She's just as bad as Edelshart and you know it.
She's just as bad as Edelshart and you know it
Other urls found in this thread:
ur dead wrong faggot
No she's not, Lys is a good girl
>t. never did Edelgard and Lysithea's supports
What are you talking about? Kyoko is smart and cool.
I don't see Lysithea crowning herself Emperor and declaring war on the church because of butthurt.
Don't know about that. She had a hand in killing that bitch empress in my run.
I always got the impression that Lysithea is kind of a punk ass bitch that sides with whoever wins, hell she's pretty much the only unit post-timeskip to go 'hey how about I join you instead of killing me?'
Say, if I'm more of a Disgaea fan and my only contact with this series was the one on DS... am I good for this one?
>I trust you will set her straight again
DS as in the original DS?
Three Houses is really, really different from Shadow Dragon. If you're interested, I'd say give it a shot. The core gameplay/strategy element is similar, but 3H feels like a totally different game in everything else.
She's an opportunist. Which isn't a purely bad thing depending on how you view it.
Who is the worst girls in FE three houses?
I can see it. She needs to finish her shit before she kicks the bucket, and I guess siding with the winner is the best way to go about it.
I can totally see Lysithea doing the same thing as Edelgard if she had an entire Empire at her beck and call.
That's just the devs being generous and making sure you can get the best girl in your house
Reminder that Edelgard's actions are literally based on lies she's been fed about the Church, and that everyone who sides with her in Beagles is also fed this same misinfo.
The victors write the history books.
Don' try to lump Lysithea with the gorilla, please.
But Lysithea is basically the mage equivalent of Unga Bunga
i'm gonna have to ask you to delete that
I want to fuck that gorilla.
>I agree that this is the only way
only retards think that there is only one solution to this problem
What does Falcon Knight have over Wyvern Knight?
Lysithea is a book smart retard who thinks she's smart.
Speed growth is ridiculous and makes characters like Ingrid even better dodge tanks. Lancefaire over Axefaire.
More Res growth, it's easier to build speed from it using Myrmidon and Merc.
She doesn't plunge a continent into chaos and murder innocents. Edelgard literally starts the game by trying to assassinate Dimitri and Claude (and almost gets killed by her own assassin), that's way over the moral event horizon.
>Maddening difficulty
>reinforcements move the turn they spawn
>all enemies are 5-7 levels higher than normal
>bandits get Pass
Holy shit the map where you have to kill Miklan is incredibly unpleasant now.
>she's pretty much the only unit post-timeskip to go 'hey how about I join you instead of killing me?'
Anyone you had high enough support with that's not there at the reunion does that.
I had to kill Lysinthea, but Lorenz rejoined me.
Bernie's just no good
>Anyone you had high enough support with that's not there at the reunion does that.
Wait really?
>same turn reinforcements
At least having so many Divine Pulses actually makes sense this time.
I just got done with that map this morning. Prepare your anus for a surprise at the end.
wtf dude
What the fuck will Infernal do then?
Bernie’s unstoppable
Someone post that image of Bernie crying while having her front pulled down.
Reminder that gardening can save any unit.
Green seeds give dex, purple str, pale blue speed etc and if you use Pegasus blessings its almost guaranteed but not 100%.
Leave planting them to last of the exploration and before doing it save and go nuts, use the same colors btw to ensure what you get, and bam you get 3 boost stats average per month.
>Not using this information to make the best meme team around
>have spent four in game months trying to recruit Leonie
>starting to like Marianne and Bernie a bit with their more self crippling personalities
I'm not suited for waifu autism.
Go play a real game like Fallout 1, Fallout 2 or Wasteland 2. Stop playing japanese porn games.
wrong, only lys, lorenz and ashe do this
based on what path you are on
you can tell also by if you have any of these characters on these paths and had time pre-timeskip they will be gone until you meet them as an enemy
Best of all possible ending is a Byleth, Edelgard, Lysithea threesome ending. You cannot refute this.
Yup. If they're not at the reunion but were in your house, you can spare them and recruit them.
I believe it's only if Byleth fights them, but I haven't tested that, because I always had him shoulder the responsibly of killing his former students.
>the character with the most famous VA besides Seteth is coincidentally super busted, super special for lore, and easy to recruit
Drives one to ponder for a bit
All the rejections are either brutal as fuck or just hilarious.
Please save Marianne. It's implied she kills herself if you don't.
Leonie is your dad's used goods.
Oh, so that’s what happened to my Ashe in my GD run, didn’t know that detail. Will he get boosted stats if I recruit him again?
