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Other urls found in this thread:



>fake fighting

fake and gay post for a fake and gay show

Why would they label it by year and not an actual title?

Speaking of rasslin, what PS2 game should I pop in?

>not a njpw game

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Def jam vendetta

This pleases the Jerma

who cares

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The answer was Kinnikuman Grand Prix 2. Galactic Wrestling would have also been an acceptable answer.

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huh wat u mean?

Galactic wrestling was my shit for so long. Mgp 2 is good but I suck at fightan games.

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I don’t watch wrestling so I don’t care.

The real question is will there be character creation and how fucking good/free-reign is it

This is the only thing that matters.

>he's over 5 and enjoys wrestling

Attached: Girls.jpg (600x536, 81K)

All they have to do is include a good CAW creator with the least amount of restrictions possible and not have it be a boring as shit realistic wrestling game.

>City Hunter
I know you're a good person.

Or French.

>Ruins WWE games for 20 years
>2K ends their relationship
>Turns out they were working on a new game for Elite Wrestling using their WWE engine
Elite is decimating WWE in and out of the ring.

not everyone is under 5 and chinese bro

Stop being mean

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My dad works the marks, he told me Riho is the cover star.

I just want a new Rumble Roses

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Wrestling games exist for the sole purpose of making videogame characters/memes/you and your friends fight eachother. Preferably through glitchy AI battles.

I do.

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Who the fuck? That's not THQ!

>makers of the smackdown series

It's fucking nothing

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Fire Pro Wrestling is still getting releases, no one cares.


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Literally never. The age of T&A in games is coming to an end. Even DOA is halal now.


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>Legendary video game developer Yuke's
If they are so legendary, why of their games sans WWE (which they stated to have problems currently) are underrated wasted potential games, simply lies i'm waiting for their fall no matter what new game franchise they pull, so the hidden gem (which they gave the false promise to give a sequel) will finally receive the justice it deserves by better developers like Arcsystem (very fitting for that game).



Man, Kenny really isn't looking too hot in that sneak peek.

took me ten seconds to check twitter and confirm this was fake

op is a fag

Have you seen him recently? Kenny has aged 10 years since leaving Japan.

when did Fred turn into two anime girls?

Looks and plays like shit

Didn't yukes make def jam?

Kota Ibushi has magic de-aging semen confirmed.

Never really liked wrestling on TV but I did enjoy WCW vs NWO: Revenge on the N64 and Day of Reckoning on Gamecube. Pretty sure there was one on PS2 I enjoyed as well.

I tried playing a recent one PS4 and it was awful, just load screen after load screen and it wasn't fun to play at all.

and The age of T&A in gacha rises. fuck that

How long has it been in development?

>Shitpost of a promotion hires shitpost of a development team

the average wrestling fan's IQ is 75

you tell me

i don't enjoy wrestling, i enjoy sports entertainment


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Wrestling is as fake as OP's enthusiasm for wrestling games

Alright but where is my WWE All Stars 2? I'm tired of the same 2K shit every year

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Based Rick Rude

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>GOAT club.jpg
>Sham "Lowest drawing champion of all time" Michaels

dude was a walking five star match back in the day

Attached: IMG_4429.gif (317x178, 3.64M)

It’s surprising how well the All Stars roster aged. Especially the modern picks. Only busts I can remember were Swagger and Morison and even they managed to rebound on the indies

You mean gimmick Taker matches and carry jobs by Bret and Austin, he was nothing but meme bumps outside of those.

You make me look. Thank god is fake.
Even so, both AEW and Yuke are working in videogames. Just we need to know if they're working together or just different projects.

Remove Michaels and put this nigga in the pic

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>there are people who actually watch wrestling
What the fuck

What's wrong with it again?

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yeah I wouldn't buy that desu

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it's not le anime cartoons so it makes me seethe

no he wasn't

well they better keep at that, because EDF Iron Rain they made was pretty damn bad

Will it have a character creator and can you make them participate in a royal rumble?
Will he finally win?

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The word you're looking for is "haram."

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He was.

No he;s not. He said that game is halal, not that tits are haram.

i remember hearing that he wanted to bring the aki engine back
but idk

Yukes is fucking trash though. The whole reason 2k started making wrestling games was because of how bad Yukes was

yukes is alright when they are allowed time to dev and test shit properly. the annual rehash is what killed everything after here comes the pain.

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didnt the blue guy just go out of bounds and therefore lose the round?

I want to beat the shit out of pic related until she cries, hug her, hit her again, tell her if she tells anyone I will kill her, hug her again and say she means a lot to me, fuck her rough and go home.

Kevin Nash was raped during the hot summer of 1992

>says the tranny on a videogame and anime site

If it's anything like sumo you can step out to drop a lifted opponent out.

Why is AEW so boring outside of Kenny? I thought it would be more like NJPW but it's way more western than that.

HOLY FUCKING YIKES! In other news, WWE games are now being made by Visual Concepts after dropping those Yukes shitters.

This is all I care about

t. E drone

did he tear his quad?

>This is what American Wrestling fans enjoy these days

Attached: americanwrestling.webm (853x480, 2.65M)

As long as we all agree that Elite multiman tag matches were all shit then everything is fine.

