Classic WoW hype is dea-

>Classic WoW hype is dea-

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Other urls found in this thread:

i would like it more if everyone was on the same server but in different layers

>guys we need layering to prevent queues
>btw there's gonna be queues
fuck these disingenuous cunts. Layer-free launch servers fucking when?

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>make a Stalagg server
>no Feugen server
Cursed shit server

Nigger nigger chicken dinner

kek that's what I thought too


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Oh what about layers blizzard? What about those?


Layering confirmed post phase 1

PIcture classic surpassing retail numbers, even just for a few weeks
What an embarrassment this will be for the incompetent retards in charge of retail

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During every stress test Asmongold ruined entire servers every single time. They weren't prepared for the hyper autisn of his fanbase.

>dear mister blizzard, your servers, when they are actually not crashing, are hopelessly overpopulated with more people sitting in queues than playing on the most popular servers, fix pls
>ok, here, have 5 new realms
months later
>dear mister blizzard, the most popular realms are still at capacity but the new realms you opened are dying, fix pls
>nah, it's fine, gonna work out, trust us
months later
>dear mister blizzard, your efforts didn't help, most of your realms are having trouble getting a dungeon group together, bgs don't open and the most populated realms still have queues at prime time
>stop your fucking bitching, TBC is around the corner. in the meantime have cross realm BGs.

Do you really want to relive this shit again? I've been there, seen it with my own fucking eyes. My realm had stability issues all throughout vanilla and queues at prime time while realms that were just recently opened had Blizzard open the AQ gates because the realm pop was too low to get the materials together. I'd rather have 10k queues and layering than a million dead realms.

the day he dies, the psychic shock will be so huge that his autistic fanbase will Zero-Sum themselves into non existance.


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Don't worry layering will fix it. Don't think about server merge, that would never work because reasons

>blizzard has been doing this shit for 15 years
>still don't know how to expect or prepare for anything
really activates my activation glands

... dilate? i'm not really sure how to respond to this level of "just pretending" autism but you're a retard

Blizzard hates the idea of merging because they don't want to make a decision which realms to merge and how. Besides it's a huge nightmare merging the data bases.

>permanently boost server capacity and stability for a one-in-a-million event
You bought 32gb ram, didn't you?

>copy paste characters from one server to another


>being an actual retard

I have 64 GB of ram and four graphics cards

Layering was never to prevent queues dumbass, it was to prevent oversaturation of players in a single zone completely fucking over the gameplay for the few weeks it takes everyone to spread out.
You also have to take into account how many zoomers will quit after a month when they realise following their favorite streamer around gets old, or if said streamer plays something else.
Being in a dead server is worse than being on an overpopulated one, even if it gets merged later on, so i'd rather deal with queues.

Hundreds of character and guild name collisions occuring overnight will rustle a lot of people's jimmies.

You're the retard. You can already pay to do it to your own character. "It's hard" is just an excuse to make people pay out the arse for it. How do you think they manage with sharding and crossrealm BG's? Idiot

How do they solve that problem when they get phased together in server groups? Hurrr

>Blizzard open the AQ gates because the realm pop was too low to get the materials together.

kek I remember this

>ok so we may have to merge servers at some point, should we make names unique across multiple servers
>have your stuff packed up by tuesday, how dare you think more than 4 days ahead

They've had almost a decade since Cata to get their shit together, they deserve to be publicly shamed

What the fuck does that have time do with queues

What the fuck is the point of layers of they're just going to add more servers anyway

>How do you think they manage with sharding and crossrealm BG's?
By rebuilding their entire server structure over 4 years. Vanilla was when everything was on fire, TBC was when the cross realm stuff started to actually work but the expansion launch was still a catastrophe for the most populated realms, Wrath, with the influx of even more new players, was so bad they for the first time ever offered guild transfers to less populated realms and locked down the most populated realms for new players. Which is also when they first added the phasing system which was just a test run for full on layering. No idea what they've done since because pic related.

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>During every stress test Asmongold ruined entire servers every single time. They weren't prepared for the hyper autisn of his fanbase.
The popular servers aren't the one that 95% of streamers including that ratface have agreed to play on. It's pretty clear that people are avoiding them

You dont understand what the fuck layers /shards actually are.
Numbers drastically simplified.

Server cap = 100 players
Shards 1 through 10 = 10 players each.
If you somehow manage to get 20 players on shard 1, the server cap is still going to be 100.
Shards / layers are essentially virtual walls that seperate players for gameplay purposes, it's not magically making a server bigger.

i remember back in, what, 2009 or something, when swifty got his fans to crash a server and blizzard outright permanently banned him (then unbanned him like 24 hours later because e-celeb privilege)

yep, those were the days...

He invited his viewers to an event and ended up crashing the server because it can't handle more than 50 or so people in one place. He was unbanned because its ridiculous banning someone because the server is so poorly architected.

Are you retarded? Nobody said they make the servers bigger.

Swifty is based. Fuck all of you, he's the one good egg.

This has no bearing on the success of WoW classic or the hype for it. Companies do this all the time. It is marketing 101. I work as the head of internet marketing for a Nutritional Supplement company and we constantly do promos, sales, and advertisements like "Our new product is selling so fast, we have to limit the order to maximum 3 per person to handle demand. Get yours now before we're out!" Or "Our new product was so successful we ran out and ordered an emergency batch to be made. Get it now before we run out again!" In fact the one about "limiting" customer orders due to demand was my idea and the advertisement was so successful my boss gave me a raise and took me to The Arnold as a thank you.

So basically this is just marketing. It may or may not be successful but this is not a sign.

no telling what's actually in that shit

We know whats in it because we're partial owners of the company that makes ours. The answer is that most of it is just bullshit. Some of the products do work very well, while others are like 99% filler 1% active ingredient. I sometimes feel bad about basically swindling people with many of our products, but so many of the people who buy them are braindead gymrats and instagram thots who could research the stuff but don't.

and in the end they will have to keep layering anyway hahahaha

ah, a whitemane player I see

Two different characters having the same name??

Is that really the terrible nightmare stopping server merging?

>friend request nignogus
>2 nignosus players on server
what's the solution, armchair server architects

Eh I'm just gonna roll Fairbanks, seems to be under the radar from annoying types of people like redditors streamer drones waifufags and /pol/

That's WhiteMan(e) to you good sir

They do make the servers bigger. Instead of 2.5k limit you get say 10k with 4 layers.

Imagine actually being this fucking stupid

The problem is that you have to solve duplicate character names you fucking moron. There is no elegant solution to that.

>free name change when logging in to dupes
Wow, big brain 200 IQ decisions, lolbyenerd

And how do you determine which of the two duplicates has to change you absolute fucking moron? How do you do it fairly, how do you keep from upsetting people?

people with the same name fight,loser has to change name

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I just want to play Classic WoW...
I have nothing to do for the next 2 weeks, help...

there's always masturbation

Every mmo is like this. Getting swamped at launch and then the player base dies.

Mmos are a dying genre and I still can't believe people haven't let them go. But they feed on addictive type of people so I ain't even mad. I got a buddy that plays 14 for over like 2000 hours and it's the only game he plays. It's pretty cringey. But theres so much grinding he keeps feeling accomplished, just one more level. Next thing you know you're 80 everything and you're still at your parents alone.

post yfw classic eclipses retail in popularity

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>and you're still at your parents alone.
so what life accomplishments are you making by being on Yea Forums 10 hours a day?

there's no layering on retail rp realms is it the same for classic?

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in my server there is problem...

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Obviously it’s going to be unfair for someone so you use a determining factor that’s absolute. Basically whoever created the name first gets to keep it. In the unfathomable event that two people created the exact same character name at the exact same time down to the lowest possible increment of time accounted for. You make em roll for it, the loser gets a 25$ gift card to hot topic.

