Other urls found in this thread:
Daily reminder if you dont use a hammer you're a faggot
Did you let him finish at least?
>mfw setting him on fire and then just standing in the door way so he can't escape
are crawler poison caltrops a meme
We had it all wrong bros.
How many times do I have to tell you to dilate?
What build should I make now that I'm finished with psi?
just use burrower or better damaging posion caltrops and crawler beartraps for the 4 rounds of immobilize
they're the shit against bio enemies
New player here, is there some sort of storage I can use?
I'm in that area where I have to catch some rabbits but now I carry too much stuff.
Daily reminder to not reply to the shitposter
Dont feed the trolls
you can just drop stuff and it'll stay there forever
also stop carrying around so much trash
Burrower poision caltrops (and bear traps) are the best when paired with Gas Nades
where is abyssal station? I found no building to enter in LEMCO. kinda sick of this "here's your next objective but we won't give you a hint of how to enter it" mentality.
Cave Hoopers
Literally you can stash your stuff anywhere, nobody will touch it.
But it's better to leave all your stuff at SGS, for now
Generals belong on Game is also shit. Dunno how you enjoy it.
Is there any way to rescue the professor without triggering hostilities with the pirates?
Its under LEMCO and the Prof told you to inspect Blistering Shores which should have keyed you into the possibility that Abyssal Station might be underwater. Also there's not really a "here's your next objective but we won't give you a hint of how to enter it" mentality, you just had to actually read that the sub couldn't do anything except dive, follow the Prof's orders to explore places, and then remember one of the numerous lines of dialogue mentioning the Ferryman having a huge crane he uses to dredge up old wrecks to loot (or even just see the crane yourself).
>devastator, design as a tank
>enemies still can target you
why fucking bother
I love the game but at this rate I agree, new thread every 5 hours looks general enough for me.
I guess I miss the blistering shore part of the conversation, thanks
Who was talking shit about snooping? 10/10 feat, put 2/2 specialization points into it too. I can't imagine skipping a whole dozen of those secret containers with average loot.
np and remember to pack some sort of heat protection, the geysers are hot and will kill you very quickly
I don't want to deal with them, I managed to sneak my way all the way to his cell now but as soon as I tell him to go for the manhole the faggot d'flinger becomes hostile
How do I speed up the game outside of combat? I thought this got added in an update but I can't find the option anywhere.
+ and - keys
>can't sell stolen jet skis
>can't sell junk jets
>can't sell the free Aegis Patroller you can get
This is some serious bullshit.
What's the point of musical puzzle? Is it only for the sonocaster or is it needed to pass the quest?
Its for the Sonocaster and the oddity XP item but nothing quest related AFAIK
thought you were telling him to jump in front of a train or something at first desu
All the weaponized jet skis look like shit even on paper, I wonder how terrible they are in action. In the little amount of action that they even get, I mean. Protectorate Cruiser/Aegis Patroller as default or Torpedo if you want to buy something seem to be the only sensible options.
buzz off
Where to go after Depot A?
I got quests sending me to Camp Hathor, Rail Crossing, a battery factory and Core City.
The only thing I managed to clear was the battery factor while Rail Crossing and the burrowers in Camp Hathor kick my ass.
I didn't go to Core City yet because that sounds like the main quest which is probably even harder.
Is that where I am actually supposed to go? Do you get locked out of questlines if you progress the main quest too much? RPGs love to do that.
it's pretty fast if you add an engine, but the selling point is firepower and protection and it has neither
Battery Factory which is on the way to Hathor then there
Just go to core city.
Wherever the fuck you want
Big city is best city tho
Get fucked, if this thread belongs there, Smash needs to be quarantined there permanently. We've had months of endless dozens of threads of that fucking shit on Yea Forums. This is one tiny ass game getting a DLC after like 5 years. It'll die off in under a month. Meanwhile this Smash trash is going to continue as long as that faggoty fanbase keeps it's cancerous ass on Yea Forums.
Anywhere you like really
Plotwise, it makes sense to go Rail Crossing and sort shit out there before heading on to Core City though. Camp Hathor you can do either before or after Rail Crossing, and Foundry is somewhere you'll jump back and forth a bit (alongside Core City)
Yea, just like
>He's in!
>twitter screencap of literally who *he has opinion*
>what did he mean by this?
>what are games that I can [insert random drama that happened recently]
>when did Giant Bomb/AVGN/Angry Joe stopped being fun/started being fun/lost their touch?
>[pic of a game] + [one month after a game is released]...I am forgotten
All of these should heve their /vs/ - vidya shitposts board as well. Just admit you just want a shitosting center on Yea Forums and you don't care about a decent, on-topic game discussion
>open curtain in stealth
>he immediately closes it
>repeat ad infinitum
Explore Core City and Foundry, loads of free oddities laying around
Also it depends on your build to what quests priorize
Whats your build?
