Super Mario Land thread
2 is better.
Fuck man finally, a Mario Land thread! Boy howdy did I enjoy that half hour I spent on it 20 years ago. Yep, that was something. Invincibility sound was the Can Can and it had a shooting level I think. Sequel was better. Is there anything else to say?
3 is better.
This game is comfy, but 2 is kino.
the gamecenter cx episode of it was really funny
I agree
I also agree
rude but lol
>Is there anything else to say?
It gave us Daisy.
Something I never understood. Daisy is princess of Sarasaland, yet Mario travels to Birabuto, Muda, and Chai kingdoms in this game. Was Daisy downright abducted and take to each of these other kingdoms? Who are their monarchs?
Forgot to mention the Easton kingdom as well
Nigger, Miyamoto can't be bothered to think about Yoshi's gender. You think they give a shit about the story's the wrote during an afternoon hotbox session?
I think the implication is that all of those kingdoms are under the blanket of Sarasaland and she rules over all of them.
Kind of like the UK. Neat. Never thought of it that way
One hell of a series. Each installment has a soft spot in my heart
Super Mario Land had such a great OST
This is a Wario Land/World thread now. Post Wario soundtracks.
No, go away. Wario isn't funny and Wariofags are really annoying.
>Hating on a character more charming than the series protagonist
I switch to this music in my headphones when I walk past a group of chinese people
The Land series was really weird and experimental. I hope we get another Mario game like that one day.
Yeah your mom is pretty weird and experimental too
Don't agree. For some reason despite enjoying the other WL games I can't push myself to play SML3 for more than a few minutes. It's too basic, it's like trying to get excited about KDL1 when every other Kirby game exists.
The main protagonist is an extension of your control in most platformers. Mario has as much personality as your right hand does.
2 is great, but way too easy. not sure if making all areas accessible from the beginning is a good idea..
I'll tell you my right hand is as charismatic as my left hand is loving
lovely ching chong music to nip nong to