Should I purchase a Nintendo Switch?
I did not own a Wii U. I have a PC and a PS4.
Should I purchase a Nintendo Switch?
I did not own a Wii U. I have a PC and a PS4.
what 5 games are you interested in OP?
Dark Souls
Dragon's Dogma
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Scarlet
Animal Crossing, if and when it comes out
It's a good enough system. If you have enough spare cash to drop $300 on a Bloodborne (and Gravity Rush 2 if we are being generous) box, than I can't see any reason not to drop that much money on a machine with ten times the games.
Can you please name of those games?
>Breath of the Wild
>Tropical Freeze
>Bayonetta 2
>Hyrule Warriors
>Captain Toad
>Mario Kart 8
>Smash Bros. Ultimate
>Mario Maker 2
>Splatoon 2
>Mario Tennis Aces
>Mario Odyssey
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Golf Story
>Three Houses
Do you want a multiplat spoonfeed as well?
Not a bad selection and almost all of those have good replay value.
If the games and/or portability interest you, then sure.
not that user but i recently got a switch. what's good multplatwise?
Many of those games are playable on PC. Unless portability matters a ton for you, I'd honestly think to see if you care about at least a few more Nintendo games
You shouldn't get the Switch if you only want one exclusive
Dark Souls
Dragon's Dogma
Doom 2016
Super Meat Boy
Risk of Rain
Civ VI
Disgaea 5
Valkyria Chronicles
Rick and Morty Racing Nitro Fueled
Marble It Up
Into the Breath
The Banner Saga
Axiom Verge
Dead Cells
Ace Attorney
Monster Hunter Generations
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil Revelations
Rocket League
Ys 8
>Breath of the Wild
>Three Houses
Only games that seem remotely interesting. Probably not the console for me
>unironically recommending a Rick and Morty game
is pic related worth to buy.
read it again
The game itself is good, the only such game in the series, and most of the now underage Yea Forums loves orange 90s Rick and Morty.
Crash but Conker and Garfield fit the description just as well
No. Get Risk of Rain or Dead Cells instead.
why, is it an inferior port?
Its hella good. Play it with my GF. PC controls are superior but no gf
I have 600 hours
include bfbb as well
I'm also thinking about it
>Mario Odyssey
>Fire Emblem
Of course I also bought a vita that I still have games to beat on so I just want to suffer I guess