But the game is fun with friends

>but the game is fun with friends
>it actually is
What's her name, Yea Forums?

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Unironcally Fortnite.

Every single game

literally 99% of games, only the absolute worst piles of dogshit arent fun with friends, so long as they are good enough friends

Any game your friends will play with you. Socialization unironically can make almost any game fun.

what isn't fun with friends

Beyond: two souls
Me and my buddy Adam had a blast laughing along at the awful plot and graphics. Great fucking time waster

I thought every single game could be fun with friends until I tried playing Colonial Marines with friends.

Any game? You could manage to have fun throwing literal shit around if it's with friends.

Although you might as well pick something that's fun either way, and then play with it friends.


New Super Mario Bros Wii is some of the most fun I’ve ever had in a game with friends despite being one of the most forgettable platformers I’ve ever played alone.

SBR and Jojolion are so much better than parts 3-6 that they make shonen Jojo seem like a bad joke.

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Dead Island

Pretty much any decent fps

SBR is a masterpiece but I'm still not quite on board with JoJolion yet

Part 4 is an easy second-place for me

Yeah no. SBR is great but Jojolion is nowhere near as good as part 3 and 4.

Just today, me and my bro played Crypt of The Necrodancer and Super Mario 3d World and both are games better enjoyed in company

is 8 not done yet? last chapter I read was the dude throwing kfc everywhere

Have you even read it? The subtle characterization of Joshu as the quintessential modern-day Casanova laced with airs of da Vinci is simply sublime.

It may or may not be approaching the end
The rokakaka saga seems to be coming to a close but I can't tell if that's also the end of the Part or not

Nah, sorry user

>but the game is fun with friends
this was never a meme, it's almost always true
the reason it's a poor judge of quality is BECAUSE almost everything is fun with friends, if it's even remotely functional and has any form of moderate interaction a group of people who know each other will be able to derive enjoyment from it

4 is overrated. Oh, it’s good, but it’s way overrated. 5 is underrated.

It probably has 2-3 more years before being done so its understandable that most people aren't keeping up with it. I had a similar opinion of it when I first finished all material a few years ago but I've been reading it the past few days and it's almost better than SBR.

Literally every game

5 is just 3 but worse in every way

Is having friends the most ultimate form of cùckoldry?

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The anime changed that forever, now it can be safely called the second worst part without retards claiming it was actually good.


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oh nice, a thinly veiled jojo thread. do any one of you have that picture of Dio saying "based"?

risk of rain 2 is the only reason i talk with my friends

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>game is trash
>game is still trash with friends

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What does this even mean?

you're not fucking them but someone else could be.

Stands or Personas, Yea Forums?

Resident Evil 5.
Can't play it by myself.

Personas are just Stands with stats


Stardew Valley
Minecraft skyblock challenges

any fighting game ever

You'll find out one day


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A lot of games are better with friends but RE5 is unironically a masterpiece with a partner.

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Im pretty sure the sentence only makes sense in your coping echo chamber mind

either way he's not getting laid so it's cuckoldry


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Secret Neighbor

X men legends series and the first/third ultimate alliance

>no u

Aw, you mad kid ? :3

Holy shit can you not type like such a fart inhaler?

Any games besides warframe that lets me feel like a stand user?

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AVP online was fucking kino. what are you on about.

>movement sickness from playing Alien
>predator being cheesy as fuck with Shurkien and plasma caster
>Marines suck dick because you always have to run to the other side of the map to pick up your respawned buddy

Basically the same thing, except all Personas are aligned with the Major Arcana, while only 22 Stands are.

Holy fuck I can hear your nasally voice

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For as much as I hated reading Part 5 they did a decent enough job animating it and I enjoyed it more than I thought. SBR is still leaps and bounds better then any other part though.
This. New season is ass though even with the boys.

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This has to be a samefag. I can't imagine more than one person being a brainlet of this caliber.

You didn’t understand. Read again.

SBR is probably the greatest manga I have ever read but Jojolion is really boring right now. Maybe it'll be a better read when its finished but this month-to-month shit is a lot slower than it was with SBR's high-octane run

Colonial Marines, you dickhead. It's a different game entirely.
AVP was immensely fun with friends.

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Marvel ultimate alliance, my friend and I just played through 1 and 2 and we probably gonna try 3 next pretty stoked it looks fun.

You should probably read more manga. Not that I disagree with SBR being a masterpiece.


Resident Evil 5 and 6 are an absolute blast to play with a mate. The gameplay is just passable enough to have a good time, but its the pure cheese of the plot and dialogue that really makes it an experience.

All the Resident Evil movies are great to watch with a friend for the same reason.

I dunno but a crossover persona/jojo fighter would literally make me die fucking happy whilst playing.

Nah your just a faggot


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Are you actually incapable of recognizing sarcasm? There's no way that poster was being genuine as Joshu is one of the most unlikable characters ever.

Until dawn.
Play until you switch characters or die.


A lot of the Personas look like classic Jojo Stands too, so it'd fit. Not the animalistic demons like Lamia or the angels/yinyang ones, but stuff like Orpheus, Thanatos, Izanagi, and Arsene would work well as Stands.

