil decided to fuck off from the world, because he's tired of both humans and dragons, as well as Sothis.

The problem is that you have no reason to actually join her in the moment you are give the choice to side between her and the church. They should have had her explain things during the mission or had it that you weren't actually choosing to side with her, instead just refusing to kill her straight away for whatever reason and then Rhea flips out and tries to kill you forcing you to side with Edelgard. The set up already is kind of like the second one but it doesn't make it clear and then it acts like you just chose to join in on her plans.

You also don't get to be the empire, the route should have been Edelgard wanting to rebuild the empire and purging the slithers ending with you becoming Emperor of the continent if you S rank Edelgard. Instead you just murder everybody for a stupid reason, kill the slithers in a sentence in the epilogue and then go live in a village.

>can't recruit Nader Judith Randolph Fleche Ladislava or the Death Knight
I get they wanted to focus on the school but they should have let us recruit units outside of it.

I'm fully expecting the Death Knight to be recruitable in a DLC paralogue desu

>only staff member that can't instruct you
>only staff member that is shown to not have supports
>only staff member never shown in cutscenes
Hmm....Tomas seems a bit weird.....

You forgot Tuxedo mask


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who was also evil

I was agreeing with you that it was obvious since chapter 2

They should've given him Reason and Faith faculty training and a "Study in the library" activity to make him less suspicious.

I think Jeritza was there exactly to distract you from Tomasz, but then they foreshadowed his 'betrayal' too much in the village month.

Been there buddy. Learn to let go

just divine pulse retard

Any point in using an Aurora Shield when I can just dismount?

Not having to dismount

Also for hanging out on roofs or in the middle of a river or something.

I'll mount you

That was a different guy.

Call me retarded but I actually thought Jeritza was made to be so edgy that it would be shocking he was a normal guy, guess my expectations were too high. The fact he's related to Mercedes actually got me though, not goig to lie.

They both mentioned each other and have the same kind of hair retard. How did you not see it cumming?

I never really put it together, I'm retarded.

Where do you get the Aurora Shield from?

Nah, she is a book fascist

What wtf fuck

Her mindset in a nutshell.

I'm OCD and want to read all the text in this game, how many playthroughs do I need

She's not the one asking 'why are you killing people in a five year long war'.

Said lie was perpetrated with the Church lying about history as well user.

>tfw wanted to impregnate the bishop

She's basically japanese Danerys.
Too ambitious and obnoxious.
Women who want to rule are always out of their place and are, thus, problematic.

The very least the game should let us do in her route is becoming the King and ruler, while she would be a submissive helper like real queens.

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>the "greater good"
>determined by her and her alone
>by forcing people into a war they didnt want
>by forcing people to abandon the religion that gives them peace
She is such a massive cunt I cant even begin to describe it

In which route does Edelgard get dabbed on the hardest?

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>while selling everyone out to an evil cult.
That's only true in the non-BE routes. In her route, she was slowing eroding the power from the sliterer's by secretly killing them off, and in most of the epilogues, she finishes the rest of the slitherers off. I have no idea why people keep mixing up with slitherers does with what Edelgard does when they are simply two separate entities that share a similar goal.

This gives me fucking LIFE

Byleth sides with her because he bonded with her and the rest of the BE for a year. He understands that she must have a reason for doing this and wants to place his trust that it's for a good cause.

>Ignoring the fact that her cause isn't necessarily 'the greater good', she essentially did what she said.
Which doesn't make her right.
She has no idea what keeps a civilization together, and of course has no idea what is best for everyone. She can only act on her whims, however elaborate they may be.
It's just as this user said women aren't fit to rule.
So, in a way, the developers nailed the character.

Does edelgard have a single plan in the game that doesn’t involve murder

Does fucking Byleth include the use of innocent children's blood as lube?

Oh no an emperor is conquering stuff what a cunt

What the fuck is this supposed to even mean?

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Why didn't she devise a scheme with Hubert to have Byleth captured so she could have him all to herself?

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Canonically wants to fuck edelgard

Edelgard isn't that different from any conqueror, the main difference is that she makes good on her word of making society better, it seems people become bleeding heart moralfags when it comes to her for some reason.

>Edelgard if she were a male character, if only for being able to become bros with a conquering emperor.
That's actually correct. You don't do an "evil" Empire with a female character. It's just like this
and this Empires are ruled by things like Sauron and Darth Vader, not a fucking pussy.

That said, having a male character wouldn't be enough either. If it was a male character that acted the same way Edelgard did, he would also be seem as a retard.

For an Emperor to be interesting, he must either be a pure evil force of cataclismic proportions (though this kind of character is not interesting to side with), or a political genius with an actual functional plan, the evil being in his methods, not his goals.
In case of Edelgard, not only her methods but her goals are bad as well, as she wants to undermine everyone, including her own, culture and heritage. That's not how you built a civilization.

How is an emperor a conqueror you fucking twit?

She's doing pretty well though.

Wait he's a noble but has no crest? What a fucking loser.

That is kind of what I'm saying with the second option. Play up the angle that he doesn't just want to kill her instead of him just siding with the people who look like they murdered his dad for no reason.

I cant wait for the day of the rope for you fucking Edelfags

This. If they are going to make an Empire route, there should be a way for the player to become the Emperor, specially if the current ruler is a female.

Did you actually read my comment?
I literally argued Eldergard shouldn't be a woman, and if it is, the game should let us take her places as the Emperor and she becomes the player's queen.

