Get a pc they said

>get a pc they said
>play games at high quality they said

Just installed Deus Ex Human Revolution on my new $2100 laptop and it barely fucking runs. crashed out during the Detroit mission on the controls are super clunky

works just fine on my $300 xbone

did I get memed? what the fuck

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Told to get a PC
>Buys laptop
OP is a fag

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>$2100 Laptop


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Damn it, you frogposting faggot. Now people like me who buy sensible $600-ish laptops that can actually play games look worse.

Can't even make this shit up. Do you fags do any fucking research before buying shit?

it's one of the highest rated laptops for performance and i'm playing it on the fastest monitor possible, idiot

See if it's using the gpu instead of on-board you fucking brainlet


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that 1050ti is really top shelf, OP

How do I do that?

post specs then


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>$2100 laptop
You absolute retard

Attached: 1548806184658.gif (480x270, 2.79M)

You probably have your settings throttled, either by your manufacturer which is why you shouldn't get a laptop or in your settings. With laptops it's usually related to battery


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But you can play hearthstone and league of legends

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>$2100 laptop
What's the cost of the equivalent desktop PC? $800?
>it barely fucking runs
>works just fine on my $300 xbone
The graphics on your Xbox One version are almost certainly lower in quality than the highest graphics settings of the PC version. You don't have to play the game on Ultra Super Awesome graphics if your laptop can't handle it. Turn it down to Medium or High and you'll probably have console-equivalent graphics. You might also improve performance drastically just by decreasing some meme setting; you don't need 16x anti-aliasing or whatever.

This is like being told PlayStation has good graphics, buying a fucking Vita and complaining that it's not even HD.

run it on high performance mode instead of battery saver
then post your specs

>Bait thread
Imma post asian bitches

Attached: 1552408370624.webm (384x480, 621K)

The Genius Bar guy said I'd have no problem running the latest games.

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>fastest monitor possible
oh no no no no

Attached: 1558053155463.webm (1070x1080, 810K)

>That spit when she opens her mouth
Bitch needs to drink more water

Attached: 1535941661377.webm (678x1080, 2.65M)


shitty bait, no (you)s

You do realize that Source games are filled with spaghetti code and that having a high end PC makes the games run worse than a 2007 PC.

>Intel graphics
good bait

You're retarded

I like her nails

Return it fucker, why did you even get a mac, with shit integrated graphics

Any recommendations? I need a new laptop, and being able to handle games would be a plus.

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I bought an hp omen for 1200. Very happy with it

don't play with power cable unplugged

hard wipe it to get all the bloat off first. then make sure the power saving shit is all working and never use it unplugged it just dont work

This is the one I got. Two years later and it's still working pretty well. Runs Ace Combat 7 and Yakuza 0 on medium-high settings. Don't know how good a benchmark either of those are, though. I mainly use it (games wise) for emulators and FightCade.
Tip, though. The chargers fucking suck. They're so heavy and the tips get all kinds of fucked up unless you're running the cable on an even surface. Be careful and make sure you don't let the cord hand off a desk or something.

>Bioshock thread makes me want to replay them
>both 2 and the remaster crash every 5 minutes

Now I remember why I never finished that shit.

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Fuck off, it's an absolute beast when it comes to editing/processing film (my major). Deus Ex HR or any comparable vidya from a few years ago is far fewer pixels per inch. It should be able to handle it fine.

My xbone has 1/10th the processing power yet plays Deus Ex much better.

>$2100 laptop

That's not how it works.
Just get a PC with Sony Vegas, you simp.

the absolute state of console babbies

this is bait

>new $2100 laptop

Op is your laptop sitting on your lap? Or on a desk? Because if it's the latter, you're a retard.

Well then shut the fuck up, you don't have a machine for gaymen.

i kno the thread is b8 but fuck me it made me laugh. Here's your (You).

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I need to take it to class and I do most of my gaming at the Starbucks where the internet is faster

>2d requires the same processing power as 3d

It's an entirely extra dimension. Turns an O(n^2) problem into an O(n^3).

I'm not doing 2D animation, I'm filming live 3D subjects

you're not rendering your fucking subjects your your laptop
when you capture them, that's a 2D image
what kind of shitty art school are you going to? Do they teach you anything?

So? Still 2d data.

>I do most of my gaming at the Starbucks where the internet is faster

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remember 2D>3D. bet your professor will quiz you on this

>the game that is widely considered the most poorly optimized on PC
no shit it doesnt run

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>get i7 big bad gamer 9080 gts laptop
>5.0 niggerhurts multithreatening
>16 gigs of detitated wam
>runs game for 10 minutes, gets too hot, battery drains too fast
>now playing games on half a cpu and gpu
>2 months later, heatsinks full of cat hair and dust
We are at the point where tablets are better than laptops

>buys laptop
op is a dumb nigger, might as well have paid someone to wipe your mother's ass for $2100

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Are there actual good laptops that one can buy for sculpting+3d rendering, music making and gaming all at the same time?
Moving to a VFX college soon with a tiny dorm so I'm looking for suggestions.

