Is Final Fantasy XIV worth getting into at this point? I used to play it when Reborn first came out and played up until the first expansion. Now that MMO itch is coming on.
FFXIV thread
Is Final Fantasy XIV worth getting into at this point? I used to play it when Reborn first came out and played up until the first expansion. Now that MMO itch is coming on.
FFXIV thread
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Wtf does it need 4 big ass ears for? Koreans are fucking weird
Unless you're a tranny, no.
This is the only correct opinion
What drew you in in the first place? The story? Lore/world building? If so yes, else the gameplay loop is roughly the same although job actions got changed quite a bit
The fuck is wrong is wrong with your eyes? The bunny ears are clearly fake ones on a head strap.
Sick meme, retards.
Yeah, it's pretty easy to catch up in this game.
Just remember not to respond to them, because now you're going to get "t. ranny" in response.
Imagine how many kids Runar put in her
>Is Final Fantasy worth getting
A warning OP: The game is faggot central with unending amounts of "uwu" and other niggerdy sorts. You'd best keep your distance. Play XI if you want an actual MMO experience
better mmos exists
Pic not related
do the whole rest of your life a favor and swear off mmo's forever. no matter what!
>WoW classic turned out to be a handful of dead servers and a handful of streamer servers
>saltposting in FFXIV threads skyrockets
wait until they rework the base game story.
He literally said he already played past it.
post blm memes
what's wrong with the base game story i literally just did aside from some slow moments, it's all pretty good i mean good if you give a shit about the story, but if you didn't you'd just buy a boost right?
Only play if you like big numbers
Literally nobody:
Not a soul:
BLM: Healers adjust
What part of MMOs do you enjoy?
If you actually want a story, or like doing miscellaneous stuff like crafting and house decorating, then play XIV.
Haha I watch Larryzaur too!
im thinking about playing xiv aswell
This is how clear parties are supposed to be done Yea Forums. No carries, just 8 people doing their best to get a kill for the first time.
What is that korean trash
Well, the GNB could use some work, but I'd kill for a party like that.
Most of mine just look like this.
let me guess, the grey samurai was dancer buffed
there's no way that's a savage parse user who are you kidding.
ShB is a runaway success right now and it's still relatively new so yeah
it's not a clear :(
>Double DNC + BRD
>Double AST
Should have just saved yourself the time and left the party before going in.
i just wanna run orbonne monastery, is that so much to ask
i haven't even done lighthouse yet
Even if you got a group now the only people running it would be the most brain dead of the brain dead that would be lucky to make it past Agrias and definitely be ended by Cid
Same goes for you, lucky to make it past the 2nd boss at this point and ended by the basic math mechanic of the 3rd boss
lighthouse is fun but holy shit seeing people not know how to do math hurts.
After finishing the MSQ as dragoon, should I level DRK or GNB?
>Rath Mount
>Does Extreme
>All three fuckers cart
This is gonna be rough
DRK for ease of use and OH MY GOD MY TBN
I'm at 2.4 of the Post ARR MSQ and my subscription runs out in 2 days. Should I buy Shadowbringers or renew my subscription if I can't finish it by the time it runs out?
Shadowbringers is the best the game has ever been
renew subscription my dude
whats a good next step dps after red mage? I really enjoy it but recognize its the dummy class.
>Rath whistle drops
>the dumb fuck that kept carting wins the roll
I'm new to DPSing in savage content, should i be super worried if my parses are green? The first stuff i did was grey, but i didn't even know the rotation at that point.
If you want to stay ranged try out BRD or MCH
If you want to give melee a shot DRG and MNK are both fun options
>go into Rath EX
>"It's just Rath, how hard can it be? I'll just play like I do in MonHun!"
>realize there is no rolling
>eat shit and plan suicide
all the dps is easy
i don't think anything was completely fucked like sb mch.
kill yourself
>60 euro on top of whatever you've paid first to make the game playable after level 56
>literal hundreds of euro or 1k+ hours if you wanna stand a chance in pvp
and holy shit they even buffed the most p2w item there is, it used to be x3
which class skill is that for
As long as you're doing your opener right and maximizing your uptime you will improve. What are you playing?
You guys must been getting some pretty bad luck, every time i run any of the SB 24-man raids is smooth sailing
MCH. I've been doing the 'fast wildfire' opener and seem to have it down, just trip up every now and then with a mistimed drill/letting air anchor go a bit too long. i don't really care about the number as much as i do pulling my own weight in the party.
i mean I can't even get a party for it. duty finder never pops.
As a long time player i actually really hate how content is progressively pseudo-removed from the game by having mechanics being ignorable. And i'm not even talking stricly about the ARR 24-men raids (although it also applies to them), if you think about it every single Alexander fight basically does not exist in the game anymore, with the exceptions of A11 and A12. I ran Brute Justice on the roulette today and it was so fucking lame, he died before the music hit the chorus. It makes me feel so bad for the new players who will never get to experience this content at its reasonably difficult but not frustrating setting as i did back when it released. If i had my way all fights in the game would be Ilvl synced to the max gear level you could have at the patch they released in. People are extremely obcessed with facerolling everything to get currency but actually playing the game is also fun, at least i'd like to believe so.
why would you suggest this when trusts have made it a singleplayer experience
>hurr i meant a private server
Blame the quadruple niggers who unequip all of their gear to force the queue to throw them in LotA every single day
Well damn I have no MCH experience so I have nothing to help you with. Good luck
It depends a lot on what you're playing and how well geared are you.
Grey is pretty bad no matter what, but greens are fine if you're under-geared. Just make sure to check the opener for your class, that's always the best starting spot to see if you're doing anything wrong.
You DID play through the story as a DRK right?
Of course I did. Fray is my nigga.
No because that makes no sense. I did it as a Paladin which is the proper job for shadowbringers MSQ.
i-imagine if she took a huge turd on your face haha
I did it as a WARRIOR of darkness
>Giving Archage a run for it's money
It's truly a spectacle.
I did it as MNK because it's our expansion.
He posts it every thread.
Okay, I need some advice here about what to play. I am currently going through the MSQ and am using a MCH which is "fun," but consistently feels bad at 85ms - I have to dump everything as soon as possible and can only single weave two oGCDs with Wildfire to consistently hit 5.
I've played BLM and liked it, but it feels very awkward when you are constantly being hit with new dungeons/trials, and SMN has felt bad since the ShB changes.
I don't really want to touch DRG or RDM, and I wish there was something similar to Spriests or Afflic Locks in WoW (aside from SMN) as I mained Spriest for nearly 10 years.
If you're looking for something to play with higher MS, MNK and BRD do not have OGCD weaving like the other DPS do and they're both quite good right now
i wish it had a nod to it.
why won't the fucking mods catch on to these fake OP where they pretend to be a new player but they're just trying to create a /vg/ thread in the wrong place
Haha no we all know PLD is the expansion job.
Based fellow PLDchad
wait don't you need to with mage ballad or whatever it is?
sounds like the only reason you leveled it beause it's top tier right now sounds like a bunch of tier whores
In shadowniggers do you really use darkness or is it a gay fight fire with fire?
I really don't have much of a choice with the latency, SE doesn't believe the East Coast exists.
My friend plays a MNK, but I suppose I'm going to have to as well. I don't MCH is going to work.
Tell him to play something non gay, like PLD
At least it’s not as bad as MHW players trying Behemoth. I hear Behemoth EX has one of the lowest clear rates.
Are you retarded? Paladin was the first job I leveled since I joined the game, I played through all of ARR as a sprout playing paladin
What the fuck do you even mean by this, retard
You literally never use darkness at any point, in fact the whole expansion is about your blessing of light.
you ain't using darkness or anything nigga
Not him but get fucked metafag I was a PLD even before it was good back in HW.
why are xiv posters so angry like god damn. xivg isn't this mad but they get replaced with literal faggots.
You, as the one with the blessing of light, absorb and contain the light then use it to murder Solus/emet-selch's fucking soul
No you're basically a lightfag all the way through. Even when restoring "darkness" to the land you only do so with the power of light. And you even defeat the final boss with the power of light as well.
Truly the PLD expansion.
fuck you
what were your main class for the expansions?
The first 10+ hours of FFXIV is a tutorial.
Don't disregard the Bard. It's a fun job
whoa... amazing!