>the old meme of only blizzard being able to kill wow became true

I think you people don't know but a bunch of people went in BFA to camp the troll king throne room and had 150 people in one place camping the location from people.
They banned everyone in the area because they crashed the server.

Blizzard bans people a lot for crashing the server they can't keep going with a multi bil company

This happened for runescape, didn't it?
I could see it happening here too

who /fairbanks/ here? shit is gonna be the hidden gem of all of these servers. can't wait to get my big dick lock crits on some ally faggots,

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yeah but runescape was basically dead when osrs came out. retail wow is still chugging along, alot slower than it used to, but still highly relevant

>those Final Fantasy retards were trying to hype their shit knockoff weeks ago, meanwhile the re-release of a 20 year old game stomps them off the planet

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Layering is just to keep you from having 1000 people in the same starting area. Doesn't make the servers any less full.

>frost mage vs warrior duel for name
Wow so fair.

>everybody is on US east for some reason
>everyone avoiding faerlina
>that other server is for the BRs

unless youre a zoomer who follows streamers, herod is pretty much the only eastern server

At this point the hype is going to sustain itself regardless of the game quality. No matter how shit Classic is, everyone is going to keep telling themselves they're having so much fun because they're too emotionally invested in it to let themselves believe otherwise,just like retail.

If the person on the realm originally claimed ownership to that name on that realm when they made their character and someone with the same name busts in from another server, it IS ALREADY FAIR that the new arrival changes their name. They had their shot - on their old server. They can't just assume they can have a name given to them from someone who obtained it the same way he did. Stupid post user

>because they're too emotionally invested in it to let themselves believe otherwise

its $15 bucks a month. im hype as fuck but if the games shit (which its not since we all played it 15 years ago) or im not having fun, ill just stop playing

except you know the one that they just added for us east pvp

Blizzard wouldn't let that happen. Retail has all the microtransactions while anything beyond a server transfer classicfags would seethe.

>just like retail.
Except a ton of retail players called blizzard out on how bad BfA turned out to be, and then unsubscribed. The only people still playing that game now are delusional paypigs who don't want to lose their mounts/transmogs.

It is, because people expect it to be big like it used to be , it absolutely won't people are gonna drop it fast

Well BfA is better than Legion or fucking WoD and you autistic shits played that so theres that.

Not if they decide they can make new "classic" content and take the game in a different way with story and gameplay.


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>2 new PvP realms
We are actually, truly, literally going home soon bros.

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BFA is now considerably way better now

because east needed another for reasons, im not sure how dumb you can be to think everyone is going US east when pretty much everyone besides reddit is going west

A polished turd is still a turd, user.

>pretty much everyone besides reddit is going west

>west servers are med pop
>east servers are full
>everyone except reddit is going west

reddit must be pretty fuckin big

Just wait till the DDOS happens. Hope you enjoy your Classic experience "bro"

>for some reason
are you retarded? its because all 3 east realms that were out had issues already. thalnos is claimed by subhuman brs, faerlina is the server every big streamer is going to, herod is already full. yes they needed to add another eastern server. its not that hard to understand.

Can't wait to see the dead servers one month after release

Still sadly worse than WoD. Worst expansion is still the worst.

>FFXIV hype for new content best story telling in decades in MMO

>Blizzshills hype for 20 years old game to repeat the circle for daddy Blizzard




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i actually like and play ff14, but ive already unsubbed due to the literal no content the game has and has always had

Sorry sweetie but you must be mistaken, this is an mmo thread, not a single-player jrpg thread.

Name something that has more SOUL than this in Vanilla. You literally can't.

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I don't know if this was meant as a slam against Blizzard but if you're fancy new MMO with EPIC storytelling is losing to a rerelease of a 15 year old game then that's pathetic

>Activision wouldn't let that happen.
Activision is the cancer that's killing a once admirable game dev studio.

I mean like, can't we just be reasonable for a moment? Between retail WoW and FFXIV, there's simply no contest. But WoW Classic is like an entirely different MMO type.

>only selling point is story
>can buy potion to skip story
sasuga Yoshi

So many deaths portrayed in one image. It's beautiful.



>>FFXIV hype for new content
It's still following nu-WoW formula of single player RPG with MMO raiding. aka not an MMORPG at all

>You have the reaction time to bubble a point blank souped-up pyroblast
Must be a god, senpai.

If you're giving blizzard money at all, even just for classic, you are one of those delusional paypigs. Don't even try to deny it. They're just starting the cycle over.

facing me you'll be pissing yourself under the pressure
i'll read you like a book i've read hundreds of times before
nothing personnel kid, just another hk

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FFXIV is a single player experience. You literally do not need the other players, at all, except for end game raid content. There is nothing to do at all.

Shut up

>fire reflector
>grounding totem
>earth shock

>not getting triggered by blink and doing it based on sound alone

i bet you bought sekiro to "support from" (LOL)

>full t2 mage coming at me in wsg
>PoM noise
goodbye world


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>Prevents your wipe

Nothing personnel, kid

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>earth shocking an instant cast
ur pretty good

I don't play any skinner boxes retard

ok sweetie, im sure all of the games you buy are only from publishers ran by saints :)

Never played WoW before. Should I subscribe to classic and give it a go?

If Blizzard sees that classic will be extremely succesful, they will add microtransactions, trust me.

They will do it extremely cautious though, name changes, haircuts etc first, to let people get used to it. Then later on they will add the big money making machines and add a single store mount.

If you have the money, why not? The start should be fun to be a part of at the very least since everything is fresh. I'm sure you'd get $15 of enjoyment in the first month


Not even MMO raiding. Just a queue up from your city hub into single boss minigame with randoms who might aswell be NPCs. FF14 is a good single player experience but horrible MMO, or I'm just too much of a boomer and MMOs are just Destiny like games now.

I tried WoW for the first time on a vanilla private server a couple years ago and in my opinion it blows modern MMOs out of the water. Classic's release is gonna be a great time to jump in and try the game.

yes, if you dont you're gonna miss the gaming event of the century. and live with regret the rest of your life

>If you have the money, why not?
Because you can play a private server for free and keep your money

>replying to an actual retard
stop, there's no point

Now is the second best time to get into it, following the original 2004 launch. If anything, it's guaranteed to be entertaining for the first month when absolutely everyone will be playing from the beginning.

Is there a list of servers to avoid that have streamers in them.

Faerlina is the streamer server, thalnos is the br server.

You could try responding with something more than a low effort meme word that doesn't even mean anything anymore

Faerlina is where basically every streamer is going. Pick something else and you're good. Thalnos is BR

>thalnos is the br server.
Isn't thalnos east coast though?

faerlina is the realm with all the streamers
thalnos is brazil
ferod is already full population, so expect queues
stalagg is a brand new server for US est pvp

Yes, this is the perfect opportunity to play. When it gets released, a lot of people will be playing. I have lots responsibilities and work to do, but I'm still going to play.

And if you figure MMO's are not for you, then just unsubscribe and move on.

I'm going to assume you intend on playing on an Eastern NA PvP server
>Faerlina - Designated streamer server, avoid at all costs
>Thalnos - Designated Brazil/South America server
>Herod - Most populated, designated Rebbit server. No streamers allowed.
>Stalagg - Just announced, will have a lower population than Herod for sure

muy basado jajajajajaja

Which server are you guys joining bros? I want to play with y'all.

Playing with euro faggots

Time to come home to Shadowbringers.

