Be honest. Are you actually good at video games?

Be honest. Are you actually good at video games?

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Yeah, now fuck off faggot

i'm better than your mom

only if its RTS or Racing sim

No. But I finished Getting Over 52 times.


I'm competent

oh yeah whats your SC2 mmr
heh thats what I thought kid

>all gold time trials in mega man legacy collection
I'm going to have to drop my humble act and say yes.

I can beat anyone on this website at Dawn of War.

Not especially.


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I used to back in the day. Recently I've picked up Counter-Strike for the first time in almost a decade and I'm averaging a 2:1 KD ratio. Zoomers can't play for shit.

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Yes. Diamond Terran in s1 of Wings of Liberty, and 5k MMR in Dota 2 in 2014.

>all the liars itt
Nice. Ill be honest im pretty shit. Havent played a game on anything over easy

play something other than casual

>spend all day playing video games
>not even good at them
>only play video games to stave off depression


Depends on the game. But I'm very good at some games, but just means I suck at all the others.

I use to be top 10 in Combat Arms for Melee Only.

>2:1 KD ratio
I know you're trying to fit in, but in CS shit like that doesn't really matter. Competitive you get the wins, you top frag, that's fine, fill your ego. But you're just missing the point of the game.
If you're in deathmatch or casual, then nobody gives a fuck. not very special.

>I'm shit so everyone else must be lying

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not only am i not good at video games but in fact I AM THE worst gamer on ALL of Yea Forums

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I pretend I am

not really


no, not really. I know a ton of shit about some city-builders and simulation games that not a lot of people play, but people who are actually "good" at those games are way beyond me


>only honest people are shit

You're one dumb nigger

I'm Alright

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I could beat everyone in this thread's ass at any game

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I beat a touhou game on normal 1cc so I have to have some degree of gud, right?

go drink some bleach, you dumb fucking retard

Nope, just autism

Not as good as I want to be, better than some other people I've seen.

I used to be but now I'm an old boomer and only play games to relax

I'm ok but if its something like a fighting game I have to practice a lot or I stop playing it entirely

despite playing vidya basically my entire life i've never excelled at them, my highest rating in league for example was gold 5, in most fps games i plateau at a 1.3 kdr.
In regards to singleplayer games, I'm currently playing Dragon Age Origins on easy because I'm too much of a brainlet to use abilities of my entire party tactically.
I also am playing Witcher 3 on Death March right now but it's flawed since it gets easier the better gear/potions and upgrades you get.

I can beat anyone on this website at tricky towers

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I can beat Mario 1 on NES without dying. of course I'm good at gaymes.

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Same, but your skills don't magically vanish. I guarantee you can pick up any game in a genre you used to be good at and be better than average almost instantly after learning how to play it. That's how it went with me getting back into FPS with Siege.

How does any of that change the fact that Zoomers suck and I'm better than them? I used to average 1:1 on random servers against random people on 1.6 and source. Now I'm older and objectively slower but get a better ratio on maps I've never even seen. It's clear that new generations are retarded.

In some games i'm better then actual professional players. Like in cs:go, I averaged 25 RWS per match, while pro's averaged 15-20.
I suck cock at fighting games, RTS games, and anything that's not an FPS.

Depends, I will fuck you up in souls and fightan but I am the worst at mmos and platformers.

>I've played tens of thousands of hours of videogames and I'm terrible

Amazing as a teenager, just barely above average as an adult. Not even for a lack of free time, just can't see any reason to git really gud at a game anymore. Is a bummer, I miss it.

I'm getting worse at games and sometimes want to play on easy for a more pleasant experience.

On a side note. I really think I might get some timbz this winter. My inner nig is calling.
Tbh they're actually quality boots

above average but worst than autists


I'm fucking AMAZING at video games and I even got gud at console games. Toppin the scoreboard and shittin on little kids since Quake 1. FUCK YOU ALL

Because CS is about winning, not kills.

>Be honest.

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Depends on the genre. I can usually get through rpgs and platformers without much trouble, but FPS games are hit or miss.