Yeah Behemoth EX in World is fucking murder, pugging the normal/story mode alone is absolute hell because people keep trying to play it like they're solo. It gives you fair warning, multiple times, that you need somebody to tank it to keep its bullshit mitigated, somebody to heal everyone, and two hunters dedicated to pure damage, and even makes it easier on everyone by increasing Behemoth's enmity-generation on the weapon-types that can shield.
>I should really be leveling my WHM
>too busy fucking around with XIV bard player to make anime/visual novel songs playable.
man im so close to 60 too.
PLD. The only CHAD job.
Always question myself why don't they just make a general on /vg/? Fate/Grand Order has TWO generals, so why can't FF14 have two?
what's the second general for?
I actually did level BRD, it was okay, and I'm not sure if it really has enough utility at the moment to offset the lower DPS.
Honestly and just getting really exhausted of switching around jobs. Nothing feels "right."
Honestly HW's DRG was too good to pass. It was such a fun job to play.
There wouldn't be enough of a discrepancy to warrant two different generals.
And I feel like the "new" general would inevitably be filled with the same ERP bullshit anyway. The nature of /vg/ pretty much encourages it.
because its a coordinated discord group who has tranny beef with the other trannies in the /vg/ thread so they post here instead
keep in mind they all know each other and they are also on discord, making these threads completely pointless
blue mage
whats the dps requirement for e3s
Is our character a virgin?
Can anybody tell me the best way to adapt music to play on the bard instruments? How do you go about learning to play a song ingame?
71600 or smth like that. i think levi has 2 enrage timers, 10:55 and 11:05
Yes and he start blushing when he talk to a femlala
When Urianger is talking about the Umbral and Astral polarities, he keys you in that in the first, Astral is darkness, which is active, and Umbral is light, which is passive. Vauthry was a plant by the Ascian's to turn everyone into lazy, passive assholes in order to facilitate (or at least speed up) the rejoining by tipping the scales overwhelmingly to the Umbral polarity. Your actions against the first lightwarden forced Vauthry to spring into action, which in turn delayed the calamity long enough in order to accomplish the events of the game.
>How do you go about learning to play a song ingame?
Look up the notes you need to play and press the fucking buttons in the right order with the right timing, it's just like playing piano
Play Male Elezen.
>People are extremely obcessed with facerolling everything to get currency but actually playing the game is also fun, at least i'd like to believe so.
It's unfortunate but it's the way games are designed around people getting their dopamine hits. Always gotta be doing the roulettes to get that sweet reward hit, can't be "wasting" your time doing other things that don't give overt rewards. No real sense of actually enjoying the present time in the game, just constantly scurrying towards getting your character geared out in whatever tomestone/raid drop full set and then once that's done you drop the game till next expansion and never really use the gear you spent tens to hundreds of hours working towards. You never once stop to enjoy any fruits of your labours. How artificial.
Already am, I go around standing next to cat bois and laughing at them for only coming up to my elbow
I was so hyped to do the alexander fights since i heard the music in the shbhs trailers. I finished the whole thing in one day in like 2 hours. at least the story was nice. shame
I did bad during tonight's raid night.
>just hit 71 on BLM
>it's shit
>this could be tagged with 2girls, but there is a high chance that it isn't
Is that better or worse than doing good but still not clearing?
did you take the bunny pill?
>tfw you find out you're a shitter
on suicide watch right now bros... any good guides out there?
>Look up the notes you need to play and press the fucking buttons in the right order with the right timing, it's just like playing piano
I can't read sheet music, how do I convert this stuff to being readable to my eyes?
Do you think she stutters during sex? I want to hear her say "umm" and "uuh" while she makes an ahegao face
>tfw sub ran out yesterday
Maybe now I can focus on learning nip until 5.1 comes out
Me on RDM
After all of this, I don't see myself switching from DNC in the next expansion. This is the first time in this game that a class "clicked" so hard with me, I love everything about it.
I guess I'm lucky. I have a lot of purples and a few oranges in my static. The only green/grey is usually me.
FINALLY got out of ARR MSQ Hell today so I can use my 100 leve allowances on crafting leves that actually matter.
So much wasted exp because it took so long.
I'm downloading the free trial right now. What kind of limitations does it have besides the level cap, and will I be able to try out multiple classes?
i'm sorry user you're just bad.
You have to remember that this is week 3, there are sams out there with the titan weapon and there's no way you can compete with them without it. Here's mine without weapon, the titan one is likely going to be blue at around 60% judging by the damage I had on the 1% wipes.
I don't have a MIDI keyboard or whatever that is.
you silly dummy you input midi files into it and it plays it for you. midi keyboard works as well.
I didn't ask for some program that plays for me, I'm asking if anybody has a decent way to transform sheet music or whatnot into a readable form for playing on the keyboard.
"Umm," "uhh," and "ahh" while you're lining up to insert or rubbing against her to tease her lip-bite optional
honestly if you're trying to pug savage to a clear then you should just look up everyone you party with on fflogs and if they're all or majority grey in the previous fight then just leave.
get a second monitor
Either learn or get the beginners version of sheet music that writes what the note is alongside the marks
Honestly if you use addons you should just jump off a bridge and quit real life.
FFXIV threads are closed because it's in direct competition with wow and classic wow so that's a big no no. Jannys are extremely biased. There can only be 4 or more wow threads allowed at one time and zero FFXIV threads allowed at any time on Yea Forums.
Samurai, but I am sad because after the expac I got my Nidhogg katana which literally is a darkness katana.
SB to MSQ ending: DRG
4.1 to 4.55: SAM
I've tried DRG and got it to 80, it's much more fun than in SB but I am set on Samurai. Given the potency update in 5.08/5.1 and shoha getting counters without meditation (which should be removed) in 5.1 my issues with it are remedied.
Is it just on the first where that is the case? It seems like it's that the source was mistaken and darkness always is active while light always is passive.
hello greylet
Are you getting clears? Because that's all that matters. Don't fall for the parse-nigger meme.
>people still derping basic ass shit in Titania parties
Holy fuck dude, I just decided to join a farm to take a break from smashing my face against Savage and dumb motherfuckers still getting hit by Phantom Runes and knocked off during adds. I have never played a game with a bigger ratio of retards to competent players.
>Jannys are extremely biased.
>the gacha and taimanin threads with people just flat out posting porn
Jannies confirmed to have jizz craniums, that's why the filter went up so fast
Hey tranny
Holminster Switch should be level 70, change my mind
Why? If it's readable I could just write it out/print off sheets to play. I want to eventually learn how to actually play some songs I like by heart.
I guess I'll have to learn how to identify the notes and slowly transcribe into a more readable form. My friend here seems to be able to tell me more:
I did it with Machinist cause I got a gun.
Look around for the notes. Then write out in a notepad not the notes but rather your hotkeys to notes. That is what I did to a few songs.
Try spam-botting the next epic meme on Yea Forums and see how fast it gets filtered, it's been a fucking field-day seeing what oversteps boundaries, gets filtered and has eleven-year-olds and Canadians bawling that the mods are cringe and bluepilled.
If you make Sirensong Sea and Dusk Vigil levels 60 and 50 respectively, sure.
I want her to kill me bros.
I'm honestly confused on what you're asking for.
Just synthesia it on a second monitor if you want to learn.
Going to be a PAIN IN THE FUCKING ASS doing it on the keyboard if you don't have a midi controller.
I have the sleepy gear Glamor on me. What's the best weapon to be paired with it and how do i get that bed mount? Tfw still in post Stormblood
Back when ARR first launched I kept getting hit by telegraph attacks even though I was well clear of the zone, and I saw others having the same problem. Is that still an issue or has it been resolved since then?
Where's my weeabros at?
Buy it off the market for 8 million gil or wait like an year and buy it from the market for 200k
Use the first stage of the HW BLM relic for your weapon.
That problem was acknowledged and fixed years and multiple expansions ago.
What's the most fun tank?
My definition of a fun class includes having different mechanics to juggle with some depth. So like AST with card system and the heals. I don't want the most braindead one (like WHM)
When the Telegraph ends, you're locked in to be hit even if the animation of the attack comes out a second later.