Hathor, Rail, with Factory and Core stop overs to pilfer tons of free Oddities if you're playing that style, and to sell stuff. If you're not playing Oddity, then just to sell stuff until you're done with Hathor and Rail.
Is there any Expedition content... post expedition?
Oh man, the way the camp just rolls up and everyone's gone. Real fucking empty feels right there.
The only general for it is /indie/ and they beat Expedition at light speed and then stopped talking about it agian.
i've seen this game on Yea Forums for a few years now, can anyone explain what's it about and should i play it?
I do so much shit for these Protectorate nibbas while everyone else sits around in the base eating Snickers and I'm still a corporal
Wish there was some kind of progression here, especially so I could rub it in Fraser's face
Then make one you retarded sperg clearly there's enough people to keep it alive
Fuck off to
What's with the butthurt thou
It's basically Fallout if Fallout stayed being Fallout instead of turning into Elder Scrolls with Guns.
Hoes mad
does it have multiplayer?
It's not fast. Torpedo with two 350 power engines has 1400 effective power when calculating speed without counting turbo. Devastator with one 400 and one 600 (which I've never actually seen) has 800 effective speed power. Speed overall is pointless unless you go for max speed where you can actually outrun serpents to make them spend AP on movement.
Only after the smash threads. They are here much longer. And take the Fire Emblem threads with you.
Go to already.
>underrail fans are unfunny zoomers
Imagine my shock
It feels weird they just do that. Then again it also feels weird that they're bitching about it being so hard being there when I genocided the fucking unga bungas right away and made a truce with the pirates so literally nothing could eat away at them, and they still managed to somehow have two guys die and lose all of their supplies. The incompetence is palpable. But the Professor is a bro, so I helped him out anyway.
Why is every weapon garbage?
I'm tired of having to load because i keep missing 80% shots in a row.
I have max fucking perception and max guns, why do i have to miss every other fucking shot?
>Others do it so my shitty autist rpg general should be allowed too
Dutch MMo/TCG with tons of waifus and tower defense elements
Weapons have a sweet spot range. Are you not standing in it?
It's a combat orientated CRPG that starts with somewhat dull quests to teach you about the game then opens up into "pick a direction and keep going until you get killed".
It doesn't hold your hand and has a variety of variable builds, though it is not a game you can play on ironman. It also has surprisingly pleasant dialogue and lore if you can find it.
janny tranny janny you can never have a fanny oh no no no no no
bingo bongo mongo you can mutilate your dongo but you ain't a ho
don't want your fake tits, man hands, adam's apple, open wound, let me be clear
that no matter how you slice it
you're a man, queer
>boy I sure hate discussing video games on this video game related board!
No because then the enemy will walk up to me and kill me
Video game generals belong on
There was a new expansion released for this game. So its current happenings. It will die down soon. Now. What about FF14, WoW, Smash, and Fire emblem? Tell me you giant faggot?
Some fucked up energy pistol+thought control/temporal manipulation build.
It seems to be pretty bad but I don't want to reroll after 15 hours.
Then move away and shot in your sweet spot zone
But this is clearly a video game major, learn your military ranks already
Professor pushed back on genociding them, which made things harder on the camp. Also they don't have save states to hide behind...
>don't use weapon as directed
Can you actually kill the all the natives? Is there a sign that you've done so? I'm clearing out this shitty camp right now and I'm curious.
Make sure to side with Coretech
Make sure to have 60 Persuation so you can save Buzzer, an excellent electronicts trader
The electronicts trader is also good in Foundry
For some reason Ezra gets way better shit than the rest of the traders, the only matching him is Constantine in Occulus
make me
>Can you actually kill the all the natives?
Yes, in fact, to make raids stop, you must kill ALL the natives
It's time related you retard. The moment you move the sub they run very low on supplies even if they were perfect beforehand.
Yes, you can. Yahota when called up will tell you he doesn't see any lights or movement. Theres a LOT of natives to kill though, literally the entire east to west of the northern part of the map is fucking tribal gorilla unga bunga ooga booga swedes.
Yes you can kill all the natives.
The raids stopped happening (only had two ever), but since there was no nod on the game's part, I have no clue if that was coincidental or what. Literally no one mentioned my genocide ffs.
>For some reason Ezra
Imagine being here only to be angry about the game. there's 99 other threads outside of this one, go and find your own hole you autist.
You don't have to kill all of them. Might even just need to kill Magnar.
>this wannabe janny ITT
You mean story triggered. It's not time because they went from pretty good supplies all around to almost nothing the moment you move the sub. So it's a story trigger. Time trigger would be if you just sit your ass at camp on 5x speed and suddenly they run out of everything.
Oh. Yahota died in my () run in the first raid lmao, so no confirmation from her.
