Why does everyone hate him?
He seems pretty chill.
Why does everyone hate him?
He seems pretty chill.
He is. I haven't seen anyone shit on him at all, except for the BL gronder field thing
Skin color pretty much
He reminds of an insufferable cringedom avatarfag that spams his love of futa and cockfucking
light skin niggas.
I don't hate him or his house. I like BL better but GD is great too.
nobody hates him. he's based.
he is pretty chill, he's just kind of unnecessary since BL vs BE is a much more compelling story. should have replaced him with a more fleshed out church route instead desu
He's pretty good, but he just can't measure up to the boar
I only hate him because he attacked me for literally no reason and got his friends killed
He's a good character and his route is the best.
I believe it is on the color of his skin
he looks like a faggot
>Forced me to kill Raphael
Why Claude why
He's the only one of the three leaders who isn't a massive retard.
He actively seeks out the real answer behind everything going on in the world.
It's a shame that if you're not on his route he ends up looking like a complete dumbfuck though
does the golden deer route have a good story?
He's got the best house by far. Other routes have to steal most of his roster just to be tolerable.
They hate 'im cuz they ain't 'im.
Wasted potential. He was promoted as the sneaky snake Delita type of character who puts up a front of being a chill dude. When the game came out it turned out that he actually really is just a chill dude who wants to hang out under the school bleachers and smoke pot with his buddies.
He should have been gay
"claude take care of my sister"
>The insane lord is bi
Based, Dimitri and Chad are best lords, BLACKED Eagles begone.
>said to be a schemer
>talks about poison
>some flavor text said he's hiding something or has darkness in his heart (I think that went for the other 2 as well)
>expect him to be the darkest and sneakiest of the trio
>he's actually pretty straightforward and his only major plan (his goal) is just as basic
>winds up being a bro instead of a dick ass theif archetype
Tad dissapointing.
The biggest surprise in the entire game was the fact that Claude was not gay
The flavour text you’re thinking of is “he’s got a warm smile, but that smile doesn’t reach his eyes”.
>forces me to kill his class
>needs me to help him after
I didn't want to help him, he could've helped himself if he had a class.
>Just open our borders, what could go wrong?
He's retarded and he even vanishes after his route , leaving you to handle everything.