It's frustrating at first but you adjust. The real difference is you get a half second or so to contemplate your death before it actually happens
Yeah that'll help, also look for sheet music like this, its what I was talking about
I got into the expansion late and honestly while i do want to do the EX primals i just know that whatever learning parties are still left in crystal are sure to make me lose my faith in humanity
It was lessened, but it still happens.
None of them are especially complicated (the most complicated is Gunbreaker which is roughly as complicated as Dragoon), play DPS if you want a class with lots going on.
All tanks play like very simple DPS jobs, akin to Dancer or RDM
Paladin is braindead easy and more of a support tank last I played it.
Warrior is basically an unkillable death machine assuming you play it right.
Haven't touched DRK or Breaker at all yet.
So whats up with titan lasting longer or shorter depending on the type of instance?
How the fuck is Gunbreaker as complex as DRG? Don't get me wrong, DRG isn't rocket science but GNB is just as brainded as the other tanks
what are you talking about? There is no "got into it late"
Moogle weapon
PLD = set but long rotation, some flexibility to recover from wipes with stuff like Cover/Clemency
WAR = ungabunga
DRK = ungabunga but TBN
GNB = set and short rotation, retards will tell you it's complex because Continuation gives you slightly higher APM every now and then
i haven't really tired any of the floors yet, wanted to get a good grip on MCH before i get into any parties
>One FFXIV thread is bad
>Multiple WoW Classic threads is good
some of his moves are based on server tick so if you're lucky then you get an extra few seconds tll enrage. if you're unlucky then its the opposite where you lose time.
Oh but there is my friend. If you don't clear a primal in the first two weeks in PF all you're left with are the absolutely worst players in the entire game and/or late joiners
>Is it just on the first where that is the case?
It applies to both the first and the source. Urianger just happened to make the connection due to the differences in naming conventions.
It doesn't. Conventional latency still happens.
Good to know. It was always annoying during the Ifrit fight getting knocked off the platform and looking like an idiot even though I ran out of the telegraph before it finished casting.
how do I improve?
Do people use a Deadly Boss Mods equivalent in FFXIV where you get an overlay announcing each boss attack in sequence or are we supposed to nut up and remember the whole fight each fight
Or, like, take notes
That sounds really amateur. You'd think a big company like SE wouldn't have these sort of shenanigans.
As a Dragoon I am offended
That's true of every instance, it's always been a weird thing in this game. Occasionally you will get a noticeably slow instance.
>nut up and remember the whole fight each fight
>Or, like, take notes
Yes, fag
GNB's complexity is mainly in optimizing its own damage which is effectively just shoving everything into No Mercy's window, has two DoTs to keep track of (one of which is on GCD despite recast timer) and can slam up to five bullets in a row if the last hit of your normal combo is available. GNB's APM roughly matches DRG's and the job overall is about as complicated.
DRG is baseline in complexity. GNB is complicated for a tank but average-low for a DPS.
People usually just remember the whole fight, addon users do exist but they're very uncommon
doing the opener correctly? maintaning uptime? not dying?
FFXIV was built in a box by cats it's a miracle it works as well as it does
Not at all. You are the only one who can kill Lightwardens because you have Hydaelyn's blessing that makes you immune to their control and instead you absorb their light. It's called Shadowbringers because after you absorb the light the night sky is visible. That's the only connection to darkness there is. Basically ShB is just ARR but replace Primals with Wardens and WoL with WoD.
People who claim it is the greatest story in an MMO are just going off the shock of the last minute reveal and blowing it out of proportion because it is delivered by the most charismatic character in the cast. All story before level 80 is dull as fuck.
It's still fun to play through though, very reminiscent of FFIX and plenty of nice looking zones, great music and some amazing dungeons.
do people overlay notepad
is that a thing
Is SAM supposed to still have more raw pDPS than MNK, or am I doing something horribly wrong?
No, it's made for weebs that know nothing of good storytelling.
shitty meme with absolutely zero support behind it. Day one is always full of shitters just like any other day. If anything it gets easier because of gear improvements.
press ur buttons in the correct order
great "advice"
Tell us your favorite piece of literature, big boy.
Nigger just learn how to play video games, it's not hard
shitty questions deserve shitty answers
no, monk is the strongest job in the game.
No they don't. Fuck you for even asking that. The moment faggots start using trash like that is the moment I quit. Games already braindead as fuck as of shb.
>am I doing something horribly wrong?
Yes, you're playing SAM when MNK and DRG push it into a locker and take its lunch money
the elemental chart fucks with me a lot
because iirc Fire, Lightning, and Wind are in one triangle, and Earth, Water, and Ice are in another. something like that.
Black Mage uses 2 from one triangle and 1 from another whereas White Mage uses 1 from one triangle and 2 from another.
Play BRD.
Actually this type of thing has been in the game for a long time. It's only people noticing it now. For example during the tether phase in Nidhogg EX there's a chance for the server tick to fuck you over when it comes to passing it. Same deal with O7S. SAM's Meditate skill also works based on server tick so there's a chance you get a stack in half a second or you have to wait the full 3 seconds.
>All story before level 80 is dull as fuck.
Nah, the level 70-71 stuff is also good, because it sets up nice potential and it's before they turn out to just repeat the same scenario in each zone.
>big numbers
>posts Red Mage
There is a goddamn Zohar on the floor of Amaurot's main hall.
1.0 DRG
Metaslave is progging, shush.
Before i play BRD name one actually good weapon glamor
They do, but only slightly and in a vacuum. It'll get buffed.
If your not a brainlet, I'm guessing yeah.
Depends on your tastes.
>I'm honestly confused on what you're asking for.
I have music I would like to learn how to play ingame but I can't translate proper sheet music to the in-game keys that the game uses, because I can't read sheet music. I was wondering if there was a way to convert these complex music sheets into something that I could read
I was wondering what peoples general process for going about learning how to play music ingame was.
>Going to be a PAIN IN THE FUCKING ASS doing it on the keyboard if you don't have a midi controller.
I'll see how painful it is but I can remap all my keys and I've noticed that you can't actually hold more than 1 note at once with the bards perform, so hopefully not that painful.
Yeah that's pretty cool, I'll keep an eye out if they're keyed like that.
>Look around for the notes. Then write out in a notepad not the notes but rather your hotkeys to notes.
This seems to be the best thing to end up with.
>Playing the PLD quest and shitting all over SAMfags like you
Probably one of the best jobquests.
Nobody asked about the fucking piece of shit mess that was 1.0
ebony bow with amon's hat
What do you think you were doing to her when you left that little sun cuck to Yshtola?
I guess it's on me then. I just dont know what I'm doing wrong besides Twin > True > Twin > True because I'm hovering in the 80s percentile and I've been told to worry about Twin > True > True> Twin once I'm in the 90s.
No I play MNK, it's been my main since I started.
Bite me
learn to read sheet music, it's not fucking rocket science and should not take more than a day or two
This is what I like when games give you reasons to actually develop yourself like this, even something as minuscule as learning sheet music. Can't believe there was some ungabungamax actually recommending to download some program that would play the songs for you. Something seriously wrong with this.
Appearance soon.
Can you arrange your keyboard to have inputs analogous to the piano setup of the instruments?
Those "triangles" are the Umbral and Astral polarities. In BLM's case, you use Astral which is active (fire and lightning), to blow shit up, and Umbral which is passive (ice), in order to regenerate mana.
I am
But all the outfits and most of the weapons are shitty desu
user....learning to play notes on your keyboard wouldn't translate well to playing on an actual keyboard.
don't be a smart ass. i'm happy you're encouraged to learn but you got to understand it not the same thing.
Not sure, how many notes total is there? 32? It's eight by the four modifier keys, right?
reading sheet music is a separate skill from playing an instrument, and a much simpler one, if you can read sheet music you can work out how to play a song on any instrument which yes includes ff14's shitty keyboard, you are overcomplicating the problem
>All story before level 80 is dull as fuck.
You're transported magically to a strange new world locked in a post-apocalyptic brink of destruction under horrifying monsters that are born from twisted and terrifying rebirths of their victims. The very first boss and dungeon has you avenge a scion's dear friend who was transformed by said monsters and return night to a realm that had not seen it in a hundred years.
In Stormblood the first dungeon takes place because your ship got stuck and you beat up a bunch of spooky spooky ghosts ooooOoooOOOOoo with absolutely zero relevance to the story beyond keeping you from getting to where the story needs to go. I don't even remember the first HW dungeon but compare it to ARR, HW or SB and SHB's story is always better. We just have to see if it's better or worse in the patches.
