Play CrossCode
Play CrossCode
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I am, but I'm getting 2-hit by everything now. I just made it to the desert town, and I went with maxing my focus. I have a bunch of stuff that works if I perfect guard/dodge or whatever, but like half of the attacks coming my way are overheads that go around my shield.
Perfect Dodge them then. Also check if your equipment level is close to your actual level, if you're getting 2-shot by common enemies you probably need to equip new shit.
I did.
New dungeon when?
yeah, but I have a bunch of stuff that triggers on perfect guard that's wasted because they're never doing attacks that I can guard! I'll try perfect dodging though.
What stuff is it, equipment, abilities or something else? You could always try switching them out for something else if you're fighting enemies that don't mesh with it.
They added the arena, if that's what you're talking about
I mean the dungeon they tease at the end of the game that you never go in.
this is what I'm currently using. I'm mainly talking about pin body/royal guard, but I probably should change out of some of this stuff.
You should probably get something better for the head and torso. There's a level discrepancy there.
i played it when it came out. it's pretty good
Did they ERP with each other?
i got tired of it and stopped a few months ago
>crowdfunded game made with HTML5 and JavaScript
literally gas yourself, you subhuman sack of shit
I will when the switch port finally releases
trying to beat the frog's time in the dungeons stressed me out so much that I stopped playing
the pacing is so damn tiring. I get so sick of all the nonsense "open world but not really mmo fetch quest" shit, yet by the time I reach a dungeon I'm stuck doing puzzle after puzzle for literal hours and it makes my brain sore. Honestly its a good game but it feels like they stretched it like a piece of gum
>mfw I didn't realize you could switch elements in the quick select until near the end of the game
>game is set in the far future
>france still exists
I haven't beat it yet.
C'tron is going to turn out to be evil isn't he
I'll play it when new game+ releases in a month.
The game's setting and plot is kind of confusing to me. I can't tell what's 'real' in the setting and what's just made-up bullshit for the MMO. I'm hoping that the story will go somewhere interesting or shake up the gameplay in a good way, but so far things have been surprisingly bland.
you have an hour, it's plenty of time, don't worry about it.
there'll be an african nation known as france
Unironically yes, crosscode is good
Lea is too pure for that.
France doesn't exist, but Planet Baguette does.
The story doesn't take a turn until midway, at which point it becomes obvious what is MMO and what isn't.
Fuck off seizui.
spoonfeed me on crosscode Yea Forums I played the demo ages ago on newgrounds and like the whole html5 thing about it
is the story literally .hack meets phantasy star?
i only buy games that get a daily waifufag thread, so repost this twice daily for about 4 weeks straight and maybe i will.
haven't played .hack yet, but I don't see the resemblance to Phantasy Star (unless you mean the newer games in which case I also have no idea)
you play in a fake MMO while also having a story that reaches outside of that scope.
hows once a month sound
I like the game but solving the dungeons in a timely manner is so stressful. The wave dungeon made me feel like a fucking retard.