Nah my character is an autistic Battle genius, actually ruling an Empire sounds tedious af.

Millions of people died to the dubstep missiles and the world in thrust in an endless war on terror fighting the slitherers which are still mentioned in some paire endings

Hierarchal societies don’t form as a result of magic, they form naturally. Edelgard didn’t accomplish anything. In actuality an aggressive 1000 year dynasty conquering sovereign nations would cause resentment and further war, which is all internal setting fodlan up to be invaded by foreign powers

B-but Edelgard fags told me she only burns the hill once Bernie is dead and you try to use the ballista!

What are the advantages of using magic bow on mercedes instead of just using magic spells?

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No, she isn't. Winning battles is not everything there is to built a civilization.
Even if she accomplishes all her military and political goals, her society will collapse from withim later on.

pls answer


The entire scene is pretty ridiculous. What should've happened was Byleth should've asked Edelgard what's going on or at least call Rhea out for being retarded. However I do see Byleth choosing Edelgard if only because Jeralt told him not to trust Rhea and he had no reason to at that point.

If you’re going to trust jeralt why would you trust his killers

What do empires do if not expanding user

>Edelgard didn’t accomplish anything.
Quite the opposite that the game states Edelgard did in fact accomplish a lot by ushering Fodlan into a new age of prosperity and elevating commoners.

You can't really apply real logic to the world setting since it's pretty clear it isn't based on any logic anyways why the fuck are crests bad for commoners again?

>Not wanting to become the ruler of an Empire and have a submissive qt queen
You are gay

Because I don't trust his killers, but want to find out the truth instead of just killing everyone so that the truth behind his death gets buried forever?

>ending says society is better
>but my fanfiction!!!!

Edelgard has the most autistic haters, she literally justified herself by accomplishing her goals.

She succeeds at basically everything and the war against the slitherers happens in the shadows.
Your autistic headcanon doesn't really matter

The game also states Edelgard doesn’t care about how many people who die serving her just cause

The game also shows what happens when you confront Thales and threaten shambhala. There is no way for the BE to stop the missiles. Which likely kill millions but this is a footnote for edelgard

How do they deal with the missiles anons?

You are blatantly contradicting what the game is presenting you.

There's one paralogue that starts out as a "get petra to the other side of the map" but it's all a ruse and as soon as she gets within movement range a bunch of enemies pop up (including either Catherine or Hubert depending on whether you're on BE or not) and the goal changes to preventing any enemy commanders from reaching the spot you needed to get to at first. It's kind of fun but if your units are spread out when Petra gets close to the spot it's a pain in the ass because they show up instantly and can move as soon as their turn starts.

Claude is like her but with a brain. He also doesn't know about Fodlans history like she (thinks) she does

>There is no way for the BE to stop the missiles.
Well clearly they did if the ending is anything to go by. Also I doubt they kill "millions" because it was a shadow war, not another conquest. Sorry that your headcanon to villify Eldegard makes no sense.

>You can't really apply real logic to the world setting since it's pretty clear it isn't based on any logic anyways
That's actually true and it's the only reason her plans work out.
But you can't expect players to sympathise with this outcome when there's no logic behind it besides the game's own shallow and arbitrary world building and political landscape.
Being unrealitisc is fine, but does not make the outcome appealing if it isn't properly rooted.

>they clearly did

Where user?

Lysithea basically always gains 7-8 defense on becoming a Warlock because she's such a Deflet, it's hilarious.

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This. You can only do so much when it comes to politics.

>You are blatantly contradicting what the game is presenting you.
This is incredibly ironic coming from the guy blatantly contradicting the game saying everything turns out even better than alright in the end.

I can sympathize fine with it because I can turn my brain off for the context of the story. Much like how I forgive Dmitri for thinking an 8 year old girl orchestrates a massacre or how Claude for all of his "scheming" doesn't do... well, anything.

How do they stop the missiles? Care to post proof?

flying effectiveness since she doesn't learn excalibur

I swear they forgot how to program a seize map

Has this bitch done a single thing to convince me to side with her in the tomb other than trying to kill me and my students at every single turn? I haven't even listed the shit she pulled with my dad and that village in a earlier chapter.
I get she's a girl, but there's only so much bullshit I'm willing to take.

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The ending, user. Play the game.

>blatantly contradicting

I am not contradicting anything at all. Edelgard wouldn’t care if missiles annihilated half of fodlan as long as the slitherers were dealt with

You are the one saying the missiles and Thales just disappears. You are the one contradicting information we have

>You are blatantly contradicting what the game is presenting you.
No, user. The game's ending clearly states that Edelgard's reign is successful and the war against the Slitherers is won. You're the one trying to somehow claim this isn't true.
>Byleth - Wings of Hegemon & Petra - Seafaring Princess
>As Byleth set out to fight those who slither in the dark, Petra left the throne of Brigid to her family to follow him. The pair fought many hard battles together against this terrifying enemy before finally emerging victorious after the long war.
>Byleth - Wings of the Hegemon & Mercedes - Benevolent Soul
>Byleth and Mercedes wed in haste, that they might better focus on their battle against those who slither in the dark. The struggle was long and arduous, but their passionate love supported them through it. When at last the fight was done, they moved to a small village in the Faerghus region and started an orphanage.
>Byleth - Wings of the Hegemon & Lysithea - Scholar of Misfortune
>Almost immediately after Byleth and Lysithea had celebrated their engagement, the struggle against those who slither in the dark began in earnest. Together they fought tirelessly to bring the war to an end so that Fódlan could have lasting peace. Afterward, they left the Imperial army for Ordelia territory, where they were officially wed.
Byleth's ending with Leonie mentions this as well, but it's not on the wiki for me to copy and paste.

