Yea Forums status: told.
Yea Forums status: told
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Yea Forums status: clobberbonkled
but hedon does this aswell without insulting others?
literally who
I bought this shit today. I hope it's worth the price, I found it high for the type of game.
And I find it funny that people are angry at anyone who posts on Yea Forums. It's not like someone has to post here. Seriously, there are people with such weakened ego that they feel enraged because they were called fagots on an anonymous board that they are not required to use?
It's $5 more than Dusk & Amid Evil, and actually comes with mod support out of the box. Reviewers are saying it's quite lengthy as well.
Good, if we can pressure game devs to have working mirrors, then it's all worth it.
Do you know if it comes with the modified version of "Build" or will I need to search for editors over the internet?
Its from some guys review of the game. Dont know why OP didnt feel the need to mention that.
Im not insulted but i really dont get what the joke is. Are we obsessed with mirrors?
Yea Forums status of told: fucking told.
>Are we obsessed with mirrors?
Lurk more.
It comes with the level editor.
Are we supposed to be mad or something?
we still have no idea the source of the webm in OP's post. this thread is worthless. check my 5.
Don't fucking reply to every person in the thread, you retard.
Well, they are right though.
Hi dev.
wait is he saying annoying enemies are bad?
Hedon is a huge piece of shit
Mirrors are more fun than videogames.
Obsessed is the wrong word. But every so often we'll get a thread about mirrors in videogames and the tech that goes into them. Silent Hill 2 is a prime example.
Trash newer fpses have no working mirrors
Hedon isn't that bad. Game's got some issues though.
I do not think so.
There are a lot of people interested in old-style FPSs and whether it is possible to buy Doom or Duke Nukem 3D does not affect their interest in a new game. The reasoning he's using would make sense if he referred to a mod or something, but not a fucking new game.
The fact that the engine is old doesn't make it the same as Duke Nukem 3D, just as Duke 3D is quite different from Red Neck Rampage and Blood...
What did halflife do that quake or doom hadn't done before? Introduce normies to videogames? Have a mod called counter strike?
embarrassing post
You sound like a whiny fag.
It's a playful jab, idiot. Learn to read a room and you might actually get friends.
so is the game actually good?
The devs literally just confirmed that they do in fact post here which means all the retarded SJWs defending her dyke redesign are in fact the devs
Yes but the devs are annoying and keep shitposting here.
is gman bad at games? kind of, I think.
>defending her dyke redesign are in fact the devs
Devs usually don't defend their own designs. Its likely someone that supports the dev and talks with them defends it. And then showed the dev this thread.
I've never met a dev that doesn't question his art every second of the day.
Nah. I still think the current design beats a solid half of the old ones purely because they looked like absolute trash. Although the other half were definitely better. The one in your pic was the absolute best, and I'm bummed we didn't get something more like that.
helmet needs to go though.
So is there any chance of them saying how much they spent on this game? Because they probably won't sell that much, but it seems like there are people working on it since 2015 ...
Entire suit needs to go. The faggots triggered by her old bikini designs should go ahead and commit suicide already.
>sex bad violence good
Can't wait for Civvie's review that shows how much of a retard gmanlives is again
>Entire suit needs to go. The faggots triggered by her old bikini designs should go ahead and commit suicide already.
>i'll give you what you want, that'll show you
uh ok thanks?
Civiee is retard too. In Sigil's review he said you have to play "Hurt me Plenty" to make sense. A few days later Decino uploaded the entire Sigil starting with the pistol, Ultra Violence + Fast Monsters and he showed that for those who really know how to play there is nothing too absurd.
Decino also pistol starts slaughtermaps.
have sex
>comparing an average player to someone who pistol starts fucking Plutonia on UV fast
Yeah, okay.
Yea Forums is retarded laughing stock. news at 11.
What's this soulful game?
Ion Fury (formerly Maiden)
lol it's literally
>Ion Fury (formerly Ion Maiden[1])
on wikipedia right now
I hope there's multiplayer and crazy weapons like shrinkrays so I can relive dukenukem 3d
Civvie is a normie.
Decino is autistic.
this design is fantastic and I think a month ago there was even a strawpoll where 99% voted for this design to be the best. most of the others were cheap stripper whore tier that was really fucking embarassing though.
thus said her current design is ok, I don't know what the legal status is with Bombshell's older designs and whether they actually all belong to Randy Poodandy together with the Duke Nukem IP.
Okay, the comparison is exaggerated, but that doesn't excuse Civiee from talking shit. Ultra Violence is perfectly accessible on Sigil, even for average (but determined) players.
>Pistol starting Plutonia on UV
Jesus christ i can hear the chaingunners
this is 4channel though?
created a slower paced, more structured, and more grounded gameplay and story experience.
I find playing with mouse and keyboard very uncomfortable. I'll play it when it comes out on console with proper PS4 controller controls.
She's not that bad now, at least she doesnt have an insufferable sideshave
>tfw journos are kino again
You completely missed the point of him mentioning that, he wasn't saying UV was impossible, he was saying it was much more difficult than the rest of the original Doom on UV, and that Hurt Me Plenty was like original doom's UV. Which is a valid thing to say. It's not a criticism, you stupid fuck
What game?
Do you not understand what a joke is?
>there are people who are getting paid for having absolute dogshit taste at video games
That girl canonically has a dick, ask me how I know
>Devs just confirmed
>It's not a quote from devs.
Played demo and got bored and deleted it. Its just mindless wandering about and shooting things. Theres no story or characters to interact with.
post evidence
How do you know?
>ask me how I know
You looked for official art on Hentaifoundry I suppose.
Everyone knows she has a dick. All you have to do is take one look at the art style.
I hate games with mirrors that don't work.
Oh no!
The real question is which kind and can I suck her off?
The dev liked this futa girl art so much that he put her in as the main character of the game.
What's this?
make an account to see the entire art collection
looks like FEAR 2
The only time I paid attention to Gman was when he rushed his SIGIL review just to be one of the first to review it, despite numerous issues like lack of research
he also sounds like a faggot and makes australians look bad (worse)
civvie is much better
>go bearzerk
Awful thread. Check my 7 and tell me why there are no good star trek video games
what, you don't like Bridge Commander?
kill yourself, I know you will
>Are we obsessed with mirrors?
Yea Forums easily cares about working mirrors more than anywhere else on the Internet.
Because you got an 8
>It's time to kick ass and take birth control.
>And I'm all outta birth control.
Modern games have tricks to hide reflections in mirrors.
I remember one game has every single mirror in the game shattered so you can't ever see reflections in them.
Yet older games like Duke Nukem 3D has working mirrors.
Is there actual controller support in the final version of the game, not the gimped controller support in the preview build.
Sucks, I rarely get post because the first time I ever got banned was because of it even though it was a full get post thread. Anyway, I haven't played Bridge Commander. I'm a huge HUGE regretful star trek fan. Regretful because I only started watching the shit last year and spent 30 years till now not giving a fuck.
I heard there working on it, out side of maybe playing on my TV I'm never going to play it with a controller. So I'm not that concerned
If you are autistic and cannot understand the context of tehe review, then it is no use arguing.
The whole review attempts to reinforce his thesis that Hurt Me Plenty offers a balanced and fair experience, unlike Ultra Violence. He even ends it by joking that Ultra Violence is "troll" difficulty that John Romero made because he is evil or some shit.
There's no perfect Star Trek game but there are some good ones. Depends on what genre of game you want.
Use Steam Input, nigger.
Are there any good ones that have good ship combat? Is STO worth playing and getting semi serious about?
Pic related.
Star Trek is shit
i thought everyone already knew that the build engine can do pseudo reflections
Maybe since old games looked like shit and had empty rooms so rendering an empty room twice wasnt a problem.
Today there is no way to do reflection that dosnt cut your fps in falf until we switch to raytracing where it dosnt matter which direction a ray flies.
I'm always afraid to play old shit because I'm not a normal pirate or anything so it's a considerable pain in the ass to download this shit when I don't have it favorited or some shit. Literally fuck yourself
fucking based
Ding Ding Ding.
There's a section of the game where you end up getting guided by a likable-yet-obnoxious neckbeard over the intercom. It's actually one of the best sections in the game. He's discussing how the main antagonist is after you and wants to rape you in the only analogy he can relate to.
FEAR 2 is horribly underrated for its dialogue.
My friend really likes STO but myself I've never been much for MMOs. I'd say have a look at Bride Commander.
Is this GGman or whatever the fuck that Aussie cunt is? I know he posts here. I know he made this thread.
Fuck you GG, you're still a virgin with that blonde zoomer cut before it even was the zoomer cut.
Compare this Shelley to the one from Bombshell. Now that was some ugly SJW shit. She just looks normal in this game.
shit that's gay
I will now (not) buy your game
Those pots literally look exactly like the pots from Hexen but with worse perspective and less intricate designs
I've watched his stuff for a while but Sigil and Blood: Fresh Supply kinda outed him as rushing shit completely a lot of the time.
Is that faggot who spams his shitty Duke Nukem 3D mod gonna come in here and shit things up or did he already do that?
That's a big pile of crap
ok but its good :^)
That mod is actually pretty good and the devs said theyre not related to that autist
Is this out yet
>devs said theyre not related to that autist
Really? That's funny. They don't even want free shilling from that freak.
what mod
Halflife told a story naturally during play. Before that shooters had no basically no story
Half-Life 1 definitely wasn't a "normie" thing because their brains can't comprehend crouch jumping
>shills constantly and always in Ion Maiden threads because Bombshell is in both
>geta GGman to do a review by shilling to him in his comments and on here
>After he reviews it they go “hey we didn’t do that haha”
Really makes you think.
Ya I see it shilled here a lot, might have to give it a go soon
It's like that poster from the Amid Evil threads claiming that retro revival FPS had no audience was given a journo job.
>Why would you want new games that are like the old ones you like? Just go black and play the old ones again.