I've seen Whitemane be where most Yea Forums is going

i was gonna go herod but bless blizzard for adding stalagg, not im rolling there, fuck sitting in queue

>Meanwhile in OSRS

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Arugal but you gotta fuck off we're full

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Well shit, I guess I'm rerolling from Thalnos to the new one then

Layering was never "to prevent queues" you fucking tard

layering is so that you don't have a million people in the same area all fighting over the same mobs

>thinking you can DDoS a multi-billion-dollar game dev's servers

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>for the few weeks it takes everyone to spread out.
you mean literally 2 days at absolute max. nice try shill faggot. they don't even have to not be in the same zone, they claimed over and over their servers could handle 1k people in one zone, the players simply have to be like 1 or 2 levels apart and the "issue" is gone, which takes no time at all.

I'm still fucking mad that the pixels aren't aligned in this gif

>mage being "point blank" range from a melee class

must be a pretty shit mage

>Forgetting this exists

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>tell the people the servers will have ridiculous queues
>open more servers to spread out the players even more
>once the initial hype dies down and people quit, some servers will be ghost towns
>now the players will need to either level all over again on a high pop server or buy a transfer
keep getting played

>what's the solution
force one of them to change their name before logging in once the servers are merged. it's not fucking hard, they can already do it with names they deem against their tos.
>b-b-but which one will rename?!?!
the one from the lowest pop server, fucking easy. or flip a coin. who fucking cares.

>thinking that a script kiddie program will have any effect on enterprise-level DDoS protection
you need to be 18 to use this site

>thousands and thousands of people randomly forced to change their name

glad you're not working for blizzard


>now the players will need to either level all over again on a high pop server or buy a transfer
All accordion to plan


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just merge the servers.

haha those are just tourists, not real players, population will drop by 90% in the first week after everyone realizes how shit the game is and comes back to retail aka the real WoW

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If Blizzard can’t even handle an influx of streamer minions they can’t handle the LOIC

which eu server will have the most soccer moms?? rp-pvp zandalar?? Shazzrah for the swedish endangered species moms? Plz advise.

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Why is it that whenever an XIV player says their game is better than WoW, they only mention the story? Surely the gameplay couldn't be worse than a 2004 MMO....

>both PVP servers
Huh? Do people seriously play a game like WoW for PvP? I don't get the appeal.

>not purging PoM the moment it is activated together with arcane power.
Still a bad match up for shamans because locking nature spells fucks them over hard.

You’re right, it’s much better

open world pvp is fun not serious

Extremely based and Milopilled.

"PvP servers" are just servers where, in most zones level 20+, your character is always PvP-flagged and enemy players can attack you at any time.

It's for faggots who have nothing else going for their life other than smacking people who have no chance of fighting back.

i dont get it

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So you have no solution and you're a retard? Got it

mad and bad at video games

>have agreed to play on
He's already come out and said that since he can ruin servers just by being on them he isn't going to go to he streamer server.

>soccer moms
No way

PvP is just a normal server

>you and enemy faction member both come across a mining node at the same time
>obviously, you fight over it

PvE is babby mode

I just want my soul shard bag back.
You could have prevented this, retail.

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Nothing against xiv, but imagine caring about the story in a fucking mmo lol. The only relevant story is always the meta story, overarching shit, that only advances once every so often. All your hours of cutscenes and text are wasted bullshit in an mmo. Mmos are about content, about things to DO

You're mixed up, he said that before picking a server. Theoretically they can make characters on other servers, but that's going to be unlikely given that the communities there will be higher leveled and have the desire and a much easier time driving streamers out.


It isn't about the servers handling it retard it is about fighting eight hundred people for the little boxes in Deathknell, or the prickly pears in Valley of Trials.
Nobody wants to stand in line for a couple hours waiting for their turn to grab a spawn.

>literally macro it so they all cast at once
you're not earth shocking that shit lad sorry
it's not a bad match up for shaman at all though it's hugely favourable for shaman. easy to es every other cast, mage can't really kill you without stopping to cast, frost shock makes it easy to keep them close, grounding totem, ability to heal as aswell as likely instant cast a heal, purging buffs and barrier. it's an easy fight for you, your only issue is them polying and resetting constantly

server merges are announced. it's not random. if your server is merging with another, tough shit, you have to rename.
you people are brain damaged retards that would rather have the game and server pops be infinitely worse than they could easily be all because "waah it's unfair to make some people change their names if their servers are being merged" like it's remotely a big deal. fuck off lol. your dumb fuckery is why we ended up with cross realm garbage that killed the game

Which was just explained to you very simply, that it doesn't require days or weeks or anything of the kind for players to spread out, because when the servers can handle them all being in the one zone it doesn't matter if they're 20 levels above you or fucking 2 levels above you, they'll be doing different quests and therefore not an issue.
Also they've had dynamic respawn enabled every time in the betas so far, so kinda makes your argument moot

I'm a retailfag who's never played classic, but I'm very excited about a ''fresh start'' for Azeroth.
Should I give classic a try?

grobbulus... home...

Swtor also kept opening up additional servers on launch and now they are down to like 3.

yes if youre a retailfag you already pay for both so might as well get more value from your sub

It is a bad matchup against actually good mages.
A good elemental mage will never let you get close (if you are enhance for some reason) and will punish you hard if you try to hard-cast anything as elemental.
10 second nature lockout (no heal, shock, grounding) is enough to brust down anyone with that spec.

And if the mages has engineering on top it gets ugly.

If you are already subbed there is no reason not to. Just dont be one of those retail faggots that start asking for LFR/LFG and shit to be put into classic.

Where are my Whitemane bros at?

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If yoy're an ERPing tranny, maybe


Uh, what the fuck, Blizzard?

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>BfA is better than Legion or fucking WoD

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>if your server is merging with another, tough shit, you have to rename.
This would never actually fly and you're fucking stupid
You know absolute nothing about running online games or managing communities in general, stop posting

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Blizzard hasn't even done this with retail servers and some of those are completely dead. They "connected" them but never merged.

How intelligent is your server of choice?

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Is there no seperate WoW classic subscription anymore?

WoW-classic and retail are part of the same subscription, it's surprising and pretty based of blizzard

>He's rolling on Faerlina


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The closest thing to the right thread to ask, are either of the everquest games worth playing in their modern form?

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I coulda sworn there was going to be a classic-only cheaper subscription option. Alright

Don’t worry, user. It’s disturbing how classicfags are, their distressing love for a game that was bad even during its prime knows no bounds.

i cant lower myself to go to PVE tho, fuck.

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the retail versions? definitely not.
project1999 has a fresh blue server coming out in october though, the first one in like 7 years or whatever.

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butthurt pvp-let detected

>asmongold's potential impact is now listed as "EXTREMELY HIGH"
it's going to be a shitshow

the high IQ server

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Who here planning on buying gold from the china mens so you can give it to ya boi Asmongold?


ah yes, endless ERP. the thinking man's endgame.

If theres 1 thing EQ2 did right is was the design of the female iksar

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>a week and a half left
>definitely going warrior, expect to tank a lot
>still can't decide if i'm going night elf for superior looks and dealing with the consequences later or just being a human minmax virgin to not rock the boat

>logon retail as I wait for classic
>the games new graphics look absolutely beautiful
why the fuck is it so boring though? What do I even do? I have all the mog sets I've wanted and mounts. I'm in the new version of Karazhan currently just enjoying the nostalgia

>Kargoz on Herod and not Faerlina
Better to reign in hell, I guess

>Stalagg announced
>Herod already defined as THE pvp server
>majority of people are staying on Herod, hoping that others move on to Stalagg
>Those who want to move to Stalagg have reservations due to fear of missing out
>As a result, Herod will remain hugely overpopulated and Stalagg will be mid pop at best
Blizzard fucked up by not having Stalagg up day 1.