Where they fucked up is having none of the light wardens but Titania and Innocence have any kind of storytelling purpose. Despite telling us how "If you kill a light warden they will possess the next closest person in proximity", we get these mindless purposeless light-demons. They missed the chance to do some good storytelling here - say, the Rak'tika lightwarden is a fallen Vii chieftainess or was some immortal animal-spirit guardian of the Ronkan empire or was the mummifed last emperor of Ronka who rose when his land needed him but sadly his victory against the lightwarden was his undoing.
>Nah just fight a giant three headed dog lol
was never said, just the mere fact of learning how to read and interpret simple sheet music.
you just said there's something wrong with people recommending you to use a program.
i'd like you to clarify why
Playerbase is aids
ARR (up until 2.4): PLD
ARR (after 2.4): NIN
wrapped elm longbow
Maybe they'll do a xenogears tiein when it comes time for 7.0 and going to the moon. I never played em but since it's all sci-fi and shit maybe another star's inhabitants come to visit and wonder why the fuck our star is on the fritz on their astronomical charts.
not everything has to be connected, your suggestion for Eros (rak'tika lightwarden) is just Titania 2.0
also dhon mheg is the second dungeon and it's just as pointless as sirensong sea, hoes fuckin mad
It's extremely unlikely. It's not that well-known or popular and it has deeply nested rights issues between S-E and Bandai Namco. It was a big deal that Nomura got the OK to contribute character designs to Xenoblade.
I'm sorry.
It's a lazy mindset and I'm reminded of that one screencap of a Yea Forums post long ago about how "convenience" leads to the death of MMORPGs, something was written in how if an MMORPG was perfectly convenient that it would just be a program that completes in 5 seconds and tells you "Congratulations! You won MapleStory!".
It's also a suggestion where I just have the ask, what are you even doing? Like you're here getting a computer program to play the game for you when you have the chance to develop yourself.
>it's just as pointless as sirensong sea
Bandai don't own gears.
Thats the cat race cosplaying as the bunny race
the xiv devs like to hide things in plain sight when it comes to runes and sigils
my current headcanon is that the legacy mark is hythlodaeus's ascian mask, there's no real way to confirm it since he has no known esper analog
How do you draw the line between "this person was carried" and "this person earned their clear"?
Anyone on Primal playing tank or healer could help me speed up my DPS queue for Dohn Mheg?
You are describing a setting. The setting is cool but they do nothing meaningful with it, as you realized yourself on your third paragraph. That's why the story is dull. It doesn't live to the potential of the setting.
And not sure why you are going off about Stormblood. Just because ShB story is dull doesn't mean I would consider SB better. SB MSQ was just as bad.
You're welcome to quote where I said that they do.
For me it's
>is this person a nice guy or a total raging autist?
That ultimately decides it.
thanks everyone! ^^ i know I screwed up a lot but i'll try better for next time!
>wins loot
would you get mad?
Finally got 80 on my crafters. What do I do now? Is crafter BIS the pentamelded 430 crafted gear? Will I need the white scrip gear to craft it anyway?
If you truly have a fight on farm it's generally pretty obvious when others in a party don't.
No. The raging autist brings down morale for everyone and increases the likelihood that someone will leave.
A chill person doesn't contribute to a negative environment and has the potential to improve it which is essential to clear any hard content with randumbs.
how do i make gil, bros? every suggestion i've read online sells for pennies on malboro
anyone got any requests? i don't mind taking a shot at some songs. recently made a song off yume miru kusuri but sadly i bet no one in game will recognize it. (it's still a bit rusty)
>get mad
I'll have silent distaste for that person. If you died repeatedly and didn't pull your weight you should pass loot.
a setting is a backdrop, it doesnt need to be good to have a good story. and in my opinion Shadowbringers story is perfectly serviceable at its worst, and pretty great at its best. at its core it's a character study going over the Scions' arcs through the five Grecian types of love. once that's over, we get to Amaurot, which is sorta where the "official" Shadowbringers ends for me, and the Final Fantasy XIV plot continues. it's kinda like when Heavensward "ends" in 3.3 and everything after that is more ARR/Stormblood than anything else.
Find something that sells on malboro?
BUY UP ALL THE DIREMITE WEBS AND RESELL FOR 598 - 898, I did this alllll HW and people bought it.
You shouldn't craft your own gear unless you're being OCD about it. Buy it and then make the money back.
I keep being told that DoH and DoL scrip gear is bait and a waste of scrip
dude i played the SHIT out of that game like ten years ago bullygirl BEST, go home cowtits/catgirls and even i don't remember what the theme sounds like
DPS doing 20% less dps than the second highest dps.
Died more than once
Died once but survived with multiple vulnerability stacks
Failed easy mechanics and/or repeatedly forced others to reposition due to their nonsense
Managing to do less than 3k dps as a healer without excessively needing to res
Taking more than 30 seconds to res someone who isn't just repeatedly dying
Being slow at positioning the boss/failing to position the boss
Past a certain week, a man without a savage clear can be a bad thing.
Just played WAR for the first time since expansion launch and I have no idea what the fuck is going on. Why do I have to wait till 74 for my AoE combo to build resource? This feels like complete shit.
would you Amphelice and Angelet?
Just remember, someone has to be grey or green, for the blues and purples to exist. That's literally how percentiles work. As long as you're getting consistent clears with minimal stress, don't worry about it.
Reasons to buy it:
1 You're a cheapskate and want to have crafter sets for making trivial items (furniture, orchestrion rolls, etc)
2. Glamour
made a rendition of this from some sheet music i found online and it plays...okay, there's some parts that sound really clunky. i wanted to do the opening theme but I can't find sheet music for it.
FFXIV is full of trannys and fags. What do you think?
>go through many parties trying to clear E2S
>finally clear it
>see people you remembered being kind of bad progging the next fight too
>check their fflogs
>grey of course
>open up the logs
>carried by a purple parsing god and some high blues
every time.
>Being a Jew
lol settle down parsey.
it's a videogame.
>go into twintania ex
>get put in a group whose healer had ragequit
>be nice and we wipe
>explain what went wrong and the mechanic
>we complete it next try
I'll never get the rager mindset.
>tfw played this game since 3.1 and have not met a single transvestite or anyone who openly admitted to being a tranny
Feels good to not have anything living in my head rent free.
Leveling RDM right now and it feels unbearable. Also why does the Viera racial gear dye so poorly and why is the top so fitted so fucking poorly too?
The entire back part floats way off of their model. Couldn't find a screenshot from XII on google but this is official merchandise at least and shows that the outfit isn't supposed to float off of the body like it does in XIV. Why is this entire race so fucking half-assed!?
would net me a good mil or so every couple of days as a lowbie. you gotta jew it up if you wanna survive in the market.
yeah, but you gotta admit its a principle type of thing. i hate when people don't pull their own weight but im fine if they know it and strive to improve later.
>headcanon is that the legacy mark is hythlodaeus's ascian mask
>settle down
Point out where I wasn't.
>Searching up people on fflogs
Turbo nigger detected
It's not worth it. Don't waste your life playing this hollow game. Japs are soulless creatures. You're better off playing WoW at this point.
>harbouring "silent distaste"
wow, don't wanna get on this parseys bad side!
wasn't this girl in a meet n fuck game? i swear to god i've fucking seen her before.
I did it in the most fucked-up way imaginable. I wanted to go through the story step-by-step with my sister, but she was busier with work so wasn't able to play as often. So in the time I was waiting for her to be available I simultaneously leveled all four tanks, White Mage, and Dragoon to the max level of the last dungeon we unlocked (i.e. 77 for Ravel). So I did all of the dungeons as a White Mage (because she plays Warrior) but all of the trials as a Dark Knight.
spoken like a true grey
t. greylet
SB: Started MNK then SAM from Kugane and onward
Started playing some months ago and felt like following the implied canon jobs for the WoL. They all felt like they fit their respective expansions really well except for DRK in ShB.
You are lucky to still be in your static. Maybe not lucky for much longer.
>never done any savage or ex content
>never had to put up with hours of wipes for a weapon or ring that is .000002% better than the tome one
>have enjoyed every minute
why do you people do this to yourselves? you know I'm going to buy tomestone gear that is better than your savage gear in like 4 months right
Got it, seems you can't.