Please don't badmouth Jeralt like that. He has some standard after all.
>four months to recruit one (1) unit
bruh you can recruit units in one week, I.E. one exploration
B support is quite literally all you need. The game feeds you lies with all that preferential stat/skill bullshit.
Also just play the game 3-4 times. Fuck recruiting, it just takes away from supporting your house and their dynamic.
This is (ironically) the game where waifuism should be kept to a strict minimum. Don't let your ween dicktate your playthrough.
There a video or image compiling them?
>GD route btfo's any "church is responsible for crests!" arguments
Nothin persenel
No unga bunga means you just run in and don't have to think. Lys is a glass cannon because she dies super easily
The only good ones I've seen are Felix wanting to continue being able to spar with you and Raphael retracting and saying it was just a joke.
I think all your units go up by 2-3 levels during the timeskip anyways.
>Play battle of eagle and lion
>AI Lysithea initiates combat against generic axe fighter
>Gets oneshot
There is, but I don't have the link so just google them. It's not hard to find.
>tfw my dad died last year
yeah this game did it for me
>I'll guess I add this as public service.
Ok, seeing all you lucklets is making me feel bad.
Here are some TIPS it all starts with Certification base stats.
Males go sword and axe first, focus on heavy armor and faith on the side as a goal.
Rise sword as Myrmidon/Brigand and work your way as mercenary as soon as you hit level 10.
If you do this right pushing a minimum of D+ is possible while maintaining speed and 2 weapon focus, Lance and bow could be useful to get some classes in a surefire way, faith is chosen over reason for QoL here, if you are pushing for warlock by all means do, however bishop is easier to achieve and gives good Res early.
The moment you hit 20 you should be able to certify assassin, fortress and bishop for a minimum of 14 speed, 17 Def and 15 Res.
If you end up a lucklet do this, the faster you do it the better your units will be as these are free base stats that can be built on.
Females can't go Hero or Warmaster but have pegapony to fix bad speed growths so they can ignore assassin, it's still wise to get some heavy armor for that 15 Def 28 hp boost of fortress though.
Brigand can patch low strength too and it only needs a bit of axe, D is enough to gamble on it, if you are doing merc this is piss easy.
Don't be a lucklet, by level 20 there is no excuse to being a sub 28 hp, 17 strength, 14 speed, 20 Def and 15 Res chump.
But...cute tomboys....
I know, I actually feel bad about the idea of killing anyone beside Edelgard and her edgelord boy toy though.
The game doesn't lie to you, and you'll have trouble recruiting everyone if you rely on B support.
It's either
B Support
15-20 in their stat and C in their skill (B if it's your favored skill, Sword/Brawl/Authority)
They literally are though, even though the slithers started them Seiros saw an opportunity to use humanity to see if crests could bring back Sothis and let that shit fester and fester and made crests seem of utmost importance. She even threw a couple of her own into the mix, and those are the ones in the empire
Very good teaching advice
>Generic pegasus rushes Edelgard and wins
Who thought it was a good idea to give the enemy pegasus knights lancefaire and 7 mov?
>Ed decides to start he bullshit uprising right when Seiros finally brings dragon jesus back to fix everything
gj Edeltard
>I actually feel bad about the idea of killing anyone beside Edelgard and her edgelord boy toy though
Sure, but that's the idea. A game that at least has some incredibly vague potential to make you feel in places that aren't your nutsack.
Also I'm still finding it kinda hard, no pun intended. I mean yeah, it's a tragic story and whatnot, but it's still Japanese-standard writing.
Not really gettin' misty eyed over these animu archetypes finally biting the dust for once, but at least they tried.
Also if you support Edgelord and her class pet, you'll get a double dose of tragedy and it might just make you rethink slaughtering them.
Talk about a game full of no-win scenarios.
Lets add one more thing
>Gilbert has to survive
How do you play maddening? Do you need a hacked Switch?
That or a time machine.
I’m stuck on the mission where you go to attack edelshart in the empire city. Might give up this shit is hard.
They don't hate the church for creating crests, they hate the current society that places such a high value on crests and the church is the one trying to keep the status quo
generic pegasus is no doubt the replacement for ingrid who on my game went in and one rounded her and everyone else
im pretty sure at this point the generic replacements have the exact same stats and abilities but I havent actually compared yet
That can't be real. Even on hard, he's defeated by 2 rounds of combat with the beast.
I wasn't talking hypothetically dude. Maddening difficulty does this shit as it currently exists. If Gilbert had to survive it would be impossible because his retarded fat ass likes to walk within range of the archers that double him. I'm actually not really looking forward to the actual patch, because chances are they're gonna rebalance it to further fuck with strong options like flyers.
