Death Stranding man looks cold

Death Stranding man looks cold

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this game is going to be awful

He sure does.

There's a fuckload of enviros in this game

>bu bu bu bu bu izza movie

Back to Discord, Xcucks.

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I hope he sell enough copies to get himself a nice jacket.

man he must be freezing

God I wish I was the snow

We find out later that scene is not in the game, it's actually Kojima's background.

oh Kojima-sama, lets rub our dicks together to keep warm.

How can anyone unironically not be hyped for this game?

contrarians mostly. even haters are excited for the shitpost material.

stop saying this
i know its you

Its me.

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Intrigued and interested but I wouldn't say hyped. Hype is for marketers.

cursed image

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cool so he saw RDR2 and ripped it off fucking HACKJIMA strikes again

what's the model of that sony tv

>typical forest, plains, mountains

>rdr2 invented snow


its the macarena
move along
nothing to see here

So far, this game looks like Kojima taking the absolute piss out of the term "walking simulator".

What's a "Strand" game again?

why doesn't he just use some t-eng?

RDR2 did characters that realistically respond to their environment before Death Standing you Kojifag

>equipped with highly advanced tech
>can't even be fucked to put on a wind mask

Fantastic. Truly realistic.

It’s a game where you strand around all day

>cold enough to wear a thick fucking parka-jacket thing
>cold enough to have ice and snow depositing on your skin


fucking dumb

>telling anyone else to go back to discord

I got news for you.

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Weather effects are a new technology?