This is the game of the decade right?

this is the game of the decade right?

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Not even in the top 50.

Attached: 313196-bloodborne-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x1011, 115K)

on reddit

no it Dark Souls

But it would definitely be in the top 9

Go back.


Attached: Reddit's favorite games.png (844x664, 70K)


Zero (0) f*cks given


Dark Souls mechanics with less combat variety and more grinding; not a contender for gotd.
Maybe most beautiful gotd though.

Yes but on Hardcore mode with no fast travel.

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Reddit just leeches Yea Forums culture, so that's hardly fair.

New Vegas is one of my favorite games of all time but without mods and community bugfixes it's incredibly rough. Either Persona 5 or Mass Effect 2 is overall best game of the decade.

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I hope you made the right choice and exterminated all of the White Legs instead of running away from Zion like a pussy, you wouldn't want to disappoint Randall Clark would you?

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>mass effect 2
>persona 5
Look at this dude and laugh.

It's Minecraft. There's simply no other answer.

STALKER is a surprisingly good choice by Reddit and Id agree HOWEVER based and redpilled Sekiro exists so I’d have to say that one my friends.

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>Either Persona 5 or Mass Effect 2
jesus dude. i enjoyed both games, but how the hell?

nu4chan leeches reddit culture what are you talking about

Yes, it is. At least it's far above any other game mentioned ITT

not even close, even F3 is better than this garbage

What's your pick then?

The stalker subreddit is surprisingly not obnoxious but I still would never think it's a reddit favorite