Do they really write this sentiment down without a hint of irony?
who cares?
duke had "working mirrors" too asshole OP webbum.
The "reflection" in Build Engine is nothing more than a room replica that is automatically built behind the mirror texture.
It has nothing to do with modern techniques that renders the same scene from another point of view.
He's saying they're annoying. You can set up entire maps around chaingunners and make them legitimate challenges all you want, it doesn't change the fact that they're, at their core, annoying pricks who break the conventions just to fuck with you.
>I remember one game has every single mirror in the game shattered so you can't ever see reflections in them
That just creates a lot of small mirrors
shE haS dyeD heR haiR reD
Why is everyone talking about Gman but not LGR?
>gaming industry insider here XD
kotaku editor fuck off
Yeah but they were all blurry so you couldn't see reflections.
Each of the big Build games has at least one annoying enemy. Duke has the drones, Shadow Warrior has the hornets, and Blood has the hands, the cultists, gargoyles, hell hounds, and phantasms.
That's not how mirrors work, they might as well just not put in any mirrors in the first place
Because LGR actually is pretty good and not a piece of worthless Aussie boypussy.
Human revolution right? The mirror in your bathroom
>make everything shiny
>not reflections anywhere
>SJW shit
iron maiden dabbed on your kusoge
>it is not like there aren't alternatives out there
>this is a bad thing
Says the faggot triggered by her having clothes. You and the trannies should perform autoerotic asphyxiation together and get it over with.
By his logic, Nintendo should have stopped making games in the 90s
first person platforming
That's because lgr is chad
>smart and well informed on computer science as well as pc games
>a real do it yourselfer, there's nothing he won't build and the put wood grain on
>a man who knows how to make a badass sandwich
>actually funny, none of his jokes feel forced
>uses accurate hardware for his video, so the viewers get a true experience of what the game was like
He earned his one million subs, by being the best retro pc game reviewer
Did we play the same Quake?
What a gift to the world
I downloaded the game and says it's the preview version. It's already 15th here, is there a right time to update this shit?
Wait 10+ hours
It's probably going by either bugertime or will release sometime tomorrow.
it comes out 10 AM pacific time
theyre american devs m8, theyre not gonna update it the second it turns midnight in your third-world shithole
HE is the op
I think it will be released on 14 hours.
Well it's not the 15th for me
>Absolutely hate FPS games
>the only ones I ever enjoyed was due to things outside of actual shooting mechanics, like stalker or prey
>oldschool FPS are the worse for me and I have never enjoyed one
>still going to buy and play this just because the girl looks cute and I want to hear her little comments
What is wrong with me
i like how Yea Forums is always cited as being unreasonable for having any expectations whatsoever.
it's like, they are mocking people who dare to, idk, notice details? make valid critical observations? why the passive aggressiveness? just make your game not shit and it won't get criticized
Your skull is occupied by more seminal fluid than grey matter.
This game use the same engine as Duke.
Which proves that Build > UE4.
>2 girls one co-op
he's based
Why can't this idiot fathom that there are people that have already played those games to death and would like something new in a similar vein?
The New = Bad meme only exists because new games can't do mirrors.
working mirrors, wow, very impressive, something that duke3d had literally 25 years ago
For better or worse LGR is extremely simple, reliable, and noncontroversial. Shitposting relies on exploiting some rough edge or right angle of an issue to provoke argument, and LGR is all smooth. He's past the critical point of innocuousness where any shitpost about him draws more attention to the shitposter than the actual subject. Like imagine trying to shitpost about ice cube trays.
The joke is funny
but I'd want at lest 8 players
no it doesn't, hedon is doom engine, doom engine has no mirrors or reflections.
I am not paying $25 for this shit when I can humble bundle shit way newer and better.
fucking the fact that people think they can sell what's literally just a pile of duke maps in 2019 is pathetic.
Ion Maiden, I think.
all build engine games come with a level editor moron.
>ironically annoying enemies are still annoying
fuck off moot
fuck off GGman
build engine mirrors are still better than lots of new games that have no reflections at all like the panzer dragoon remake.
>the guy who loves to troll people via level design and or game mechanics
You do not know much about John Romero and his love to enrage the players.
Also Civvie didn't imply that Romero was evil he said that the man burned many "casual" Doom fans with Sigil because they got to cushy with UV by making it a bit harder and he respected Romero for that move.
Why would someone not interested in games like this tell other people who are already not interested to not buy it?
You're an idiot, and half-life was the death of FPS and ruined the genre for nearly 20 years.
Also worth mentioned before that they deleted any comments in the moddb page mentioning the the autist.
>You can just play the original games
>Oh i can't wait to see Disney's new Lion King remake
Funny how that works huh
Story shit for storyfags like the reviewer.
drones aren't that bad especially compared to hornets.
Agreed 100%
Don't forget shadow warrior, tekwar, witchhaven 2, etc.
Literally nothing. HL is just a quake 1 mod.
Unreal was the true next step.
How casual are you faggots? Have you really not done this?
Was too fucking easy.
thanks, i'm not the only one reposting this!
now THIS is cringe
if you think he's smart or knowledgeable about fucking anything than you're a moron. can't believe young kids think people like that know anything.
for some reason i like exploring building engine games maps specifically i liked exploring system shock1 though im aware it only looks like a build engine game though
This is fucking stupid. Save yourself the trouble and look up a voiceline video on youtube. Nothing she says is even good. Her voice actress is terrible. It's like duke nukem but not funny at all. Reminds me of the stupid whores from the new wolfenstein.
Jesus, bud. It's a little banter.
So would she. I can tell by the tumblr nose. They all love gangbangs and being the center of attention.
Ion Fury™ Fornerly Ion Maiden
Sigil is too fucking easy. Sigil on UV is way easier than TNT and Plutonia. Which everyone played 22 years ago.
What is wrong with Hedon? I played the free version and it was fun. Did they paid version fuck up something?
>Gangbanged by robococks
>caring about shillman "i use freelook in doom" lives opinion
>You can set up entire maps around chaingunners and make them legitimate challenges all you want, it doesn't change the fact that they're, at their core, annoying pricks who break the conventions just to fuck with you.
That's retarded. Chain gunners are in essense like having a bunch of zombies in a single room, but instead of being shot by all of them in different directions, you can focus on the one in front of you. and can get stunned by any weapon.
They also work great for drawing fire by hitting other demons.
The fact you point out that bad maps make them bad makes me question why you don't think they can be good.
All doom monsters are heavilly reliant on the map design.
>what the fuck, people know how game's are developed? On a video game board?
Better than "I play Serious Sam on Normal because anything higher is artificial difficulty and think I have the right to say Sam 2 was the better of the bunch".
>What did halflife do that quake or doom hadn't done before?
scripting is a big one.
why did you reply to me with this?
Hornets are annoying pricks; flying up, down, all around super fast while sapping your life. The robot head crabs in Ion Maiden are nothing compared to them like little bitches always on the ground.
>because anything higher is artificial difficulty
never played serious sam.
What changes on higher difficulties? or is it litterally just health of the enemies and damage taken by enemies?
cause that sounds like artificial difficulty.
Anybody know if this is one of those "we beefed up the engine so it still looks like an old game but inexplicably requires modern hardware to run" type shits? I can't play Project Warlock at a reasonable on my 1050 even though its only notable feature is heavy mipmapping. I don't want to waste bandwidth on this if they couldn't manage to get a fucking Build engine game running decently.
>says anything above normal in serious sam is artificial difficulty
>when serious difficulty is easily the best way to play the game
>can be a fun time in its own right
>hard time determining who this game is actually for
Maybe people who want to have fun?
> I suspect they would find the lack of story, progression or variety a big hurdle to overcome
Source: my ass?
Is it my ESLness showing or he is actually pants-on-his-head retarded?
Same thing that changes in Doom. Higher enemy count for encounters until Hard. Then next comes Serious difficulty where instead of upping the numbers it focuses on revamping the enemy encounters to provide more challenge through a wider selection of enemies mixed in. Playing Sam on Normal is like playing Doom on Not Too Rough and thinking you've experienced the real game and that it somehow gives you the right to say Doom 3 is the best classic doom experience of the bunch.
Sam 2 is fucking worse because all the encounters are basically one single enemy types with SOMETIMES a few others sprinkled in. They may look differently in different levels but their behaviour is the exact same. This absolulte retard got suckered into the different visuals and couldn't think critically beyond "but they look different!" when he played Sam 2.
>can't find anything wrong with the game at all, but has an agenda to push
>'new good old bad, abandon old thing only buy new thing, 2/10 old thing not new thing'
>FEAR 2 is horribly underrated for its dialogue.
Monolith's sense of humour has never been in question.
It's their choices in mechanical design that drag them down. Everything else is "basically fine".
>Ion Fury
The is short as shit, and I'm still disappointed even at the budget price. You get a "campaign" that is about one third of what a real BUILD episode would be and a few arcade modes.
Then again, 3DR needed to make some quick cash after messing up Ion Maiden so hard.
oh thats neet.
Sorry about my low expectations.
MC has a nice body and thicc thighs, which is strange given how voidpoint despises r34.
I'll make sure to draw some lewds in coming month
I mean they say that but I also don't really trust indie devs when it comes to system requirements, 90% of the time it's either completely made up or the recommended will be like "yeah I guess technically you could call this playable"
You went through the preview campaign you fucking retard.
did you play the current preview and think it was the entire game or something
he's ginger
this has to be an overestimate.
theres no way they didn't just use some shitty steam recommendation or something right?
Is it an official art? I like the design.
It has a software renderer, so technically you don't even need a GPU at all. Although I imagine the performance is bad without hardware acceleration.
The eDuke32 guys (who are behind IF) are pretty big sticklers for optimization, so you should be fine. At worst you can use the software renderer like said.
design is modified, and I don't think its official?
it's from fanart contest
Thanks boys, I appreciate it
Is there a worse opinion than saying "I don't know who this ____ is for" Like clearly it's not for you
I see.