Platformers, bullet hells, and some puzzle games I like to think I'm decent at compared to the average slob. Fighting games are a total mystery to me though, never had much interest, though there are a couple beat-em-ups coming out that might serve to peak my iridescence.

I'm just a command and conquer guy.

user be nice

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Usually go about 3-2 at locals depending on if I run into any demons.

The new generation are 1000x times better than oldfaggots that used to play.

Nope, I'm fucking garbage.

No, it's why I'm mostly quitting them.

Fucking never, faggot

I'm a god at Fortnite

Not really. Modern FPS are really slow.

I use to be really good at God Hand but I'm out of practice, can't even beat 3 enemies together on Hard anymore.

>Muh quake 3
You havent played it in 15 years cause it's too fast for your arthritis riddled bones.

If you want to be nitpicky rounds measure team performance and KD measures individual performance which is what the OP is asking about. Most rounds end before the objective is completed anyway.

Accounting for vidya experience, I'm the worst ever.

You still play the objective. Fuck faggots who just fuck off to get kills instead of being a team player.

Typically gold+ rank in most games. Nothing amazing but can hold my own against higher ranks on a good day.
But I dont have friends so I never proceed past solo queues.

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These days I'm not sure because I hate Ironman modes and everything else is forced autosave shit. I grew up completing every single game I owned back in the Atari/NES/Mastersystem days though, I've never owned a game I couldn't finish or needed a guide to beat so I'd like to think I'm pretty good.

anything that requires timing, precision, and speed im p gud at.
anything that requires puzzle solving im p bad at.

I could beat you at Dawn of War 1 & 2, Mount and Blade, The Last of Us multiplayer and Pavlov.

Like everything else in my life I am just above average.

Maybe at the highest level because of all the hype and money that e"sports" generate now, but not at the base.
I do, but there's no objective way to measure that, so it's pointless to discuss it.

PS fuck the new gun sounds and where is de_aztec

Nope but I just keep on trying till I win.

Minimally competent. Which puts me way ahead of most gamers and Yea Forums far as I can tell.

If your gaming skills are as competent as your "telling" skills then you suck shit.


Nah I'm talkin about playing casual CoD or R6Siege or fortgay. There are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times as many players as 15-800 years ago so you are bound to find tons of servers filled with nothing but shitters. But at the same time, having played with a bunch of different groups of oldfaggots that loved original R6 and original CoD of Duty games, the little kids and teens that grew up with it since being in the womb are much better than the old fucks I'd constantly play with 15 years ago.
But it's not like theres any proof or anything

Extremely average. I don't think hitting Plat in League or 1800 Elo in AOE2 is really much of an accomplishment. I 100%ed Dark Souls and Hollow Knight but I feel like anyone can do that with enough grind.
But being in 38th on the Whack-A-Kass top score list, now that was an achievement

I'll play most games on harder difficulties, but I had to play Kingmaker on dumb baby difficulty because managing more than one character became too much for my pea-sized brain.

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I'm not as fast as I was as a teen nor can I endure as long sessions, but I can get servicably good on any game I play within a short time.

No i literally just play tactics games and grindy rpgs

I used to fuck with ds and ds2 pvp though. Ds2 pvp was awesome

I mean yeah. Everyone on Yea Forums is shit at games. Its known

I’m good at rpgs but only after grinding to a high level


Better than most


>Ds2 pvp was awesome
Mah man!

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I beat Dark Souls bitch

I'm above average. I only like fighting games competitively.

I've taken a game off RX

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I do consistently good for what little playtime I have in the games I play among my friends. I'm not the best at every game, of course, but given ten hours I am good enough.

yes? Not surprised this board is full of niggers who are shit at games. Surprised they admit to being shit

>play a bunch of genres
>good-competent at most
>but variety makes me not top tier at any of them

I can beat most games in most genres on their "Hard" settings but Very Hard and above not so much. It sucks because I know high level players in a given genre have fun but I also don't care enough to Pure Platinum every Bayo level or constantly play Civ on Deity.