Being able to sympathize with mediocre story-telling is not a good argument in favor of your position. You shoud, instead, acknowledge its problems and propose a more reasonable development, just like I don't excuse the game for making Dimitri suspect an 8 year old.
This just goes to show how Edelfags lack standards.

Why are you not posting screenshots of the great magic shields Hubert projected to deflect the missiles

Oh wait because your schizophrenic fan fiction isn’t real

>Even if she accomplishes all her military and political goals, her society will collapse from withim later on.
Nigga, wut? So creating the perfect nation automatically means it's doomed to fail?

>No, user. The game's ending clearly states that Edelgard's reign is successful and the war against the Slitherers is won. You're the one trying to somehow claim this isn't true.

I never said that. user you can’t be this stupid can you? And ironically you posted more evidence that millions likely died to the slitherers

They cannot deal with the missiles.

It's because she's a woman and I'm a triggered incel

The crests aren't bad, it's the system that revolves around them that are. It's the same shit with royal bloodline irl but more super special.

You call the game stating Fodlan entered a new age and everyone living happily ever after fanfiction? Really?

>anons literally making fanfics and rewriting Edelgard's ending to justify their seething at her character
How can one girl be so based?

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The ending explicitly states everything turned out fine. It would be weird for this to be stated if it was, as you say, billions of people got nuked in the process. Your leap in logic is pretty absurd, user.

>how Claude for all of his "scheming" doesn't do... well, anything
He does some stuff but it's still not particularly sufficient to properly characterise him as the strategist paired as an equal with the tactician Byleth.

- Set the monastery grounds on fire pre-timeskip I guess
- Recruits Judith and sneaks her through molten core
- Recruits Nader to serve as a distraction so Claude's army can sneak past, then reinforce at castle ICBM
- Something else I'm forgetting, probably

>anons literally making fanfics and rewriting Edelgard's ending to justify their adoration of her character
See user I can make empty shitposts too

Suddenly it’s absurd that Edelgard’s is willing to let others die for the greater good?
>this is contradictory
Meanwhile your headcanon that Hubert can turn into a dragon fly into the skies and tank missiles is logical

Edelgard's ending will leave fodlan vulnerable to attacks from Sreng and Almyra, along with the deaths of a large population of soliders from all around fodlan will result in the empire being too weak and will likely get spitroasted by the other two nations.

They won the war, so they clearly overcame whatever the Slitherers did against them.
Also what says
You're the one coming to the conclusion that "millions likely died to the slitherers", when nothing even hinting at something of this sort is mentioned in the ending.

i mean it's not unreasonable. he wouldn't be the first.

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>Empire is explicitly said to be successful in her ending

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Nothing is hinted that Hubert can tank missiles user, but it’s explicitly mentioned how hard the battle against the slitherers is, and it’s explicitly shown that they infact have missiles that can threaten the destruction of fodlan

The irony behind this argument is it’s probably only possible for there to be peace in fodlan if the slitherers nuke alliance and kingdom territories, ending potential resentment post-war

Wait, so Eagles is a bad ending? Does Fodlan gets nuked if you don't go GD?
Should I play that next?

>Edel is explicitly said to cause the deaths of lots of people
user I'm just trying to point out your posts are low-quality, I don't care about this argument over how many people died in the mole people war

Thales is the one shown with the nuclear codes, please stick to the canon material

user, you're pulling this issue with the missiles out of your ass. The Slitherers lose. You're really grasping at straws to find issues with Edelgard's ending.
>and it’s explicitly shown that they infact have missiles that can threaten the destruction of fodlan
It's also excplicitly stated that the destruction of Fodlan doesn't happen.

The only route where they don't address the snake people at all is BL. You just stumble into killing all the higher ups without knowing it like a bunch of retards but they're definitely still around.

No, it's just retards trying to argue using their headcanon.

Why wasn't edel strangled as a baby in her crib? If she was strangled as a baby, then all the deaths caused by her war wouldn't have happened.
I'm a genius. This for the greater good.

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I think the main reason anons are seething is because, without rhyme, reason, or explanation
>the empire is successful
when its clearly seen that Edelgard is a batshit insane child who does questionable things all the time. It's not a satisfying conclusion for those who paid attention and put there just for the sake of not making the effort you did for BE campaign is for naught.

>muh BL


There's no such a thing as a perfect nation. And as it was said here the only reason her plans work out is because of the game's shallow and arbitrary world building.
In reality, you can't build a civilization with such a weak and arbitrary foundation as one's definition of "perfection", unless the empress is a Godess herself.
Of course i'm applying real logic to a game, but the game doesn't provide enough world-building to justify its premises and its outcomes.
Imagine unironically defending matriarchy

Literally every ending is the same in that regard (other than Almyra being taken care of in Claude's) and in every ending, it is stated that things turn out fine.

So how did Edelgard stop Thales's nukes?

Her head is cleaved in two.