And I don't like this drawing in particular for some reason. Go figure.
Is it pirated? I have an old Windows 7 laptop with three gigs of ram, a shitty ATI videocard and first Core i-era Pentium mobile CPU.
It's pretty shit and I can give it a shot.
Straight up, if you can't even figure out who the target audience is, you're not qualified to review it.
I appreciate the sentiment but we've established it should most likely run okay, I'm gonna pick it up tomorrow when it releases.
runs fine under win/lin on my W541 with both intel and nvidia gpus
WHAT!? WHY WOULD I WANT TO PLAY [new game] WHEN [old game] EXIST? I DON'T NEED MORE OF [type of game I like] WHEN I HAVE [game] ALREADY?!
Okay, now imagine that center suit piece was a leotard and there were no pants.
Looks a lot like Windows requirements.
Shillman and Redditvvie are both garbage. Decino and LGR are the only good channels for FPS games and general PC gaming out there.
already did.
Are we even sure that it's the real human bean who writes this?
A lot of sport-related articles are being generated by the machine.
LGR is garbage too and I don't know the other literal who eceleb Decino or whoever you are talking about but he's probably trash too. Retards need to stop getting opinions from fatasses on youtube.
>calling someone else Reddit tier and then mentioning LGR
Something like this?
luckily we have user reviews to counter-balance the retarded journo vermin opinions
While he is a shill the guns are generic. Same problem with Dusk, they didnt go balls to the walls with the guns even when the setting is good
Dusk, Amid Evil and Ion Fury...
Only time will tell which was better. My bets is on Dusk.
>Yea Forumsermin opinions
Yea Forums is shit, but not that shit. You take this back.
yeah, but i would still keep allarmor plates and straps
long journey vs quick jaunts
Dusk would be kino if the weapons weren't so fucking dull to use. As it stands it's average gameplay carried by great maps.
i wasn't talking about Yea Forums
genuine lunatic alert
I'm talking Gman's review, but honestly 75% of his "review" was saying the difficulty levels were really large jumps, complaining about the guns, and then complaining about the spider enemies and the endgame being disappointing. Everything else was fluff, scuffed over the details of what actually made the game, or simply not there. And then he still just goes "okay yeah buy this game"
Scripted cutscenes that don't interrupt gameplay
Realistic NPCs
One of the best AI in video game history
Unique audio design (this one rarely ever gets credited)
except half life gunplay really isnt any slower than doom or quake, and id say its faster than duke
Quake 1 had godly sound design.
Well his reviews sucks so who cares. I just dislike the guns in both IM and Dusk, super fucking safe for games trying to copy classics FPS
>Unique audio design (this one rarely ever gets credited)
What is innovative about HL's audio? The delay effect that happens in certain rooms?
decino is a guy who makes videos about doom's game mechanics and does challenge runs like pistol start 100% plutonia on UV with fast monsters on
Good taste. I think the Gantz outfit would also be nice as an alternative costume.
Not him but I'm assuming the greater emphasis on ambient audio and quieter moments, and the enemies having a larger variety of idle sounds since most of them already exist in the world instead of spawning in.
I'm not talking about audio tech, i'm talking about sound design, sounds themselves, they are unique and instantly recognizable, like charging stations, ambient sounds, xen monster sounds, etc
>Makes an obvious joke
>Yea Forums gets mad and takes it personal
This board sucks dick so habitually now it's not even funny. I don't even care about this shit game but it's astounding how hair trigger people have become now.
What game is this?
Theres literally like 2 anons ITT that got offended, out of 109 IP's
I really doubt anyone actually cares as much as they let on in posts. It's like typing lol but in reality you are in a dark room sitting in front of your computer with a blank look on your face.
I typically smirk at least when I type lol.
[ ] Not told
[ ] Told
[X] No country for told men
[X] Knights of the told Republic
[X] ToldSpice
[x] The Elder Tolds IV: Oblivious
[x] Command & Conquer: Toldberian Sun
[x] GuiTold Hero: World Told
[X] Told King of Boletaria
[x] Countold Strike
[x] Unreal Toldament
[x] Stone-told Steve Austin
[X] Half Life 2: Episode Told
[x] World of Warcraft: Catoldclysm
[X] Roller Coaster Toldcoon
[x] Assassin’s Creed: Tolderhood
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[x] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shatold of Chernobyl
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[X] The Good, The Bad, and The Told
[x] Super Mario SunTold
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[X] Battoldfield: Bad Company 2
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[x] Lead and Told: Gangs of the Wild West
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[X] Dragon Ball Z Toldkaichi Budokai
[x] Toldcraft II: Tolds of Toldberty
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[x] Metal Gear Toldid 3: Snake Eater
[X] 3D Dot Told Heroes
[x] J.R.R Toldkien’s Lord of the Told
[x] Told you that ps3 has no games
[X] LitTOLD Big Planet
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[x] Told Fortress 2
[x] Castlevania: RonTold of Blood
[x] Guilty Gear XX Accent Told
[x] Cyndaquil, Chicorita, and Toldodile
[x] was foretold
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[x] Told of the Rings
I want to lick her feet. Should I feel bad for this feel?
Simply epic, reddit, it only gets funnier each time
>ancient Yea Forums pasta
>>your homesite
lifecycle of memes, once it defiled by reddit it's dead no longer cool
>reddit refugee doesn't understand that stale jokes are not funny
i love how they act like half-life changed anything for the better. half-life is a garbage "cinematic experience," and it's the reason why the west only makes movie "games" anymore.
then why is frogposting and wojackposting still acceptable
>Yea Forums
>video game board
Dude, most people who played doom haven't pistol-started all of plutonia on UV. Anyone who has is a fucking autistic madman.
because all memes are kill, all sites are flooded with shills, trannies, falseflaggers, retards, rednecks, you name it.
Game critics complain about the Skull Spiders
So I'm going to make a map with nothing but them and only give you the stun baton
so they will learn to kill them the right way
>just play old game, it's the same thing!
Has this fuck even played duke nukem? I just don't understand how you can not see the advancements in gameplay and technology between these two.
>Make over the top 90s power fantasy game
>Refuse to sexy up the character
Wow its like people now cant do 90 DOS FPS games justice from a 2019 perspective?
No, thanks.
My girlfriend loves vidya and she has no problem playing sexy characters, she says it makes her feel great knowing she's playing a female character men are attracted to.
But then again she's from Serbia and the women there dolly up to attract men, none of that m-muh wear what makes me feel sexy bullshit.
Why did they cuck out and change the name when Iron Maiden boomers got mad? There's now way they would have had copyright problems.
Legal fees still add up, even if you have no chance of losing.
In the 1st world you don't have to pay legal fees if someone throws bullshit accusations at you.
>Why did they cuck out and change the name when Iron Maiden boomers got mad?
...because Iron Maiden wanted to take elgal action and the devs didn't want to fight in court a group of insane money hungry assholes with infinite dosh and some of the best lawyers on the market so it was just easier, and cheaper, to change the name?
What the fuck did you expect them to do?
Most girls and even trannies share the same exact mindset, it's not just your mass murdering gf.
What you see on twitter and the specifically engineered bait you read on Yea Forums isn't real people that have any sort of majority anywhere.
Most girls don't give a fuck about censoring games in general, or playing as a sexy bitch.
>Disliking something that has some of the most fun level design since PC Gamer Quake map pack bundles.
Older games with older 3d graphics technology had 100% working mirrors. If Yea Forums sees a mirror in a modern game where the tech has gone so far more advanced and it doesn't work, Yea Forums makes fun of the game and the devs.
WE DID IT Yea Forums!
How many developers have credited reddit for working mirrors? Zero, that's what.
On normal and hard you can outrun kamikaze guys. On serious you can't.
I think all of the enemies get something buffed up, but their hp stays the same. For example you can kill a kleer (charging skeleton fuckers) with one dose of close double barrel shotty on all difficulties, but if you did not get every pellet in he's gonna charge you again and punish you for missing. Again, it's similar on every difficulty, but normal gives you time to shoot again.
But nu-Yea Forums is almost nothing but stale jokes, especially Yea Forums.
Don't drag Half-Life through the mud just because the journo mentioned it.
What is it with rock/metal bands being filled with absolute cunts?
It's funny how radical these people even are, they're faux-controversial 20-somethings that grow out of it after college, so why the fuck would you appeal to them?
By their logic buying lingerie for your SO is the same thing as male sexualization, women don't care abour being sexualized as long as it doesn't make looking sexy a bad thing, which is what these fringe groups are doing.
The whole muh male perspective thing is retarded because they never even stop to wonder what women actually want, and they clearly don't know it either.
pretty good artwork
>accuse someone for using a common fucking word
>go to court
>claim is exactly 100% bullshit
>judge had to spend his morning/week on the case instead of fucking his wife or something
>says that the ACCUSED guy has to pay fees instead of the asshole that dragged him out of the bed
Where the fuck is the logic in that. Even in my ass-backwards country whoever loses a case or is clearly in the wrong has to pay the fees.
according to the devs, iron maiden couldve gotten the judge to stop them from releasing the game until the case was settled
i forget the actual legal term
is god hand all over again
>comparing a lukewarm shooter to god hand
I don't have a reaction picture fit for this.
What is it with retards who cant understand the concept of analogies. He didnt compare god hand to ion fury. He compared IGN's review of god hand to IGN's review of ion fury. That is a completely different thing.
if there's one opinion on this board that's universally shared between it's posters it's that games with mirrors should work. and if it doesn't it's a shit game.
I'll just get a mod to make her cooler.
>5 criteria
>5 + 6 + 7 + 2.5 + 5 = 25.5
>25.5 / 50 = 0.51
>Overall score of 3
Holy shit, this rating is retarded even by their own rules.
>Are we obsessed with mirrors?
