Your favorite game in the series is widely regarded as the worst one

>Your favorite game in the series is widely regarded as the worst one

what's her name Yea Forums?

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dark souls 2

Saints Row 3
Hotline Miami 2
Serious Sam 3
Halo Reach (Bungie era wise)
I can justify each of these for myself but it's not like anyone cares

I know that feel all too well.

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X7 doesn't count

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Mass Effect 1


I honestly don't get the hate, X6 has the best music too.
X5 music was just meh

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Justify all of them. I enjoyed Reach and SR3

Metal gear survive

It's flashy and ridiculous but more of an action tv/movie way. The sex humor was crass and some missions were boring but I liked how the Boss interacted with their lieutenants in both humorous and serious conversations. Finally, mods like sandbox++ are easy to install and fi a lot of problems people have with it, like lack of >soul, so all that leaves for me is a comfy game where I can see giant bright ad signs from downtown in the ghetto at the edge of the water
>hotline Miami 2
Masks are a gimmick and not all that special to justify as a plus over the second. The second game was more adrenaline inducing when you full combo it, and it made the first game feel significantly easier when you get through with it. I loved all the characters, even the minor ones. I was actually glad they decided to go with a story, because keeping it mysterious is hm1s thing.
>Serious Sam 3
The new enemies admittedly suck like the technofilip but I thought it was a fair introduction to the series. The progression of weapons without the need of secrets felt fair, and there was a good amount of health and ammo without being too much or too little. I don't care much for reloading but it was never an issue for me personally. Also the music kicked maximum ass
Pinnacle aesthetic. The environments looked drab and wartorn. The armor has a great balance of scifi and believable. Noble Six was a neat protagonist who was able to differentiate themself from the master chief. Firefight was fun and I actually really enjoyed the DMR. Forge World is probably one of my favorite maps of all time

I respect your decision to enjoy the games you enjoy. It's hard to tell people my top 3 favorite Halo games are ODST, reach, then 2. I always get weird looks and only have one other friend who lives ODST as much as me. We try and play it though once a year together, since there's some distance between us

Shadow the hedgehog

Dragon Quest VI

Dark Souls 2 (SotFS), the other games are too superficial for me to enjoy replaying them

I usually look out for solid reason for preference. When people like something just because "it's better" or "they like it more," there's just no substance to it. It doesn't say anything about what you get out of the games you enjoy.
ODST is a special entry in the series that offers its own environments and vulnerabilities from the perspective of a regular odst trooper. It's completely fine to enjoy it for the unique place it has

no one would call this the worst one.


whats wrong with you?

Breath of Fire V Dragon Quarter. It's a fucking masterpiece of a game yet BoF niggers always shit on it. What's funny is that this game alone is better than the whole series, full of mediocre JRPG shit.

It's definitely the one that people shit on the most.

Only on Reddit is Mass Effect 2 more popular

>motion controls
It's inherently the worst one. Best zelda iteration though she was adorable.

>The progression of weapons without the need of secrets felt fair
you can only get the sniper in like 2 levels as a secret and then it's lost forever.

Witcher 1

I just want to say that StaƄczyk is my favourite painting.

Yeah that's reserved for BoTW

The sniper wasn't as important in the main game. In the jewel of the Nile dlc it's much more useful and also prominent

Pokemon G/S/C, not the awful remakes

Persona 1

are you joking? many people consider Johto the peak of the series.
it's Hoenn that gets all the shit which was my favorite

Sonic Riders is both a great Sonic game and a legitimately good racing game in it's own right.

Sonic Adventure 2

apparently everyone hates it now or something

I can't help but really enjoy DaS2

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Anyone who thinks 1 is better than 2 has legitimate brain damage user. There have been far worse sonic games than both of them.

Shadow Hearts from the new world AKA Shadow Hearts 3

I was going to say you have decent taste but then you went full retard.
Fun fact the tech in dragon quarter is what allowed Dead Rising to be made.

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not even close to the worst, that title goes to 2. 1>torna>X>>

X5 being meh is alot better than X6 being meh and infuriating

No one thinks Mass Effect is the worst in the series after Andromeda. It's always been either 1 or 2 for the best.

X was worse than 1, but it's still better than 2.

Danganronpa 2.

Dunno if it's considered the worst but I've certainly seen a lot of people comparing Kirby's Dreamland 3 to Superstar

Guild Wars 2

But by "widely regarded" its really just Yea Forums that hates it

>the other games are too superficial for me to enjoy replaying them
No, you're just too retarded to enjoy good game design.

Other M has surpassed Return of Samus in hate

I still see people trying to say Metroid II is the worst in most Metroid threads. But they're probably hipsters trying to get (You)s. Which people don't care about Other M anymore.

Only thing I can think of is I enjoyed Ace Attorney.Apollo Justice. I thought Duel Destinies wasn't that good, but the final case was fucking amazing. I loved every bit of it.

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