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>imagine playing an archaic piece of trash
>not playing FFXIV
>not wanting a great story and great gameplay
>inb4 hurdur raidlog tranny excuse
What does this game have? Raids with nothing but trash that stop you from the meat of the raid? World PvP and "dangerous" health sponges that interrupt your immersion in the world? RMT? In FFXIV i have Achievements to do and collect some cool stuff for it, Roulettes, Primals, Raids, Savage, Alliance Raids, 29 different Jobs to Level Up and farm equipment, the best and most fun Craft system to work on,Gathering to collect mats, Market Board stuff to make Gil, Maps, Fishing Logs, Tons of Sidequests, Gold Saucer stuff to farm like Verminions,Chocobo Racing and TTC Collection, Tournaments, Housing, and PvP that is the best out there. Maybe one day you WoWfags will learn.

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So I want a pvp rp server. Haven’t had a chance to make a character yet though. Are there any available to reserve on or did I miss it?

imagine waiting 1.5sec for your GCD

Whitemane almost equals Herod currently

if you main anywhere else you are a beta afraid of competition

Attached: classicuspvp.jpg (1231x833, 307K)

i want to play an mmorpg though, not a single-player game

Even if your name is Bob or John, it's probably still available

Nah, everyone who joins day 1 will go Stalagg and bring it up to par.

this nigger can't be serious

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You realize that there won't be any difference between classic and retail players in terms of subscription, right? The entire point of classic is to boost player count so they can show shareholders what a success BFA is. I'm excited for classic too but don't think even for a SECOND that Blizzard is giving it to us because they care what we want.

This isn't Final Trantasy, you don't get locked out of making characters on specific servers just because you weren't there hour one.

Should they make a dedicated streamer server and force everyone that streams to play on it?

>if you don't want to play on the underage meme-spouting /pol/ server or the reddit server then that means you're a beta
seethe harder

>faggot who never played ffxiv

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>FFXIV fag is also a diaper fag
Get out of here Kai, keep your diapers in XIV

this already kind of happened

Is that a cool guy?
I can't imagine someone who willingly rolls on rppvp being a massive faggot

you keep bringing up the story as the main selling point when it's not really relevant for people who want an mmo

imagine playing mmo's for the story

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Then by your logic Classic WoW is fucking awful because it's a finite amount of content versus things being updated, regardless of speed, infinitely.

when did I say something about story autistic child?

Sure there is. Just share namespaces across servers you plan to merge.
Only the occasional name clash merge (which they have done before) for when prediction doesn't hold up

>start playing FFXIV for the story
>get to dungeon
>start watching the cutscenes for the story
>get kicked from the group
Epic game, my trannybros

um no sweaty, new content for Classic is already confirmed

>i can't stop thinking about channel chat it's hurting my feelings

>sitting in queue is fun
ill be going stalagg

Priority order:

Content creators > People who have spent more gold on the cash shop > People with older subscriptions > People with more achievements and mounts > People with the highest karma on reddit

>non arguments and memes
Keep grasping Classic-fags
Diaperfags flock to WoW, poopsocks not allowed in XIV.

Attached: alright.gif (448x320, 3.02M)

Wait, you can reserve names?
Can you pre make your characters?

>12 whole days left


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>people cry about blizzard adding a quest helper
>literally everyone is going to use questie

>>non arguments and memes
Not an argument single player

You could as of two days ago as long as you have an active sub. If not try asking a friend with one to reserve a name for you.

pay for a sub, login, create character


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To be fair merunyaa does WoW stuff too

>best part of mmo is what you do solo
You said it, not me.

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>rolling on 20/80 horde dominated servers
Enjoy the dead world pvp in 3 months

Do I lose anything by not joining on launch day?

What do you mean?

Where did you get statistics that show horde being 80% of these servers?
lying faggot

you lose respect from poop sockers

Please name the emergent open world content that FFXIV has, I'll wait.

i hope you didn't hurt yourself pulling those numbers out of your ass user

hey (You)
post appropriate pvp music RIGHT NOW i'm building a playlist

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>JP servers filled with Touhou diaper cosplayers that are men
>NA filled with diaper fags on Crystal and Aether
>Europe is just dead like always
Yeah no at this point FFXIV is the Tranny MMO, the Diaperfag MMO, and the Cash Shop MMO.

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Herod is probably going to be pretty bad considering how much redditors love the horde. I can't see Whitemane being worse than 40/60 though.

Is there anyway to actually see what factions are a majority on the servers?
this is really important yet no one seems to care about it

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>haha that post wasn't mine :)
You responded to a post talking about how the story doesn't matter.

Someone help me. I really wanna play Troll Rogue because Trolls and Tauren are the only Horde races I like, but Troll doesnt do anything for Rogue.
I could go Orc Warlock but fuck me I hate the Orc models in Vanilla. Also fuck Undead, Im not an edgelord.

>PvP that is the best out there

Attached: orcgrin.gif (297x202, 1.21M)

Berserking is the best horde DPS racial for Rogue idiot.

troll warlock
orc rogue

>implying youll ever get the full 30% for beserking on Rogue
Trolls couldnt be Locks until Cata sadly.

FFXIV forces you to do dozens of 4 man dungeons and 8 man boss fights over the course of the leveling experience. Even vanilla WoW let you just grind endlessly to get to endgame.

Random sample polling on discords for the specific servers and getting a good enough sample size is pretty accurate
Herod is looking to be around 60/40 right now and slowly getting worse as alliance bleed out to Stalagg

why did anyone ever play trolls in vanilla

Makes me miss the old days of Vanilla when people would just pick up and decide to raid the opposing faction's leaders. You'd get a couple raids worth of people showing up to just demolish everything in sight in all its laggy glory.

Theyre good for Hunters. That's it.

>I hate the Orc models in Vanilla. Also fuck Undead, Im not an edgelord.
Then go troll. Berserking isn't terrible but it's not on the same level as BF+Hardiness and WotF. If you're okay with that then roll troll.

You don't need to get the full 30%, trolls win by default because Undead get nothing, Rogues can't wield axes and Blood Fury is shit.

Is Horde actually the most populated? That's surprising being that it's vanilla. Also i'm pretty sure Nostalrius and other servers usually had an alliance majority

>you get to play with players who act exactly like bots
so single-player

horde is 70% on retail

I wasn't trying to argue anything. I'm playing Classic and haven't played XIV since stormblood. I was just pointing out that posting merunyaa doesn't really indicate anything since he(?)'s done WoW fanart too.
some quick ones for ya.

>FFXIV's dev has confirmed he's making the NPC trust system work with the early dungeons so you can truly avoid playing with anyone
>entire new expansion has each dungeon with NPCs that replace players to avoid playing with anyone and queues
It writes itself

if you play on a pvp server you should play undead or orc rogue and thats final

in vanilla people hardly picked their race based on the racials
on private servers people picked troll for optimal pve dps

>Undead get nothing
What is WotF
What is Orcs stun Res. Are you fucking dumb?

>Huh? Do people seriously play a game like wow for PvE? It's all easy it's just mat farming, i don't get the appeal

I can do it too. Some people prefer content that isn't literally designed to be beaten

Neither of those do damage, retard. Learn to read.

>herod had 4000 people just from the reddit servey
Holy fuck you guys gotta get out or you can have fun never getting anything done and constant lag

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You gotta be fucking kidding me. They're not even pretending that it's an mmo anymore.

I recently quit your stupid chink shit, what a waste of fucking 40 dollars. That entire expansion is trash and so is that game. Can't believe I gave them money again for that unfiltered slanty eyed shit.

congrats on finally figuring it out, classic was always a hail mary to save wow, blizzard doesn't do anything that isn't financially motivated, and even though it seems OBVIOUS that classic would be successful, they held the trump card close to the vest until they needed it, you know, in the event of a retail expansion bombing and everyone going to the rival MMO as a result.

Please tell me where in
he states he only cares about PvE DPS before you tell someone else to read you illiterate dipshit. He just says "troll doesn't do anything for rogue" which could actually imply that he only cares about PvP racials since Berserking is as straightforward as they get.

