I’m not gonna sit here and take this. So, I post a screenshot of my thread and that’s it.
Let’s talk about GreedFall - fuck anime thighs and other nonsense
I’m not gonna sit here and take this. So, I post a screenshot of my thread and that’s it.
Let’s talk about GreedFall - fuck anime thighs and other nonsense
Other urls found in this thread:
Here’s the video I posted about GreedFall
Fuck faggot mods too.
For deleting a fucking thread that is ABOUT VIDEO GAMES. on the VIDEO GAME board of Yea Forums.
fucking retard. Delete NON-VIDEO GAME RELATED fucking threads instead. Dick sucker
You sure it didn't just fall off the catalogue?.
Not op. It was deleted. Dumbass mods.
It was “pruned and or deleted” it said
how could it have fallen off the catalog. It was on the first page
Burn in hell you disgusting shill fuck.
You're giving your game an early grave if you keep making posts as obvious as this, OP.
Why are you so fucking mad? If you want to talk about “perfect anime thighs” go right the fuck ahead. Allow us to discuss actual video games
Will this game be kino?
mods you have my permission to delete this thread
>he thinks there are rules on Yea Forums
>he thinks these make-believe rules are actually enforced
>he thinks unpaid volunteers don't jack off furiously reading threads like this
Lurk ten more years before posting.
>n-no I'm not a shill, you're an anime fan!!!
shill pls
So you mean you, you want to talk about and shill your shitty worthless game, you're fooling no one.
There are rules. They're arbitrarily enforced, but there are rules. If you think otherwise then you are very new here and should lurk more.
As for greedfall, here's your scientist bro.
You talk just like a shill so maybe fix that? Post in a few days after you learn how to talk like a normal person.
I’ve been banned, simply for making a joke requesting cheese with tomato sauce and bread.
So I’m pretty sure there are some rules to 4chins
3 of those are me. I'm not op. I just want to talk about a video game I learned about earlier this year. Crazy innit?
>Yea Forums is one person
>there aren’t even 10 posts the past couple of days regarding greed fall
now post one where you search the term “smash” or “fallout”
are they all shills too?
Yeah, you don't make jokes in regards to CP.
What I don't get is that it's currently 4 AM in France, so wtf is a Spiders/Focus Home Interactive Marketing person shilling off the clock for?
Maybe they're in Tokyo for some reason.
but that let’s you know there are rules, dick
Where my technomancer bros at?
>still defending the game
If you wanted people to realize you are an actual shill then you have suceeded.
>another single player mmo
no thanks
Maybe you don't ask for child pornography then?
game looks ok. I don't buy games anymore tho.
your ost was kind of shilly desu. but why post on Yea Forums? I've learned that the majority of people here are racist, fat, gay, fucks that don't even buy games. they just masturbate to fetish porn and tell everyone how superior they are to everyone because they said so.
fuck Yea Forums. Don't shill on here unless you really want some bad feedback from every reprobate on here.
My fucking brother. I explained to you that I live in NYC. It is fucking 10:27pm here.
does this alone not prove to you I am no shill?
What's your favorite rpg?
>tactical pause
what for exactly
>Yeah, you don't make jokes in regards to CP.
Who the fuck is talking about that here?!
We are in a blue board.
>still responding
You're not a shill but you are autistic, or new. The more you respond, the more they'll shit up the thread. Just talk about the game.
there's no advertising allowed though.
This looks more like DA:inquisition which was a piece of shit
>gay niggers romances
not interested
For tactics, duh. Retard.
This game looks like absolute retard garbage. You and your thread both deserve to be removed from existence.
The shill fears the anime. You're just mad because those thighs will sell more copies than your Witcher knockoff.
I'd rather play Outward
Have you tried no being gay?
You, as you mentioned you got banned for asking for it in a joking manner and learned that's a no-go quickly.
>can only control one guy
yeah right
You're fooling no one OP you shill faggot.
>fuck anime thighs and other nonsense
Would that I could.
I dunno OP, this thread stinks of shill-shit, but the game does look neat. I'm still waiting for Dragon's Dogma 2, so I'll at least be keeping an eye on this in the mean time.
have you tried making sense you dumb nigger?
it's a spiders/focus home interactive game, do they even have the money to shill?
>native princess
>anglo european features
We’re talking about the rules of Yea Forums.
you’re the guy here bringing up these extreme words on a blue board. are you insane?!
Posting is free, dude.
Oh yeah. I remember this, how'd it do? Looking a little eurojank, but that's fine.
They do it for little money
shut the fuck up you piece of shit transsexual
I bet you're white too.
Likely to queue up attacks for your party members similar to dragon age. Honestly this game looks like dragon age or mass effect, hopefully it's fun I kinda liked the combat in inquisition but there weren't many super memorable characters/party members, I'll probably give this a shot the setting is a little odd.
