there is no game that isn't improved by savestates
arbitrarily wasting your time by making you mindlessly backtrack so you can actually retry the part you failed on is a relic of shit design used to artificially lengthen extremely short games that would be a huge waste money otherwise
any game that still enforces this dogshit today is also a waste of money
There is no game that isn't improved by savestates
But there are save states user, the benches.
okay, retard
save states are living proof that more options don't necessarily make a game better, in fact it can have the inverse effect
hollow knight sucks with or without save states by the way.
Imagine finding the base game even remotely hard.
It's the exact opposite, savestates/quicksaves are garbage and destroy any concept of difficulty.
this fucking faggot is impossible to beat
If you suck at and hate 2d platformers don't play them.
It's called hit and run nigga.
Jump over him and go on the other side if he blankets you with projectiles.
Name one Metroidvania that lets you save anywhere
there's no such thing as a difficult single player game
you just repeat the challenge over and over until you memorize the pattern or the sequence that lets you succeed, and savestates keep you from wasting your fucking time doing so
Celeste is the ONLY game I've seen understand this shit and integrate it into the game itself, and that was made by a bunch of retarded fucking trannies
even comparing that game to something like mario the amount of time you save not having to wait for the longass death animations is fucking immense
>brooding mawlek
>one of the easiest bosses of the game
I'll bite, what's giving you difficulty? The stomp? The spit rain? The swipe attacks? If it's the stomp, just go under him. If it's the spit rain, he just stands there after firing it giving you free reign to jump and dash over him (or pogo if you don't have dash). If it's the claw, you're not supposed to be able to just stand there and wail on him endlessly, you hit twice, back up slightly, hit twice, back up, hit twice, back up...
Are you literally whining that a boss fights back?
games should not be difficult or frustrating or challenging
that's what fucking real life is for
any game that takes more than one attempt to do something is a game that goes in the trash
when he spits the big area covering glob, jump dash over the boss to the other side. when attacking him, try jabbing and backing away quickly. also, since he's optional, you can always come back later when you're stronger and just brute force win. He's super weak to your summon/familiar charms since he's kinda slow and on the ground most of the time. The little spiders will kick his ass.
Been thinking of getting this game, specifically the physical Switch version. I have a couple of questions.
Is the Switch version downgraded in any significant way?
Does the physical version include all past DLC or is there content unavailable or bought separately?
>games should not be difficult or frustrating or challenging
wahhh uhh uhhh whahahwahhhhhhhhh ablodo bloo bloo wahhhhhh
sniffle snifff
Grandma what have I told you about messing around with my computer? Just go back to your slot machines on your tablet.
>games should not be difficult or frustrating or challenging
>die to boss
>takes THIS fucking long to backtrack and try again
yeah nah
fuck this antiquated garbage
t. pathetic losers who gets their self worth from a children's toy
>dying at all
this game has very short distances from save to failure and saving the state of a backtrack makes no sense because you wouldnt have the progress if you loaded it. and on top of that this game has an item that literally lets you save your location and warp back any time. try actually playing a game for more than 30 minutes before you want to voice your epic opinion on Yea Forums so you can feel better about how shit you are.
pathetic loser who has no self worth
of course youre a phoneposter
t. Game """journalist""". How can you still afford internet after all the times you bailed your wife's boyfriend out of jail?
Bait as fuck
pro tip: stop dying to the boss.
I'm amazed you even managed to bypass a captcha grandpa.
>"video games should be one thing only, anyone who enjoys other kinds of video games isn't having real fun"
oh, so you're not only bad, you're also stupid. poor guy.
The only time this game ever wastes your time with backtracking (unless you legitimately suck dick at videogames and can't handle baby-tier ducktales combat, in which case I came here to laugh at you) is with the stupid grey flower optional sidequest, and that's very much on purpose.
You already have Hollywood and the entire AAA industry my disillusioned boomer friend, how about you fuck off the indies.
>he doesn't know about dreamgate
This is the same retardation that had the normie media buzzing about how Sekiro needed an easy mode. Find a new hobby you entitled fuck.
Wouldnt boomers complain games are too easy?
I used to shitpost about this game and finally destroyed the 3 dreamers and fought the normal ending boss
Now I love it and can't stop playing
Thank you for reading my blog
yah they'd tell you all about how they beat Metal Slug with only 3 credits rather than bitch about anything being too hard.
>less than 1.5 minutes to get back to where you were
The Switch version is not downgraded at all compared to other versions. All DLC is free, most of it is on the cart in the Switch version, just the last one will be downloaded in a patch.
you're soft as baby shit, OP.
on to godhome, my man. then tell me you still love it
>practice last 3 hallownest patheon bosses until I can easily beat them
>choke every time I get to them
>letting optional content ruin your opinion of a game
Fuck off zoomer. Unless a game has extended periods of time without a save point, save states are for casuals. You’re ruining video games you slack jawed faggot.
>adds new final ending
I like to actually finish my games, m8
>Sisters Of Battle
Best fight in the game
Stop being a bitch that demands instant gratification 24/7.
Is there any point of doing these besides personal satisfaction or some achievement?
Nah, they're just there for practice.
t. Zoomer with a literal 1 minute attention span.
Christ, I'm laffin. The absolute state of (You)