>damage is the only thing that matters
stick to bfa please

He makes machinima videos sometimes, and plays viking music on his YouTube channel. He's a chill guy. He used to RP years ago but stopped.

i liked these

That petition that went unbelievably viral after that classic server got shut down is mostly why we are finally getting classic. This is an objective fact


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who else

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>all this FFXIV discussion

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Unless WoW has changed since I last played it, you could go through the entire game without ever interacting with anyone.

What's so wrong about having an entire server sit around at one place waiting to collect a boar butt? You'd make friends with the people there while waiting

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I'm going to play on Faerlina since it'll have actual progression guilds, tons of world events, and the best PvPers.

what the fuck is that

It's honestly unbelievable the kind of shit they let SE get away with. Optional subscription after optional subscription on top of a required subscription to play in the first place that can't be paid with in-game currency like nuWoW. On top of all of this there's a cash shop that isn't just strictly cosmetic. Then there's the giant elephant in the room that cash shops should not even exist in a sub-based game that you have to fucking buy.

FinalFantasy faggotry.
final fantasy idiots insist on spamming every wow thread

FFXIV forces you to run a lot of 4 man dungeons and 8 man boss fights over the course of the leveling experience. The new expansion lets you use major NPCs as party members in the new 4 man dungeons, though they're really only good for completing them safely the first time and letting you stop to smell the roses as you do so.

having it in by default changes the way they do quest design, also not everyone is going to use it retard

Your screen to choose which NPCs to take into dungeons. Remember this is a Single PLayer Game with a massive focus on the story like any other Playstation game.

I can't explain why, but the extra step of downloading an addon makes it seem more authentic. Maybe it's because any new player would have to be told to do it

>great story and great gameplay

You mean this? >that image timestamp

Even lineage 2 classic had to add extra servers.


>That one streamer going Herod
He's got guts, though I hope he also has some lube, because he's going to need it.

/ourguy/ alex is rolling herod as well

You're going to regret it in a week when Herod is fine and you've wasted several hours in a deadpop server

level 17 druid

>if its not full its dead
this is your mind on private servers you know classic launched with over 50 servers right

It was a Hunter you dunce, Alex was the Druid.

And where are those 50 now

Herod is the zoomer/fortnite/memekid/reddit/tryhard server. Fairbanks is the liberal boomer server, Whitemane is the Trump boomer server, Thalnos is huehue server, Fairlina is the assmanlayer server, Grob is the furry server.

Stalagg is going to be the best PvP server.

Attached: 1afwfe7.png (470x612, 75K)

this is your guy?

As someone who currently, begrudgingly plays FFXIV you need to fuck off tranny

FFXIV is literally MOUNTSMOGSCHEEVOS: The Game. FFXIV does literally not a SINGLE FUCKING thing better than the game it's trying to copy (WoW) other than sheer graphics and music. The game still runs on a shit fucking engine with a shit fucking tickrate, a shit fucking laggy ass combat system with the same shitty fucking tomestone and 12 circular arena/stage boss gameplay loop 3 expansions running and content droughts are addressed with cash shop additions so you can pretty up your fucking virtual barbie doll for another few hours so you forget they were supposed to roll anything out. You retards literally cannot gargle Yoshis cock any fucking harder despite releasing a minigame "limited job" for a class (Blue Mage) and two half-baked races (one of which, no one fucking wanted) that cant even wear headgear.

I fucking hate you people, this gook has fucked your asshole so raw you not only think FFXIV is a good game but you actively shill the game and deride people for anything even resembling criticism

Honestly just get the fuck off the video game board if you are going to advertise that goddamn chatroom you claim is a game, because that's what FFXIV actually is

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herod is reddit but stalagg will get all the zoomers too poor to pay for a name. still playing there because it will be high pop soon enough.

>all this discussion of servers
>the one your guild chose hasn't been mentioned once
Feels good man, can't wait for this game

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>stalagg will get all the zoomers too poor to pay for a name
what? you have to pay the 15 either way dipshit. if you actually payed to reserve some shit name you are retarded

If you hate the game so much why are you playing it?

well everything but pve servers have been mentioned and if you roll on a pve server in vanilla you are the biggest bunch of pussies there are

>prevent oversaturation of players in a single zone
Then why are layers not zone-wide? If a layer can hold 3000 players, then the way layering works right now, all of these 3000 players can be in Elwynn at the same time. How does this solve the problem you're describing?

user you can't be dropping red pills of this caliber here

OY VEY. There'll be Nazi Worgens dominating everyone!

>guy stretches the servers to its limit by allowing everyone to enjoy world pvp and gives blizzard useful data

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you gotta be retarded to think almost all servers wont be high pop and near full at actual launch

>all those mad wowfags

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>best story telling in decades in MMO
so its literally nothing

> they held the trump card close to the vest until they needed it

but it was announced during legion... and I believe they said legion was doing slightly better than WoD in a investors report. Was WoD even worse than the 5 million player drop or was Legion just mediocre and they lied in the report?

Because all my friends are sunken cost as fuck and wont play much else and i'm probablt waiting for the opportunity to introduce them to something better maybe. I don't really know. But i fucking hate grinding tomestones and the DDR style of bosses fucking sucks huge cocks, it's absolutely unfun, the most enjoyable thing so far in the game is that treasure map bullshit.

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>that fucking trinket

>I'm just too much of a boomer and MMOs are just Destiny like games now.

This is correct. The days of everquest style worlds are gone. Everyone wants queues, teleports, etc. The market has gotten too used to QoL stuff. Now MMOs are all themepark mmos. Final Fantasy is a great themepark MMO

go to bed alex, no one cares about you

Honestly, every other server is full. So I don't have a choice. But it really doesn't matter.

He used to be a chubby RPer. But now hes been working out and is a chad. The guys based and chill.

I'm going Faerlina and will become the very best dps on the server. My name will be known. I will get the attention of all the streamers and once I am solidified as the very best I will stream bringing in thousands of viewers and the EZ life. See ya later nerds

>that one guy responding to every hate comment
christ... alex's biggest fan

Because of racials. Alliance racials have been absolute fucking trash for over a decade.

it doesnt and layering fucking sucks worse than sharding and sharding fucking sucks too

nonsense, they nerfed EMFH in Legion


I'm going Stalagg, fuck the losers who want to suck reddit cock on Herod

Racials are completely meaningless in retail. Retail is horde dominated purely because there were more guilds on horde side, so people transferred to horde side, so Alliance guilds couldn't recruit, so they went horde, repeat from step 1. The same reason Alliance is dominant in CN and OCE regions.


Nah, when it was introduced in Cata is was fucking broken, then shit on in MoP. They just nerfed it again in Legion. Also a single PvP racial doesn't beat the OP fucking shit that was Blood Fury, Berserking, and Arcane Torrent. I mean for fucks sake, Berserking is fucking 10% haste and helps with the GCD. Remember when it was fucking 20% haste?

Fucking retarded.

>Racials are completely meaningless in retail.
Yet when you had guilds that were over 99% blood elf because of the racials, that means they are meaningless. Right?

>completely fucking over the gameplay
I played on nostalrius which had 14 thousand people online on average and it was fucking awesome. Finding groups was the easiest god damned thing ever.
But this is horrible for the convenience fags who demand to breeze through the game and not compete with anyone for their linear quest line.
>not just inviting people into a group and sharing the quest.

The only thing that was annoying were quest chests that could not be shared with party members leading to a theme park line forming.

Attached: fuckconvenience.jpg (1329x408, 155K)

Such as?

>streamer cancer
>server queues
>pay money, can't play game
>nublizz incompetent devs
>new content, if ever, will be bfa tier garbage
>game already dead a month after release
lmaoing at all classic retards believing they're going 'home'
a private server is more vanilla at this point

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And how did we end up with more guilds on horde? Method transfered to horde for ToT

I said racials are irrelevant on retail, present tense. Yeah there were busted Racials in MoP, that was nearly 10 years ago, it isn't relevant anymore.