>the slitherers lose

Never have I ever said, or even remotely implied otherwise, stick to a single line of logic please. You however keep asserting hubert’s capabilities of flight and tanking missiles to the face.
>edelgard is willing to let many die in service of a greater good
>this is considered contradictory by you
But you have no problem inventing fan fiction to solve a question showed to us in the actual game.

How do they deal with the missiles user?

An insane woman gets to act on her whims and it magically works out because reasons, and Edelfags expect us to be fine with it.
Not everyone has such poor standards as them.

not a flaw

yeah just like everything works out just fine when they bring all the almyran niggers in and we're just supposed to accept it

The thing is I’ve not actually questioning the game at all.

I’m questioning people who think they can just deal with Thales and his dubstep missiles with zero repercussions.

Would edelgard actually give a shit if the missiles went off, as long as the slitherers were dead? Since we are not shown the BEs capabilities to deal with them we have to take that as fact, arguing otherwise is pure headcanon

Too obsessed with Sensei

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Just like were supposed to accept Dimitri's band of retards accidentally solving every problem in Fodlan

Why was Hilda the only person that couldn't join Edelgard's house? Was she the only one that realized that she's batshit insane?

>flames can only burn you if they touch you

Bernie is also doomed to asphyxiate from smoke inhalation.

>I’m questioning people who think they can just deal with Thales and his dubstep missiles with zero repercussions.
Claude manages to, more or less.

She used her own.

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Who mentioned Dimitri anywhere in that post? Aren't you a bit obsessed?

>You however keep asserting hubert’s capabilities of flight and tanking missiles to the face.
No, user. That's a weird story you're inventing to misrepresent your opponent. You're the one desperately trying to inject your headcanon into the discussion by droning on about some massive destruction by missiles, when nothing like this is even hinted at in the ending. You're getting this stuff from absolutely nothing.

Given almost every pre time skip
mission and BL Paralogue is centred around stopping peasant rebellions I think BL players are intended to see Rhea’s executions as harsh but reasonable.

I don't think that's a good explanation. Allow me to elaborate:
Edelfags are actual cucks. Period.
Men who fantasise about, at best, becoming a strong woman's equal, or at wrost, being dominated by a strong woman.
For that reason, their mind is capad to be passive to their dominatrix's whims, which is why in their minds everything she does is justified as long as it turns out the way she said it would, regardless of it making sense or not.
It's not even a problem of having a female as the leader of the Empire. This could be easely solved by letting the player become the emperor himself should he want to.
But, for the Edelfag, that would be unaceptable, because other anons would be telling their experiences as the Emperor, with Edelgard as their Queen, and this would kill her status as a independent stronk wamim.
The Edelfag is, therefore, the worst kind of fag among FE fans.

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Poorly written backstory
Uninspired character design (Especially compared to other FE women)
Bad S supports

She's probably the worst FE female lead so far.

>we know Thales has access to nukes
>we know we don't have a dragon to stop him from using them
>we know Edelgard went to war with them afterwards

So how did Edelgard stop the nukes?

This hill ended up killing bernie and raphael in my playthrough
God it felt so good killing that evil cunt in the end
Still lesbo sexing her in my second playthrough

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not enough porn

Probably by killing the man in control of them and then raiding the base that they located.

Apparently they find a way and then proceed to loot the shit out of their technology afterward.

Nobody is trying to justify Dimitri's inconsistencies. It has mistakes that are also critcized. The difference is that Dimitri fags aren't claiming his route is perfect, while Edelfags attempt to justify the entirety of her route.

What did she mean by this?

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What do people find engaging about this game? Genuinely interested not trying to troll.
To me it's pretty much a worse version of Persona 5 with a much more bland social link, battle and dungeon (in this case boring town/forest map) system.

I can only play for one month in-game cycles before my brain gets too fucking bored and I can't concentrate on it anymore.

did you miss the part where she spent the last month bleeding out in jeritza's room?

Yeah no. Fuck this bitch.

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They tried to but only got 9 of her siblings instead

>Dimitri fags aren't claiming his route is perfect
>Literally threads upon threads of kino and canon route posting for BL

I know, user. She's an alcoholic. But mybe she means 'passed out after an intense anal'.

Why didn't Byleth just rewind time to the moment where the bandit was about to kill Edelgard and then watch her get axed?
The war would have been prevented and no one would have died.

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can she go back that far?

And whomever is actually defending Edelgard hasn't claimed she was perfect either unless you can't tell the difference between trolls and such. Unless you seriously think people saying she is Hilter and therefore she is right are serious about it.

because he can't rewind time further than a few minutes

Just about at the end of pre-time skip now on BE and this is the only characterization I have of him. Why are the BEs so bad compared to the GDs?

Shes gonna go all the way back for the canon 5th dlc route.

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Why are you assuming the Slitherers even used nukes? Maybe Hubert fucking shanked Thales one evening and stopped him from ever using them? Maybe they learned of their location and disabled them first? Or maybe they didn't and the Slitherers blew up a city or two before they went down. All these scenarios are equally possible. This whole discussion is fucking pointless and retarded, because nothing regarding these nukes you're so anal about is mentioned in the ending. The canonically confirmed and relevant part is the Slitherers' defeat. Adding anything onto that is just pure headcanon.

What are the best mages in Claude's class? Asking for his run.


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I mean, she tells them to not pick a side here, and that if they chose to fight against her, then they are an enemy and should be taken out. What is the problem here?