Im getting older (late 20s) and I always feel like I am worse at games than i was when i was younger. Yet it seems like anytime i go back and play games i havent played in awhile I always seem to do better. So idk. I guess i am decent. Better than average at least.

im pretty good at that one game about blocks

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What game is this?


I made my Koikatsu Party loli cum like 40 times last night. If thats not good I don't know what is.

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Super Mario

Nope because I'm so bored of competitive games/action games that I just stop caring.

I don't know how someone could play games like for so long and not end up getting burned out, I'd rather play something like Berband that's just entirely exploration or Anachronox that has a lot of exploration than play some boring action game.


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I always make sure to win against my friends or just about anyone. If my score begins to lag a bit behind I start cheesing like a bastard until I'm on top and then go back to playing for fun. Or used to before my friends dumped me about five years ago. Guess they were jealous.

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I don’t think I’ve ever cracked the 35th percentile

No, I'm clumsy as fuck and it's embarrassing. Like get killed first than show my lousy final kill cam embarrassing.

No. But then again I don't really try to hard and just focus on having fun.

Not at all

Yes, the only games i suck at are fighting games


I'm pretty solid, not especially good when I play competitive games or anything unless it's wow. But WoW isn't actually competitive and getting 99 percentile+ parses isn't that hard. But I stopped after Legion for now.

I am without a doubt the greatest player and greatest human in the history of the universe.

no :(

I think I'm pretty good, although I've never been to a tournament for a game I felt I was proficient in. I won a Smackdown vs Raw 2008 tournament at a birthday party. I'm regularly the best player in team games, I was ranked master in bo2.

i used to be really good at a couple of games. Now i am only decent at CTR: NF

If I really dedicate time and effort into being good, I usually become decent. I’m not amazing, but good enough to feel like I’ve made progress. Oddly enough, I’ve become obsessed with Madden because I had to learn a new sport and the strategies can get complex.

I got a Top 3 DPS in WoL and 2200 2vs2 rank during Mists without even having my skills bound, just by botting.

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I got stuck in the loz twilight princess tutorial

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Of course

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Same. I finally got out of it and got stuck again so I quit. One day I’m gonna actually try and play that game.

I had to play side by side ocarina of time with a letsplayer and still got stuck in the part where you have 4 choices and you hear subtle music playing and you have to fond the right door. I couldn't follow along with my ds he was going too fast

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im stuck in the 3rd dungeon in a link to the past
the one with the blue and orange blocks

Does it matter?

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if it isn't an rts than yeah

how do I git gud at rts
I wanna beat all the Warcraft games b4 Classic launches

wholesome post

How good is good?

i got good at C&C by watching pros a lot and stealing their techniques and some of their strategies then practicing them.

I suck at online games no matter how much time I waste.

i used to dominate in Bad Company 2 and even call of duty Body Odor 2. got gold on almost all i guns.

im pretty good at fighting games

i used to be pretty good when i had enough autism to try. i'd typically land in the top 0.5 percentile of most competitive games with a bit of effort. but nowadays i just half-ass everything. i literally can't bring forth the effort to throw my mouse around and press buttons with fervor. it's not that i'm getting old, i'm still 25, it's just that i have more constructive pursuits now and they drain me

although i was worried of getting bad at games so i did tryhard a bit with the latest mk11 on PC and managed to land somewhere at like the top 116 rank and then kinda got tilted and bored again

thanks for reading my blog boys

i finished dark souls 1 and 2 without dying, i think im decent.

okay yeah im gonna have to watch someone do this stuff as it seems im not fast enough atm
thanks for your reply