Say it with me, now...


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>Racials are completely meaningless in retail.
Belf was mandatory for anybody who wanted to push high M+ keys in Legion due to how fucking busted having an AoE silence as a racial is. Now it's Nelf because shadowmeld trash skips.

No they are not. Belf mandatory for Legion M+, Goblin mandatory for KJ, Troll mandatory for Jaina pre nerf.

>blizzard can do east coast servers
>square enix cant

>I played on nostalrius which had 14 thousand people online on average and it was fucking retarded

I hope it fails if only so blizzard actually has to try to make good content again

Looks like it did the job anyways

The only one of those even arguably relevant to BfA is the troll racial which was nerfed within a day of people realizing it was a thing.

just because it's an MMO doesn't mean i want to have conversations or talk to weird faggots like you. im here to cash shit out with my boys, not play pretend with manchildren

>actually has to try to make good content again
never gonna happen
pic related

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Is whitemane safe from streamers?
That's the appropriate pvp server for my area, but fuck if I'm gonna stick around while some streamer shit crashes it every other day or some other form of turbo autism.

wc3 reforged and wow classic is blizzard's dying breath
they just don't have the talent

>Claim to hate streamers
>Spend all day thinking about streamers, talking about streamers, finding out what server streamers are on, trying to organize people to raid the streamers

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they put money people in creative positions and to no ones surprised it backfired horribly

all big steamers are on faerlina

Streamers are the trannies of the classic world

>Jaina first kill Feb 5
>Voodoo Shuffle nerf feb 20
nice day


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As long as they keep it contained somewhere I'm not they can circle jerk over each other as much as they want for all I care.

we won bros
we fucking won

I cant believe you retards would believe shit like this just because of fucking confirmation bias.
Fucking christ.

post a thread a month after release with current numbers and I will laugh
if you have 2 full servers I'll upvote you :)

uhhhhh stalagg bros? are we DOA?

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i got the name 'xd' on gehennas :^)

>all those low
I guess they didn't. He was right.

curious to see what stalagg gets to by launch

if its still low by the time the real launch comes around yea

not much to do until we can actually play the game, yet another streamer-only "beta test"

full fucking realms before the game even releases?
wtf how

only 1 is low thats the growth of the servers already and the one that is low came out 5 hours ago

>people were ACTUALLY trying to shill fairbanks over whitemane
OH NO NO NO NO, you just know some retards actually reserved all of their names on a DoA server

the screenshots are obviously taken at different times with the earliest being the one on the left you dumbass.

Those images come from the last THREE days.

We're still WEEKS from launch and its almost full.

Better dead than /pol/

they opened it up for name reservation
so this is literally just people who wanted to sub early to get a name reserved
actual realms are going to be packed

>whitemane is /pol/
where the fuck did this even come from? also /pol/fags will be banned so fucking fast it's not even worth worrying about

Attached: classicuspvp.jpg (1041x664, 266K)

garrisons are infinitely worse than BFA. BFA sucks but nothing is worse than a whole expansion dependent on a lame ass single player non-customizable village

Name/character reservations. Each player gets 3 but population is based off accounts not the number of characters.

Even the oceanic servers have gone from low to medium over the last 24 hours. Dont know about euro bros I cant see their servers.

This. At least WoD made most classes interesting to play. RIP Single Minded Fury & GLAD Stance, I miss you both every day.

Anyone that isn't completely retarded will hide their power level well enough.

If you mention anything to do with the ''white race'' in open chat you're getting a suspension

lol, imagine thinking this

>At least WoD made most classes interesting to play.
WoD started the prune. After MoP we didnt gain any new abilities only removed more and more

my fucking mounts
my fucking pets
my toys
my transmog
all my store mounts
all gone

If it's anything like nuWoW moderation then it's not going to be that ridiculously strict. Not every game is Overwatch. Plenty of political shitflinging in general chat on retail.

>/pol/fags will be banned
imagine being this delusional


Attached: retailfags.png (627x567, 216K)

You forgot my LFG, my raids, my daily achievements and my endless gear treadmill

>If it's anything like nuWoW moderation then it's not going to be that ridiculously strict

NuWoW moderation is a joke. There's a guy on my server called Nigg, another called Gay, and one of my guildies had the name Pregnantteen for like 6 months before it got reported (by an American).
Retail moderation is done almost entirely on a community level, the moderation isn't strict, you're just playing with a bunch of thin skinned faggots who report people all the time. The only thing Blizzard actively monitors is botting.

>all the retailfag tears on the forums when their game becomes a ghost town

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Imagine thinking you can get away with calling people niggers in a 2019 blizzard game

Why are queues for WoW even a thing in 2019, like, really?

Honestly, I am a little sad about the toys. They're fun to goof off with in a raid when the raid leader is scolding someone for half an hour.

Of course they’d lie. But with Classic they kept putting off when they’d ever do it, they prolly were trying to placate players and never really do anything by giving PR answers. Now they’ve actually gone and started doing it.

Every expansion release has a long ass queue.

People want to play a real MMO after 15 years of dogshit from the industry.

I cannot disagree more. Walking into Stormwind on retail and seeing everyone turned into a 50foot nonsensical elemental or whatever the fuck is absolutely infuriating.

>leveling shaman
>put up lighting shield
>flame shock
>auto attack
>alt tab and shitpost on Yea Forums

>Reality keeps getting worse
>Escapism demand on the rise
>The prettiest version of that happy to oblige
Literally the sole reason

items are still there tho, just the save spacing tab is gone

Joke's on you, classicucks will flock to retail once they realize it has 100 more content than classic, that was blizzard masterplan all along
I've been farming azerite power on 5 characters, that's 5x more content on top of the already massive amount of content we have

I played the trial version of BFA and the first messages I saw in chat were people calling each other faggots and someone was named Blueballs. Blizzard doesn't care.

As someone who has never played wow( i was already firmly addicted to ffxi by the time it came out), what class should I pick if I'm going to play one of the minotaurs.

I wish. I'm on retail right now trying to figure out what to do. If only you retailfags understood that we want to enjoy retail we just can't.
Also it's ironic that everyone I see is in an old tierset from around the time we're trying to return to

then you reach max lvl and you're useless

When's it come out? I'll probably hope on a month or two later but god damn does it give me joy knowing the vanilla servers are going to blast current wow numbers out of the water. Fuck blizzard for taking so long to do this.

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>retail once they realize it has 100 more content than classic
Except retail has literally zero MMO content.

Other anons will probably say warrior, if you roll warrior without knowing what you're doing you're going to have a real fucking bad time

Hunter. Easiest class to play and level, and Tauren Hunters are the coolest players in the game.

>retailfags will roll their favorite special snowflake spec from BfA
>Some will get to 60 despite literally everyone telling them they'll have a miserable time
>They become surprised when they're useless at 60 and everyone wants them to heal
>They will bitch and moan for blizzard to buff them nonstop

>layering is so that you don't have to interact with other people in this MMO

how to tell if someone never played vanilla. mana tide and windfury alone mean you bring shamans for each melee group and healer group. not to mention chain heal is one of the best aoe heals in the entire game

Honestly I just want my leather football.

Avoid Warrior. They are extremely painful to level, and if you get to max level, you're gonna be stuck as an off-tank.

This, you *can* do dps as warrior but if you roll warrior you WILL be expected to tank whether you like it or not.

>>retailfags will roll their favorite special snowflake spec from BfA
I dont think you have ever even touched WoW. It is literally impossible to have any spec from BfA in Classic.