About to start the game, which dub should I use?

he wanted to personally put her down

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They definitely know of the location of Shambala, you only find out in GD because Hubert left a note behind.

The icbm

Shes a girl.

whichever, it doesn't really matter. the english dub isn't horrible but the japanese version is better, with the only problem being that there's a tiny bit of rewriting in a few spots that might make the dialogue not make sense.

That card seems OP. Just one Island to cast?

Just a reminder to all the apologists right here that THIS ABSOLUTE CHAD managed to achieve most of what Edelgard tried and miserably failed to do without having to be a dick to anyone.

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Hes a dick to gays.


Edelfags literally argued she created the perfect society as a result of her struggle, implying she was at least almost perfect.
They ignore all the bullshit the game trows at you because of this outcome.

who is a walking nuke

Reminder that he wouldn't have done any of that if
>Edelgard didn't start the war
>Dimitri didn't die in the war
Claude is a solid third option though.

>Implying being homophobe is bad


One of my gripes is that they weren't able to properly convey the level of kinship Claude developed with Byleth when he starts using the term 'kyodai' in the jp dub.

>Edel isn't evil, I swear, she's just misunderstood!

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He is the most likable character and his route is the most fun, but nobody literally claims it is devoid of major flaws.


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Aaah. Thanks!
I don't have much options when I refuse to recruit. I assume dark seals are useless in Claude's class then? Unless... I make Byleth a mage.

Dimitri miserably died to mooks and the Kingdom of Faerghus was pretty much irrelevant at that point. Doodoo achieved more than the Boar in the GD route, who was pretty much just a raving maniac at that point.

dark seals are useless in general, the dark mage/bishop classes are worse than mage/warlock becuase you miss out on equipable Fiendish Blow and doubling your Black Magic uses.

Lorenz is a good secondary nuke who can get a lot of use out of the Dark Bishop mastery skill. It makes it viable for him to jump into the middle of the fray as a Dark Knight and just lifesteal shit to survive.

That's because people are insisting it's going to end up as a failed nation when you have all of her ending showing it ends up being peaceful and successful. The actions she took to get to that point is evil as she herself has said as much. However, what she does afterward is not. She does achieve her goals and brings about reforms that ends up as overwhelming positive for Fodlan. Trying to argue otherwise is doing what you're claiming Edelfags are doing and willfully ignoring what the game is outright telling you.

Reminder that if the war didn't happen, the alliance would have become a puppet state to Almyra.

imagine the sex

Ah yes, because as we all know, what kills more people in a fire isn't smoke inhalation but immolation.

Byleth will fuck the demon beast out of her just like he fucked the crazy dragon out of Rhea.

>Implying that's not a fair alternative considering how reasonable the current Almyran royalty is compared to the Adrestian Empire.

I'd rather not. Would rather put it out of her misery.

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So how do relic weapons work? Can the gold ones be only weilded by someone with the right crest, but silver by anyone with any crest?

That is true in FE-verse as they fought multiple battles inside a volcano.

Gold gives bonuses to people with a certain crest, but can be used by anyone regardless.

Eh, I love having more options. Especially when you can use broken weapon trick to master a class in just 1 or 2 battles lol.
Thank you very much, user!

>the goddess blessed humanity with crest
>just now understanding what that means
>people of the dragon race actually mated with humans
>nobility even if they dont have crest all have dragon blood
>the only pure humans are peasants
god dam im a brainlet

Lifetaker Lorenz is good, so he's a pretty good choice for Dark Seals.
You can get 4 in total though, so maybe both Byleth and Lorenz.


user, that irrevocably makes you a traitor through and through. Like, holy shit, betrayal is like some deep shit that everyone hates and possibly gets ranked worse than being labeled as a pedophile.

>b-but my epilogue
All epilogues work out well and are similiar in terms of endd achieved. Edelgards requires the most bloodshed. You can't be an ends justify the means villains when people reach your ends with more acceptable means.

you should keep playing, because that's definitely not what happened

She is not sitting on my face and letting me smell her delicious crotch musk

>Edelgards requires the most bloodshed.
factually incorrect because there's 4 less months of fighting in edelgard's route

Fuck off. She cleans her delicate parts.

Because Rhea is alive

You fight Death Knight 4 times on Claude route? Is 4th battle in post time skip?

She's not the best girl.

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>Empire teams up with slitherers in Golden Deer's ending
>the CHADmyrans show up and BTFO both the Empire and the slitherers
Why are people so mean to Almyrans?

should lysithea get a nerf? she learns dark spikes at B rank while hubert learns it at A rank, i feel like she'll end up being mandatory when the difficulty dlc drops unless you can pull off some gambit bullshit during the first death knight map

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They only achieve it with Byleth around though. Remember, her plan does not account for his/her existence. Everything would have turned out much differently if Byleth was around before the prologue.


Where do they stop the nukes? Why are you forcing your contradictory headcanon?

You cannot find a single contradiction in anything I have presented

Not what happened at all user, play Golden Deer to find out what really happened.

She also went after only the essential targets that would stop the fighting as soon as possible. Her route was nonstop decapitation strike instead of conquering everything.

>Maybe Hubert fucking shanked Thales one evening and stopped him from ever using them? Maybe they learned of their location and disabled them first? Or maybe they didn't and the Slitherers blew up a city or two before they went down.

All of this you invented entirely on your own with zero proof to back it up.
Zero proof.