>Been playing for like six hours
>Thought Premeditation INCREASED the AP cost of a psi ability by 100% as some weird balancing thing so haven't used it
>Buzzer, an excellent electronicts trader
>The electronicts trader is also good in Foundry
The fuck are you talking about? I don't think they even go above q100. The only electronics traders that matter are Constantine and Coretech. Constanine sells up to q160 right off the bat if you have 55 Mercantile, a much better investment than Persuasion.
Dont spoil the rookie, user
You know what I meant retard.
haha fuck
Pemeditation made my playthrough possible. Dunno how I'd pull off a lot of this shit without it. Maybe I'd have just gotten good in some other way.
I hope this wasn't a neutral faction because they're mad as fuck and I don't think they appreciate me slapping their shit.
That's why it's spoiled. Also that shit's basically opaque to a newcomer.
No, they try to murder you as soon as they spot you pretty much. Just kill them all.
Expedition was relatively short. Glad I didn't grind out a sweet ass jetski. Only really would make sense if you were a mercantilefag.
>I don't think they even go above q100
Buzzer has been consistently selling me 130+-150+ items and I have 0 Merc. He's as good as the Oculus merchant.
Off topic shitposting... This post belongs in Yea Forums. Everyone else can fuck off.
Can I murder random jet skiers without consequence?
>he doesn't use the exploit for infinite money
They are mostly unrelated to everything, it's fine if you murder them all
As long as you're in an uncontrolled area, it sure looks like it.
Following discussions with user yesterday about a speedy hammer build, here goes.
As a final question
How do I tow jet skis?
Ok, thanks.
Also I need an upgrade, don't I?
buy the freighter from ray
The Freighter but I haven't had any luck selling any jets from NPCs. You might get lucky and find a high quality part though.
What upgrade exacly?
There's literally a single jet ski that Ray will actually buy aside from the ones you get from his shop. There's absolutely no need to tow anything, just leave a junk jet from Aegis base at the location of that one jet ski, swap parts and drive it to Ray's shop.
Forgot the pic.
>Angus McFife
Game needs a cheese skill
Why can't mods do their job?
I was going to say that that's bullshit, but he's actually selling a 153 quality plasma core right now. Maybe the Oligarch quest line upgrades his inventory. I've been selling firearms to him for at least a dozen of trade runs and never saw anything decent before finishing that quest line.
>beat expedition
>no sane way to tow my 3000 items in my stash
Well fuck.
I dropped everything near the docks and paid 50. All my stuff is now in Core CIty, but now I have to buy a goddamn jetski just to get back.
Yngwar told me the thing hit his buddy in the right shoulder. Drew the rune. No thing in the guys right shoulder and I'm getting fucked in the ass by a ghost.
Thanks Obama.
And ban the fuck telling us to go to /vg/?
What is that for anyhow? I genocided everyone and fucked off without knowing about that shit yet.
>he doesn't know
>nooooo we need more e-celeb threads, janny help me!
Something very special.
The Torch.
Drink the Juice dummy.
How much fucking INT do you need to talk to the ferryman? He just tells me it's too complex for me half of the time
Yeah, exactly that
How much fucking INT do you need to post in ?
Nevermind, I'm a fucking retard. Got the Shard now, but I don't really know what to do with it.
Reminder that you can yank the parts out of whatever jet ski you want to buy to drastically lower the price.
Crippling strike or heavy punch?
Underrail trannies need to dilate with their /vg/ pals.
>first dominating run
>depot A
>forgot to get acid resist
>sneaky boi so literally the only mutants i fought were at the very end
so far this isn't nearly as hard as I thought
I think you might be missing IRL INT. But as for ingame INT I think it's 9 or 10 to get tier III Philosophy.
Yeah you kinda do
Merchants upgrade their stock upon finishing Depot A and finishing an oligarch questline.
>Can't finish off Balor before everyone else shows up or he one shots me
Time to sneek back out of here and come back in a few levels. I can't remember but if I took of the faceless and evelyn I should be able to gain access to the beast questline right?
I've seen daily ffxiv threads for years now.This is fine you dumb faggot.
>managed to figure out the music theory cipher in expedition
Human enemies dont respawn. Just kill a few and leave the zone before they overwhelm you.
>he's sat in here for an entire hour just posting the exact same thing
what exactly do i need to do to tell eddy about the wormhole? I walked into the area and those guys were way too hard for me to fight.
Nah I'll just come back later. Maybe give one try of cleaning out the rest of the area he's in.
look man i dont want to fight goliaths on silent isle yet
I only have enough free feats for one.
How does it makes you feel, no matter how hard you try to janny it up, there will be always an Underrail thread up.
No matter how hard you try, no matter how many times it gets banished to /vg/, an Underrail thread will always be here, smugly mocking you, reminding you on how you cannot stop it from happening.
Tell me, how does it feel?
>Find the Acorn
>Slaughtered by spooky ghosts
Am I supposed to just fucking run for it? The monolith is missing a piece and the Ferryman was telling me about a black shard he used to kill a native, something about his right hip. What the fuck do I do now, I already exterminated the natives.