Because you described a perfectly fine run that no one would ever rage over. People rage when
>Explain what went wrong and the mechanic
>People still fuck up
>Explain again, make sure the people that fucked up understand what they have to do
>They fuck up again anyway
>"okay.jpg, probably just a little tilted, they'll get it with a little practice now they know what to do"
>People die again clearly trying to do what they were doing before you explained the mechanic again
>Timer runs out
>Run ends
Must've gotten lucky with your server. Mine has 6 prominent Trans majority FCs that are constantly "ugu"ing and openly ERPing each other. Not to mention that 99% of fanart made for this game is futa, which are most likely trannys who think they are legit passable.
What do you usually do in game out of curiosity
damn, that fuckin grass texture is like hl2 tier
I would ask you why you are depriving yourself of the feeling of satisfaction that comes from that moment where you finally kill a boss that you just spent two weeks struggling to get a party together that can clear it.
Makes absolutely zero sense, what the fuck are you two smoking?
>Hythlodaeus "recognizes" both you and Ardbert
>"wait guise what if we are hythlodaeus!!?!?"
Because the fights are fun, and doing them when you outgear it isn't nearly as fun. The gear is nice but it's far from the main reason I do them.
Welcome to every MMO endgame ever. Now you know why I quit in 3.4
Not only do you fucking autistic faggots cry about every single class not having an exactly identical maximal DPS output (gotta have everything generically banded together for the sake of BALANCE in your PvE MMORPG, right?) you also complain about the playerbase also not being on the same level.
I'll never ever understand this. This is where the charm of having 'good' and 'bad' players comes from and is one of the few things that creates a bit of variance in the game. What's wrong with you?
Give me a quick rundown on what this means
they obviously left extra room for the planned butt slider feature
ok have you settled down?
never noticed how viera PCs have concave butts like hank hill
>Weeks of time wasted for an hour of dopamine high
Is there ANYTHING AT ALL that only max level crafters can do that non-crafters can't?
I mean, besides the actual act of crafting.
But is there any actual good glamour only people who have leveled crafting can wear?
Only retards go to Yea Forums anyway. It's a good containment board for pedos with shit opinions.
Kinda just have to read it.
4380 will increase your damage done and reduce damage taken by roughly 12%.
How did you get that gay outfit, furfag?
Cedar Longbow. Keep it simple.
>setting goals and accomplishing difficult things is sad
enjoy your twinning spam friend
Honestly the only one of note is the FC "LGBTQ" which think actually just comprises of all of them as a blanket FC for them to join.
then again this is Primal and is far more subdued than the degenerate hellhole that is Crystal.
wear something like spring skirt and post pic
tenacity is a shit stat
Was a stroke of luck the mods are self-loathing weebs and defend Yea Forums with their lives, and le epic gamerbrain tried to overextend to there.
Any nice simple bow.
Or the Tarpander Lux.
Byakko's Lutebow
Which? I'm on Levi and I haven't seen any of that shit around.
dudetrustme on primal
These wowfugees are mentally ill. They come here and complain about shit that lead blizzard to homogenize all that shit games classes , which is why they quit that game to begin with.
Only way to get BiS gear and optimal consumables other than paying a fortune on MB for it.
Yea Forums is very heavily modded. Try posting a pepe or wojak over there and you'll be banned in seconds.
And that's a good thing.
Famfrit. Though degerates from Behemoth and Hyperion are starting to litter our streets. As if the Jades weren't enough.
ShB: AST, moving to MCH now because fuck what they did to my boy AST
As an ex-wowfugee, the jobs in XIV are great in comparison but there is no XIV equivalent to my favorite spec from WoW.
I wouldn't mind them tossing some of that Yea Forums's way once in a while just to remind people there's somebody in charge.
It's better when your goals and accomplishments can better your life in the real world, but no, keep on spending days away from reality for that extra one item level if it makes you happy user
lmao that's why the marketboard on Famfrit is so fucking off on prices. I love being able to hop over there, stock up on needed shit, then sell it on my home.
>tfw have been a Tenacity Chad since SB launched
>the toughest and most durable of anybody that's ever entered a fight because my secondary stats are impeccable
>healers desperate for my unyielding passive damage mitigation
>DPS admire my respect for their job and unwillingness to step on their toes
>still parse high purple because it's like .5% of your total DPS you fucking sperg
>I love giving famfrit money and then selling it on other worlds. Hey. Your money is just as good here as it is anywhere else. By all means, buy more, goyim. It only helps our economy.
>setting goals
Uh, you didn't set those goals, the developers set those for you and you jumped through their little rat-maze content hoop to get your cheese (dopamine) hit like a good little rat.
>Only way to get BiS gear
What? Crafting can make the best gear? I'm assuming that'll change in the future.
Is it the 430 gear though? I’m mostly confused cuz it’s hella cheap on my server right now. Like less than the lv78 gear
what's a good price for buying 2k worth of goetia in aether? i don't wanna shaft someone but i don't wanna get scammed.
HW: SCH (Salty as fuck they dumbed down healing to indo spamming)
SB: SCH (Salty as fuck they removed cleric stance and one of my DoTs)
ShB: SMN (SCH completely gutted, removed even more skills and dumbed down healing even more by taking away mp management and aetherflow management)
Only so much a man can take, now I get to be salty about SMN bugs that have existed for years (thank fuck they fixed the delayed application of DoTs at least)
Once people can buy upgraded 460 gear yeah but that's in like 5 months?
The weapon glamour depends on the outfit. You should know this!
This is starting to get to be too many layers of insincere irony for me to stomach.
>item selling for 10k on levi sells for 3k on fagfrit.
What kind of retard wouldn't want 7k free gil?
>it doesnt need to be good to have a good story
Definitely agree. HW setting wasn't anything special but the story was beyond expectations to me.
Overall you have the right of it. Serviceable is a good way to describe it. As for the Scions we have already explored their characters and seen their developments throughout the MSQ, I don't think ShB was too much of a study of them but rather Thancred's new role and an introduction of Ryne, which both were great, but the rest of what you said I think is spot on. ShB would be a great stand alone FF game. But that's my problem. I'm playing FFXIV and that's what I expected to get, instead I found 9 levels of filler before coming back to the real plot.
crafted gear is BiS the week it's introduced but quickly falls out of favor when you start getting tome and raid gear, unless the secondaries on those gear are horrendous compared to crafted
the 80 gear is cheaper because more people are pushing lvl80 gear and there's competition to undercut, less people put up 78 gear because less people get the 78 gear as a stopgap before reaching 80
or at least that was what i surmised when i was leveling my gatherers and looked at the market board for gear
>no arguments
oh lord, these people are STUNG
>SCH for now probably going back to WHM
Summer Indigo shirt.
>Gets BTFO'd by two separate anons
>Proceeds to babby post about subjectivity
Like fucking pottery. There's no more to be said here, good night user I hope you get all the gear that makes you happy
I don't go to mental wards to debate the people in there.
It's almost always the best pre-raid gear because of the ability to overmeld, and for some classes it remains BiS even after because of stat allocation. SMN for example is a fucking pain in the ass to gear for because BLM and RDM want spell speed but spell speed is literally detrimental to your rotation for SMN so you'll have about half the gear options other classes get.
Is there a chart that show how much EXP each Duty roulette give?
phatasm tomestones and raid lockouts are devoted to the main job
not sure where to go to equip 450 armor for alt jobs outside the normal raid lockout even if you can spam trials for weapon and jewelry
i think crafted gear is the only alternative
>instead I found 9 levels of filler before coming back to the real plot.
Dont talk about stories if you have no clue what a story arch is, user.
>As an ex-wowfugee
None shall ever stop being a wowrefugee once one has become a wowrefugee. You shall remain as one of us forever just like all wowrefugees that have come before you and all that shall come after. embrace the wowrefugee of which you are for there is nothing else which you can possible do. do not weep young wowrefugee for you are not alone. all wowrefugees must endure this shame which has been granted upon you.
P.S. ResetERA's FC Cenozoic sucks.
