>tfw you will never be hyped for MGSV again
Tfw you will never be hyped for MGSV again
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Playing it right now for the first time, 50 hours in
I get that the game becomes shit in chapter 2 and its horribly unfinished but fuck how could people complain? This is the best game of the generation I've played. I could easily spend hundreds of hours on this. I only paid 10 bucks but I wouldn't have felt cheated spending 60 on it at launch.
Good. The first time didn't end well.
Chapter 2 has some of the best moments, its more of an epilogue. Game isnt even unfinished, it just has content cut like many other games. People just see the filler missions with added difficulty from chapter 1 that you dont even have to play and assume the game is unfinished. And of course because their headcanon and fanservice wasnt true. MGSV is completely wasted on the MGS fanbase and its autists, glad atleast normalfags could appreciate it and it sold well.
Yeah but pre-MGSV Yea Forums and just initially after the release was the best time
So it actually has a satisfying conclusion?
Fuck man I've heard a billion hot takes on the game by now I guess I got no clue what to expect.
My only complaint so far is more story would've been good, cause it's like, I really love the cutscenes, by far the best of the series. But it feels like there's so little of any progression outside of post major mission scenes and tapes.
Most of it just stems from disappointment that we'll never know what the full version of MGSV would look like. If a game can be that good despite being unfinished, imagine what the final product would be like.
Also, people just wanted to vent out their anger towards Konami. What better way to do it than to attack their product and lay all the blame on them?
I preferred DMC5's hype phase despite it taking place mostly in 2018 shit Yea Forums
It was satisfying for me, without spoilers Id say it feels like a really good way to say goodbye and thank you to the fans who were with the series from the start. In a meta way, which is something you would expect from Kojima.
Yeah I figured as much, it is one of those cases of some more time and money would've made it even bigger and better, but it had already taken so much time and money, patience wore thin.
I really look forward to seeing where Konami actually takes the series. Survive was clearly just the dev team wanting to get something out and see what they could do without Kojima.
Won't be the same without his hijinks but I do have faith that the next real MGS game will be good. Long as they can make the characters good, which I hear was Survives major failing.
Nice. Good enough then, not much more you could expect.
Should I install some mods to MGSV?
>You will never be hyped for any Hideo Kojima game ever again
Get at my level pleb.
Infinite Heaven is great, it gives you alot of options to customize the game and how it plays nexusmods.com
Shining Lights Even In Death and A Quiet Exit are both fantastic examples of ludonarrative storytelling, especially the former.
You wouldn't expect it from a game that previously had game play and story so divorced.
They make Huey the single best character in the game and make Quiet's romance arc finally work and be pretty good.
Also the challenge missions can be pretty neat if you want to replay old missions in a new way.
While having its fair share of flaws like most if not all MGS titles, MGSV is a great game but very polarizing because of peoples expectations and the deviations it made from what the usual MGS console titles are. While there's enough problems in the game for genuine gripes to develop, the majority of people who truly HATE the game all fell for the weakest of kojimas ruses and actually thought we'd be killing and recruiting child soldiers, and got upset when we didn't recruit grey fox and the rest of FOXHOUND. Such people, who usually only know enough about big boss from what they read on the wiki, got stuck up stupidly on the "What could have been" and transform it into the "What SHOULD have been." However, The addition of a corny twist this time and the redundancy the game as a whole has to the overall saga also doesn't help its graces with veterans of the franchise who didn't fall for the ruse.
Big fans and people familiar with the series knew we were getting PW part 2: Console version and were fine with it, some loved it, some didn't care that much for it, and that usually hinges on how they felt about PW. You'll find a common trend on Yea Forums that people who absolutely hated MGSV also think GZ is somehow better and that BB really did "Become the villain" in this game through some mental gymnastics they go through with the twist.
I remember a few months ago on gmg MGSV was selling for just $7.50
Big Boss Became the villain at the enfd of PW, when he accept his codename.
>Demon edition never
good, it sounds horrible
>Posting the GZ helicopter image
>in a TPP thread
>you'll never be excited for Zero Escape 3 again
Project Bluebird was a mistake.
>reddit screencap
>has shit taste
imagine my shock
I liked ZE3, fuck you, I'm glad I supported bluebird