>Nintendo should have stopped making games in the 90s
This but unironically. All the innovations in arcade games are made by indie hobos now.
wtf I hate quake now
the story was slower, much slower. the finale of half life is similar to half the levels in quake, but feels much much much bigger because it contextualizes the finale with the rest of the game.
escalation is more important than evenly intense level design.
I don't like Ion Fury but the fact that he thinks half-life was a good game makes me discard his opinions completely.
And? George Romero said that using the mouse is the way to go in Doom, and beside, you prefer to play Doom with no Z-axis? You casual.
>Scripted cutscenes that don't interrupt gameplay
> don't interrupt gameplay
Except you need to wait for them to finish and they are unskippable
they didn't really, these faggots are just memeing
>working mirrors to shut up people on Yea Forums
Yes, you have working mirrors, but do you have working facets?
The first HL is still good in my opinion. Mods and games that used Source ended up being better than HL2 though, which starts to feel a bit too much like a tech demo.
I'm not sure why you can't realize they're going for something different though. Sometimes I want to play VtMB and do all the dialogue and dance in the clubs in between missions, sometimes I just want to play Quake and quickly run around shooting shit.
>heart blast
the game is like 29 mb. you can run it on a pentium ii
Why was she named shubniggurath anyway?
underrated post.
>gameplay 2.5
What makes no sense is even in the 90s when iron maiden was more relevant, a different build engine game called "POWERSLAVE" came out that is extremely similar to their egyptian themes and no lawsuit or anything happened.
Btw powerslave is better than ion maiden and shadow warrior.
Then you guys haven't really played doom.
Casuals fucking ruin everything even the """hardcore oldschool""" shit. Did you guys also only play duke nukem on piece of cake? BTW I've done pistol start on every fucking level in that game too and dunno how people haven't. It's been fucking 25 years.
Yes. Feetfags must be gassed (if you know what I mean).
Why do smellfags have to ruin everything?
Yes. There is not even any art of her feet at all.
I thought Powerslave was an officially licensed Iron Maiden tie-in?
got me good user
GoldenEye had extremely complex scripting for NPCs. In terms of complex environmental scripting, even before GE you had Doom 64 and such.
Gman is getting a bit pissy for no reason.
>it doesn't feel like a power fantasy, you just play as some chick that is somehow good with guns
Did he not play Blood on anything higher than Lightly Broiled? Caleb is one fragile motherfucker. To a certain extend, Duke and Lo Wang are as well.
>And? George Romero said that using the mouse is the way to go in Doom
And he's dead now, so what does that tell you?
>Caleb is one fragile motherfucker.
I think that's more from some of the cultist enemies basically having aimbots and shooting as soon as they see you
The schedule system was nice
It was re-named Exhumed in the EU.
never trust a guy with giant glasses?
i like it
>Playing Sam on Normal is like playing Doom on Not Too Rough and thinking you've experienced the real game
I'm doing my first run now. GOG ultimate Doom + gzDoom and Ultra-Violence because I'm too pussy for the Nightmare.
Am I doing it right?
Ultra-Violence is the best way to play.
Nightmare has the exact same enemy placements, they just move and attack faster and respawn, Nightmare also gives you double the ammount of ammo however.
I just re-beat HL1 tonight, I'll go over a few off the top of my head
>solid level and encounter design, multiple rooms give you a lot of freedom in how you want to tackle the encounter.
>Excellent world building and environmental story telling that conveys a big story with little details.
>a large list of weapons, half of which have an alternate fire
>high enemy diversity with multiple enemy factions and really interesting AI quirks
>entire game is one uninterrupted sequence, makes the game feel like a journey rather than a bunch of disconnected levels
People get butthurt because HL1 catches so much praise as far as old school shooters go, while things like Blood, Power Slave, Shadow Warrior, Unreal, Hexen, Heritic and even Quake are pretty much forgotten by normies. The game is still a top tier shooter that does a lot of things super well, the way it foreshadows the fact that the military is there to kill you is honestly pretty great.
This is honestly fantastic. It's sexy while still being fairly 90s.
Very nice.
I think that the armour looks a bit too clean.
Needs more blood, claw marks and chipped parts in general.
I see. Thanks.
Ultra-Violence is how all Doom games should be played. Nightmare! is kind of a joke difficulty that makes things insanely hard just for the sake of it, and due to Doom's popularity it influenced FPS games of the era to kind of do the same with their highest difficulty settings as well, even if they don't outright say it like Doom does.
god hand was trash, what is your point ?
He says he doesn't really care for Serious Sam because it's less about enemy encounters and more about just facing off against a shitton of enemies. It's less of a retro shooter and more of a spectacle shooter.
God forbid someone hold an opinion you don't agree with though.
You're confusing Jon Romero with George Romero.
but yeah, anyone playing Doom keyboard only then complaining that people using a mouse aren't doing it right are huge faggots. Might as well cry that some people use arcade sticks for fighting games.
>no mouse look up or down necessary
>designed for mouse
that's retarded desu.
That's like saying halo 1 was designed for Kb+M
>I don't care about this game series because I have shit taste
>but I'm going to tell you what to think of it anyway and what it did wrong despite not fully experiencing it properly
Literally no fucking different than
>Might as well cry that some people use arcade sticks for fighting games.
wouldn't it be like crying that people are using controllers instead of arcade sticks?
That's, "mirrors are more fun than videogames." Somehow I know this; just, don't ask me how.
I hate how much this is being shilled here
this isn't being shilled faggot people like old style of shooters
>this isn't being shilled
Let's be honest, Serious Sam games are not really fun. I played all of them, I liked their mood and atmosphere, but design-wise they are crap.
They should just let it die already and make something that combines everything good from the talos principle and the serious series.
I can't believe the developers played pic related canyon level and said. "hum that was fun" In fact I'm sure they never played their game.
The boy who cried wolf
>Let's be honest, Serious Sam games are not really fun
this guy's reviews have so much potential but so much lost opportunities
> In fact I'm sure they never played their game.
You must be retarded.
There is more to the game than holding "S" and leftclicking. You ignorant fuck.
I don't know. The game looks fine on a first glance.
Is the level design an utter dogshit or something?
Of course, no wonder it was called "Exhumed" in Europe.
It's still easier to look left and right with a mouse. Keyboard purists deserve the rope.
Serious Sam isn't the epitome of FPS games. The level design in them is honestly horrible and the encounters are pretty much "he, 100 enemies are running at you, have fun". I enjoy the games, but I still prefer HL, Duke, and Quake to them due to them having more interesting enemies and much more interesting level design.
You're literally butthurt that he doesn't like your favorite FPS series. Stop being a fuckin autist. I genuinely dislike Blood yet I have no beef with him praising the fuck out of it. I understand that people have different opinions.
He honestly sucks pretty bad. His Sigil review were it's clear he never even tried the thing on normal and just cried that it was too hard on hard was really pathetic. The way he keeps comparing mods to "brutal Doom" also annoys me.
He's just a retard and is upset that people are excited for a game. After all, talking about video games on Yea Forums is shilling, we should only be posting twitter screen caps and talking about politics.
This person likes smelling his own farts.
What a fucking joke
I played all of them, I played SS3 on serious difficulty
>There is more to the game than holding "S" and leftclicking.
Umm... you said it.
They put some new features into SS3 which added nothing to the gameplay. They could have made melee executions useful but they didn't.
Also they still added hitscan enemies into a game made in the 21st century.
Anyone can do this if they are autistic enough, it's not about skill at that point, it's about being a fucking autistic fuck
but honestly, why would I play a BUILD engine game in 2019 if its not Duke or Blood?
>There is more to the game than holding "S" and leftclicking. You ignorant fuck.
Like what
I like holding s and left clicking, that is why I love serious sam, but what else is there wtf
I didn't say anything bad about the game, when you've been here long enough you can spot posts made by PR/marketers
>I didn't say anything bad about the game
You said that you hate that it's being shilled.
If the game is actually good then the marketing actually doing a good thing for a change.
>Spend long enough on Yea Forums and you'll become jaded enough to believe that the only reason someone might say they enjoy a video game is because they're a shill
Happens to the best of us
Atmospheric ambient sounds with proper rhythm and harmony that feel like proper soundtrack.
>You said that you hate that it's being shilled
Yes, that hurts the game more than it helps
>solid level and encounter design, multiple rooms give you a lot of freedom in how you want to tackle the encounter.
duke3d did this
>a large list of weapons, half of which have an alternate fire
shadow warrior did this; unreal did it even more
>entire game is one uninterrupted sequence, makes the game feel like a journey rather than a bunch of disconnected levels
unreal did this
>high enemy diversity with multiple enemy factions and really interesting AI quirks
>Excellent world building and environmental story telling that conveys a big story with little details.
ok fine i'll give you those
hl1 is actually pretty good but i feel like hl2 taints its legacy too hard
>Halflife told a story naturally during play. Before that shooters had no basically no story
>What is Blood
>What is System Shock
>What is Strife
>What is Terra Nova: Alpha Centauri
>What is Dark Forces
>What is Unreal
Never did I claim Sam was the pinnacle neither did I ever claim it was my favorite. But if you recognize that its not your main point then you shouldn't make an opinion piece on it and claim the universally hated entry is the one that was the best. To put it into your precious celeb's perspective it'd be like if I claimed Deus Ex Invisible War was the best in the series because I played the games on the easiest difficulty and just shot everything all the time. What he should have done instead was what he did with Dusk in that he just played the games instead of saying Postal 3 is the best one and Paradise Lost should have been like it instead. Its fine to have opinions, its fine to not like games others like, hell I don't love Blood or Postal 2 nearly as much as he does but its still great to see him play through them with the passion he has for those games, its not fine to think you can play them like shit and completely miss the point and then come out spewing what you think it should have been done instead.
>game that looks like it came out of the 90s
>it manages to rediscover 90s tech of functioning mirrors that FPS devs have lost the ability to implement since the 00s
based and boomercore
>Atmospheric ambient sounds with proper rhythm and harmony that feel like proper soundtrack.