I think my main issue with story in SHB was the entire section of the Greatwoods. Y'shtola is not interesting and it doesn't fit at all with the Grecian love theme implied by the Lightwarden, unless you buy into the whole "she's been fucking Runar" thing, something that they never properly confirmed probably correctly in fear of backlash. Meanwhile Amh Araeng and Il Mheg were the best for their arcs, as was the second half of Kholusia. Amaurot was on its own level, I think everyone agrees, especially the moment where you think the first ancient is gonna be an enemy, but instead he regards you like a group of lost children. It's just right, in every sense.
FGO has a massive amount of activity, and it's technically two different games.
How much did it cost you?
>better shit is cheaper because of undercutting bullshit
I hate the markets in this fucking game. This kind of shit never happened in XI, we need a blind AH
>Y'shtola is not interesting and it doesn't fit at all with the Grecian love theme implied by the Lightwarden, unless you buy into the whole "she's been fucking Runar" thing, something that they never properly confirmed probably correctly in fear of backlash.
More likely it goes a little deeper and they're intending for you to use Plato's view on eros as platonic love.
It goes like this
>MSQ Duty (Praetorium)
>Leveling Duty
>MSQ Duty (Castrum)
>Alliance Raid Duty
>50/60/70 Dungeon Duty
>Trial Duty
>Normal Raid Duty
Goes about 800k on my MB.
What about the PVP one?
is there any reason to do guildhest? I never unlocked the ones past level 20
WoW came out before XIV, what do you expect me to do?
How would one go about making this much as a newer player?
PVP one doesn't give bonus exp I believe but it'd be between Trial Duty and Normal Raid Duty.
At relevant levels they give decent exp and are really quick to do. After that the only reason to ever do more is if you didn't get the achievement leveling all other classes and want it for some reason.
Frontline Duty is weird because the daily exp isn't actually that great but the exp overall is actually good enough to spam it (assuming you're in a good DC for it where the queues ain't shit). cant, sorry, its a high level craft.
this needs to be adjusted for exp over time
>MSQ duty
really adjusted
>SAM's Meditate skill also works based on server tick so there's a chance you get a stack in half a second or you have to wait the full 3 seconds.
Same thing with MNK's Anatman, which is why it's so problematic due to it being used in the opener. Sometimes you just sit there for the full 3 seconds with your dick in your hand waiting for the tick.
Go hug your local mooncat
Need to do 10 to complete the Challenge Log entries for exp on your alts.
I was at lvl 79, ran MSQ for the daily exp bonus
I got 8.3 million exp from it
For context that's 2/3rds of your exp bar at that level
The PVP one is fucking trash past level 71 because it only gives you 4 fates worth of EXP with armory bonus IF YOU COME IN 1ST
It's a single player, story driven MMO. It's as worth getting into as Old Republic or any other MMO these days. That is, you play 90% of the game by yourself.
It's really sad, because FFXIV has an amazing world, music and atmosphere. Probably the best in all of FF. And the jobs/combat are pretty good too. But it's stuck in an MMO. And the only motivation to keep playing is a really shit story and end game gear grinding (which the gear becomes obsolete each update like every other MMO).
I'd say its worth playing if you really want to experience the music/world design. But otherwise, no. This is from someone who played through Stormblood, leveled 5 jobs to max and a second character with 3 more jobs to max. If the game allowed me to just grind enemies in the field, I'd probably still be playing. But grinding dungeons, raids and PotD is shit.
Farm low level valuable mats that people need for crafters,
Farm clusters from adventurer in need roulettes and/or hunts and sell materia
Level cooking and sell raid food
Level alchemy and sell raid potions
Level mining/botanist and sell treasure maps (or run them with some mates and sell the loot)
thanks brother, i'll try it
I guess they didn't want another SB where FL is full of bots
>a really shit story
non hyur characters belong in the trash
he says as he rubs his hands waiting for /vg/fags to start posting their ugly non hyur characters
don't got one.
Yeah, but that's inevitable regardless which makes me hope the new map has some form of checking for it
Im gonna hug her vag with my dick if you know what I mean
Prae is 18m xp with armory bonus. It's insane.
Nah just cats are shit
Well lalafell too, everything else is fine
what did he mean by this?
More like until he samefags as his shitty tranny character trying to prove his intial post wrong
Mooncats are cute! CUTE!
Does Leviathan go invulnerable during maelstrom similar to every other boss in the entire game?
I don't understand
I see this wowrefugee hast very little reading comprehension.
>Wtf does it need 4 big ass ears for?
>implying they care about bots
This game is fucking flooded with bots. This is the kind of shit you'd expect in some F2P MMORPG but holy fuck the sheer amount of bots in this game. Not even talking about the RMT spamming bots, but the bots that go through the entire fucking MSQ, teleporting around maps and killing MSQ required quest mobs they also cause entire fucking zones to get instanced because there's so many of them
And then you get the gathering bots, players running gathering bots just endlessly gathering materials to dump onto the marketboard, never getting banned, it's incredible.
Why does DNC have to be bad bros?
Yes. A really shit story. It's every cliche Final Fantasy already did, combined together under the guise of "homage." But the story also suffers because of the limitations of an MMO. That is, having to trigger cutscenes with quest events. And then the fact that you have cutscenes in a multiplayer game is just as stupid as it was in Old Republic. No one wants to spend the time watching the cutscene, but half of them trigger in a dungeon or group event. You either miss the story scenes, or watch them and piss everyone else off. It's just stupid to make a story driven MMO, Final Fantasy or not.
Sorry I'm not good with subtlety, you're gonna have to run that by again.
How is BRD?
I wonder how they could have handled eros love in the common view not that platonic view better. There's no erotic love among the scions but judging from the short story for the WoL by Yshtola and Alisaie. But it would feel rather forced and sudden if Yshtola was torn up and romantically earnest to the WoL over how the light was tearing the WoL's aether apart.
You could make it the eros love of the hrothgar not reciprocated by Yshtola's love of knowledge (what term would that be) or philia love of her friends. Since the agape (Wiki at least says it could be the love to children or a spouse) of Kholusia was shown either in Innocence (love of god) or the cat couple (love of spouse) or even in the Exarch (Whose hero worship borders on the religious)
They ban in waves.
what did I say faggot?
get the fuck outta here and READ MY FUCKING POST AGAIN.
>i know you're not busy
I'm progging Praetorium with my static
>or watch them and piss everyone else off
But I like watching them AND I like pissing people off?
>NA getting buttfucked by bots this badly
Haven't seen a non-chat bot in months.
Fuck off.
>watch them and piss everyone else off
nigga you smoking some weird shit, people are way patient and will gladly wait for your dumbass to watch cutscenes
and guess what
theres a fucking inn room you can visit to rewatch cutscenes you skip if you're that self conscious (read: a pussy)
also you didnt say anything about what makes the story shit so here you go your last (you) before I hide your bait
ShB: Quit playing a month before it came out, was going to go DRK but found its playstyle boring.
okay this obsession with trannies is getting stupid
you literally can't even have a conversation about anything now without mentioning them now
we get it, you don't like the board being raided by mentally ill people from discord.
but trans people are 0.6% of the us population and pretty much don't exist or thrive anywhere else. the odds of trannies being behind every single Yea Forums connects them to is pretty statistically weak
based schizo
was that a jab at progging e1n user?
>but half of them trigger in a dungeon or group event.
This hasn't been a thing since the Praetorium and they're planning on revamping it
>They remove contagation
>The meme is still real due to pets being slow to cast their egi assaults and turning a ruin IV into a useless ruin II during movement phases
It will never disappear will it?
Rent free.
trannies aren't "trannies" in Yea Forums
it's any "tranny" supporter.
Have you tried applying it to C.S Lewis version of Eros. I'm not big brained enough and haven't read enough to make the connection, but maybe you guys can
I hate how they were like "we're gonna get rid of pet actions! it's like you're casting the skill yourself!" during that one liveletter but it's still the same fucking shit
We're doing okay this tier.
No but I remember him from last night and I know he's here and I want him to know that I know that he knows that I know that he's retarded
I knew some dumb nigger would say this. The banning in waves things is just for looking like they're actually doing something. This banning in waves things doesn't affect the bots teleporting through zones and being a massive eyesore. I'm convinced those banned accounts are actually all the accounts bought through stolen/fraudulent credit credits and have already dumped all their gil onto their master accounts for RMT selling.