However, we do have proof that Thales is willing to use the missiles when cornered. Lol

Why? What did the dragons do?

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Deathknight also drops pretty quick to gambit spam or Knightkneeller from someone like Dimitri

But everyone else also accomplish their goals without needing to do what she did

Hubert probably volunteered to do it at some point.

The best units usually are mandatory in higher difficulties, it's basically impossible to beat Awakening Lunatic without Frederick.

>Why are you assuming the Slitherers even used nukes?

Why wouldn't you use nukes against someone fighting to exterminate you?
Are you saying that Thales suddenly decided he doesn't wanna kill tens of thousands of innocent people to get back at them out of the kindness of his heart?

Thales can't use the nukes without being alive. Take him out while he's away and he can't do shit because they might have nukes but they don't have communication technology worth a shit.

Exactly for the reason you stated. They're afraid of the chill warrior dudes.

It doesn't matter how they stopped it, all that it matters is that they do, and united Fodlan is peaceful and prosperous. You are nitpicking at inconsequential things here. If the slitherers are confirmed to be defeated in the epilogue, then why does the nukes matter?

>legit refuses to marry you
>fucks and marries ferdinand

they're basically mongols crossed with niggers. they're definitely not based

who should i make my dancer lol, i have literally everyone (besides hilda but thats cause im on eagles route) i went church my first run and made edelgard my dancer, she left so my entire first run was without a dancer so i legit have no experience with using one

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I volunteer to be sent to Brigid to improve diplomatic ties.
>Petra said that in Brigid if a woman wants a man and he declines, the woman sometimes ties the man up and brings him home anyway

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>then why does the nukes matter?

...because it’s another example of why the greater good at all costs is retarded.

But Dimitri didn't take care of the Slitherers and Claude outright needed the combination of Byleth, the Church, Hubert and the Almyrian army to accomplish what he did.

>all that matters is that they do

Ok, where did they stop the nukes again? In your schizophrenic fantasies they just magically stop the nukes?

I pocked Edelgard because I want to see her in a cute dress. I barely found much use for the class in my previous playthroughs so I didn't really bother woth the choice in terms of practicality all that much.

what did you order golden bros

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make it a unit with a decent-good spellbook like Dorothea, Lysithea, Hubert or Annette.

She looks cute in every way.

Dimitri kills so many slitherers they they had to make new ones that only show up in BL, and he actually kills the one shown with the nuclear codes.

The fuck are you even talking about? How is not glossing over every little detail of how they defeated the Slitherers somehow equates to greater good at a cost is retarded? What the everfuck is the link between the two things?

Honestly, Dancer is a weird class because it's a magic class and mages are better off in any other magic class.

Maybe if the Eagles weren't such bloodthirsty dicks they could've just let the Deers take care of the Slitherers without having to resort to cryptic bullshit and make them remove the Crests like what happened in Lysithea's epilogue.

They won over them and took all their technology. We don't know how they did it but they did. You're somehow equating not explaining every little detail with it not happening at all.

>But Dimitri didn't take care of the Slitherers
He did, even if by accident
>and Claude outright needed the combination of Byleth, the Church, Hubert and the Almyrian army to accomplish what he did.
Everyone needed Blyat to accomplish their goals, if they were left alone then Edelgard would end up with Fodlan governed by the same people that did all the terrible shit to her with nothing she could do after all the power they`d have amassed, Dimitri would end up dead facetanking an army because he`s a retarded boar and Claude would have fucked off never to return.

But he still needed all four of those factors happen to achieve the complete victory that everyone keeps praising him for. Like, he has the most help out of everyone of their respective routes but somehow everyone thinks he did everything himself.

Not necessarily, it's good for Flayn and Dorothea because it has 6 movement and they have negative affinity for riding, so they can have more movement at the cost of less casts.

She is willing to take Hanneman schlong

Wasn't fucking Rhea planning on stepping down and giving her job to Byleth anyways?
Edelgard literally started a pointless for over a problem that would have solved itself sooner or later.

>Maybe if the Eagles weren't such bloodthirsty dicks
Edelgard and Hubert. And maybe Caspar because he's a bit of a sociopath. Really, the rest of the Eagles are there purely out of duty to their family/ country and don't really even agree much with Edelgard.

Rhea wanted to, but Seiros is a loose cannon here. Who knows what would've happened if something down the line made her go crazy? Rhea can't stop herself from going full Seiros.

Yup, Rhea herself knows she's a ticking Seiros time bomb and wants to stop herself from exploding, which amusingly enough Edelgard sets off.

>suffers emotional and physical abuse her whole life
>burned on a pyre like a witch

>Who knows what would've happened if something down the line made her go crazy?

Like Edelgard acting like a retard?

>be a useless neet her whole life
>die a useless neet
fixed that for you

How do they stop the missiles user?

>rhea isn't seiros guys
This fucking shit again? They're the same god damn person.

>Edelgard excuses her own actions because of a tragic past
>Seiros watched humanity burn the planet to the ground, Sothis sacrifice most of her power to terraform the planet back to a livable state, humanity carve up her mother, sisters and brothers into magic and weapons, and abuse said powers
>but when Rhea keeps humanity in line "for the greater good" she's the villain
Edelgard really needs just just admit her "greater good" means "the Empire rules everything".