Byleth is a very obvious Christ figure and Edelgard is 100% the antichrist. JRPGs love surface level symbolism.
I'm on the last map on BL. Should I just gun for the left side with everyone or what?
It's not an exact science, well not until somebody datamines the numerals, but it seems like by Lv. 10 with Byleths retarded growths that you can recruit practically anybody with B support, which it turns out isn't actually specifically based on being a "B support", but the actual points hidden behind them.
E.g. some don't have to necessarily be "B", and the stat/skill reqs may lower even further between B & A without being full-blown A.
Basically it's easy as fuck and there's no reason to waste time on this shit anyway because recruiting is asscancer unless you do it post-timeskip where it's more narratively appropriate.
It's not tear worthy or anything, it's not affecting me that much, but it does make me feel a bit bad thinking about the future.
This game summed up
I mean it works out pretty well for her if dragon jesus sides with her
Are there any rewards for saving him? I just left him behind to die when I did this man.
march up the middle unless you're a fag
establish dominance
It just annoyed me to hear a dedue had 9 speed, 19 atk and sub 10 Res.
There is bad luck and there is not knowing how to fix it, getting Dedue to choir so he can get 15 Res early completely patches his one weakness, giving him 14 speed on top of his near guaranteed Atk and Def levelups make him really good.
There is no excuse for such bad luck man.
You gotta save her right?
I like Annette a lot more than Lysithea, but her speed is shit. SHIT. She has comparable magic and is better in every other stat aside from RES, but I can't use her when she's level 21 with 9 fucking speed. Forever an adjutant.
Wait you got him killed?
I just used batallion to get the focus on my Cavalier, he did just fine.
>Kill Edelgard
>Kill her sycophant
>Maybe leave Sylvain behind if you don't like playboys
>Save the rest
> Impregnate Flayn
But there's three chests to the left...
>mfw they have to add an extra chromosome for someone to have two crests
>on the last map of the route
I didn't even bother opening them.
Speaking of growths, are these stats normal for a level 37 or did I get fucked by RNG?
In a fair world we would have gotten Stella Glow 2.
Why did the studio had to spend so much money doing pointless shit in shitty games to the point of bankruptcy?
>character voiced by one of the several VAs who does eroge in the game is a whore and is one of the best fit for the literal who class
What did they mean by this?
I sent most of my army right, Byleth and Flayn left, and 3 units up the middle to cut off reinforcements.
Make sure you clear the right side, to (accidentally) finish off the Slitherers for good.
>playing BE
>Petra, 15, with that outfit and those assets
>mfw timeskip
How does such a young, vibrant foreign girl get WALLED so hard so quick?
>24 str @ 37
Fucking vagina havers
he really is hubert
>another Edelgard thread
absolutely obsessed
>tribal amazonian wears tribal clothes
what are you a fag
Did you stick as a thief/brawler for many levels or what?
>Magic thing gives people advantage in life
>People value this advantage
>wtf the church though?!?!?
God I wish, Petra is a womanlet
>tfw went from thief to assassin
Know that feel bro, never again
Is anybody planning on making a randomizer mod?
I got him killed before the beast, didn't bother with him so he was left behind and got killed by reinforcements
He survived even though classic mode was on. Pre timeskip i guess.
My Byleth is 20 levels lower and only has 5 less str.
This. The real world analogues of crests still aren't completely concrete, but crests are an objective advantage. Of course families are going to place most of their resources into someone who could become a superman.
Myrmidon -> Mercenary -> Swordmaster
I just stuck with swords all the way through.
Honestly, it's more about the hairstyle than anything.
Makes her look like an ooga booga.
Also I'm not paying heavy attention here, but why the fuck are people from Darcs- I mean Dadga so pale, but Brigid are tan Amazons?
Meanwhile nobody else from Duscur is an African except Dedue.
What the absolutely fuck is going on with the lore in this game? It's all over the place. It's like I'm reading The World of Ice and Fire all over.
Even Bernie gets taller than her.
I'm starting to think that Edelgard kills Bernie because she is satly about her being now taller.
Yeah ikr. Gtfo Mangs
>Crests are magical reckoning in the plot
>They're barely noticeable in gameplay
If you zoom in on the generic in Doodoo's paralogue, you can see they actually are niggers as well. They just don't have unique sprites, so when their face comes up in a cutscene or something, it looks like a normal white guy.
Marianne is too cute. How am I supposed to not recruit her every game?