You might as well compare GTA to Mario Kart.

in your dreams fag, I miss the old days too but it's not going to be the same community we loved from 2004 and no where near surpassing any main MMOs numbers.
There will be a major spike at the start and a massive sharp drop afterward this is to push numbers til the anniversary then blizzcon and the final patch.

>I miss the old days too
As a fellow retailfag I'm just interested in getting a freshstart, I don't care about any ''authentic classic experience''

if classic succeeds it's better for everyone, considering we're part of the same sub fee and essentially the same game.

>"world pvp is so good!"
>it's just people zerging each other, rogues ganking every one or fags with superior gear 1 shotting people

>20% chance to shitfuck every rogue you fight because their 5point kidney shot just whiffs.
>Dab on priests and warlocks with duration fear immunity.
If you think damage is all that matters in vanilla then you're going to have a bad time.

>retailfag plays ret paladin in BfA and thinks it's the best class ever
>rolls paladin in classic
>thinks he'll be viable at 60
>gets upset when everyone tells him to heal
I understand they're not similar at all, but that won't stop uneducated retailfags from doing what they want and then getting mad.

you're not going to shy away from the competition are you user?

Attached: classicuspvp.jpg (1041x664, 273K)

>using lighting shield
looks like someone wants to go oom

>they only added 1 more server
jesus they need at least 4 more

I'm EU

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Reminder that these two are the most entitled faggots in the entire game. If you meet any paladin or druid that isn't a healer, immediately block them because I promise you they're nothing but children with inferiority complexes.

Attached: Paladin-Druid.png (552x256, 221K)

How are the EU realms looking? haven't been paying attention to you guys

the few weeks after launch are insignificant
we do not want dead servers creating a need for cross realm bgs and transfers
the more self-sufficient servers are the better

I'm going to roll on your loot and there's nothing you can do about it

gonna block every single feral and ret i run into

>Tfw Amerikkkan but going to be stationed in Greece cuz military.
Feelz bad man.

>thinking anyone cares about 60
No one does. Stop trying to push your retail failure into classic.

People want to play classic because it has leveling. Retail does not. No one gives a rats ass about raiding at 60.

Thats it, story over.

I think to many people are treating this like they're physically getting into a time machine and going back in time, it's like plugging up your snes and trying to play your favorite co-op game like you did back in the 90's but instead of having your old bestfriend playing with you it's some random kid who watches twitch all day shouting twitch lingo and asking if you like shitmongold while watching 2 decade old youtube guides for the snes game.

What if they're tanking 5mans?

Thanks for protecting my oil investments slave, ill send a postcard from your gf's bedroom.


I got you senpai

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But I don't have a gf.

>the thing that gives you the best items
yes what about it?

Okay im going to sleep with your mom then

>build comfy totem nest
>pull everything to totem nest to save on down time and mana
>ele/resto from 40+ so you don't have to swap gear and can do dungeons whenever
>mage friends that give you water for leveling
>electrocuting the shit out of everything

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that's fine as long as they're not needing on every single piece of gear.

Mana tide sucks dick in vanilla

compared to
>get charged by tauren warrior with pocket shaman
>windfury chain procs and you instantly die
>gnome mage bunny hopping toward you
>trinket pom pyro and you instantly die
>get manadrained
>can't even play the game

>was worried about Whitemane being the streamer server
>they all picked Faerlina on the opposite side of the country
My champion is arising right fucking now

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stay mad, retailfag. Go back to your 3 billion gap closers, stuns, interrupts, and infinite mana

>everyone naming their realm
>no one names their faction

so do people really think all raids will only be made up of warriors mages rogues and priest?

>2 servers
>extremely high demand
oh no no no

and 10 ret paladins of course

Horde. Do I even have to say it? It's Horde. The fact that other people don't roll Horde sickens me.

The true MMO experience is forming a line of 20 people waiting for one mob to spawn. Everybody gets one kill then goes to the back. Anyone who cuts in line gets ganked by the whole line. As I'm writing this, I don't know if I'm making fun of it or missing it. Maybe the jankier an MMO is, the better. A smooth theme park ride through all the zones is no fun. The journey is defined by all the shit that went wrong. Let a thousand people flood the starting areas; worst case scenario is they have to wait a few days to get out. But at least they won't all have the same cookie cutter experience the game was designed to give to literally everyone. I guess that's the real death of MMOs. You're right, you know. If you don't have to plan around other players, why not just play a single player game instead.

>>windfury chain procs and you instantly die
Balance is a meme.

Imbalance is F U N.

>wasting mana on totems that barely do anything
>now wasting even more mana to pull mobs
>wasting talents for ele when leveling, which only make you go oom faster
Just equip the fastest dagger you find and keep 30 points in enha while leveling. You can still put the rest in resto or heal just fine without them.

Why can't FFXIV players and WoW Classic players get along? Both games are great! Fuck retail WoW tho.

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Will they be implementing paid realm transfers and faction changes for classic?

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t. will quit in a month

Later. Those were introduced around AQ so wait for that.

>What if they're tanking 5mans?
Then I invite them when they whisper me first because of their desperation to get into a group. But then I shift click the guy's name who whispered me second, realize he's a warrior, then tell the druid/paladin that a warrior wants to come, then remove them from the group before they can even object.

Fuck off you hybrid pieces of shit.

I'd side with a retailbro anyday over some faggy FFX player.

Because FF is a boring casual grindfest.

Everyone wants to be the hero. Everyone wants to be top DPS, top Healer, or top tank. The issue is Classic doesn't work like that. You can't not have druids. You can't not have warlocks. You can't not have hunters. Now people delude themselves into thinking they'll be top dog and the best at their class, but they won't. So now they're a shit warrior sitting outside of Orgrimmar wishing that some guild would take them for anything so they can get something better than Valor armor.

Just play what you think looks cool and don't try to be the hero.

I'm very excited to play Classic. I played Vanilla when I was a kid, couldn't make it past Hogger, but had the time of my life. I never bothered with retail because it's too late to catch up.

I tank in FFXIV, what class should I use? I here Paladin is a good choice, but Rogue seems cool too.

>people are choosing their servers based on how few people they'll have to play with
was it autism?

Does anyone have the link of the Google doc with server populations?

Alliance. Do I even have to say it? It's Alliance. The fact that other people don't roll Alliance sickens me.

Good question, but I enjoy the free shitlord shield from those who think it's the truth.

>Horde players

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Why wouldn't the tanking bear/pally be the leader?

>non-tank in charge of group
>non-tank finding multiple tanks for his group in a small time frame
What bizarro world do you live in? You'll be spamming trade chat for hours with that attitude.

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yea haha roll tank paladin

So fucking transfer off of your overpopulated realm onto one of the less populated ones. Stop being a part of the problem and start being a part of the solution.

Warriors are by and large the only "true" tanks in vanilla.

Healers exist, retard

Every server will be overpopulated but streamer ones will actually suck

You wish.

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I've leveled 2 shamans to 60. One back in vanilla and one on Nostalrius. I've already done dagger/shield and I've already done 2h windfury. Now I wanna try zapping shit. I know it's mana inefficient, but it's a new way for me to level my shaman.

>Why wouldn't the tanking bear/pally be the leader?
Because no one wanted to join his group because he was a druid/pally.
>You'll be spamming trade chat for hours with that attitude.
Makes me want to roll a Warrior just so I can suddenly leave groups mid run and make people suffer.

>mfw I will be playing female night elf priest
>mfw I'm not a tranny
sorry about that fear bud ahaha

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>blurred out private server names

If you want to tank in raids, you should play Warrior.

Druid can also tank and actually tanks dungeons quite well, they just fall behind Warriors when it comes to raid tanking. They can still do it, they'll just need a lot more gear, and you'll probably be healing for awhile until you get the gear you need for it.

Paladin tanking is decent for dungeons but completely non-viable for raids. They just don't have the tools needed for effective raid tanking.