They also don't ban gathering bots.
can you guys maybe try being creative then or at least slightly original to some degree? wtf people used to make new words and create new images, this culture of just recycling and redefining and remaking old shit is getting tiresome as hell, not just with language but with movies and games too. i'm starving for an original thought
DNC and NIN, bold group.
Shad: BLM
Endured years of not being "meta", getting passed up for years in favor of other jobs, but now the shoe is on the other foot.
5.08 MNK do not fucking reply to this. Fuck you for ruining everything.
Yea I mean SMN has it bad but they did something terrible to SCH fairies to make them forget their skills, they're literally retarded now and fey blessing takes fucking 3 seconds to go off.
Still mad they just got rid of Selene after having her be useless for so long instead of actually fixing it.
you missed today's meta thread. lesson to take from there is that people KNOW we're retarded. We just act retarded because we don't know how else to act.
>they dont ban gathering bots
DNC genuinely wanted to play it. NIN is a slave to the meta and is constantly switching to whatever he thinks is the best.
Lewis' version of Eros I don't think applies, he treats the lustful aspect of it as "Venus" and Eros to him is being in love and all the negative or positive connotations thereof. Runar's love for Y'shtola is platonic or familial unless they reveal in future chapters that Y'shtola's been getting a dose of vitamin Runar once in a while, but I doubt that since he's too childish in the head, he follows her like a puppy and she shot down Magnai who actually was interested in her because he's mistaking interest/a crush for soulmate-at-first-sight.
what the fuck do people do to have two or three classes at the same level?
>get to 30 as Marauder
>have to grind the singular lv10 guildhest a billion goddamn times just to get a single secondary class to 15 because there are no sidequests left in that level range
;) i use it. i'm not banned yet
Yea man why doesn't square just fix this problem that has been in MMOs since their very inception and hasn't ever been fixed or come close to a realistic solution. Cmon square wtf?!?
>using sidequests to level
Have you heard the word of our savior PotD?
do your hunting logs for 1-10
couple of leves until you're 16
spam highest level dungeon
>have to grind the singular lv10 guildhest
oh no hahahahahahaha
Fates. Dungeons with mates. Hunting logs. It also helps to have a chocobo joining you for fights.
>people are way patient and will gladly wait for your dumbass to watch cutscenes
>also you didnt say anything about what makes the story shit
Read this very carefully:
>It's every cliche Final Fantasy already did, combined together under the guise of "homage."
I didn't list out every dumb plot point because it would go well beyond the post limit. But here's some highlights.
-The Scions are the most pathetic rebellion in history, led by the worst leader in FF history (possibly all of gaming). How am I suppose to care about this movement when everyone is so incompetent and they keep faking deaths like FFIV?
-The main villains in ARR are basically the Mighty Morphan Magitek Rangers and can't be taken seriously at all. Would be fine if the story played them off as a joke to start and built up to being a threat. But they act like they're serious the whole time. The final fight was cool, but that had nothing to do with story and everything to do with the Esper you fight/unique Magitek environment.
-Stormblood sets up this big story about four warring elf houses...then you only follow the story of one house. The rest of the expansion is about dragons, FF1 references and Chrono references, which were all more interesting than Ishgard.
-I literally cannot tell you what happened in Stormblood because I can't remember, it was so boring. I quit the game halfway through Stormblood.
i feel like a massive brainlet because i've had POTD explained to me already and i still don't get how it works
it's like there's... another, mini FF game, inside the main game, with limited carryover to the MMO outside of it?
>tfw MNK, BLM, and PLD are in good spots
it's good to be an Ul'Dahn
I really hate that child models use male midlanders
cute and funny
It was honestly pretty lame in ARR, but they've been improving it every expansion and now it's basically perfect.
How far have you progressed?
I always knew lalafell players were retarded but never realized just how much.
Correection: Not stormblood but Heavensward.
Random-generated dungeons with dungeon-specific items to use in it.
so basically there is no way to get around spending a bunch of money teleporting everywhere and it's going to be tedious runabouts no matter what until at least lv15 with every new class
Check the forums, there's a few threads up complaining about this. Players have been reporting known gatherers in the wild for MONTHS, multiple reports, and absolutely nada.
This user probably does and has the right of it, unless you admit to it you won't ever actually get banned. And even if you do get 'banned' it'll at most be a 1 day suspension.
>Yea man why doesn't square just fix this problem that has been in MMOs since their very inception and hasn't ever been fixed or come close to a realistic solution. Cmon square wtf?!?
Apparently the STF team in XIV responsible for handling these matters consists entirely of four people. Four people IN JAPAN. MMORPGs handled these problems by having GAMEMASTERS do investigations into it, I remember in old school Tibia one gamemaster sicced a cyclops on some fishing bot that kept automatically responding to him "i'm sorry im busy pls leave me alone", then asked him if he wanted help.
XIV has a massive bot problem and willfully turns a blind eye to it.
There's no way MNK will maintain that output for another patch. It's going to get BlizzardBalanced to hell and back soon.
Cleared the second fight tonight.
yeah I wouldn't bother leveling alt classes that early or you'll burn out real fast.
so your PotD (and HoH) levels are only applicable in PotD. Your special weapon/armor functions the same way. You gain outside PotD experience for completing a set of 10 lvls.
You progress through the different random dungeons with a boss every 10 lvls. Special items do special things.
any smug "anime" poster always are the worst posters in Yea Forums.
i'm still looking for that fucking dumbass who said redditors just copy and paste stuff from the balance discord you retard, they're literally the same people.
>playing anything other then DRG
>did it on drk
>then leveled gnb
never touching drk again
Been running BLM/RDM/BRD since Creator, with our melee swapping between DRG, MNK, and SAM.
Weird comps are fun for seeing how different your strats are compared to standard PF.
Ok that's good and all but... show me from the front how wide those hips are.
>The Scions are the most pathetic rebellion in history
Nice reading comprehension faggot, they are not a rebellion, and their sole purpose is keeping primals in check.
>The main villains in ARR are basically the Mighty Morphan Magitek Rangers and can't be taken seriously at all.
What the actual fuck are you even on about here? Even if this where accurate (and lmao, no) how does this relate to your claim that "It's every cliche Final Fantasy already did"? You cannot even remain consistent for a fucking paragraph you lemming.
>Stormblood sets up this big story about four warring elf houses...then you only follow the story of one house. The rest of the expansion is about dragons
At this point it's becoming clear you haven't even played the game. First off you're talking about Heavensward, second you get a fuckton of information about all four houses and third, the story was ALWAYS about fucking dragons since ARR.
>My memory is shit
Woah what a convincing argument you have there buddy!
Fuck, Marry, Kill
Y'shtola, Alisaie and Ryne
so basically what matters is getting ten levels at a time and that's how you get the benefits outside of it. gotcha
I used that mod briefly and while it's nice nobody else sees it and it doesn't address the problem I have and am complaining about. The Viera gear dyes like SHIT and the top part of it is extremely half-assed just like the whole race.
>can't refute any of the points so he resorts to attacking the poster
>posts an image of a "manly" anime to act like he's cool
Adult Swim called. They want you to come back to 2004.
>NIN is a slave to the meta
then why didn't he switch to monk
Fuck Alisaie, Marry Ryne, Kill Y'shtola
Yes user, ignore literally everything I said and keep whining about bots, that'll help matters.
is there actual any ryne porn?
Good taste
that user worded it poorly, when he says "ten levels" he means floors of the dungeon.
i'm trying to delay hitting the trial level cap
Y'shtola, she'll come back.
I make it a point not to bully retards.
yeah i figured it was like that
I wonder if there was a class that was fun in ARR in retrospect. There's still some awful classes for levelcapped content. DRG is abomination at low level because of your AOEs. Sorry I meant AOE, because you get 1 GCD AOE until fucking level 62 then it's 2 until level 72. Meanwhile monk gets three fucking AOEs at level 50, and SAM gets their three bread and butter AOE abilities by level 50 too. Given the bulk of content you do down-scaled now is dungeons rather than trials it's agony for a DRG
>tumblr art style
you need to go back.
Fuck Yshtola
Marry Alisai
Kill Ryne
It's basically a kind of dungeon where you clear ten floors, the last of which has a boss, beating the boss will reward you with a bunch of experience outside of PotD. This goes all the way up to floor 100 (so 10 "dungeons" in total) before you need to start re-doing the same shit, and there's later optional challenges for floors 100-200 that are not for casual play.
