Can you create your own character in this masterpiece?

Can you create your own character in this masterpiece?

Attached: characterwedeserve.jpg (1000x760, 399K)

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NFS hasn’t been good since Rivals prove me wrong.

full size for better representation

Attached: 15657785510741.png (1920x1090, 1.77M)

haha its a girl?

I fucking hate this spic nigger shit.

You niggas to realize only spics care about car games nowadays?

Pre-order/deluxe edition bollocks mentions clothing items for "both female and male avatars". So maybe? Not sure if that's only for multiplayer avatar and if the main character in the actual career is customizable.

Hasn't been good ever since Carbon. Carbon was a noticeable drop in quality compared to MW but it was still pretty good. Everything after it was hot fucking trash.

Attached: goblina.png (1280x720, 768K)

if the police chases aren't at least as good as og Most Wanted then i don't give a shit

>excuse me lady I think there's a chinchilla on your head

Is that supposed to be the girl from the expanse?

Attached: TheExpanse3TA.jpg (1032x774, 188K)

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (770x437, 154K)

no, they just all look the same

Straight to Gamepass

>You niggas to realize

I know the NFS games were getting worse, but EA greed killed it for me.

I l-liked nfs the run..

What's that, the number of genders that xi has?

Is that transgender + transethnicity Jon Bernthal?

protag or just random npc?


Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-14-19h15m04s174.png (1920x1080, 2M)

Please delete thos hate speech or this site will be delisted by google

Why can't they just get a cute black girl for a change?

I mean Zoe Saldana is busy but I'm sure there's at least one other cute black woman out there.

Is this bait

Attached: 1472780457690.gif (334x251, 2.6M)

what the fucks with this dudes hairc-
what in the fuck

You mean Shift
Hot Pursuit 2010 was also okay

La Goblina de los Americanos

La orca de los infiernos subhumanos.

Man, I have heard of dreadlocks, but shitlocks?

you are probably the oldest person on Yea Forums right now

everything turned to shit after 'most wanted'.

Attached: sf.gif (540x602, 440K)

More like shitlooks LMAO.


Attached: screen-shot-2015-12-19-at-4-11-48-pm-a.png (351x301, 183K)


Attached: vlcsnap-2018-06-15-22h33m53s299.png (1920x1080, 2.1M)

Is the fat martian marine also in?


those are pecs dumbass

i have lifted for half a decade yet amos still mogs me wtf bros

Attached: 1514094826136.jpg (1643x1499, 208K)

Attached: here's your main character.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

oh shit, is this Andromeda Lite

Dominique Tipper is British.

Attached: 800px-Dominique_Tipper_at_Fan_Expo_2017_(38300863094).jpg (800x987, 175K)

Is she cross-eyed?

>flabby mutt space marine
>wrestles power armor
>barely able to defeat amos in his fucking 70s


By the way I cannot fucking wait until the show finally gets overcome by the books'
wokeness and loses what goodwill it has amassed with its charm and quality.

>this is a 10/10 in yuropoop

What is the industry's obsession with intentionally making black and mixed-race vidya characters ugly? I know there are plenty of people with varying degrees of racism posting here nowadays, but attractive people of this genetic make up do exist. Why does the character need to look like someone who was deprived of oxygen at birth and is wearing a hedgehog as a toupee?

Attached: sascha.jpg (267x295, 18K)

Carbon was mediocre, but the drifting was kinda cool. Still shit compared to that Initial D game though

Fuck off and enable the 40% inside you.

Rockstar is the only western dev that knows how to do minorities and women right. Quite funny when you think about how those groups see R*.

this is literally just .

What the fuck was the point of your post?

Fucking belters, trying to take Earth's street racing scene for themselves. Should be glad to have what they do.


To cause SEETHING because it’s a discord link

Oh nonononono

How hard is it to just copy the characters from Fast and the Furious

I really hope that's not the case since it's literally the only thing to have come out of the current high budget drama boom that I like.

Racism. They see "brown people" as the always the worst features defined by their race. They literally cannot see them as anything else.

this. libshits literally see a brown person as a handicapped child, and they start acting like a condescending phoney, like when they say a greasy tub of lard is "beautiful"

>Quite funny when you think about how those groups see R*.
What's that supposed to mean?
Minorities love R*.
And who cared about women's opinions?

Real people always get "uglified" when modeled into a video game, with a few exceptions. It also happens to white people, see Miranda and Claire, it's just that as with everything else when it happens to black people it's suddenly about racism one way or another.

>Transgender spic nigger

just the whole sexist bullshit that people spew out every time a GTA game comes out.

custom emote
blame forza


where's this from? I don't see it in the reveal trailer. jesus christ that thing is grotesque.


remember how that one NFS game that's on EA access is always online and any time the slightest internet hiccup occurs your race restarts? haha i love modern gaming :)

jordan is hot though and so is claire

Payback. Heat trailer shows a blond dyke, I'm sure it's a customized character but what's the difference.

The girl in OP post is a character from NFS Payback not the new one

>speed hunters
isn't that the exact phrase used in pro street? so this is essentially a sequal?

all whites, conservative and liberal, don't want other races to appear better than them, so they'll give them token characters but they'll always be ugly and/or stereotypes


>he doesnt know

i do know user. you're totally right. """""white""""" people are indeed making other races look negative in the media they have almost complete control over.