How about I, the person he responded to, talk about the game instead.
Spiders makes truly horrific janky shovelware bullshit unfit for human consumption.
Probably because smelly Frenchmen take 7 months off a year and refuse to do any actual work, which making a decent polished video game takes a lot of.
If they haven't earned being completely written off for you with Mars War Logs and Technomancer than you have poor taste.
why would anyone shill on Yea Forums
"We want the audience that doesn't buy or play games lol"
Why'd you even mention it in the first place? You knew you were gonna get dragged for it.
>trying this hard to fit in
>there's a list of rules therefore there are rules
I bet you're one of those people who think America is a democracy just because they say it is.
>shills reacting to being called out with hostility and belligerence instead of ignoring or deflecting
Bold strategy.
do you newfag shills really not understand Yea Forums
it wasnt pruned, it was fucking boring and died
>smelly Frenchmen
Fuck off you dirty ignorant burger, go back to being fat and bomb another third world country.
The combat was shit but otherwise it was decent. I played it to the end. Not good enough for another playthough though.
if you only knew. I've been here way too long. I'm finally sick of this place.
I played bound by flame and technomancer. Neither are good games but they show clear improvement, and greedfall looks like it has a chance at being their first legit good game.
Shill is a buzzword invented by discord/resetera trannies in an attempt to halt game discussion and kill the board
the game looks like shit
The game will be single player only then. yes?
but there is no party
Or maybe a dude is mad about his video game thread on a video game board getting axed for no apparent reason.
Your moms enjoys a good oligarchy
where do you people pirate your games from nowadays. All I hear about is how every repack is full of miners now.
You're literally acting as a proxy to GoogleAnalytics. I pay money to avoid advertisements, you advertise for free. You are King Faggot in this moment.
Yes if their other games are to go by.
You can have 2 companions with you. It's a party based rpg. Just like technomancer.
spider is making more jank?i am in shock!
but seriously i will probably play it for 3 hours before i get bored.
>you either shill or post anime shit
>hear the word native
>instantly assume it's a native American
America is a democratic republic but that's not what this thread is about.
You might think that is true but sadly, the reality is that this place is now filled with mindless consumer whores who spend all their money on shitty modern games(or even worse, 'retro' collections filled with games that will never ever be played) and any sort of 'gaming' or 'geek culture' merchandise (just take a look at any of those shitty 'battlestation' threads). It's such a sad state of affairs, but that's the reality, and this is a huge board, for Yea Forums's standards and ergo, a huge oportunity for publishers to pay up some shills by pennies by the hours to peddle their bullshit games in here over and over.
The whole 'nobody cares about Yea Forums to shill in it was true years ago, but now, thanks to the influx of reddit (among several other factors) have made this place a haven for shills and publishers monitoring.
>named Aphra
bit on the nose
You gotta get a thicker skin, shill-chan.
Or I’m a dude who wants to discuss a game I discovered. Why click on the post if you swear I’m a shill
When they showcased tactical pause in video there was no party.
>I've been here way too long
Yeah, a whole week, you're such a cool oldbro mr. shill
>I'm finally sick of this place
Don't let the door hit your ass on your way back to r*ddit, piece of shit faggot.
You seem to be operating under the misconception that Yea Forums was ever a board used to discuss video games. It's Yea Forums but with far less porn and MAYBE some video games. There's a reason why moot hated every single fucking faggot on Yea Forums for refusing to stay on topic and he sold Yea Forums to Hiro and he probably fucking hates this board too.
That is some profound historical revisionism.
People complained about viraling in '06 at least, and shilling since ~'10, well before Discord existed.
disgusting nigger.
>t. been here less than a year
You can obviously tell that poster isn’t me (OP). because only a try hard idiot would begin insulting people based on race/country
that’s low-tier /pol/ bullshit. I haven’t done that a single time
Fuck off shill.
I didn't think you were a shill before, but I do now.
There were in other parts. Maybe you can dismiss them or have to go alone for certain story beat. I dunno.
have sex
their library is lacking most new releases, though
>Gay shit
>Quote the same post twice
>Even replied separately
t. newfag reddit shilling tranny
She's smarter than you, cletus.
Get a better job, shillmeister.
Gives you the chance to pause combat and weigh your options.
I’d enjoy the option to do so
>Trailer promises infinite roleplay possibilities
>Scene blatantly uses a voiced protag
Promises broken before launch.
>smarter than white male
cmon now lad, this is not how life works
France is a third world country, they work for pennies a day
Just don't be gay, bro. It's so easy lmao
If your game doesn't has Blizzard or Nintendo name on it it's gonna get deleted
lol fucking idiots.