>proper soundtrack
What soundtrack? I can't remember a single piece of music from Half-Life, except for the godawful ending credits music
Acquire reading skills.
>comparing a lukewarm action game (with a terribly clunky camera system) to a fun shooter
Soundtrack is used to refer to music, not ambient sounds.
>When first person shooters first came into existence, they were almost all extremely fast-paced games with little to no tactical nuance. Duke Nukem 3D added much larger and more interactive maps but they were still basically shooting galleries, with no real puzzles or other gameplay elements. Things started to change when consoles became powerful enough to run them, with 1997’s GoldenEye 007 introducing the idea of slower-paced, more realistic gameplay – a year before Half-Life changed things forever on PC.
>But it’s the point before that sea change that Ion Fury is nostalgic for
>They're actually trying to spin console FPS as a positivee influence
That's the point. Ambient sounds feel like proper music.
Goldeneye level design was and still is fucking awesome, and that's just level design.
>That's the point. Ambient sounds feel like proper music.
I don't find anything special about HL's ambient sounds though. And the lack of music is a definite downgrade, considering other 90's FPS like Unreal have absolutely god-tier soundtracks.
Now, if we were talking abour something like Thief or System shock 2 who have great ambient sounds, I might agree with you.
Fair enough, his SS review was pretty shitty if he didn't even knowledge the fact that enemies function the same and just have pallet swaps in SS2. He's probably just giving it more of a chance since it's universally hated.
Golden Eye did have cool shit going on, what with the mission objectives.
Granted this guy sounds like a fuckin idiot that doesn't understand how movement based shooters like Doom were more engaging than cover based shooters.
gman is SHIT at games. He's not the best reviewer by a long stretch.
He did a full review of swat 4 without knowing how to walk. This is like doing a review of CSS without knowing how to walk.
>Goldeneye level design was and still is fucking awesome, and that's just level design.
How so? If anything, it was somwhat of a downgrade compared to PC FPS, which had very intricate and vertical environments. You can't even jump or swim in GoldenEye.
Well, give him a break, he is not a gamer, he is a journalist. Probably even not a good one.
He just wants to write his word limit and go home.
I wonder if I can write an app which can replace him? Markov chains are obviously too simple, I probably should look into deep learning.
Making everything objective-based lets environments be as linear and non-linear as desired, with the objectives themselves changing based on difficulty level. Movement and controls will always be best on PC of course, but Goldeneye's formula was used very well on its limited, dense maps as it kept up variety.
>abloo abloo muh mean Yea Forums noooooooooh
What's the Yea Forumseredict?
objectively what it should have been
By the way, how moddable is this game?
People who say that usually think everything before Half-Life was a doom clone
i don't know but i do hope someone finds a way to make that the protagonist
Ion Fury? Very. Level editor, full mod tools, all that jazz.
should be as modable as any 3d realms game on the build engine
Hl1 is an extremely strong mix of narrative and shooter. It does a good job of communicating the story to you as you go, but outside of a few specific story beats it rarely wastes your time and compromises replayability by thrusting setpieces that pause the action in your face.
Doom 2016 reminded me of it a little bit.
Half-Life 2 is currently aging very, very poorly on that front. The forced "walk around and check out this cool detailed room" segments are only more annoying as time goes on, Alyx is like the archetypal "wait for this character to stop talking so they'll open the door" NPC, and the game is a bit too fond of playing with tech-demo-y new gimmicks instead of relying on super solid level design alone.
From their map and mods discord:
>Our primary focus for the Steam Workshop to begin with are standalone maps. We hope content creators can make use of the large tileset and extremely powerful map effect systems to build their own levels and share them. EDuke32's scripting capabilities are also exposed for power users but due to the nature of updating the base game we caution that any mods to them will need to be manually re-applied to updates, possibly using a tool such as Git. Additionally, script mods made this way will only be able to load one at a time. If there is sufficient interest in the standalone levels we will expand the support to include fan campaigns and modular scripting.
Hope this helps you.
Half of your list drops out if the story is supposed to be something more than a mission briefing between levels.
Actually he said to go play the old games the new game is based on instead of the new game pretending to be an old game.
was it not?
I seriously felt the same way about Amid Evil. Its pretty and well made but gets so boring. There is just nothing going on. I liked Dusk way more.
>that last line
its like he unravelled his entire point at the last possible moment.
>Hl1 is an extremely strong mix of narrative and shooter. It does a good job of communicating the story to you as you go, but outside of a few specific story beats it rarely wastes your time and compromises replayability by thrusting setpieces that pause the action in your face.
The storytelling in Half-Life is actually terrible. Unreal came out before HL and did the whole 'game is one long uninterrupted take' much better.
In Unreal, since you're on alien planet and don't speak the language of the inhabitants, this justifies the silent protagonist conceit. Half-Life has no such excuse, and any time NPCs talk to you completely breaks any immersion.
Unreal also takes you on an epic journey through an alien planet with fantastically varied locales, whereas HL, with the exception of the last portion of the game set in Xen, is set almost entirely in generic corridors.
Besides, not only is Half-Life's story very generic, but it also has a lot of immersion-breaking moments. For example, there is one point in the game where you head into a darkened area and you get ambushed and your weapons taken away. The thing is, you have a flashlight, so what happens if you use it in that darkened area? Nothing. The game arbitrarily makes it not work in that area because they were too lazy to think of an organic way to script that setpiece.
There are also parts where you get a game over if an NPC dies, because they are needed to flip a switch to progress. Again, immersion-breaking.
there is litterally nothing wrong with this thought process, the only defense for this is additional maps.
sequals are garbage.
What about custom enemies, weapons and tilesets?
>Half of your list drops out if the story is supposed to be something more than a mission briefing between levels.
Which ones? Blood and Alpha Centauri have cutscenes. Unreal and System Shock tell its story through the environment, without ever taking away player control, and do it far better than HL. Strife is a non-linear hub world where you can talk with NPCs and select dialogue choices, so side quests, etc.
Pretty sure that Ion Fury is a prequel that takes place before she gets her cool robotic arm, so she's still wearing that police uniform stuff. The Bombshell game gave her an SJW design, her current design just seems like her old design but with no robotic Arm and with a police uniform instead.
I bet in the sequel she'll have a far more open outfit instead of the weird police uniform she has now, probably because she'll lose her arm at the end of the game or something.
Also the H-Doom dev is working on this game. Just sayin'.
I don't know, but import textures and sprites should be basic stuff, as long as enemy scripting.
It's Eduke32 so I expect to have the same freedom with IF.
I can't tell if its the helmet, but his eyes look really far apart.
Let's play the game where you try and guess how I know you're from Reddit.
Are you that one autistic Pepe poster that keeps talking about Amy Hennig or are you just using the same reaction images as him?
I do agree with your points about other FPSes having story through environment before Half-Life though.
Only if you think Build games, Thief, System Shock, SiN, Unreal, Descent and Marathon were doom clones
I've never seen that on reddit, though. Maybe it's because I've never gone to reddit. My mistake, I'll defer to your intimate knowledge of reddit.
I once got scared in quake because of the mirror.
I felt like a cat that never saw its reflection before.
I have shat on Amy Hennig before, though I'm pretty sure I didn't use pepe images while doing so.
It was mostly a joke when Half Life is a quake clone.
Beginning of the cinematic experience.
>I have shat on Amy Hennig before
What a nigger.
the dev is the one who CREATED that futa girl art, he literally made his OC donut steel as the main character
You do realize Hennig didn't create the character, right? In fact, she wasn't even involved with the first Blood Omen, which is the game that established the entire Legacy of Kain setting and almost all of the characters from later games.
Based Retardera shill.
Doesn't make sense. New players will probably like this one better, while oldtimers has already played Duke to death.
Based, fuck all of the posers playing all of these ironic retro shooters to look cool.
>That fucking old meme
>Ignoring the fact that Blood Omen had less story than Soul Reaver LoK
>Ignoring the fact Soul Reaver was supposed to be a completely separate Paradise Lost-inspired game until Crystal Dynamics merged them together
Next you'll tell me Uncharted 4 and Last of Us 2 is gonna be good, you Resetera tranny.
>Based Retardera shill.
Why would FaggotEra hate her?
To claim that Yea Forums hates good female writers as well.
I've seen these same anti-Hennig posters praise Uncharted 4 and Last of Us 2 and tell other people to cope. The fact that they are somehow acting everyone else claims that Hennig created Blood Omen 1 shows that they are trying to create a false narrative to coax normies into joining their retarded cause. The idea that Amy Hennig is a shit writer only came these past few months. It has never been posted in pre-Election era Yea Forums.
Blood Omen definitely has more story than SR1, at least in SR1' released version with all the cut content.
Anyway, Blood Omen established great foundation for the story while the rest of the series did amazing job developing it.
>>That fucking old meme
What meme? She had no involvement with Blood Omen, why would you be in denial about this
>Ignoring the fact that Blood Omen had less story than Soul Reaver LoK
Stop lying:
>Next you'll tell me Uncharted 4 and Last of Us 2 is gonna be good, you Resetera tranny.
Are you implying that Hennig's Uncharted games are well-written? In fact, they're a great example of story and gameplay completely contradicting each other. On the one hand, you have an adventure story that is basically a blander and lames version of Indiana Jones. On the other hand, you have the most dumbed down cover-shooter gameplay that consists of slaughtering hundreds of mercenaries and even innocent people in some cases (like the museum guard Nathan throws off a cliff). The two halves, story and gameplay, are completely disconnected from each other. Even when judged in a vacuum, the story hardly reaches even the quality of the adventure pulp movies that inspired it, so what is supposed to be worthy of praise here? It's the worst of both worlds: a story that doesn't even utilize the interactive nature of video game but also aspires - and fails - to mimic cinema, a non-interactive medium
>any time NPCs talk to you completely breaks any immersion
If you haven't developed a suspension of disbelief for silent protagonists, I don't know what to tell you. The second your protagonist speaks in someone else's voice (especially without your intent to speak,) you stop being in that character's shoes and it's more like you're watching a movie
>Why was she named shubniggurath anyway?
because the whole game revolves around delving deeper into a lovecraftian hellscape
I disagree. Silent often makes it more obvious you are playing a game. You're just a player interface. Whereas well done voiced characters make it feel like a real character acting in the world.