100% this. Games are a chore solo, but top tier with a friend. Movies are cringe, but fun to roast with others. Shit, maybe thats why theyre so popular.

Man how's fortnite nowadays? Did they fix the performance on PC? Had trouble running season 9, so much so that I just gave up on it

Personas are just the usual JRPG magic powers

I probably should, I've only read a few things like Death Note, Prison School, Bleach, Gintama, Berserk, and some random shit here and there.

Never had too much of a problem performance wise this season. Audio is fucked half the time though which is annoying with it switching primary sound devices. I say give it a shot.

Alice in Borderland, Beastars, Attack on Titan, and Parasyte are some good recommendations spread out across genres.

When you can no longer entertain your “friends” or do them any favors for them they will depart from you.

Exactly. I would never play RE5/6 alone, but I'm down to replay it anytime if I've got a friend. I kind of suspect the CG RE movies are intentionally bad.

Dying Light

Masterpiece Tier

Amazing Tier
Battle Tendency
Diamond is Unbreakable

Great Tier
Stardust Crusaders
Vento Aureo

Good Tier
Phantom Blood
Stone Ocean

Jojolion is kinda unclear for me now. The early parts was amazing for me, now it's kinda dragging a bit.

Eh...I’ll allow it.


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Roleplay games.

Barotrauma, SS13, Garry's mod

All good

All of the character exclusive Personas look like stands. The other ones don't because they're just demons from SMT.

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no, that's stupid. this is unfunny

I'm honestly not a big fan of the SMT demon designs as Personas. The character-exclusive Personas are cool as hell though.


Diavolo is a little bitch who's strongest power is to run away tail between the legs

I agree.

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Persona 2 had the best Stands.

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No other manga made me feel so immersed as 4 did. It felt surreal because I was living it. A master piece of pacing, for me.

Stand powers are more creative in 5 than 3. I suppose it mostly comes down to which cast of characters you like more. I wasn't a fan of how much focus Polnareff got in 3.

Stands have stats too.

Lost Planet 2 my nigga

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any singleplayergame
no one takes turns
only one guy plays

well it better damn well be for Araki to work on it for 20+ years

6 is underrated if anything

After golden wind and checking stone ocean i dont see how this can get good

It's almost a waste that this art isn't actually in the games. I suppose they came in the manuals before but that doesn't do much for anyone going back on newer platforms.

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Stands but I like Hamon more
Hamon >= Spin > Stands

5 is only below 3 because giorno and his stand

>Stand powers are more creative in 5 than 3.
Even if that's true, and I don't think it is, the fights tend to drag on for way too long, the enemies themselves are annoying as hell, and the Part's main villain is absolute trash

With 100% conviction I can say the only part of VA I enjoy is the Doppio/Nero fight and frankly the Part would be significantly better if Nero had won and become the main villain

"Fun with friends" is the worst fucking argument ever. Everything can be fun with friends and it's not a legit point unless being co-op with a friend is part of the game design such as in a way out or RE5. Shit like borderlands is still a fucking drag just cause my stupid fucking friend is grinding away at meat puppets with me

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Any fucking game can be fun with friends - that should never be a selling point if there game.
Watching paint dry in a room full of horses is also fun with friends.

>Going through divorce papers
>Car accidents
>Waiting in line
>Hanging out with (You)

Hmm...this is debatable.

I think advertisers know that their core audience isn't autistic enough to take it so literally. Plus, they can put anything they want on it really.

Divinity 2

Waiting in line with friends can be fun tho

how nigga

there are entire websites dedicated to watching someone you've tricked yourself into thinking of as a friend playing a game, so there's gotta be some fun in the real thing

8 too high
5 and 1 too low

how do I make friends

All Jojo villains suck except for the ones in SBR because of their deuteragonist qualities. Funny Valentine, Sandman and Ringo stand out far more than any other part as convincing realistic villains, exception being maybe the pillar men. Haven't read Part 8, but I hear it doesn't even have a main villain yet.

goddamnit i want Kaneko doing art again

Digimon Rumble Arena 2.

>implying you didn't laugh when somebody got Phantommon'd.

Playing s4 League chaser mode with a bunch of drunk friends is the best gaming experience I've ever had to this day.

>Haven't read Part 8, but I hear it doesn't even have a main villain yet.
It may or may not
It's hard to tell

Its a complete genre shift. He wanted to start a new manga but publishers forced him to make it Jojo.

5 is just 3 but less fun
1 isnt bad at all it just cant compare

It doesn't really need a main villain; Valentine was an antagonist but not really a villain as in a battle shonen arc villain. I feel like Araki intentionally made stands weaker and "fights" less important to accent the western theme in part 7 and the mystery theme in part 8.

>Its a complete genre shift.
Can you explain this?
Because none of them are the same genre, I'm up to Stone Ocean and I feel like they're all different.

Why did the thread continue from here?

Its hard to explain, But it feels a lot more 'mature'
The story and characters are much deeper, It all feels a lot more human.

Nigga there was a Stand in the first damn chapter

I don't get how the inclusion of Spin and the re-appearance of Stands make it more mature?
I was thinking that it'd be more in line with part 1 and 2.

if a game isn't fun with friends it should probably have its title written in a special book of suspected demonic works

Just read it faggot
It's Araki's magnum opus