Just beat Portal without a guide

>Just beat Portal without a guide

What to next?

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Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=Research and Development video game

Research and Development
Portal Prelude
Portal 2

The Talos Principle

Bioshock Infinite

Become a cyanchad

portal 2 is a lot better.


get gold medals in the challenges without a guide

I'm stumped

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>tfw I'm in the mood to do another playthrough of Portal but I have an 250 word essay due friday

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Play portal 2 and be let down by it

The Witness

Now watch the entirety of TOS.

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>Research and Development

>Now watch only the good episodes (and the infamously bad ones if you so desire)

duckduckgo.com/?q=Research and Development video game


Captain, im detecting low quality bait, the ship seems to be from the faggollians.


I'm serious, everybody and their grandparents beat Portal, it was in Orange Box, it was for -90%, it's 2 hours long. If you haven't beaten it until today then you're a tranny, you can't debate this logic.

I hate you

Is beating a game without a guide really brag worthy these days?

God you zoomers fucking suck at games

>using botnet as your search engine
I hope you enjoy fisting by corporations user

Baba is you, the ultimate galaxy brain game.

I watched through all of TOS last year and I found no episodes I wanted to skip or didn't enjoy in some way. Some of them I did enjoy more for some cheesiness but even they had great dialogue between Kirk/Spock/McCoy. Most of the episodes are pretty good and some of them are downright Brilliant. I think my favorite is the two planets that fought war purely by computer simulation, but with the casualties being real. Fascinating stuff with a good moral at the end.

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You are using Yea Forums dude. Its owned by jewgle.

>watching all the gajillion episodes with [insert annoying superpowered / godlike creature toying with the crew] or [insert primitive civilization with school play outfits]
No thanks

this. the story is worse but the puzzles are way harder than portal 1 and i actually got stuck a few times

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Dude, TOS had 3 seasons and many of those episodes are still great.

Except for the Final Episode and The one about the kids who die when they turn into adults. Those episodes are just awful.

Maybe TOS isn't for me. I watched all of TNG but I had to stop halfway through TOS (mid season 2). I'm weird.

>250 word essay
What dare you? 13?

define "owned", I don't see how having a captcha is being the same as owning the whole site.

To each their own, but something about TOS really sucked me in. It might also partially be the fact that I knew a bit about the production of TOS before it began.

Basically it was like this: The show was given a shoe string budget to the point that it is laughable. Many of the episodes and scripts had to be written based on what leftover props the studio gave them, such as a lizard costume and an cherub outfit, or some roman helmets and swords.

Seeing what they were able to accomplish and come up with when they had such limited resources really made me love the series. That isn't to say that it has a handicap. There are many episodes that are just really well written, dramatic, and intelligent. I'd honestly say that the show has a higher percentage of good episodes than any other Trek series because it was only 3 seasons. I love TNG/DS9 (and even Voyager) but they had 7 seasons and a lot of filler episodes. Every TOS episode with "Godlike being fucks with the crew" is matched by 2 "Random TNG Crew member falls in love and has a tragic ending"

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Myst series

>falling for an old ass meme
Are you?

>The show was given a shoe string budget to the point that it is laughable.
I have to give TOS credit where credit is due. They created a mass phenomenon with a microbudget.

Maybe it's my lack of interest in the characters that made me turn off from TOS. Even the bad episodes from TNG have some amusing or even plot related character moments. I'll might take up TOS again.

Why the hell isn't Voyager the lizard?