Was there a different original character design that people are annoyed at the change of?
>like a real character
But not your character.
>If you haven't developed a suspension of disbelief for silent protagonists, I don't know what to tell you.
Silent protagonists aren't immersivee, you retard. They BREAK immersion, by not letting you speak when it makes perfect sense to do so.
Lets look at FPS released before Half-Life popularized this dumb trope:
>Strife: you can talk to NPCs using dialogue choices
>Unreal: silent protagonist, but you are stuck on an alien planet and don't speak their language, so it makes sense
>System Shock: silent protagonist, but you are the only survivor on a space station where everyone has been killed or turned into a mutant, so it makes sense.
>Duke Nukem 3D/Blood/Shadow Warrior: voiced protagonists with personality
Notice a pattern here? Every FPS released before Half-Life did a much better job of handling its protagonist than Half-Life did.
>I'll make sure to draw some lewds in coming month
Please do!
I still don't understand why people shit on Hedon. It's like someone noticed the official art for the game and just shat their fucking brains out of their ass - YOU PLAY A GIANTESS ORC, IT'S BASICALLY FPS WITH SMUT IN IT
The game's surprisingly fucking safe in what it does, and it also features a great story (ironic beyond belief given that it tries to be oldschool as well), above average gameplay, and level design which is not only amazing but also has great secrets and seems inspired by shit like Thief or Arx.
You guys are fucking retarded mouthbreathers, I'm not mad or anything - play what you want - but seeing your response to it that's how it looks like. Nobody bothers to double check shit for themselves anymore and everyone takes everything at face value.
>SR1's released version with all the cut content
That isn't Hennig's fault, that's hardware and time constraints
>Anyway, Blood Omen established great foundation for the story while the rest of the series did amazing job developing it.
>What meme? She had no involvement with Blood Omen
You faggots keep going on Legacy of Kain threads to spam that Hennig never made Blood Omen 1 when NO ONE fucking claims that. Whenever Hennig is mentioned she is given credit for the Soul Reaver games alone. Blood Omen 1 only got more popular when Mandalore shilled it and now every fucking Zoomer is talking about it like it was the Holy Grail of games and that even Soul Reaver is better than it, when there was never a fucking hatred for any of the LoK games (except for Blood Omen 2), it's just zoomers trying to force in conflict within LoK threads because they are bored of Smash threads so they want to add more fuel to the fire in other threads.
>Stop lying:
>Proceeds to posts cutscene only Soul Reaver
>Proceeds to post a hybrid of cutscene and gameplay in Blood Omen 1
Yeah sure, that's real convincing pal.
>Are you implying that Hennig's Uncharted games are well-written?
No. I always criticised the Uncharted games for their story. Hennig only stupidly decided to conform to the times and decided to make a game that's an adventure story with no depths. Her problem is that she's a conformist and that she follows the industry. Which is bad because if she had continued to stuck to the 90s-era storytelling that she did with the LoK games, I have no doubt we would've ended up with some kino, but she didn't because Defiance's commercial failure convinced her to make games aimed towards retared casuals. The people to blame here are those that ignored Defiance and bought Uncharted like the sheep that they are. Also are you really going to argue that the agenda driven nu-Uncharted is better than old Uncharted?
What's the problem with that? If he is ok with changing the character(bust size, make him black of whatever) then what's the problem with whitewashing?
>[x] Tic-Tac-Told
ok i laughed
Yeah but if they're well written and likeable then i don't find that matters.
That's why the filename of the image is "Resetera Hypocrisy"
It's a forum filled with hypocrites.
>[X] Half Life 2: Episode Told
Missed the obvious opportunity
>[ ] Half Life 3: Episode Not Told
>Dusk comes out
>is a shitty indie nostalgiabait game that deliberately limits itself to try and emulate games of the past
>People have a sóy overdose about it, Shillman immediately begins fellating New Blood and will continue to do so for everything they dump out Amid Evil looks nice though I will admit
>Ion Maiden/Fury
>An obviously genuine passion project which takes old tech & makes it look incredible, whilst having its own style & reestablishing Shelly
>Gman shits on it for basic bitch reasons & unironically uses the term 'the true boomer experience' to pander to his pseudo-oldfag audience
It saddens me that this cunt is probably the biggest reviewer of FPS games as well as being one of the bigger gaming youtubers here in Australia
Doesn't work
That's a lot more playful than what we got.
Yea Forums - grass and mirrors
No you are retard, not Civvie.
His point was how Sigil UV was actually more like Nightmare mode and how fanbase was to complacent with UV. He was saying to play Hurt me Plenty if you feel like UV is to hard and if you play UV you should not whine about hard mode being to hard. Decino just added to his point by showing how can you still own it or harder approach.
>is a shitty indie nostalgiabait game
stopped reading there
>Blood Omen 1 only got more popular when Mandalore shilled it
>the LoK game with the best writing only got popular when some random YouTuber talked about it.
You are genuinely retarded if you think this. Blood Omen has always been appreciatd by series fans.
>Yeah sure, that's real convincing pal.
Blood Omen only has a few minutes of cutscenes. Most of the story is delivered in dialogue/monologues, i..e. it is delivered much faster than SOul Reaver, where every dialogue is accompanied by cutscenes where nothing is said for long stretches of time due to animations.
Not to mention all the optional dialogue from Kain in Blood Omen. He comments on every item, landmark, spell, etc there is in the game. There is way more dialogue in Blood Omn than there is in Soul Reaver.
Yeah a ton actually.
They chose the worst one and said the others were childish.
Ah, wait, what was the discussion about, again?
I'm an idiot so I didn't read the previous posts and just assumed RPGs. If they're not customizable, then yes, voiced is better.
Fair enough if you enjoyed it user, I just couldn't take it and felt like it was a soulless immitation of retro shooters, it runs on Unity for fuck sake
Haven't been subscribed to this faggot in a long time and guess he just went even further downhill.
KYS. You are too brainlets to enjoy video games without some cinematic crutches like talking protagonists. Find another hobby.
Why does a game need customization to roll play?
>No. I always criticised the Uncharted games for their story. Hennig only stupidly decided to conform to the times and decided to make a game that's an adventure story with no depths. Her problem is that she's a conformist and that she follows the industry. Which is bad because if she had continued to stuck to the 90s-era storytelling that she did with the LoK games, I have no doubt we would've ended up with some kino, but she didn't because Defiance's commercial failure convinced her to make games aimed towards retared casuals. The people to blame here are those that ignored Defiance and bought Uncharted like the sheep that they are. Also are you really going to argue that the agenda driven nu-Uncharted is better than old Uncharted?
No, I despise any iteration of Uncharted. But Hennig has never been a good writer. The bulk of world building for the Legacy of Kain universe wasn't done by Amy Hennig, but by people like Denis Dyack, Ken McCulloch and Seth Carus from Silicon Knights. After that, Amy Hennig became involved and surprise, the quality of the writing quickly plummeted, with poorly thought out retcons and convoluted time travel shenanigans for the sake of justifying more sequels.
I joined in at the end and assumed just general discussion. I'd say in general voiced or silent doesn't make a huge difference for me, just depends on the suitability for the game.
I do enjoy silent as well when suited. However i think those who hate any voiced protags are just being willfully difficult
>You are genuinely retarded if you think this. Blood Omen has always been appreciatd by series fans.
By series fans, yes. But your argument hinges on the fact that "true fans" only like BO1 and that the Soul Reaver games are objectively shit. This is only something a Zoomer would come up with after having watched le Ebin Mandalore video
>Blood Omen only has a few minutes of cutscenes. Most of the story is delivered in dialogue/monologues, i..e. it is delivered much faster than SOul Reaver, where every dialogue is accompanied by cutscenes where nothing is said for long stretches of time due to animations.
>Implying Soul Reaver doesn't have monologues
>Ignoring the biggest fucking feature that's always complained by critics about how Raziel can't shut up with his monologues
It's pretty clear you never played the Soul Reaver games zoomer
>Not to mention all the optional dialogue from Kain in Blood Omen. He comments on every item, landmark, spell, etc there is in the game.
>Implying Raziel doesn't do this.
Holy fucking shit. How are you outing yourself this fucking blatantly? You're either a Resetera tranny or a zoomer.
Also you haven't addressed my other points, buddy. Seems you're at a losing argument.
>Implying the people for the world building weren't present until Defiance
Holy fucking shit, are you one of those faggots that claims Kojima made up all the story for MGS2-3? When Fukushima was clearly the mastermind for the more well-written parts of MGS2-3 whilst Kojima was responsible for the retardation?
maybe I'm easily satisfied but DUSK has one of the best super shotguns out of any game. That loud satisfying POP when you blast dudes in the chest with that thing, I can't think of another game other than Turok 2 that has a higher-pitched shotgun pop sound.
The regular shotgun is pretty good too, and fun to dual wield. The rest of the guns are pretty bland though, yeah, except the crossbow.
Yeah he's a massive faggot, despite trying to act like a cool banter loving Aussie he deleted his discord because he "didn't like being associated with edgy content"
Well, it doesn't.
Anyway, if there's customization, unvoiced is better. If you make significant dialogue choices, unvoiced is still better so you don't end up with [glass him] but with voice tone instead.
Mostly defined protagonists should be voiced.
>whilst Kojima was responsible for the retardation?
