>current vidya you're playing
Playing Final Fantasy VII for the first time
>why are you here
/boomer/ - 30+ general
30 in a few days
Can't sleep
Dark Souls 3
>why are you here
waiting to be summoned
blood bowl 2
>why are you here
War thunder
I don't know, man I just want to complain about them removing the E-100
>>current vidya you're playing
Currently between video games as I am currently in my final project for my Masters in IT Management. I have been logging into FFXI for some reason while typing because Im forever living in the past.
>>why are you here
I found Yea Forums before Yea Forums even existed bought here by OS-Tan images, I stay here because I hate myself.
>zoomers can't count
33 year old boomer, reporting in.
Little brother had an unused PS3 so I annexed it. Ordered the Assassin's Creed Americas Collection yesterday for PS3. It has 3, 4 and Liberation so it should keep me busy for a while.
>current vidya you're playing
nier automata for the first time
>why are you here
8 /v shut down, new lurking ground
If the world had any justice the mods would ban these kids.
Nobody cares about your shitty forced meme, gen x.
>current vidya you're playing
Warcraft - Orcs and Humans
>why are you here
my need for social interaction has been funneled here by way of elevated disgust elsewhere
I'm not violating shit You tard. would you rather me lie about my age?
Cuisine Royale
I don't know what else to do on the internet
Why the Fuck did they have to remove my boy?
Exiled kingdoms (shitty android crpg)
I'm on holiday with my zoomer gf but she has to write some shit for uni so I'm stuck sitting around drinking on the balcony and shitposting
>current vidya
terraria lol
>why are you here
>current vidya you're playing
Guilty Gear Rev 2
>why are you here
Because we're here roll the bones
>I cant read pls rape my face
np kid
20. Upon further reading I see this is the boomer general and will now show myself out.
>played a round of Secret Hitler but kids won be screaming louder so I cant play that anymore. Dont know what to play anymore
>current vidya you're playing
Shadow tactics, gears 4 multi
>why are you here
Dude weed with my pothead wife while she colors on her phone. I love games
>boomers need a hugbox to talk about how old and depressed they all are
Old Yea Forums needs to go
>anime reaction face poster is full of shit
>the only thread where kids are not allowed attracts them like flies to shit
No surprise there
its ok to like cunny when you're 20 but you're 35 now stop being a pedo
you were saying
>current video game
>why are you here
just watching streams right now
go fap to blacked
>current vidya you're playing
torchlight 2
>why are you here
I hate myself
>>current vidya you're playing
>Gato Roboto [just 12/12 100%]
>>why are you here
>I was told I am here forever
Young Yea Forums is more depressed. Dudes are too sad to even play games.
Pssst nobody cares what you think, kid :^)
Then why do all the doujins star 60 year old fat ugly men?
that's clearly an E100
36 just a week ago
Just finished Underrail; currently playing board games with my bros and some Dynasty Warriors 8 XL and Dead Cells. I'm mostly just killing time for Classic WoW as playing in the stress test was a mistake that made me want to play very much.
I've been here from day one. It was a shithole then and it's a shithole now; just a different shithole. I do like that all the OC has died and it's nothing but wojack spamming, much like the OP pic. I remember when Kimmo's spam raids led to Captcha and then Captcha had to change to this cancerous picture version since everyone was just typing "NIGGER" into the non function word. If that didn't chase me away there's no way Gookmoot and more board splits are going to do so.
Younger people have a tendency to be more depressed because they have more expectations out of life.
>>current vidya you're playing
>>why are you here
I'm not sure
Well, they're depressed because they're fucked. I can't even imagine being as in debt as these kids are from school. I had mine paid off in 5 years.
Sometimes i feel bad for the kids here because im old, happy, normal life, and here by choice and girls their age throw themselves at me :(
I turn 30 in a month. Send help
Dated a pothead for two years. All she did was spend money on pot, eat all my snacks and want to have constantly.
It was horrible.
>girls their age throw themselves at me
Thats not how you spell hookers
also, no need to write a novel of lies just to convince me otherwise, im out as soon as i hit enter
>current vidya
Age of Wonders Planetfall
>why here
eating dinner
there is no help. You're either a normie, a normie on the surface with great powerlevel hiding, or about to become a wizard. Your destiny is set by now; enjoy the ride.
Wanted to have sex constantly, that is.
>finally finding complete happiness in life
Am I gonna make it bros?
I just defended my thesis and finished up my Master’s degree today. It felt so good and I got to actually sit down and play a game. Keep grinding bro, it’ll be worth it. I got my masters in IT as well.
>a normie on the surface with great powerlevel hiding
This, comfy job that pays well and do okay with women, but I just want to play vidya all day.
>Current vidya
Destiny 2 (nothing else to play), waiting on Classic
>why are you here
All I care about in life is sitting in front of my computer.
>current vidya
yume nikki
>why are you here
I don't know.
I bought that Valhalla bartender VN on the switch on a whim. Was feeling burned out on my Shadow Hearts 1 playthrough. More enjoyable than I thought it would be.
>current vidya
Trying to beat Amid Evil on Evil difficulty
>why are you here
I dont really have anywhere else to go
>current vidya you're playing
what ever I feel like streaming rarely do I just play a game anymore. unless its some SNES game or something
>why are you here
im stuck here for ever
No Man's Sky VR (It's so broken. Sean lied again to nobody's surprise)
Well I suppose it all began after my dear uncle Jimmy taught me how to milk a cow blindfolded. Little did I know I would set off on an adventure that would end with me sitting here shitposting on Yea Forums. But that's a story for another day, kids.
that's how you gotta roll. I had to sit in an office for 7 years and pretend to give a shit about current TV shows and sports and whatever the fuck else until I was granted remote.
Now I can be the semi-NEET wearing sweatpants all day I was destined to be.
Yeah, probably. I've never once wanted to go back to my 20's. I was better looking but everything was worse. I don't see how my 40's cold be better than my 30's were, but we'll see.
27 (28 in a week)
Gonna launch FF14 for the first time ever. I just plan on playing the trial.
Here because I never left. Never for good, anyway.
>Just hit 30
>Lobotomy Corporation
>I cant relate to other forms of “forums” anymore.
What a slow burning hell this is turning out to be. Stay yourself anons
30 in a week
>current vidya you're playing
Some fangame of IWBTG
>why are you here
Always hoping for new memes/something to make me laugh.