Or the slitherers. The thing is, who knows what would've happened if something had happened to Byleth, even if minor? She snapped once at the first death of Sothis, no way she is just going to leave Byleth/Sothis unprotected the second time around.

Is Three Houses actually good or do people only like it because of waifufaggotry?

Irrelevant, not just because people have given you reasonable explanations for that in this thread already, but also because they do.

It's the first good Fire Emblem game since Radiant Dawn.

I never said they're two different people but the stupid game is so stupid and contradictory in explaining their existence to justify her s-rank that it's hard not to split them into two identities.

They're like Isaaicians

They aren't, though. It's not contradictory, at all.

BE/ non-BE Edelgard is distinct enough to be two seperate characters, BE Rhea and non-BE Rhea are the same.

In fact, BE in general makes everyone super different. Characters like Lysithea and Leonie become stupid when they join up and say dumb shit like accusing the Church of being Slitherer allies rather than the Empire.

My broadsword stuck in her skull


>reasonable explanations

I’m sorry but your baseless fan fiction is not an explanation. Stick to what the game gives us and don’t contradict it

Your baseless fanfiction about them not being able to handle the slitherers is directly contradicting what the game tells us.

>Your baseless fanfiction about them not being able to handle the slitherers

No one questioned the fact they dealt with the Slithers. Learn to read.
How many people died in the war that followed against them because they don't have a way to stop their nukes?

The point is that BE route was fighting under false information and rationalize everything as such. The actual truth was something hidden by both the church and slitherers, and neither was willing to spill the truth in the BE route. You can clearly see how a theoretical second half of the BE timeskip route would have played out. BE finds out the truth, realize there were played like a fiddle, they try make amends and attack the slitherers.

>That's because people are insisting it's going to end up as a failed nation when you have all of her ending showing it ends up being peaceful and successful.
It is supposed to end up as a failed nation if you look at it from a logical point of view.
You could argue it's a fictional world that functions diferently, but that doesn't do Edelgard's route any good, because the world-building is simply not convincing.

The end result is the game ignoring all logic and shoving a good ending down our throats, which is what makes people complaim about her.

Personaly, the simple fact that she was rewarded good things for her objectively evil dids makes me mad. She's indefensible
At this point I'm tempted to agree with this comment

Who says they didn't have a way to stop the nukes? Oh yeah, that's right. You and nobody else.

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I have never contradicted the game. That’s all you. We are shown Thales will use the missiles, it’s an opposite of a contradiction that the missiles exist. It’s a literal fact, the missiles do infact exist user.

>who says they didn’t have a way to stop the nukes

Surely you can prove this with some fan fiction about super-hubert

It can't be that much since their ending outright tells you united Fodlan ends up peaceful and prosperous. A nuclear wasteland with millions dead would dash any chance of that happening.

>Who says they didn't have a way to stop the nukes?
Because they killed Serios. The only one that we know is capable of stopping nukes.
So how many more innocent people died in the war that followed?

And they aren't mentioned in the epilogue, so evidently they dealt with it. Stop asking for an explanation if you're going to call any explanation fucking fanfiction.

>Surely you can prove this with some fan fiction about super-hubert
Simple. The slitherers, for all their advanced weapons technology, are not shown to have advanced communications technology. Take out Thales/Lord Arundel and any other high ranking slitherers that might exist when they're alone, and then raid the base. It's not that fucking hard to explain how it happened

So you don't like it therefore it's not canon. Got it.

Mongols DOMINATED your ancestors fag. That is fucking based. Cope.

Hubery had found out the secret hideout where all the nukes are located in the GD route, so clearly they don't need to tank the nukes, just take out the base &/or personnel before it can be used.

Yes, I don't like it. But I didn't argue over this alone.
You are ignoring my objective argumentation.

This discussion about how they dealt with the nukes is dumb because the explanation for how every problem not dealt with during the game getting dealt with in the endings is "because the writer said so".
So please move on.

It's actually hilarious how every time there is a problem, it's traced back to the Empire. Literally the very reason why crests were created was because the Empire decided they deserve to rule the continent and that everyone should bow down to them so Nemesis and the Elites tried to use crests to stop the Empire from invading their homes. 1000 years ago Edelgard's ancestors were already causing problems. Honestly Slitherers really can go on holiday and the Empire would fuck shit up without their help anyway.

The empire was created AFTER nemesis, by Seiros and Edelgard's ancestor.

I understand why this bothers you but your arguments are pointless. They literally say everyone lived happily and peacefully. It does not matter how it happened all that matters is that it happened.

You can chalk it up to bad writing and self insertfags needing airtight happy conclusions.

Seiros funded the empire to fight Nemesis though retard...

It's a shitty ending though where everyone celebrates being subjugated. Golden Deer's ending actually has a repercussion after war where the Empire refuses to stop and starts a new war, Eagles just glosses over it completely that everyone is super happy to be invaded or subjugated.

Oh, so then it wasn't in retaliation to the empire then.

>Seiros funded the empire to fight Nemesis though retard
Opposite, the Empire was founded and declared war, and Nemesis in turn united all the non-Empire territories and fought back.

I still dont get her motives.
She started a war that killed millions for what purpose?

If you hate Edelgard fine, but 3/4 route she gets beaten. Why are you guys so obsessed that you keep spamming daily threads shitting on her?

user, how do they deal with the missiles. Post proof not fan fiction. Your explanation has contradictions

muh crest system

actually crests were created when nemesis and the 10 elites also maurice! killed a bunch of dragons and drank their fucking blood to manifest superpowers, then turned their bones into superweapons and then went on a rampage murdering and pillaging all the nearby villages, so then Seiros and the 4 saints raised an army to stop them from ravaging the fucking land.