You're too stupid to be a shill, and I have a vested personal interest in keeping advertisement agencies out of my life. If an advertisement is going to find it's way to me, then I'm not exactly going out of my way to lambaste the person behind it since it's already parading in my face. I bet you pay money to give ad space across your entire chest to shit quality chink manufactured athletic-wear brands.
Yeah, thats what happens when no one posts in the thread. It deletes after it falls off the catalog. Mods didnt do shit.
That's clearly an athlete
>Just don't be gay
do you think she stole those?
Me and my crew about to colonize the new world and smash some native puss.
She's judging how much that shit is worth before taking it and checking if it's lean.
>Dat shit purple?
This nigga is new.
When a thread falls off the catalog it is archived, new friend. Only mods delete/prune threads. holy fucking wow, you did a magnificent job of announcing yourself
you're on Yea Forums wasting your life. you are already dumber than most black women.
fuck off French fag
I actually despise clothes with brands on them
Just do it
No, op is right. the thread was definitely deleted. i was posting in it and it was nowhere near in danger of getting archived. Plus it said it was deleted, so there's no disputing the fact.
you're wasting your life taking all those cocks up in your ass you fucking niggerloving faggot.
They're back?
>other garbage
Maybe you were posting worse garbage and bumping your own thread instead of letting it die naturally.
Constitutional republic, not democratic republic.
You might want to tone down the racism friend, that's bannable here.
It was for good reason, shill threads need to be deleted.
Since when did Yea Forums archive posts?
Im pretty sure other sites did that voluntarily.
see how mad you got? thanks idiot. the only nigger here is you, faggot. take that dick cheese you have there and spread it all over yourself, cracker.
It wasn't a shill thread though.
You might want to kill yourself, it's allowed and encouraged for people like you.
Not outside of Yea Forums.
since forever you fucking newfag
You can only bump your own thread ONCE.
Your OP, and your first reply - and considered two different “posters”. after you reply in your own thread the first time, you can read on the bottom you are counted as “1 unique poster”. only unique posters can bump posts up the catalog pages.
Fucking new friends everywhere, today. Is calling everyone a shill a meme in this pathetic place? You follow the bandwagon, but don’t fully understand how the website works. hmm?
>When a thread falls off the catalog it is archived, new friend
unless a thread is flagged for pruning, in which case it's deleted when it falls off the catalogue. keeps nip moot happy because he no longer has to pay dataspace to hold onto /trash/ tuesdays
Seriously now, mate. Keep that up and I'll have no choice but to report you.
Since a couple years ago, not forever.
It's somewhat recent.
Jesus christ dude. You've never refreshed a thread after being AFK for 45 minutes and it was archived in that time? Are you literal scootypuff phoneposter extrordinaire? Just stop
It was, and so is this. You're the OP and a shill.
It looks like Dragon Age Inquisition, aka shite.
that's pretty gay dude, I bet you like chancebandit too
Yet if you look on the bottom, this thread (like my last thread) are on the first page.
The previous thread was pruned and only reached 89 replies. Hardly the limit. it was clearly deleted by a faggot mod.
why are you defending the mods? Are you some kind of moderator or something? We don’t take to kindly to your kind around here
>It looks like Dragon Age Inquisition
Nah. Greedfall's use of the 1700s look isn't nearly as haphazard as bioware's.
What does that name even mean
Now, skeeter, he ain't hurting nobody
I don't know what that is
fuck this thread, I'm going to play Overwatch even though its not as fun as it used to be with role lock on.
qt female conqueror subjugating the natives and taking qt native girls for her yuri dom harem.
Then you're halfway on your way. The point now is to attune to all the ways you're being advertised to in this life and shun them all. You can still like things, but you will have to work harder to not sound like a mouthpiece so that people feel like what someone else is trying to get them to buy into is actually grassroots rather than astroturf. I don't even want to hate you, but I'll be hostile to anyone that's acting like a proper cog. We're better than this.
>the absolute state of Yea Forums
I'll give you props for a somewhat thought out shill thread
now fuck off
whats wrong with her face?
>actually decided to do OP a favor and check out the trailer
>the entire thing is an ear piercing voice talking about the game in monotone
>gameplay looks very stale
no wonder your thread died, you're nothing but a shill
It got fucked up
It's tired
Game looks halfway interesting, developer pedigree sucks, faggots crying shill are faggots, the world turns.
>the entire thing is an ear piercing voice talking about the game in monotone
This is how you demo games now. You hire a radio person to narrate an overview of what the game is about and what the gameplay is. Rockstar started it with LA noire, I believe. I like it. Much better than a gampleplay trailer that's just a bunch of 3 second quick cuts for 2 min.
Spiders has never made a good game.
OP in full shill mode.