We will only know when death stranding releases desu.
you literally need to recreate whatever is being reflected in the mirror, it's easy enough for older games to handle but in a modern triple AAA game where a game needs to have hundreds of needless details in a room is a performance nightmare
I thought the SSG was pretty shit personally. Blowing up chainsaw guys with it just made it impossible to see the others.
Lol what virtue signalling fag.
He just wants to coddle up to the SJW faggots like Danny O'Dwyer, the little pedo-defending piece of shit.
never really had that problem, but I've played the game so much at this point it's all memorized
>By series fans, yes. But your argument hinges on the fact that "true fans" only like BO1 and that the Soul Reaver games are objectively shit.
I said no such thing. I'm a big fan of the first Soul Reaver. It's after that the series quality starts to go downward.
It's pretty clear you never played the Soul Reaver games zoomer
You are genuinly retarded. Soul Reaver has a more cinematic style of presentation. That means the same amount of dialogue takes longer to express in Soul Reaver than it does in Blood Omen, where most of the dialogue happens outside of cutscens.
How is this such a difficult concept for you to grasp?
You know there are scripts of all the gams available, online right? Blood Omen's is much longer.
>Also you haven't addressed my other points, buddy. Seems you're at a losing argument.
What other points?
I think rendering an area portal and a spare room shouldn't be that intense? Unless the game can't render more than one room at a time. Hell some smart design and the mirrors can easilly be optimized.
Fuck this guy.
The artstyle is 13-year-old deviantart tier
Im out of the loop. Who is he and what did he join?
I really wish I knew what you guys were talking about, so I could pretend I knew who was wrong.
You can kill them in one hit with the stun baton. Is this like him shitting all over Sigil because he started on the hardest difficulty and it was hard?
I can't get over this. The pistol has an alt fire mode specifically made to kill these things.
>I said no such thing. I'm a big fan of the first Soul Reaver.
> It's after that the series quality starts to go downward.
For the retcons? Do you know what is actually responsible for those retcons? Blood Omen 2. It added unnecessarily lore that required fucking fixing and reimplementation. That's where the dumb retcons came from, that and meddling from higher-ups. Poor writing had nothing to do with it because if they wanted to be fucking rercourseful they would've just expanded and continued on the cut content from SR1, which they did partially, but the retcons came BECAUSE of Blood Omen 2 being handled by a different writing style.
>You are genuinly retarded. Soul Reaver has a more cinematic style of presentation.
Again, you said you're a fan of SR1, yet keep comparing SR1 negatively despite saying it's a good quality game. You're contradicting yourself in your own argument.
>What other points?
My points about the Uncharted games, and about how the garbage quality is a fault of the industry.
>[X] Toldstone creamery
alright you got me
>Holy fucking shit, are you one of those faggots that claims Kojima made up all the story for MGS2-3? When Fukushima was clearly the mastermind for the more well-written parts of MGS2-3 whilst Kojima was responsible for the retardation?
>well-written in any way
So...these are the standards of people who think Hennig is a good writer.
One pat with the stun baton thing and they'll almost instantly explode.
>This would have been fine until a little game called Call of Duty 4 came out and changed everything
What site wrote this
The issue is that it's not a real reflection, it's a mirrored recreation of the first room, you need double the assets to have a mirror working, people complained about the windows in Spider-man not reflection, but they would have made several copies of the entire city for it to work
Hl1 barely had any cutscenes desu, that's hl2.
Speaking of which.
Anyone feel like black mesa was a believable real place, while the events and locations in hl2 felt unreal?
Nothing in hl2 made sense, but going all over the black mesa facility to different testing labs really linked it together or something.
I've just looked at the design iterations of the protag and for once I'm not sure it's a huge downgrade.
Some of the old bombshell designs are plainly terrible. She has shoulders twice the width of her hips, stripper outfits, cringeworthy tattoos and generally looks gross overall.
It is however another plain brown haired, flat bodied, fully covered girl this time. Which is just dull. The mock up ITT with the leotard is better than the in game design
Never said MGS was well-written. Everyone on fucking Yea Forums claims that. It's why I used it as an example, imbecile.
Also if you think the LoK games are god-tier writing when games like Planescape Torment exist, then you're an idiot.
No. That's just one means of doing reflections.
Guy has the same opinion on headcrabs, which can also be Insta killed midflight with a crowbar (which is really fun).
>playing as a vampire in Sims 4 and using sex mod to fuck a teenage girl wheelbarrow style
>mfw move camera around and see no reflection of my vampire in the mirror, just girls pussy being stretched
I bet he screams nigger at the top of his lungs when he is not streaming while playing games
OG Bimbo designs are shit.
Cyber-dyke design is absolute dogshit.
Current future cop design is meh.
>it is not like there aren't alternatives out there
Obviously people have already played all the old games, jesus fucking christ that person is dumb as fuck
Couldn't they just render like a warping still image and then only reflect the player model?
You'd just need to mirror the player model, and have something that can bake something like a panoramic image from the mirror or something.
You're wrong.
I do give Civvie some credit, though. Serious Sam 3 starts out rough. You have to plow through a lot of shit in order to get to the gems, and even that has some poorly thought out mechanics (the dark areas). The DLC is a way better serious sam 3 experience.
If he wants to say Serious Sam 2 is better, then it's really just a matter of taste.
That's because HL2 was rushed. It got leaked and everybody played the leak so Valve just redid everything
This was my favorite part of vtmb.
What's the difference between saying "Half life changed everything, there's no reason to play this" and "Call of Duty changed everything, there's no reason to play this."
Either ways, you're saying that a game can be ignored because you like some completely different style of shooter better.
I believe this is wrong. The beta got leaked but that was planned cut content. The actual game got restored immediately when they got the stolen content back.
Think this is just been heavilly misinterpreted.
>For the retcons? Do you know what is actually responsible for those retcons? Blood Omen 2.
Nope. Blood Omen 2 is awful, but most of the retcons came from SR2, like the Hylden stuff or the idea that vampires were originally blue-skinned pious dudes. Blood Omen 2 is merely a continuation of the stuff from SR2.
>My points about the Uncharted games, and about how the garbage quality is a fault of the industry.
Not an argument. Uncharted came out in the same year as Mask of the Betrayer, which is one of the best-written games of all time. It's not as if 'Indiana Jones clone' precludes any possibility of good writing. Amy Hennig just chose to put in the least effort possible.
God dammit.
That made me wanna play Duke Nukem Land of the Babes again, and thats something I never thought I would say.
Honestly cardassians deserve it.
>Again, you said you're a fan of SR1, yet keep comparing SR1 negatively despite saying it's a good quality game. You're contradicting yourself in your own argument.
This is not negative, you retard. It's merely a FACTUAL observation that SR takes longer to deliver the same amount of dialogue as BO due to a more cinmatic focus. Nowhere did I imply that's a negative, it's simply what it is.
You absolute moron.
I agree. These people have such a jewed up sense of sexuality they leap between literal methed out whore design to androgyny. They should just have a noticeably feminine model dressed in a fun and eye catching but not outright depraved way.
This has to be the definition of forced controversy, Yea Forums if anything has always made a point to show how even Duke3D had working mirrors compared to most modern games.
If your game is built off it why would this suddenly need to be said to Yea Forums, or at all?
> "Half life changed everything, there's no reason to play this" and "Call of Duty changed everything, there's no reason to play this."
When you were born
The only time the writing was "bad" in LoK was BO2, and even then the game has some good parts due to great voice acting. Even if "BO2 ruined the canon" as you faggots claim, Defiance is perfect in terms of the writing - and that came after BO2.
No, seriously, who wrote this. Was this image made just to trigger this thread?
I think it was a jab?
> like the Hylden stuff or the idea that vampires were originally blue-skinned pious dudes
>Those are somehow retcons
>Not additions to the lore
Blood Omen 2 genuinely retconned a shitload of things from Blood Omen 1, and you're saying that the only harm it did was continue it? Are you fucking kidding me? That's not what a retcon fucking is.
>Not an argument. Uncharted came out in the same year as Mask of the Betrayer,
Did it sell extremely well? That's the question. My whole argument was based on Defiance selling poorly and Uncharted selling fucking great. That's my point, not story quality. But clearly you can't read for shit.
>Nowhere did I imply it was negative
>It's a factual observation
Then why bring it up in an argument about how Amy Hennig is a shit writer? You're beginning to run out of cohesive arguments here, retardera tranny. Dilate you obnoxious faggot, you'll never be a real woman.
Rock Paper Shotgun. For some reason their writing quality fucking plumetted in recent years, the Pathologic 2 review also couldn't have been more "I have missed the point and started gaming with Angry Birds" if it tried.
They were made by comic book artists. 90's comic book artists in the 90's when Liefeld was considered the peak of comic artistry.
That's why she used to look like that.
I actually think this punch has a name.
Think it's the same name as the guy that animates the cubes for impact.
They still cut tons of content though. What they showed in the previews was never in the actual game and the AI was shit so they either lied or it was never possible
Not all that much content was cut besides the hydra iirc. And the ai is still absurdly advanced. Problem is that most people played the broken version that valve released later around orange box.
I can't find it on their site. I just see some clueless scribbling from some retard who got lost because he didn't figure out that he had a map. But not the one from the image complaining that it's not like Half Life.
Just as well.
Oh, maybe it's from IGN or somewhere then, my bad. RPSes one is also shit either way.
Some no-name gaming site, look them up on metacritic if you want to read it
HAHAHAHAHA, just imagine unironically having such garbage opinions! HAHAHAHAHA!
Will buy Ion Maiden (Fury) once I come back home
I'd be glad to know what it is. I remember it not being called "punch" but I lost my reaction images in a hardware failure years ago, so I forgot what it was named.
This was my argument though. The other tranny is arguing the opposite. He's saying everything after SR1 is an objective loss of quality because Amy Hennig is a "shitty writer" because Uncharted bad. Despite the fact that the writing quality of SR2-onwards compared to Uncharted is far superior to Uncharted's.
Still best doom clone.