I'm a loser that's played video games for a good portion of his life, so I'm pretty decent at most games that I play and pick them up fairly quickly.
Mostly things that require twitch reactions/good mouse control though, but I'm kind of slowing down now.
My best genre is FPS (used to play a lot of competitive TF2) but I can't play tactical shooters like Rising Storm because I can't stop myself from running out into the open and getting shot down immediately.
I'm decent at racing games, both sim & arcade, decent at osu but significantly worse in VSRG.
I've also been playing a lot of FFXIV and tend to parse purple/sometimes orange, but depends if you can call that 'skill'. I don't think it's that difficult to push buttons in the right order and pull off mechanics in Extreme/Savage, but the average player sure does seem to struggle.
I also play waifubait JRPGs where I just default to the normal difficulty and scrub my way through them for the story. I'm honestly too much of a brainlet to properly play anything that requires more than 'unga bunga me move hands better than you', but I do enjoy playing them.
Oh, and I guess I'm above average in fighting games. I'll destroy new players but any legacy player will do the same to me. I picked it up only 2 years ago but I'm hoping to get good at it.
Basically blogposting now but I don't ever get to talk about this since I'm a friendless autist.

When it comes to PVP? Nah, honestly I'm embarrassed in my performance most of the time and I also rage too easily.
I'm literally a dude who charges into a fight without thinking half of the time and gets enjoyment out of testing my ability to survive. When it actually goes well, it feels great but most of the time it doesn't go well and I just look like an idiot to my team.
I still get top 3 in 6v6 pvp matches in most games fairly often I guess but that's usually me trading kills with people, kd ratio ends up around 1.1 ~ 1.9, shooter or action rpg


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I just started to play Diablo, the first one, for the first time ever today. I made it to level 4 and then some zombie faggot kills me, and I thought my game auto saved but it turns out I lost 2 hours of progress. So fuck that, I'm not playing this anymore. How did you boomers put up with this shit?

the only game i'm genuinely good at (gw2) is dying, has no real scenes and terrible viewership

I keep a list of how many I've beaten (legit, no save states, cheats, etc). I'm at 498 right now. I'm not "good" at any of them, but good enough. I like to go for variety so I can experience as many games as possible rather than restrict myself to just a few and really nail those.

lots of people baby themselves playing on the easiest difficulty and dropping challenging games. if you never push yourself to improve you will stagnate.

No. In every genre I suck ass. But I'm persistant so I always finish my games, despite how hard they might be

Forgot to mention that I also hit diamond in LoL when I used to play it, back in season 6.
I was also Master in S1/S2 of Overwatch but quickly dropped the game out of a lack of interest.

I would be, if they were worth getting good at

Honestly i flip between absolutely crushing games to dying like a bitch even on replays of games ive already cleared.
That being said. Im. 1700 elo for competive pokemon on average, so i cant be that dogshit

I pick things up quicker than other people, but we level out really quick after we get some practice in

god fucking damn this is based

in most games i rank in the top 10%, usually around top7%

however, the difference between the top 3% and someone at 7% is so staggering it's insane. so while i know im better than most people, there's a ton out there that are simply on another level i will never be at.

Yeah I'm alright.
I have the patience to play every game and get better at it if I dedicate solely to that game.
I'm never pro level but I'm usually better than most or at least the worst of the better players in games.

you know what i want

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Literally the only game I'm good at is Unreal Tournament 2004 and it's dead. I'm actually fucking stupid at that game too and it's a shame because I didn't have internet when it was popular. I got good playing against Godlike difficulty bots and the few times I got to play at an internet cafe I completely rekt any server I joined.

no i'm fucking awful at every one I've tried but I still keep fucking playing them because I can't find anything else to escape with

Are you ME?

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Yes but I don't even really like them anymore

Now I'm shit at things I actually like and want to be good at

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Yes, if they're MMOs. I insist on playing FPS games though.

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I am pretty bad but I have numerous trophies/achievements that are considered extremely difficult and am also a top ten player in an online game with several million players (although the competitive scene is not particularly large)

Diamond in Rocket League
Had a 50 MMR in Halo 3 lone wolves back in the day
5.2m GSP as Isabelle
I think I’m alright

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yes in fact I got the high score

I have a few times in the top 100 in Wipeout Omega but the global rankings seem to have broken sometime in the last year so I don't actually know how accurate that is.


top 1% in dota on USW. Doesn't mean shit though.

some games, I'm decent at smash and warcraft 3

I'm fine in shooters.
I like management games and strategy stuff but I'm awful at it, especially RTSes, I like to make a nice base and then get raped.