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Source is in spanish though, so translated TL;DR
>The (original) report says:
>"The Good Friday's AAA episode was a massive success, achieving a 3.2 rating with a total of 5.4 million viewers".
>We contacted Nielsen IBOPE to get the real numbers, and they're really different:
>"Lucha Azteca, on Good Friday, drew a 1.37 rating, meaning they drew 772 140 viewers."

AEW, Konnan and Dave Meltzer BTFO

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Imagine having to pay for ticket to see this

Imagine paying for ticket to see any american wrestling

Take a bump

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>thinking anime and wrestling fandoms don't cross

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When does he not

crowd barely reacts, so they are doing that shit for nothing

>Plays games rated E10+ and T
Uh oh

If kenny omega is in it, then just take my money. The dude is alpha as fuck.

Isn't he most known for filming some slag having sex with a black guy?

I wonder if he actually took the name from VTM or if it was just a coincidence?

>Lowest drawing champion of all time
That was Diesel or Seth Rollins

That was Brad Maddox.

is that the guy that plays fortnite

WWF Prospectus filed in Oct 1999 with SEC:
May-Apr Fiscal Year - WWF Net Income (Profit/Loss):
1994-95 - $87,352,000 (-$4,431,000)
1995-96 - $85,815,000 ($3,199,000)
1996-97 - $81,863,000 (-$6,505,000)
Bret was WWF Champ from May 1, 1994 - Nov 23, 1994 & WWF made loss of $4.43 million
Diesel was WWF Champ from May 1, 1995 - Nov 19, 1995 & WWF made profit of $3.19 million
HBK was WWF Champ from May 1, 1996 - Nov 17, 1996 & WWF made loss of $6.50 million
HBK would win the WWF title again at Royal Rumble 1997, & hold it for another 25 days. So in the 1996-97 fiscal year, HBK held the WWF title for a combined 226 days. Sycho Sid held the WWF title for a combined 97 days. Bret Hart held the WWF title for 1 day. The Undertaker held the WWF title for 39 days.
Therefore the man who held the WWF title the longest during WWF's biggest money losing year was Shawn Michaels.
Royal Rumble PPV buyrates:
(1.10) - Bret Hart vs. Taker - RR 96
(1.00) - Diesel vs. Bret Hart - RR 95
(0.90) - Yokozuna vs. Taker - RR 94
(0.70) - HBK vs. Sid - RR 97
WrestleMania PPV buyrates:
(1.68) - Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna - WM 94
(1.40) - Diesel vs. HBK - WM 95
(1.20) - HBK vs. Bret Hart - WM 96
(0.77) - Taker vs. Sid - WM 97
King of the Ring PPV buyrates:
(0.85) - Piper vs. Lawler - KOTR 94
(0.65 ) - Diesel/Bigelow vs. Sid/Tatanka - KOTR 95
(0.60) - HBK vs. Bulldog - KOTR 96
(0.50) - Taker vs. Farooq - KOTR 97
SummerSlam PPV buyrates:
(1.30) - Taker vs. Taker - SS 94
(0.90) - Diesel vs. Mabel - SS 95
(0.80) - Bret Hart vs. Taker - SS 97
(0.58) - HBK vs. Vader - SS 96
Survivor Series PPV buyrate:
(0.90) - Taker vs. Yokozuna - SS 94
(0.89) - Bret Hart vs. HBK - SS 97
(0.58) - HBK vs. Sid - SS 96
(0.57) - Diesel vs. Bret Hart - SS 95

how do ya ding-dong diddly feel knowing ya idol, big daddy bitch kevin trash, was raped in the unusually mild summer of 1992, wolfsimp?

>Taker vs Taker
Wrestling is some bullshit.

Will it ever be this good again?


No. ref will reposition them if they go too far out.

This thread is bases

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It helps that they cheated with the Superstars roster and like half of them were 5+ year veterans that had already proved themselves, like Rey Mysterio, and fucking Kane and Triple H.

he was a simp

TFRkun pls


2K has been absolute garbage for at least five years now

They credited White Wolf in the games he appeared on

bros... is vince gonna get cody murdered

Call me when they make a good 3d Stardom game

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Vince is too senile to do it. Triple Gaytch is gonna shoot bury him.

Attached: mayu eats meat.webm (632x352, 2.78M)

Asking the real questions here

i have this wild theory that this is all a work for wwe somehow idk

>he posts on a videogame Vietnamese knitting community image board

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look at this faggot and laugh

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There's a fucking reason why WWE dropped those shitters.

Because they announced they wanted to make a new game and got sick of rehashing features from 2K14 over and over again.

yeah, but are they gonna have When Worlds Collide by Powerman5K?

Sorry i only play Fire Pro

Attached: how do you like me now uh.webm (900x506, 2.9M)

>gets up at 2.9
>immediately no-sells
mmmmmmmmmmmmm bring a bottle of jack and a case of beer it's wrestlers's court for you

Because 80% of the roster is composed of flippy skinny manlets

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>Wresting in current year


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this belongs in the asp quarantine board


ya seethe

get a clue


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>no pc
>wrestling without mods

>Yea Forums getting worked by a fake tweet with a screenshot of a 2K19 mod
oh no no no no no no