Not all of them, most of them either don't upgrade or upgrade to something below q130. I just didn't notice that he got upgraded. I still recommend 55 mercantile, you can start buying 160 quality parts as soon as you're done in Junkyard and it increases the amount of goods for sale too. I crafted pretty much all of my gear with parts bought from Constantine, he sells everything.
You can do a couple of quests for them and then wipe them out with Eels on your side for maximum profit.
should've hip fucked the giant oonga boonga's corpse
>arena fights
>game saves prior to each fight
>they one shot me
>they one shot me
>i one shot them with my plasma pistol
wtf i love the arena
>Not doing both
>Not just stealthing past goliath BS
Pro tip: rot soda consumable increases initiative
>Get ambushed
>When I respawn, I know exactly where every enemy is and how I should approach the encounter
Feels like cheating
>doing both
That locks you out of the most lucrative Eel/Scrapper quest Jack. Get off the motion
root soda + twitch
Why did my effective persuasion increase 5 points when I leveled up even though i didn't increase it, mercantile, or my will?
Twitch will run out during introduction.
Really picked the wrong guy to pull this on, lady.
Are you just supposed to explore after opening the Arch Keep? Nobody seems to have a task for me.
You were at the level cap
Nikolai did it first, classic scum
You need to sleep for the first time since the start of the game.
Cmon, man, I've played through the game four or so times now on oddity. Let me turn my brain off and gain vision through the pain.
Inside my bathroom stall is nice and cozy and safe.
Outside there's fire and spec ops soldiers.
And when they open my curtain they'll catch a face full of shotgun and telekintetic punches
Ha, thank you.
What level cap? I didn't know there was one for effective skills and my psi was already higher than what my persuasion was at.
I might not be able to dominate anymore.
There's no cheating in CRPGs, bruh. The deck's stacked against you.
>Bumps thread
>Shows his autism to all
I just remember there is something like that
Might be just this from wiki
>Synergies cannot boost skills beyond their maximum base value for your current level.
Has anyone betrayed Aegis and allied with the pirates? Are their quests and NPCs interesting or are they just dumb?
>tfw like to "make" custom portraits by merging multiple portraits together in paint
its fun
nice ezram
I see that explains why those skills were lower than I expected from the build tool though it's annoying that there's no in game explanation for this.
It's not hard to figure out when you can dump 20+ points into a skill and the effective amount stays the same.
I can't think for myself at all; give me a build please. I heard about a psymonk.
They're more colorful than Aegis soldiers. The captain has a interesting relationship with Aegis if you give him the acorn. There's only one general goods merchant, but he sells a lot of things as you finish pirate missions. Some pirate second in command can teach you two feats as well if you have the stats for it. Gives a bad endings for a lot of factions.
Who here proceeds to autistically order and arrange all items in your house lockers?
Stealth sniper with SMG was fun.
As long as they aren't another Free Drones. The captain seemed like a pretty cool guy so maybe I'll join them on my next guns focused playthrough.
Do you know if they have any mission involving Aegis? Im there for their jetski and considering killing everyone
Old Ib attacked first. It's not my fault.
>broker truce with pirates
>they still shoot at me
Yes user of course and you set up all those traps to catch bears right? You're not a horrible murderer at all.
The only quest they have involving Aegis is if you join the pirates after they kidnap the professor, and didn't wipe out Aegis' camp. Then, Aegis will lead a raid on the pirate base.
I always love the shit talk the npcs do
Kinda like this, but a lot of stealth as well.
Is it possible to get back into the institute after the faceless attack? The theme for the grid changes to the faceless one.
foundry is so fucking boring
I had to turn it off after they kept bullying me for missing so many 95% shots in a row
its not my fault okay
I love that they start screaming like madmen if you cast enrage on them.
I really hate the layout of it. It's so big and meandering.
it's my favorite town
Lunatics have the best quotes
>'Oh no, I have dreamed of this... we both die in the end'
Is there dialogue for sequence breaking? Like if I kill an NPC for a quest later down the line. Cause when I was exploring I killed some dude with Pet rats who might've been important. I also completely forgot to get the flux thing from the start but did a bunch of other stuff first.
is there a build that does not benefit from temporal manipulation?
that's what you get for negotiating with terrorists, idiot.
Sort of. You can finish some quests before a quest giver tells you about it, but you get rewarded right afterwards anyways. The rat guy is just involved with the power station quest you get. Either kill him or intimidate him into letting you turn on the station. Otherwise, he's not involved with anything.
kinda just wanna asta la vista todd instead of dealing with his bullshit
Not really, as TM can work with all builds
I hate how bad the re-playablility is. I want to try new builds but I don't want to fucking do everything over again.
You can at no penalty, but just know that you are human garbage.
>caring about some obstacle when he's the only thing between you and a geck
>the only thing
Boy, you gonna learn today.
how about you retards just talk about good games instead?