I beat the first 3 episodes of doom on nightmare. 4th is too hard

Strategy is my favourite genre and it's also the one genre I literally can't fucking play for shit. I've never in my life completed the campaign of a strategy game.

>I've never in my life completed the campaign of a strategy game
Same here.
>oh hey total war is fun in skirmish but let's try a campaign
>get fucked by the AI
>even when I'm okay against it I can't manage to not cross the deadlines

I suppose I'm kind of good at some of them. Definitely not great at any, however.
>not honest, i.e. what I usually say
I fucking suck at video games.

I'm decent to good. Not really great in any respect, but there are definitely people worse than me. I'd say about a 6.5/10 insofar as the stuff I bother to play.

Total War is a bit of a different story for me because it's the only strategy game I can think of where actual mixed unit tactics apply, and as an army INT fag I already know what I'm doing even without playing video games, for me it's the strategic map that gets me, like whenever I get to a lull where I'm waiting ten turns for anything to happen I lose interest.

Reply to this post or your mother will live forever.

According to most competitive games I play I am in the top 1%. So good enough to seem good when messing around with people, but really dogshit in reality.

Pretty good compared to average players.
Decent compared to pro players.

smashladder tells me I'm silver in Melee. that's not great but I do well in tourneys.

I feel great discomfort with letting my mother live forever in a grave.

Yes and no
I used to be really good in console multiplayer games like fps shooters such as halo and cod but then I built my pc around 5 years ago with all the cool shit like 144hz monitor and stuff and now I'm really good at pc multiplayer games but when I go back on console to play with my console friends it feels like I'm playing with restraints on my hands and I play like shit which frustrates me.

I do play most things on at least harder than normal difficulty if given the chance because I believe there is an inherent skill or sense that can be retained from previous games.

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fuck voice chat

Voice chat is fine for people you know.
VOIP is fun to fuck around with randoms or to trashtalk.

>can't, don't have mic
there was that so hard

yeh well I have schizophrenia so I cant handle it and I get tired of people asking me what my discord is. even on Diablo II of all games.
I would use Vent on Classic if people are down tho :]

Yes, very.

Aha that's unexpected, I hope you're fine user.

I think it's okay just paranoid about things that others would surely find funny. thx for the kindness, friend. big time cheers 2 u
hope you enjoy your vidya

I had a lot of instagib wins in Quake Champions when it was alive. I suck at fighters, though. Singleplayer games are a complete joke, DMC DMD, Master Ninja NG, Dark Souls, etc, they're not challenging anymore, but multiplayer games right now just arent the kind I enjoy. People constantly leave when they die in Siege ranked, so I stopped playing it

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I consider myself an expert at VNs

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Not in the slightest. I'm actually surprised at home consistently bad I am at all kinds of video gaming. Thankfully I don't give too much a shit and enjoy myself any way.

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Why yes
I am challenger in teamfight tactics and top 500 in osu!

nigger frog posters
ass fat smells like bologna
bad at vidya too

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Competent enough to be better than my friends but would get destroyed in an actual competitive setting

Holy fuck, how?

I'm not really good at anything desu.

Not really. I have a lot of 1ccs to my name and I work for Namcos USA arcade division so people think I'm super hardcore but take me out of the arcade environment and I'm a huge shitter. Couldn't even finish Final Fantasy 13, a game in which you "only walk forward" apparently.

Yes I'm a certified gaming god. Here are some of my recent achievements.
>Queen rank in DAC
>top 10 lord in dota underlords
>platinum God of War on gmgow difficulty
>platinum Celeste
>platinum P5
>platinum Das1 remastered/bloodborne
>platinum Nioh and all DLC

Some other notable achievements throughout my vast gaming career include:
>5* ttfaf on expert in GH3
>1900 MMR in HoN with an over 10:1 KDR smurf
>HS top 100 legend
>Gwent top 100 end of season
>top 50 pvp war in GW2 when it released

Not trying to brag or anything, just stating facts.