Borderlands 3 will be using the Denuvo anti-tamper tech

>The official Epic Games Store page for Borderlands 3 has been updated, revealing that the game will be using the Denuvo anti-tamper tech. Now I’m pretty sure that this is something that will definitely displease a lot of Borderlands fans. Still, it’s good knowing prior to the game’s release that it will use this controversial anti-tamper tech.

>Borderlands 3 is a game that a lot of gamers are looking forward to. However, 2K Games has done everything it can to dishearten its PC fans. The game will be initially exclusive on the Epic Games Store and it will also use a DRM that most PC gamers hate.

>Given the fact that this is Borderlands 3 we’re talking about, it will be interesting to see how the cracking community will react. While a certain group claimed that it was able to crack the latest version of Denuvo, there are still a lot of uncracked games.


The current version of Denuvo is near uncrackable, you piratefags are fucked.

Attached: denuvo crack pirates 6.jpg (1600x731, 356K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bros... I need it

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>moving to EGS will be a good move, because more revenue will go to the devs

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Get fucked thirdworlders

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>tranny robot threads
>denuvo threads
memelands 3 marketing team sure is trying hard to make people care about it

>It'll sell on Epic!
>B-better put in double the anti-piracy measures just in case
lmao, they know they're fucked. No one is using Epic, the game will sell fucking nothing on PC. Pirates will have this cracked in days, mark my word. Denuvo is proven useless time and again.

Because they won't be selling a single copy. Epic has no users, it's a complete failure.

Reminder that the original Borderlands was blatantly viral marketed here, the amount of shill threads that all followed the same template was ridiculous.

This just means nobody will buy it.
Enjoy your lack of sales.

Why do trolls always use the same dumb pictures. No one wants to play the games that aren't cracked, and the ones that people do want to play, always get cracked.

Wolfenstein Youngblood has Denuvo on Steam. I don't see the connection with Epic

Total War Three Kingdoms took several months to get cracked, a game people wanted

>got cracked
There you go retard

... which took several months

>Make a game impossible to pirate
>Less than 1k people buy it

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So? Piratechads are smart and patient. They have other things going on their life and don't go apeshit the minute 1 game comes out.

ACO proved that people are more than willing to wait

That game is legit good though. Best cart racer over ever played.

Gonna be waiting 6 months otherwise, not really much an issue

oh well

Based marketers and investers dabbing on image board incels

Imagine thinking anyone would even bother pirating Genderlands.

why tho?

I want this game to bomb so fucking bad but I feel like a lot of retards who don't understand the implications of EGS and Denuvo will just buy it anyway, and it'll start a trend of more and more devs making the switch to fuck their audiences over

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A lot of Yea Forums has unironically preordered it - BL1 and BL2 were popular here until Randy sperged out

Probably most people are playing that on a console retard

>got cracked
cry more paypig
>with dlc and patches that you have to pay once again for

Is anyone suprised a shit game uses denuvo? There haven't been any good games using it

Zoomer retard falling for DRM company publicity spiel. Just wait til holiday season is over and the cracking groups have a nice challenge to get sunk into.

Good thing that I've never played a single Borderlands game in my life, and of course I have no intentions to play the third one.
Good times.

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who cares


>Borderlands 3 is a game that a lot of literal retards are looking forward to.

Resident Evil 2

DMC5 as well

How many times has denuvo been uncrackable? 7?

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>prior to the game’s release
But not before they started accepting preorders.

Personally it is a fight I have given up on though, the devs know damm well denuvo costs more than it saves but the shareholders will never understand.

Code vein.

In fairness you could argue that Borderlands' popularity was due to having little competition in the loot shooter genre until Destiny. Things arent the same now

The point of piracy is that it's faster and more convenient than buying it

Nobody wants to wait six months to play a game

>the devs know damm well denuvo costs more than it saves

Total War Three Kingdoms did extremely well thanks to Denuvo

Both mediocre games

>bad souls game

I thought the point was only getting stuff for free with no consequence because pirates are all either filthy thirdworlders or poorfags

At least thats what I've been led to believe by DRM shillposting

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>nobody wants to wait
You fucking ignoramus, they already wait for the sales and the hype to die down like normal people, of course they can wait for a crack
>did well thanks to Denuvo
>implying the game wasn't just good on it's own merits.

You're not missing out. Take the worst mechanics of Diablo-like loot games where most of the loot is just "What you were doing but slightly better" and slap that onto an FPS with mostly hitscan weapons and MMO-style gating ("Oh, that enemy is five levels above you? Doesn't matter where you aim, you won't hit it.") where the only interesting builds come in the Post-Game of Hard Mode New Game+ but even then it's mostly "What you were doing but better."