Mistakes were made at the most basic levels too :^3
I've already completed it twice, pixie dust has nothing on me.
Isn't that the whole point of it? To be a support psi tree that anyone can benefit from?
>Only obstacle
>Its a geck
>Didnt listen to the ferryman
Oh user, you're so silly.
>caring about that schizo's psychobabble
we all know it's that statue at the jaws that keeps him at bay.
Is there anything more comfy than meeting the ferryman while traveling to somewhere else
Is there a point where investing in stealth becomes not worth it? Like is there a soft cap? Not using snipe, obviously.
>cannot destroy cameras stealthily anymore without rendering the entire place hostile
For fuck's sake, this ruined my no death run in the junkyard embassy. I'll pretend nothing happened since it's a retarded gameplay mechanic and I had no idea it didn't work anymore
it has the shittiest merchants as well, aside from the metal girl out the front.
Can I take Dude's rug?
Those just released and had expansions, too. They don't belong here, though.
>no ammo
>no money
>no hypos
>shitty weapons
>shitty armor
>enemies keep getting tougher and stronger
I thought System Shock 2 was bad but atleast I had some psi hypos and ammo when I finished the game.
Meanwhile this feels like a constant uphill battle and it's only getting worse.
I just figured out how to make the thread 100% less gay.
Then your build is probably shit. I'm drowning in hypos and good stuff.
>using filters like some sensitive bitch
user, its time to evaluate your situation. It'll only get worse.
How do you run out of hypos, the cooldown makes them almost unusable outside of combat
You can do invasions on a jet ski?
Do pistols ever get good?
I've been putting my feats into them but so far smgs have been better in every way.
When they get an adjective like chem pistol, or energy pistol
Otherwise SMGs are just better pistols
are the natives pronounced sir-meer-beer-en?
>I just figured out how to make the thread 100% less gay.
That's easy. When you leave.
Where the HECK can I find high quality ballistic panels?
>no goliaths in dominating arena
>>no ammo
>>no money
>>no hypos
This is the life of a pickpocketlet
>go to play starsector because its flavor of the month shit people on steam are chatting incessantly about
>eat shit in tutorial
>immediately go back to playing underrail
w-why are the caves so comfortable, even deep cavern is a dream compared to real time space combat
>using filters
might as well just use reddit if you want a hugbox
I want a cybernetic spawn as a pet
>about to win a fight
>misclick walk in the middle of the whole enemy squad
>have to restart
>just need a few AP to win fight
>accidentally click on remains under enemy
I wonder why Styg decided to make such a horrible, unsatisfactory slog of an expansion instead of a good one. Every enemy is annoying and incredibly not fun to fight and there's always fifty of them.
The Expansion is the new brainlet filter. Intelligent, smart, and handsome players appreciate it. Stupid casuals HATE IT.
>Bottleneck enemy at door entrance
>Accidentally shut door
So what's next? Another expansion or sequel?
>try to click on explosive barrel to pop it
>yea, this'll be cool
>click on ground tile next to it
>character walks over to the red barrel
>end turn
Ran out of ammo
Really, the two tedious parts I can see are the base defenses if you let them continue past once or twice, and the Swamp. Everything else seems pretty standard.
>arena ally says "You suck!" to a siphoner
>arena ally
remember what Al Fabet says about the arena
This game could use a bestiary. I want to know cool slavic facts about borers.
Ezra tells you all you need to know.
there is actually a huge amount of lore on borers both from ezra and on computers in the deep caverns
but yeah i want to know more about stuff like psi beetles, are they like that because they hang around psi mushrooms all the time or are the mushrooms like that because they hang around psi beetles all the time
chicken or the egg motherfucker
so far the only fight I've encountered that was tedious IMO is fighting the bugs without pesticide grenades
>95% chance to hit
>Miss 3 hits
Fucking rng.
*ting ting ting of spear hitting solid rock*
Tips for a psi build?
Ambush needs as much as you dump in. Other than that, 90 is enough with gear, no cloaking.
Talk to Dude.
shitposting material
10 Will. Locus of Faceroll.
You're missing the shield mate!
do vendors sell those or do they need to be crafted?
you can find some pre-made in the crimson meadow since you need them to progress the quest, but other than that they need to be crafted from pesticide. i haven't seen any vendors selling either pesticide or the grenades.
I only hated the 4 robots in the plant area so far. But that was because I didn't know you could just entangle them. Plus crabs, since I need strength that they leech off of me unless I kite, which is not always possible.
Where do you get more? Is 7 all you get? I got those canisters, too, but they don't seem useful. Plus, you need more than 1 nade to wipe those pesky little fuckers out. And the natives, too.
Are Dan and Saban okay there, user?
The 95% hit chance cap is my only issue with this game. I can't roll a firearms guy due to that. Thankfully there's psi, where pretty much all hits are guaranteed.