>I wonder if there was a class that was fun in ARR in retrospect.
I'm having a fucking amazing time as archer/bard with this fucking unlimited TP multi-shot/knock arrow or whatever it's called.
Yeah what the other user said.
Note that you can reset your level and start over at floor 1/51, but your gear will stay with the same bonuses, making it easier to push higher levels.
I try to solo PotD for fun. It's challenging
I think Monk is the only class they got right directly out of the gate. Every other job has gotten massive reworks, but Monk has always remained pretty much the same.
thank you, sorry for asking dumb questions.
why do people queue for msq rouulette and always fucking bitch about the cutscenes? holy shit reddit shut the fuck up.
>>tumblr art style
Not it isn't nigger.
>and there's later optional challenges for floors 100-200 that are not for casual play.
I'm a casual player and I've been enjoying 100-200 recently, it's actually quite fun how you need to just start taking your time and being careful, would definitely recommend doing this. You need to be a preformed party to get into levels 100-200 though, but just use the partyfinder to pickup some people.
SCH was the best class in ARR hands down. Interesting dps rotation and healing mechanics that had a ton of room for min-maxing shit, fun toolkit that wasn't just spamming the same spell over and over, interesting stance switching mechanic that rewards thinking ahead and good play.
The class these days is a complete abomination suffering from getting their skillset pruned literally every expansion now and getting nothing in return.
Marry Ryne
Fuck Alisaie
Kill Y'shtola
dopamine hit bitches. They're very strange.
BRB IM GONNA GO AFK playing a different game xD this is sooooo boring
I always open it with "the shit we do for exp huh". Fight me bitch nigga you won't.
You can do it as a casual player, but it takes a long time, some decent prep and a bunch of trial and error if you're not reading up on things before going and there's no checkpoints. It's something you have to commit some serious effort to, hence it's not really casual play.
>Nice reading comprehension faggot, they are not a rebellion, and their sole purpose is keeping primals in check.
Halfway through ARR, they take on a second purpose to unite the three nations against the upcoming Garlean Empire invasion. Which you as the hero uncover. The Empire soldiers consider the Scions rebels and call them that in cutscenes. Even if the Scions don't consider themselves that. All this, plus Milfillia's inept guidance, role in the story and character design, are clearly an homage to the main plot in Final Fantasy 2. They even put some FF2 music in ARR, if you needed the extra hint.
>What the actual fuck are you even on about here? Even if this where accurate (and lmao, no) how does this relate to your claim that "It's every cliche Final Fantasy already did"? You cannot even remain consistent for a fucking paragraph you lemming.
Soldiers who infuse themselves with the power of magic drained from espers. They even ride on top of Magitek armor like in FFVI. Wear gear inspired from Final Fantasy IV. Use gunblades like Final Fantasy VIII. Then die in a typical shounen fashion like so many FF characters before them. Do I really need to spell every little homage out to you?
>First off you're talking about Heavensward
I corrected myself above.
>second you get a fuckton of information about all four houses
I only remember getting info on the houe you help and their main rival. Which barely has anything going on after you thwart the one plan. Please do point out examples of how the other two houses get any coverage.
>the story was ALWAYS about fucking dragons since ARR.
Dragons were mentioned, but ARR didn't really feature them except one dungeon boss and I guess Ultima if you want to stretch that to be a "dragon." Again, feel free to correct me. But simply saying "lol you're wrong and stupid" is not an example. I'm the one writing out all the examples.
at least you're not the dude telling cid to shut up every fucking cutscene.
blue board so better safe than sorry
any dicking? i've seen this pic before and it's great but i want the dicking
I'd still say Warrior was great in ARR, even if HW was objectively better and more fun in every single way. Ninja and Monk, too.
Really, though, the problem with looking at ARR is that HW just drastically improved every single job without taking anything away. Whenever I sit to think what jobs were truly great in ARR, every single one I think of has the caveat that they were even better in HW. It feels like they added a huge, valuable mechanic to every single job that you didn't even know it needed until you had it.
>Soldiers who infuse themselves with the power of magic drained from espers. They even ride on top of Magitek armor like in FFVI. Wear gear inspired from Final Fantasy IV. Use gunblades like Final Fantasy VIII. Then die in a typical shounen fashion like so many FF characters before them. Do I really need to spell every little homage out to you?
what in the fuck?
Please don't post images like that of my wife.
WHM and BRD were fun in ARR. I maxed them bth before Heavensward came out. Actually had less fun the more expansions/skills came out. BRD at level 50 was near perfect to me in rotation. Adding a bunch more skills just made it tedious. And I was able to macro all the skills and no one even noticed the 2 second slow down.
crystal bros.......
man browsing Pixiv nowadays is depressing, its been taken over by shitty western artists now.
There was one guy bitching about it in my party and it turns out it was his first time
he was just that bored, which says a lot
you know what really tickles my brains?
why is Yea Forums such a moral fag with bots and piracy?
don't you fucks like sticking it to the man?
let's not joke around, it's always been shitty as hell. but yes most JP artists just use twitter now.
Midan bow
Bots are fucking annoying when they interfere with my gameplay. Most people here pirate, the moralfags are a loud obnoxious minority.
I don't care about either but it is pretty stupid when some moralfag comes into a thread to falseflag like "I heard some reviewer had to delete his video because FFXIV fans sent him death threats"
I mean does this site look like tumblr/twitter socjus central?? Who's gonna give a shit.
so basically crystal only has 1/9 of the normal amount of trannies
To encourage you not to use it. Seriously, do not use the Viera racial gear or bikinis, and you automatically becoming the most interesting character in the room.
Which is even worse because Twitter is hard to browse for pictures, I feel like an old person trying to fiddle with technology trying to use it.
how do bots interfere with your gameplay?
Just because Garleans are too retarded to know what a rebel is doesn't give you an excuse.
Same shit happened with tumblr man, these social media sites ain't made for sharing pics but artists just love to upload solely to them, because sites like pixiv and deviantart are 90% shit thanks to their frontloading of endless trash. Pixiv in general is just fucking ancient.
Shut the fuck up crystal fag
Your data center is an embarrassing containment center where nobody actually does content
Lag and marketboard flooding.
>Halfway through ARR, they take on a second purpose to unite the three nations against the upcoming Garlean Empire invasion. Which you as the hero uncover.
Nope, that's Alphinaud, not a scion, and your purposes are explicitly kept separate. You're just digging the hole deeper here user, proving that the problem isn't the story, but your childish inability to comprehend what it tells you.
>The Empire soldiers consider the Scions rebels and call them that in cutscenes.
The empire soldiers call everyone on Eorzea rebels. Again, failure of reading comprehension.
>All this, plus Milfillia's inept guidance, role in the story and character design, are clearly an homage to the main plot in Final Fantasy 2.
Now you're just grasping, just throw shit at a wall and see what sticks.
>Soldiers who infuse themselves with the power of magic drained from espers. They even ride on top of Magitek armor like in FFVI.
Magitek is a staple of Final Fantasy in general, did the name "Final Fantasy XIV" not tip you off that certain staples of the series would be present? We're you similarly appalled when you spotted a Marlboro? Seriously this is such asinine nitpicking I'm not sure reading on past this is worth it.
>Please do point out examples of how the other two houses get any coverage.
Do the side quests, specifically the crafting classes, as they give a lot of background on Ishgard. It's almost like when you ignore half the story you miss much of it.
>Dragons were mentioned, but ARR didn't really feature them except one dungeon boss and I guess Ultima if you want to stretch that to be a "dragon." Again, feel free to correct me. But simply saying "lol you're wrong and stupid" is not an example. I'm the one writing out all the examples.
ARR had you dealing with Shiva, Midgardsormr where the entire fucking plotline was about the oncoming conflict against dragons, there's an entire trial dedicated to defending Ishgard from a massive dragon attack.
>Are you getting clears? Because that's all that matters.
Maybe in a world where it's impossible to get carried, but that is not this world.
what's the difference if an autists flooded the mb compared to a bot?
I cannot fucking comprehend why they chose twitter to upload their shit, especially when they won't fucking tag anything and it feels nearly impossible to find it.
>watching this guy btfo the