>gaming laptops


Oh my god

Yes obviously not as good as an equivalently priced desktop but something like this would be fine.

enable performance power plan
set prefer max performance in nvidia control panel (or whatever the AMD equivalent is)
plug in
bcdedit /set useplatformclock true
bcdedit /set tscsyncpolicy Enhanced
bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes
in admin cmd or powershell
then post results

nevermind, you're just a cum-guzzling retard.

>he bought a laptop
my sides are in orbit

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please be bait

user, i know that this might be rude or cruel but you should learn from this mistake and don't trust what the shops say. always google shit like canirunit or google the games' name with the shit you going to buy to see if it will work. if you can refund it then do so

Is there an AMD competitor to this? Wondering since I heard they are the ones leading in Raytracing rn

>Buying a fucking nu-mac for gaming
Since OP proved to be a total retard, I’m hijacking his thread to ask a related question, lets assume I need to get a laptop that can play shit like Stellaris and KF2 smoothly with decent graphics settings. What would I buy/the specs I would look out for?

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oh you poor fool

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>All these autist ripping on laptops when they're litterally running tower hardware in some of them.

I've had both niggers and had this same problems on top of Steam being the cable network of video games.

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>get a ps4 they said
>play games at high quality they said

Just installed Rayman Origins on my new $150 ps vita and it barely fucking runs. crashed out during the 2nd level on the controls are super clunky

works just fine on my $300 pc

did I get memed? what the fuck

Attached: scream.jpg (326x219, 24K)

a laptop is not a pc, you idiot.

something like 2000+ on
8 or 16gb ram, doesnt matter hat much
so practically any laptop from 2015-> that has a dedicated gpu

cooling you fucking idiot, do you comprehend the concept?

No way this is a real person

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holy shit lmao great thread

listen fucktard

you can still salvage this, but you need to spend a little more
get an RX 570, 580 or whatever you want they're real fucking cheap now like $200 just make sure the GPU isn't fucking ancient. Then get one of these
all in all you'd need to spend maybe $400 more but it works

your laptop is a piece of shit
whatever bait you're posting is a meme
what laptop you get anyway
almost all of them, even if they have desktop hardware, have terrible power delivery and thermal throttling, and will never perform as well as a properly cooled and cased desktop. You're an ignorant gorilla monkey if you really think it's the same.

>almost all of them, even if they have desktop hardware, have terrible power delivery and thermal throttling, and will never perform as well as a properly cooled and cased desktop
we're not in the 2010 anymore, grandpa

Your laptop DOES have a dedicated GPU, right?


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>buys laptop
actually played yourself

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I bought this for my work trip and it was worth it. It was on sale for $899.99 like three weeks ago Kek

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hahahahaha unironically kill yourself op you monglet

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>$2100 laptop
hard b8, post proof of this "$2100" laptop, or you're a fag.

Attached: yikes.png (227x231, 111K)

Is everything okay at home, you autistic fucko

this but unironically
Idiot cunt fuck
you can get a much cheaper eGPU setup than that razer shit.
i love it when other people post this shit
hopefully this is the same guy in the ion fury thread

cringe and onionspilled


Attached: 4BBE1095-335C-4768-B985-E654BB114365.jpg (640x866, 267K)

always makes me fucking laugh
here have a couple edits

pic related:
with glover music:

Attached: angry alvin.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

False flagging or undiagnosed down syndrome

>comparing raytraced CPU rendering with realtime rasterized GPU rendering
I know this is bait, but this this legitimately mad

bye boomer!

Attached: lol.gif (400x225, 3.8M)

>He took the forbidden fruit

Attached: IMG_20190814_203052.jpg (750x422, 49K)

This can't be real

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another Apple pay pig

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Don't do it, it makes mustard gad


Every single component of my PC together is under 1500 burgers, and it can run pretty much everything. You're a meme.


Attached: demoman.png (350x352, 125K)

I'm glad Apple exists so I can recognize retards easily.

>GTX 1050
yeah no

kys you fucking retard

a fucking mac lmao


3/10 got me to reply

Laughing intensifies

Laptops are for work and porn and old school games


I know is a huge fuck ton of bait but fuck it.

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i can make a pc for $500 or less that outperforms ps4 so w/e you're just retarded op

Fpbp, goddamnit op

Dumb frogshitter

See your problem right there faggot a laptop is not for gaming but for work

Hi newfaggot

Not sure if bait but if it is, kill yourself for unironically getting a fucking macbook for gaming. How absolutely fucking retarded are you?

>the 'wait for sales' meme

peter you’re a fag

>2100 gaming laptop
user you can find bargain bin laptops for a third of that, or you can build your own PC for a fourth of that that will run the game better


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post pics or youre baiting. either way youre retarded

Try running windows through bootcamp and play the windows version.

Fpbp, what the fuck were you thinking?

>$2100 laptop
Should've built a Micro ATX OP if you wanted portability. YOU FUCKED UP.