>He's saying everything after SR1 is an objective loss of quality because Amy Hennig is a "shitty writer" because Uncharted bad.
But the best scenes in the series and the writing in general, objectively, come from BO1 (Silicon Knights, which Amy supposedly helped to write or had some role in writing) and SR1/SR2 which Amy co-wrote. SR2 especially is the high point.
Yeah but i find it visually offputting. It's trying to be sexual but in the most clinical and misunderstood way. She may as well be in a gimp suit with just her vagina and tits cut out.
Characters like OG lara croft or tifa do it better, the old bombshell has masculine proportions and vulgar design. Not saying the new one is great, it's boring, but i don't think this is a downgrade anyway.
Yeah, his is equally bad, though.
I don't get what the fuck is wrong with people where checking their controls isn't step #1 when they get into a game.
Instead they do pic related.
Think it's the Obari Punch
>"Why would you want new thing? Old thing still exists"
5 lines in and I already hate them.
I'm thinking of getting the boxed edition. Anyone else?
Personally I like the vulgar look. Has a grungey feel to it and looks punk.
Wait till you get to the end
>old thing was bad anyway because Half Life replaced it. Fucking geezer get with the times
I've already ordered my collector edition.
I'll simply buy it on steam. Might invest on goodies later if money follows
Well he's arguing that Amy Hennig had no role in BO1 and that SR1 was mainly handled by other people and that SR2 was shit because "muh retcons". Despite the fact that isn't true. He's been going on almost every fucking LoK thread arguing this shit and pissing off every LoK fan in that thread.
I can't argue with this faggot, I am certain he's just a retardera tranny either shilling nu-Naughty Dog or trying to make it seem like Yea Forums hates even the good female writers.
Thanks. I think it had another nickname though, I could be wrong.
I bet you think the Nazis deserved what happened to them too you Communist sympathizing piece of shit.
Reminder the IGN reviewer had to use cheats and got stuck on a fucking switch puzzle.
Lel, this is the kind of tard who made it so mazes where removed from hl2
>Blood Omen 2 genuinely retconned a shitload of things from Blood Omen 1
It's another fucking timeline caused by all the time-traveling history-altering shit in other games.
>Yea Forums says check out lgr
>his voice is so low, he talks slow and his videos basically put you to sleep
Why do you all like this faggot?
>I don't get what the fuck is wrong with people where checking their controls isn't step #1 when they get into a game.
They probably expect a handholding tutorial to teach them everything in the beginning, or they're just so used to playing games that are similar to each other there was never a need to do that
At this point I would rather see commies be the go to bad guy.
Does this guy not have a Tab key?
Whats wrong with it is the assumption that NOBODY wants another game in the style they like. That everybody who loves the style has had their fill of it.
Because they take ambien or put it on 1.5-2x speed
Yes. She reminded me of someone, but I didn't manage to figure out who exactly.
Honestly why do you need another game? I can understand more content but why do you want the exact same game again?
She has the "dodge this" line from Trinity in The Matrix too. And she looks like Konoko from Oni but she was also inspired by GitS.
>Then why bring it up in an argument about how Amy Hennig is a shit writer?
I didn't. YOU did, you absolute imbecile, when you made the false claim that Soul Reaver had more story than Blood Omen. I simply corrected your false facts.
And now you're turning around and misrepresenting my posts, by claiming I said lies you yourself invented? You truly are pathetic.
Yeah these things are each to their own. Im not saying that a lara look is appropriate though, it obviously needs some cyber punk, so leather latex etc. However i still think that can be done in a highly attractive female way without going to the prostitute look. Especially when that look is what the developers point to as to alternative to their drab design.
This is a good design, feminine, sexy, unique but not explicit or cheap.
>>Not additions to the lore
Additions ARE retcons, you mongoloid. That's why they're called retcons, they're additions added after the fact.
And they're bad retcons because they're completely nonsensical. How does it even make sense to retcon vampires to be blue-skinned dudes who didn't even drink blood? Raziel looked like that because he was thrown in the abyss, and it had an acidic effect on his body, and he didn't need blood anymore because he had become a wraith.
Then you have the whole introduction of the Hylden, which makes so little sense that I don't even know where to begin.
Blood Omen 2 is merely a continuation of all the retcons introduced in SR2.
Unreal gets boring quicker, in my opinion. Both games are really great in that they are journeys, but HL is more relatable, while Unreal is at times amazing, at times really tedious (like caves or water temple).
It isn't the exact same game it is a new game. People like to experience new shit based on variations of shit they already like - its pretty common in entertainment. I was just speaking in general terms and I realize I should have worded the post as the journo applying his own logic to everybody else. That's what I was going for that he can't say there isn't an audience for it based on his reasoning.
It would be better if she just lost the helmet.
Oh yeah that's dumb for him to say that. If it's popular of course people will want a sequel. In fact that's really retarded he would think otherwise in today's day and age.
I like some stuff Unreal did a lot but the guns kind of suck too IMO
Oh wow.
>Unreal gets boring quicker, in my opinion. Both games are really great in that they are journeys, but HL is more relatable, while Unreal is at times amazing, at times really tedious (like caves or water temple).
I'd argue the opposite.
half-Life feels like "piecemeal situations: the game". The monsters don't compliment each other, so you end up with 'the marine part' 'the female assassin part' 'the alien grunt part' instead of situations where you fight mixed groups of enemies that support each other.
Unreal has a much more compelling mix of exploration and combat.
Fine. I'll admit, I did slip up there. But you were once again the one that compared Blood Omen 1 to being far better compared to SR1. Therefore the fault lies in both of us.
Nope. A retcon is when you change an already established part of the story and say that something else happened during that time. Nowhere did the lore say how Vampires were made, SR2 only revealed how Vampires were made. It never established that Vampires weren't what SR2 claimed them to be, they had no definitive origin you fucking idiot. By that logic SR1 retconned how human society worked from BO1 and retconned a lot more stuff. But that's not what a fucking retcon is. A retcon isn't an expansion. A retcon is a fucking REPLACEMENT. That's what the word RETCON means.
>"(in a film, television series, or other fictional work) a piece of new information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events, typically used to facilitate a dramatic plot shift or account for an inconsistency."
Actual fucking definition the word retcon
> How does it even make sense to retcon vampires to be blue-skinned dudes who didn't even drink blood?
They didn't. They established the original forms of the Vampires as resembling that, then because of a curse they became the blood-sucking Vampires, you idiot.
>Then you have the whole introduction of the Hylden
The Hylden made no sense because BO2 fucking messed them up. That's why, SR2 made them straight forward, BO2 made them confusing.
>Blood Omen 2 is merely a continuation of all the retcons introduced in SR2.
Except BO2 also retconned shit from BO1 you fucking idiot. That's why everyone hated BO2 you fucking imbecile.
I'm actually watching a guy explain how to make fake grass for like an hour.
So you got me.
>Read the RPS article
>Surprise it's dumb
>Get to the comments and see this from the writers
Okay no seriously
You can actually see the exact moment his brain shuts down when he has to back his claims.
why do these people take everything seriously? it must be pretty boring if you can never exaggerate for effect.
Definitely. I like the design ITT with the leotard and bare legs best. It's fun, eye catching and sexual without being over designed or in your face.
Oof that's embarrising.
I think both games compliment each other, that's the thing. You get a lot of "Half-Life killed this FPS that came about that autumn", but it didn't really. It killed SiN and few others, but because they were similar in setting (i.e. "shooter in a modern-looking environments on Earth) , but that's it.
Unreal was - and still is - remembered fondly. My friend (who pretty much hates old games if they aren't perfect) played it recently expecting it to suck, but got so immersed he actually liked it (and compared it to Metroid Prime).
They're the current day puritans. They hate fun and want to out law it. They think they're saving your immortal soul by denying sexism.
Ideas were there, but some guns are just weird and have limited uses. The fact that you can upgrade your energy weapon was pretty cool, though.
Oh no not again.
>using "gross" as an adjective in political discussions
These people should not be taken seriously, in any circumstance.
Modern day puritans don't believe in souls. Puritanism is just a neural archetype characterized by extreme lack of individuality, strong need for group confirmation and identification of heretics to improve one's own standing.
I don't mean that in some enlightened individualist way, you can identify healthily with groups but these people are weak, rely on the opinion of others and need to find and point out outsiders in order to feel secure.
>They didn't. They established the original forms of the Vampires as resembling that, then because of a curse they became the blood-sucking Vampires, you idiot.
How does that contradict what I said? Vampires were originally blue-skinned dudes who didn't drink blood.
Do you not see the problem with this? It's an obvious retcon.
They looked at Raziel's design, who is also a blue-skinned dude who doesn't drink blood, and decided to base the design of the original vampire race on that. The problem is that it's mindboggingly stupid, since again. Raziel was blue-skinned because he fell into the abyss, which was like acid to his body. And he didn't need blood anymore because he had become a wraith.
Or do you think it's just a coincidence that ancient vampires look like that?
It's amazing just how gullible you are. I bet you also think Luke and Leia being siblings was planned in A New Hope.
>My friend (who pretty much hates old games if they aren't perfect) played it recently expecting it to suck, but got so immersed he actually liked it (and compared it to Metroid Prime).
He hates old games, but hee likes Metroid Prime, an old game that is also one of the clunkiest FPS ever made?
That's funny because portraying this stuff as something only an exaggerated character would do is probably better than trying to remove all traces of it and acting like it doesn't exist
Maybe. I think they just think the ends justify the means.
Well yeah 3rd wave feminism kinds shits all over 2nd wave.
Damn Cuckmanlives is still mad at Yea Forums? Real shame be blew his EA partnership to save face.
even go want to do look more like
And 2nd shits all over common sense too. Repealing the 19th is the ultimate redpill.
>rampant and gross sexism and dudebro shit that DN3D brought to the table
I miss when the gaming industry was from nerdy white males, for nerdy white males.