Will you be watching?

will you be watching?

Attached: dota-2-logo.0.jpg (660x360, 11K)

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Yeah. Stopped playing the game awhile ago but I still watch the Interationals with my friends.

haven't played dota in a long time but ti is always a pleasure to watch.


I barely play dota anymore but I still watch internationals every year

hello , reddurrtard.

When does it start?

No if I want to watch ASSFAGGOTS i'll go watch gay porn like a normal person.

In 5 minutes. At least that's what liquipedia says.

Ye highschool friends I used to play the beta version with.

I still have that inscribed blastforge inhaler I got from last TI
I'm wondering if it's time to sell it, it's worth $230 on steam market right now

what's your favorite team? i'm fnatic guy myself.

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enjoying some epic boomer humor from redeye right now while sipping beer, my man

I just want 2012 na'vi back

I'm looking forward to watching with Yea Forums and /vg/ yes.




Why watch when you can just wait for the compilations/moments on youtube?

are you being serious with that question? are you 16yo?

I'm not the retard wasting time watching some silly esport live :)

I only play a few games a week nowadays, but god to I love competitive Dota. It's so good. I've even fucked up my sleep schedule a little so I can watch a couple hours more this year since it's in fucking China.

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you seem afraid to say your age so its obvious you are underage and dont want to get banned.

I don't watch shit games

What time is this shit supposed to end at since it starting now?

Only underaged retards force their delusions on anonymous posts :)

you are reaching pretty hard which makes it clear that you are digging your own hole. please keep replying for the keks

projecting much? :)

how ironic

I'm not the one mad over somebody not watching a silly livestream :)

>I'm not the one mad
top kek

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Like 12 hours from now.

Nah eSports is cancer

No, I'll be playing
just kidding the game sucks

>those EST match times


>youtuber/twitcher/twitter told me it's bad so it's bad

China time zones fuck me up
no way I'm watching matches late night all the way to the morning like some sort of euro cuck
I'll just watch the finals this year

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yeah lets go RTZ

>16th place at epicenter
>regularly disgraced by the top teams throughout the year
lel no

rain or shine I'm there for my boy


Nah eSports is cancer. So are all those things you listed. They go hand in hand actually.

Parts of it.


>china hours

No. Why would I watch this trash?

Protip: You can get free friends if you go out and meet enough people

because there's a chance China will absolutely be destroyed on their own soil, reminding them once and for all that they are truly inferior

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t. plebbit