Why did the bladelings come up the stairs but the beast went right to the beacon?
Post most stupid broken useless builds.
Haha, yeah bro, they're just making celebratory jelly-jam angels!
2 things I haven't seen a full build set-up for yet:
1. A riot shield+spearman (can't even tell how this'd work)
2. Psi hybrid+spearman
Spears really don't seem to be that popular. Are they Dex weapons because throwing or can you get by with 7 Dex and max Str besides for more damage + heavy armor?
The only dex weapons are light weapons.
I picked up enough pesticide to make some 30-40 pesticide grenades and I've still got 20 left over
>10 str
>Rest is base
How is the build?
Good tactical vest and electrokinesis make robutts in GMS compound piece of cake.
>1. A riot shield+spearman (can't even tell how this'd work)
I haven't tried it myself but I've read that it's not really worth going for the shield/spear combo and it's better to stick with two-handing a spear.
>2. Psi hybrid+spearman
The only psi/spear builds I've seen have been with Temporal Manipulation because it requires to no Will investment.
Okay for easy.
I didn't find the blueprint in the storage area with spiders. Was it there?
how the fuck are you supposed to go through the psionic bonanza that is the mall where the lunatics are as a melee tincan
that's a bummer, i doubt i'll be able to craft them.
Can you play Underrail in that Underrail too?
IIRC there isnt a recipe specifically for the pesticide grenades; it uses the gas grenade blueprint. And the pesticide is a special "filler" component pickup.
you don't melee I guess, I pass it with hallway of traps, caltraps and incendiary grenades
How do you deal with Evelyn if you can't beat her on initiative? I've read through the possible solutions and the ONLY one I'm able to actually do is the electric floor and even then her getting in range for me to flashbang her on a panel is within range for her to start combat and kill me.
drink root soda and reload until you beat her on initiative.
Drink soda and use agility leather armor and boots, maybe a Twitch if you got one. Surely you can beat her in initiative then?
idk what you're doing but what I did was stand in the electric tile room so she could see me from outside
and then she would waste most of her points walking in and getting to me and not be able to kill me in that one turn
I haven't seen any over ~120 in Core City or Oculus
Am I just getting bad RNG
Where do you find bison?
Native villages in black sea
Native village
People say STR does 11% more damage in melee from a number crunch, but this isn't the full picture. The 11% was rounded from 11.76%, and STR should have had an extra point of crit. This was also only at level 30, which benefits DEX highly. DEX has more crit which works multiplicatively with the damage from skill points. STR adds on top of this number so it scales less bringing the difference closer as you level.
STR will do noticeably more damage in actual melee until you're at least 26 where you reach the 13-15% range. So DEX is great, but it isn't like they do 90 damage and STR does 100 damage for the entire game. STR can use Metal Armor, DEX can use Traps. You have carry weight vs initiative, and of course throwing which is the actual reason to play DEX.
>Rest is base
No. Go to wiki and click feats.
b-b-but muh number crunching
One of the things that I've noticed especially now is that people throw level 30 builds around without considering the time it takes to get there. Yeah you can eventually fit a ton of shit in but the game is practically over at that point. While this problem still existed pre-expansion it's gotten worse since there's more skill points to play around with than ever.
wow that's a motherfucking protip right there
>when the napalm hit just right
In reality a good build should be complete at level 14 and everything else is just extra
how do you even do this without the cameras seeing
this, holy fuck
getting level 30 is HARD
>accidentally pull every single rathound one screen north of upper SGS on DOMINATING
flawless victory, i was never in ANY danger of losing
I got this
Even on classic you won't get there until you murder hobo your way trough every expedition enemy and actually hit up the faceless camp.
psi monk?
the cameras for some reason dont go hostile when nicking parts from the skis
oh gnarly that simplifies things then thanks
Reported to Styg.
This was discovered way earlier. I'm honestly surprised it hasn't been patched yet.
Even then you can still do the buy, sell, strip down, buy much cheaper, and repeat even with NPCs around and no one will care.
>IN 3
How do I into time wizardry? I'm only level 5 but actually waiting out the time for temporal distortion to tick down and blow people up is getting me killed
Where's the ferryman dock? I've met him at the mutie base, the pirate base, and the native base, but I read somewhere there's one more
Near the crimson meadow every one of his locations has a marker on your map
stun or outrun (increase move points with items or psi) while the timer goes down
TD sucks early on for everything but turrets and robots.
think the rathound king fucked one of the rats
where can i find some ez cave ears
I tried a sledgehammer build and I honestly don't know how anyone could possibly find it fun
Any other build has plenty of tools and tactics to deal with enemies.
A sledgehammer build is just
>hit people with a hammer and hope they don't just kite your metal ass
Three near camp hathor, several in caves near real crossing
There's three by some lunatic with a kukri if you head directly east from the shack Jonas was in at the start of the game.
its a build that is made a lot more fun with some psi support. filtering people into a single file line with force field so that you can bash their fucking head in one by one with super slams is always nice.