If you're autistic and only look at raids.

When leveling anyone who can keep aggro and not die is a tank, even a priest can tank effectively.

Raiding does not define everything.

Is it viable damage or are you just PvPing 99% of the time?

No, that's just me shitting around in wpvp. I got that set playing prot.

>played shadowbringers
>great story... For a FF game, which doesn't say much
>everyone and their mother completes story
>nothing to do except brain dead savage
>around 70% of playbase unsubbed if they don't have a house plot
>servers no longer full

This heavy marketed expansion has less content than heavensword...

>healsluts leading anything ever

>Makes me want to roll a Warrior just so I can suddenly leave groups mid run and make people suffer.
You know you have a server reputation in vanilla, right? I mean you can be a dick just know it has consequences.
As a tank though people will put up with a lot more of your bullshit because it's the most in demand role.

>Paladin tanking is decent for dungeons but completely non-viable for raids. They just don't have the tools needed for effective raid tanking.
I'll never understand why they never gave Paladins a taunt.

Does race really matter that much stat wise? I heard humans/Orcs are the best warriors by far.

>boosted himself on a shitty private server
enjoy your 1 month

He's some guilds tank that yoinked a 2hander from another warrior for memes and probably has less than 2k HKs.

This is the truth. Warriors are the de facto tank. They can do any content and they are the best at it. Druids can tank 5 mans and some raid fights, but they will always preform either worse than a warrior or just as good at their best. Paladins can tank some 5 mans and inefficiently tank some raid bosses, but you'll almost never see them tank outside of Stratholme speed runs. Shamans, the forgotten ones, can tank up to 45-50ish, but start taking too much damage and don't have enough tools outside of rockbiter and earth shock to do any real tanking.

What race you are isn't as big of a deal as a lot of people make it out to be, but you won't regret choosing human or orc.

seethe more, retailcuck.

Racials only really matter in 1v1s or small group PvP.

The PvE in this game is so easy that a few % here or there really will not matter. Knowing your class and doing the right prep work (consumables, etc.) will matter significantly more than any racial will in PvE.

Large group PvP has so much shit going on that a slightly stronger racial won't save you if the other group is better or you're outnumbered.

If you want to min-max, then yeah going human/orc can have tangible benefits in the mid to low tier of performance. At the end of the day though what distinguishes the top 99th percentile of warriors/rogues apart is literally just RNG and it isn't dependent on rank at all.

>gnomes can escape roots and get engy boost
>dwarfs have the best racial in the game and cannot be cc'd by anything
>tauren get a aoe stun
those 3 alone are 10x better than orc and human

>Pala tank with warrior DPS
>Druid tank with rogue DPS
Watch the seething. Hehe.

Depends on the type of content you're doing. If you're not in a hardcore guild or trying to be a top PvPer though, the difference between races isn't the end all be all. If you want a quick rundown, in my opinion for Warriors:

>PvP Horde
>PvE Horde
>PvP Alliance
>PvE Alliance

you know I'm right, sweaty.

>you: kill yourself
>also you: kill yourself


It's worth noting that many of the hardcore PvE guilds still pick races for PvP.

Racials are much less significant for PvE than they are for PvP, even shit like fear ward.

Please do not come to Stalagg. It's full of Redditors and streamers and normies and whatever else you hate. Plus on launch day it will be flooded by players who didn't subscribe early and will have a longer queue time than Herod.

i hope more casuals play like you, user
I'm worried there will be too many tryhard faggots, especially on Herod.

I'd argue that not having a taunt really isn't an issue for them. Their biggest issue is that they use mana and they go OOM fast when they are generating the most threat that they can. Even though I'm Horde and don't give a shit about Alliance I've always thought that if Blizzard does do Classic+ they add in some Tier 3.5 items that make paladin tanks more viable, like a Libram that adds taunt to Judgment and a shield that restores mana whenever you block attacks. Some items that don't radically change them, but make them more viable. Hell, the shield could also be as an Elemental/Resto PvP Shield.

>I'd argue that not having a taunt really isn't an issue for them
you can argue that, but you're still wrong

I'm on Herod and I'm playing blind. There will be plenty of casuals.

poor little sweaty, couldn't handle vanilla when it was relevant so now he has to get his accomplishments 15 years later.

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If Classic+ ends up being a thing, sets for off specs should be the first thing they do.

Most of them just need proper itemization rather than buffs.

>I'd argue that not having a taunt really isn't an issue for them.
then you're just wrong, there is no argument

>mfw in a hardcore NA guild that will be top 5 NA for sure and im ranking to 14 again as a human because i absolutely loathe how gnomes look
feels bad

I'm saying that if you gave them taunt, but didn't fix their other problems it wouldn't make a difference. They'd only be slightly more useful, but they'd still be the last pick.

fuck off, it's a dumb dead /pol/ meme that Yea Forums seems to be further killing.
Bess Kalb doesn't even have a twitter anymore

>sorry about that fear bud ahaha
Oh you poor tranny

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>he doesn't want to be a gnome warrior named tommypickles and run around slaying nerds then make a pvp video using rugrats PS1 music

It won't matter that much user. People are going to be just as shit at Classic as they are at any other MMO because they don't want to put in the effort to get BiS, get consumables, get professions, etc.

At the end of the day, you'll be able to get rank 14 on pretty much anything.

Ashkandi is literally a hunter pvp weap. Good warrs use Bonereavers or the chads of the server r14 claymore.

>as a matter of the fact, i do choose my race based on racials!
>what gave it away, good gentlesir?

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So what's gonna have an easier time getting raids, human paladin or orc warlock?

WotF isn't going to be as broken in 1.12 as you think

Imagine getting this mad at being outed as new. If you haven't seen the intentional misspelling you must be fresh off the boat. It was an evolution of the meme.

Paladin if you're actually willing to go Holy and heal

Warlock otherwise

Both are good and will get invited, but Orc Warlock is the chad pick.

if you heal human paladin. if you want to spam shadowbolt orc warlock

Why, because you're main tanking as human to maintain the best possible threat generation so DPS can give their full effort without worrying about taking threat, of course.

he's mad because he knows he will quit classic within the 1st month

It's still will work well against priests.

>Why yes, I do in fact choose my race based on appearance! How did you know?

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is dagger + flametongue still the way to go as shaman leveling pre WF?

Priest will still shit on you unless you're an UD Lock. Even then they still have a decent chance.

is there anything besides holy for a paladin?
I'm also debating UD warlock but everyone will be picking that so I'm leaning more for Orc right now

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someone should make a new thread

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Prot is dogshit for anything other than tanking dungeons.

People are theorycrafting that Ret might not actually be that bad with the right setup.

But you're going to be playing Holy to gear your Ret either way, because nobody is going to take you unless you have some decent gear.

This guy is such a fucking moron, his face alone triggers me
>just believe in the '''''objective reality''''' bro, i'm such a scientist

Human Sword/Mace weapon skill and Orc Axe weapon skill help so fucking much when hit rating hit cap is extremely hard to acquire.

>is there anything besides holy for a paladin?
No. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. You don't want to lump yourself in with those "LE EPIC CRUSADER XD" types anyways.

>always thought the icon was a pile of bones
>it was actually a skeleton guy with hair and shoulder pads
Why are Warcraft icons like this?

new thread

same we both blind as fuck bro

I heard him once unironically saying that he was smarter than Newton and Einstein.

heyh asmongoy ur a fag and ur girl cheats on you bitch

Attached: assmongoy.jpg (999x1081, 126K)

>not asmonsoy.jpg

>when wow tries to be warhammer art


>i bring wf totem

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wasn't he just a professional troll?

Do warlocks get to do anything in raids beyond being a soul shard whore?
With debuff limits you probably don't get to use many dots