That's Edelgard's version of the story. There are 3 versions of the story, one by Seiros which the Church uses, one by Edelgard's ancestor which covers up all the shit humans did, and the real lore.

The fight with Nemesis happened 90 years after the founding of the original empire.

Nice revisionist history there. The Empire was literally founded by Seiros BECAUSE of the moles ppls bullshit. Like killing her mom while she rested after restoring the world and using her bones as weapons.

Yea Forumsincels can't handle a female character that has motivations outside of sucking your dick, if she was a guy she'd be hailed as the best character in all Fire Emblems.

Edelgard loses in 3/4 routes
Claude doesn't exist in 3/4 routes
Dimitri loses in 3/4 routes
Rhea is either missing or retarded in 3/4 routes

It's almost as if the routes are glorifying their own leaders

it's the only way to keep a thread active so the actual gameplay discussion can stay while a handful of people talk about the plot on the side. it's a necessary evil imo

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No. Seiros literally says this in chapter 20 or so on the Golden Deer route.

Because it’s funny

>Find a flaw
>Shitter on her
What are you talking about?

Your argument relies on Edelgard being an ineffective leader and somehow her plans on reform after the war is inferior to what the other house leaders does in their route. Despite time and time again where people have commented that she is a very effective administrator and leader, not just by her people, but people from other houses as well, she is somehow incapable of leading because you said so.

That's Seiros's version of the story. In Edelgard's version, it was a personal grudge between him and Seiros. In the story you get in the Deer route, it was because the newly founded Empire tried to invade the rest of the continent and the nobles gathered under Nemesis' banner and fought back.

>Claude doesn't exist in 3/4 routes
Claude doesn't die in every route that isn't his.

Seiros was literally there so I kind of trust her word a little more as to what happened.

That didn't happen in the GD route. What are you even on about?

>trusting history from dubsteppers

>all these people biting
The square where Bernie is doesn't burn, I know because I sent Ignatz to man the ballista after

inb4 mole ppl good

but user, muh smoke inhalation!

I'll just douse your house in gasoline and light it on fire. But I won't burn the room you're currently sleeping in.

All these conflicting histories is all but certain there's going to be a DLC sidestory where the real truth is shown.

Fire doesnt spread in the FE universe though, retard.

Rhea tells you the truth, m8. She just wants her mommy milkies back.

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>edgelard has been listening to dubstep lizards since she was little
>its why she seems to have brain damage

Real history
God gave knowledge
SOME people were dicks
Wars happen
God restores people/earth and sleep
Nemesis somehow? kills her (physical form) while she is recuperating/sleep.
Uses her body to make weapons
Goes mad
Seiros loses it
War happens
Seiros leads the Empire against mole people

>where the real truth is shown.
Like GD?

if i want money from fishing should i save bait for when the moneyfish are more likely to appear, or wait for when you catch more than one per bait and pray i get moneyfish?

Yep, he just begs the others not to kill his friends, then runs away back to Almyra and becomes their king. Truly a chad.

im pretty sure GD exist already

Nah, it's going to be diving deep into Sothis's mind to see the actual history from back then. Watch as it's all just a huge misunderstanding and every version of the history is wrong.

either or is fine 2bh

What are you even on about now?

That would make GD's route pretty much pointless though
GD's thing is "hey here's what actually happened"


No, my argument is that her premises are wrong because she attempts to deprive the people from their roots, roots that the game does not bother to build up properly and still wants you to think a reform is necessary.
With this, anything anyone in-game says about her policies are vacuous, baseless statements.
Should the game build up a proper world, she would be a tyrant of a leader, unless the humans of that world are somehow different to the point of not having historical attachments and cultural roots.
It took centuries of intelectual revolutions and two world wars for Europeans to forget christianity. Yet, Edelgard can erase the entirety of a people's cultural foundation and create a peaceful, perfect world withim a single generation. And religion is but one of many things that composes a nation.

>If the game tells you she's effective, then she is effective. You aren't supposed to question it
That's how your argumentys is comming across to me

Just like how GD route made all of the other three routes irrelevant? Besides, knowing the actual truth doesn't take away all of their other accomplishments. Misunderstandings does not take away the crimes the people committed back then in response to those misunderstandings.

So Annette could use Lorenz's staff but not get the +2 range?

The reason you need frederick isnt because hes good it because he starts at a higher level and class and is the only unit that can actually fight the first units without dying. Eventually you have to replace him because he turns out pretty bad

>he starts at a higher level and class and is the only unit that can actually fight the first units without dying.
so it's because he's good for what you need him for

That's kinda because crest holders are the minority here but they wield effectively a lot of the power. Reformation working makes sense because a large majority of the population would benefit from the reforms and she had a lot of talented people helping her out.

Well i mean he isnt good. His stats are bad compared to stahl when he reaches knight and he will never reasonably catch up to him

so he's good for what you need him for

>>If the game tells you she's effective, then she is effective. You aren't supposed to question it
I mean yeah. You can write an essay that logically explains why she's a terrible ruler and why her vision is doomed to fail but that's ultimately pointless. "canonically" everythig worked out perfectly simply because the writers said that it did.