Melee users should always invest heavily in grenades.
>tfw second level of emporion mall as a hammer tank
is this what hell feels like
>what is cc
>what is sprint
>what is corner camping
>what is chemistry
>what is armor sloping
Try not being a brainlet.
Just use traps
Thanks. But markers don't show up if you haven't met him there before.
go around sgs and clear the areas you couldn't before, your build should start to pick up around level 14, then you can do pretty much anything
sell all the loot from killing bandits, head to core city and do as much of the arena as possible, first few stages are really easy and will get you probably 2000 charons
don't worry, emporion mall is the final filter
if you can beat it you can beat the game
this is a video game GENERAL, you mouth breather.
how do i make eddy give me the next quest after i told him about the wormhole
>ctrl+f "/vg/"
>192 matches
fucking based autist
Scrappers and black eels?
>Scrappers send you on shitty missions and expect you to kill a good shop NPC
>Black Eels let you loot every single scrapper for free
Not even a question.
hm guys there's already more than 10 coffins in the expedition base and that was before I left
how long can they survive against dominating natives invasions + me looting all their shit
Black Eels by a mile.
When the super steel is ready, is it rolled then and there or can you load when you pick it up from the furnace if it's too low?
let me tell you the real strategy
you start jack's quest
and then you put caltrops in front of you and molotov the bandits in front of you until you get at least one of them to fear
he will run away and aggro all the hounds
the hounds will rape the bandits and the bandits will take out a bunch of the hounds
you just wipe up with your caltrops protecting you
Its rolled either before you choose to smelt, or at the time of smelting. I don't know if saving before you smelt, and then doing it again will give different results.
do both but side with eels for the final mission
if I had to guess it's probably at when you choose to smelt
that way you have to wait the whole time if you're trying to cheat the system by save scumming
Where the fuck is decontamination in lemur security? Is it on another floor?
there's a more hilarious way to do it if you got points in stealth
enter stealth and pass the bandits unnoticedly
keep walking straight until you find the explosive barrel, wait till the rathounds are close to it and destroy it so you waste them all on the same turn
the bandits will come investigate the noises and inevitably aggro all the other rats while you can watch how they get ripped to pieces
Oh, user.. It's an entirely different building. Go to the hospital. I hope you like having reduced resolve forever
I like to loop all the way around and get the rathounds to run into the mines near the screen transition to the GMS compound
Clearing it out with stealthy nuttin-personnel knifefag was fun.
it's the room on the other side of the glass at the entrance (where you get scanned).
I've never actually got a cut throat off in game but it must be funny as fuck.
>click to disarm my own bear trap after an encounter
>walk straight into it
should have picked thick skull, shouldn't have dumped will, should get gud
Oh shit, makes sense. Thanks, time to gas everything.
forcefield, electro imprint, grenades
Someone gas this retard
Just kill the natives dumbass. I never got the mines and only lost 4 guys the entire time simply by nuking the unga bungas as soon as they gave me keys to a jetski.
>want to burst an enemy
>press burst
>the icon is blue meaning i'm using it
>click on an enemy
>shoot once like a retard
Well, crits are essentially a flat damage bonus according to statistics. So you should, for all intents and purposes, count it as that. Unreliable, yes, but a flat bonus nonetheless.
You can get crits all the time with spears regardless of which stats you use.
this. Not only it solves the problem but there's actually a few good, fun combat encounters. Shame about having to murder women and old people, but such is life in the black sea
Do you guys prefer oddity or classic?
Deal with it for now. Wait for more abilities and use caltrops.
Well, shit. And the quality is completely random? There's no progression events that would make it better like the way the merchants get better stock?
Once you learn their backstory you realize it's probably the most justified genocide in the game you commit.
Classic. Not having to autistically search every barrel and stack of shit is nice.
you have to do that anyways dumbass
Obviously oddity. It's an exploration game.
No, you don't. Any quest related shit is always in the same spot, and you don't need 80,000 bits of random trash because vendors stock better shit. Guns come off bodies, take guns, scrap cheap shitty ones, make repair kits, repair the good ones, and sell those. You'll be rolling in dough forever and never have to be an Oddity search autist.
classic, you still get experience for oddities in classic mode
well I WANT the 80,000 bits of random trash
what else am I supposed to put in the lockers in my room?
why the fuck wouldn't you look in barrels
you just walk past barrels full of free shit, for what purpose?
Do you think you're too fucking good to dig in barrels for trash buddy because you're not, you are 100% required to dig through literal garbage in a BARREL to progress the game, your life has been dabbed on by a circuit board.
I'm not diagnosed with downs or anything so it's classic for me.
DEX affects crit modifier, not chance. So effectively, an unreliable damage bonus. But the thing is, there are many feats that give you lucrative bonuses to crit damage, and some of them act as a multiplier. This especially affects new melee weapons, but mostly swords. I'd say cheap shots, ripper and critical power would be too much, so go for 2.