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>thanks to Denuvo
Thanks to China.

The game flopped hard.

Woah wtf horza 4 finally got cracked?

>rolling onions
as always

Eeeh, people are "invested" in this shit setting and shit set of characters. I'll never understand people who like looter game lore except for the first Diablo.

>>implying the game wasn't just good on it's own merits.

Good games get pirated.

who cares keep your shit game

>I thought the point was only getting stuff for free with no consequence because pirates are all either filthy thirdworlders or poorfags

Gaben's argument is that pirating games is better than paying for them and he wants to fix it with Steam, but free is free.

Steam shouldn't be such a bloated piece of shit then

>The current version of Denuvo is near uncrackable

Every time someone says this, a Denuvo game gets cracked after a day.

Who gives a shit?
It only delays the inevitable .

I do it to save money. If i could buy the games and get a bluray dad and a box id buy more pc games but you can get fucked if you think i will spend 60 dollars on a digital license unless i love the game/series

Man they REALLY don't want people to buy this lol.

>uses denuvo
>can't mod the game which will obviously be a broken piece of shit in to a better state
why would I even want to play it now?

>A lot of Yea Forums has unironically preordered it
Is this how queerbox employees cope with Stillborn flopping?

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you care

the fact that people still grasp to this franchise that was cool 2009-2012 blows my mind. I was so hyped for the original borderlands, bought it day 1 before all the hype came in from being one of the most successful games in an otherwise boring year. I just couldn't give less of a shit now. I didn't like 2 that much, so that doesn't help. But everything about this series is so fucking dated. People think this will make looter shooters great again, but in reality I think people just don't want to admit that everyone just realized looter shooters aren't that good

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Literally the whole point

Still waiting on Octopath

>Still no crack for the newest Anno

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>The current version of Denuvo is near uncrackable
says increasingly nervous man for the 30th time
yeah, sure, it'll totally not be cracked, sure thing buddy

You mean 7374

Looter shooters are gay

>there are denuvo fags
I refuse to believe this. It's like if some company stopped you from being able to use your toilet without damaging it slightly more everytime and people being happy with it.

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More like putting a governor on a go cart

>Piratefags unironically believe this

Crackers aren't magical elves that'll solve all your problems

Holy shit the cope lol

Anybody who has actually played octopath doesn't want it
I can't believe I brought the collectors edition for that mediocre ass game.

It's an honest thought. Why do you want your games that you buy to have denuvo on them? Time has proven throughout the ages that you can't make something uncrackable. The closest you can get is having there be no interest in cracking. I'm not personally going to purchase or pirate BL3 because I think the combat is aids and shooting someone in the face a hundred times while they don't even flinch is boring as hell. But I still want to know why you want to defend Denuvo?

>The current version of Denuvo is near uncrackable
crack so near its only a month away

You were never gonna buy it cause you’re a pirate

Get dunked on

>But I still want to know why you want to defend Denuvo?

It makes Steam drones mad that they can't pirate EGS games.

more like anti-user tech
fyi i never buy denuvoshit

not really.

Ive saved thousands on not paying for worthless digital license codes for pc games over the decades and youre a digital buyfag cuck.

correction: borderlands does not use hitscan. the guns fire actual projectiles; you'll notice when you're sniping moving targets that you have to lead your shots a bit or they'll miss


I bought plenty of games that gave me hours of entertainment. It's just that nowadays I don't get demos so I have to pirate first. I pirate everything as a poor teenager, now I pay as a working adult.
>It makes Steam drones mad that they can't pirate EGS games
I can get behind this, even though many people shit on EGS It's good to have someone pushing Steam's shit in

>Putting their game on EGS when BL2 and TPS were both native on GNU/Linux, and the GOTY version might have been as well
>Slapping Denuvo on it too just for good measure
It's like Randy Pitchfuck knew I hated these games so much that he took the time to make sure I'd never have to play the new one or its sequels ever again. Thanks dickhead.

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I was already not even going to pirate it.

yeh then I wont buy it cucklord

No point - it will be literally cracked in days. All the scene groups and known crackers are going to be working extra hard to spite the Epic launcher

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>implying anyone would want to pirate this shitshow

Paypigs feel sad when people get what they paid for for free, so they need to come up with tons of excuses and gloat about the shit they paid for being made worse to slightly delay people getting it for free. Its a similar reason to why the vinyl resurgence took off after mp3s became big.

No one asked about consoles retard
If you'd read the thread, you'd notice that we're talking about PC

wait did it?

Wow. Wait several months or spend 60 bucks for entretainment. I wonder what people are gonna pick?