>you just walk past barrels full of free shit, for what purpose?
Because you cannot possibly carry all of the shit the game hurls at you, so trying to pick it all up is useless. Atop that, you can't sell all of it due to the merchant system, AND 99% of it is useless shit not worth crafting either. You yeah, no reason, just casual looting will fill your money sack and your inventory.
does classic give you exp for killing respawned enemies?
It goes down exponentially every time you kill the same kind of enemy, you can't really grind this way it's not effective.
>Dexterity measures character's reflexes, hand-eye coordination and finger nimbleness. It affects many things, such as operating locks, thievery, throwing and initiative. It increases critical strike chance of melee attacks. High dexterity also reduces action point cost of unarmed and light weapons (pistols, SMGs, knives, throwing knives and fist weapons)
>It increases critical strike chance of melee attacks.
>critical strike chance
Read the tool tips genius.
Someone post Styg's post about the xp system
I'd have agreed with you had I not bought upgrades for my house.
And then my stash became a source of income.
I'm not even mad because the final number is the same. My autism beats yours.
user I hope you're having fun in the Black sea and not working for Aegis like a retard getting shot by savages
well then what's the point of the oddity system when the oddities give exp in classic too
No it isn't. You're retarded and don't understand some of the most basic mechanics.
Sleep tight moron.
>Look at my low armor penalty crafting options
>Not sure if it's actually worth falling into the trap I had my knife run to just use the rathound regalia the entire game
How the fuck
the amount of dt you get out of Kevlar will never be used on siphoners, that's like 6 dt total you fuck
go rathound for crit, or siphoner for dodge
Oh really? Learn to count.
They give almost no xp in classic, at lvl 10+ you barely see your bar move a pixel once you pick one.
Oddity is just there to cover the inevitable pokemon gotcatchemal autismo audience.
Oh, right, rathound does give crit. Duh. I just need to make the scratch to actually get super steel. What was that bug with the jetskis again?
X + Y is flat. X * Z is multiplicative. As X increases the effects of Z increase, and the effects of Y remain constant, but shrink in terms of percentage benefit. This is why crit from Dexterity closes in on Strength as X (Skill Damage) increases.
Don't do it.
Yes, it rolls between 70-160. Good luck! :^)
Based moneysink.
Only kidding.
I'm judging from the statistics point, not flat numbers. If every 10th attack crits, can't you just add its bonus as a glorified 11th,12th, and so on?
In that regard, you can say Styg really thought it all through, and no option is best. Nothing new, regarding how much playtesting the game's been through. However, new feats do so much to encourage you to get as much crit chance as possible that it almost trivializes some STR builds.
>If every 10th attack crits
It won't.
>Can actually wield Balor's hammer with no penalty with rathound barbeque and the regalia at level 26
Bitch, please. If it doesn't, you get a loaded dice effect, with an increased chance to get more in a shorter span instead. Guaranteed? No, only pretty reliable in the long run. If you want guarantees, go for other things and suffer direct damage loss as a result. At least you'll feel good about it.
I'm judging from a mathematical point of view. Crit is multiplicative, the entire point of multiplication is that it doesn't even mean anything without a number for it to multiply. As your skill damage increases crit adds more damage in an absolute sense. Strength's bonus to damage is purely based off the weapon, and is additive with skill damage. This is an objective difference in scaling, stop replying unless you have a different view on that.
>If it doesn't, you get a loaded dice effect, with an increased chance to get more in a shorter span instead.
No you don't. Underrail doesn't have any kind of background manipulation like that. 10% is 10%, and there is a chance that you won't see an attack in 10+ attacks.
I hate pirates, and now they are all dead.
I was able to negotiate with them, I want to get back in and talk to them but the big gate is closed and I can't figure out how to open it.
Dammit, I'm not talking about that shitty bonus you get from "STR above X". It's irrelevant compared to even base weapon damage as listed in the wiki.
look at this fucking retard and laugh.
Nature does. There is a reason I called it an effect, it only appears to be the case, but the chance stays at, say, 10% all the time. It's the passage of time that sets that percentage as it is.
Games like Dota have dice roll manipulation for quality of life reasons, the downside being you can abuse that system like a bitch. But that only has to work inside a 1-hour span, so benefits outweigh the detriments.
>cats start shooting lasers at me
Did not expect that desu
We have /vg/ for a reason, take this shitty general over there
As I said, go feel good about your wrong decisions. Fall for the trap 99% fall for.
Great end to a quest.
You are absolutely retarded.
>getting mad over people talking about video games on the video games board
Don't say nothing if you got nothing to say, normie. Go learn something from ferryman for starters.
You have been consistently wrong and I've had fun insulting your lack of knowledge. Thanks for the laughs.
Don't bother replying. I've had enough fun at your expense.