Is there even a reason to not recruit her if she kills herself outside of GD?
This is wrong though. Seiros lied and said the crests were tokens from the goddess in order to trick the majority of Fodlan’s population into thinking that having one makes you a born leader who is closest to the goddess’s wants.
>Koei-Tecmo edited the character models
>IntSys couldn't be bothered to have their artist do minor portrait edits
Why the fuck is ISIS still developing this series?
What did they bring to this development other than the shitty plot that is only notable for not being a 1:1 retread like the past fifteen installments?
I just left Raphael behind and he soloed the reinforcements in hard, fuck that mage though.
How? Merc and brigand are my go to level ups for strength and speed, how on earth do you get that shit stats?
Plant purple shit now and hope for the best, or become an assassin for lethality to salvage him.
she becomes a grandma post timeskip
My doodoo has 20 speed and 19 strength at level 15
That’s because of Church propoganda
RNG sucked I guess. All my units seems pretty fucked but thankfully the game is easy enough to blow through with forged weapons.
>What did they bring to this development
The shitty maps. And Koei did the story that actually isn't a retread of "some guy is a dick and dragons are back".
>be born
>be objectively better than others
That does make you superior and unless you're from a shit house who neglects your abilities you are more likely to become a better leader than any retard who gets popped out of your mom's pussy.
Why did Byleth let him die?
but in the ending of the GD route they expose rhea because the church foundation was a lie, the wicked gods were never a thing and nemesis and the 10 elites were just regular bandits who slaughtered the people in zanado
Sylvain is the best character in the game though
Female byleth has lower growths then male. Trannys on suicide alert.
Have you not read 75% of the supports? That exact line of thinking is a huge problem in the game
Brainlet playing BL here, I’m making almost everyone that can wield a sword a merc because of vantage, am I going full retard?
Give him some faith for a quick 15 Res boost as priest.
Your DD is on the way to greatness.
I did a full tank run, gotta love steel+ while abusing its high durability especially with Astra.
Man, I fucking hate rng sometimes.
it's definitely ingrid, she flew in and went absolutely apeshit on my team. Strongest unit on the map by far, did 22x2 at least
Lol no. She joins up with you in Evil Beagle because she wants to kill Slitherer fucking shits with what little life she has left, and you and Eddie just destroyed all other factions that would make that possible
It's why on routes where she knows Edelgard uses crest beasts she is one of the few characters to get unique dialog against her
If they’re fast characters it’s fine just level up their other weapons or movement types if you want to make them something else later
Vantage is only for certain builds. Make everyone a brigand, instead.
This isn't Thracia 776, vantage isn't THAT good.
>can't turn Hubbie against Edelgard
>can't turn Seteth against Rhea
Why didn't Byleth rewind time and prevent the war from ever happening?
No the problem is nobles thinking of their children only as tools and the jealousy of those born without crests. It's always either neglect or jealousy. I won't count crest experiments because they are done basically only by the villains.
No, but set goals to faith and armor for survival later in the game, mercs are cool.
Try heroes next or Wyverns, you can't go wrong with Wyverns.
>failed the shamir / alois paralogue 3 times now
what the fuck is this infinite reinforcement shit?
Alois is completely useless with his ~60% accuracy as well and only serves to fucking block pathways.
I'm going to add that if you read actual history, jealousy over succession, no matter the succession, was a fucking huge problem that caused a lot of wars.
You didn't make him a Hero, he kicks ass with some extra speed bro.
>low health
>attack first
>get mooked on the counterattack
g-good thing i got that hit in before i bit the dust, senpai!
Vantage is pretty much pointless if you've got a mind to pay attention to positioning. Not to mention Healing is so abundant and easy. You'll pretty much always have a healer and a backup healer (who mains Reason) so what's the point in ever being
he's not anything because i cant even recruit him yet. im in chapter 7 and it says the mission req is level 13 but the difficulty is obscene.
user, how do you expect Autistimus Maximus Byleth to be able to win them over?
Alois doesn't need speed with quick riposte.
>last chapter of Verdant Wind happens on the Verdant Rain Moon month
I guess we were the Verdant Deers along
But multiple times it is said that those with crests are looked at as natural leaders and etc, the reason the noble houses are those with crests is because of Seiros as well who rewrote history to rename those 10 nemesis frands as nobles whose crests are symbols of a noble bloodline.
is that the map with the boats? i think you can just choke the points and leave shamir or any archer in the city to kill the wyverns that fly over the water
>sword of the creator has 20 durability
>resting, thus, wasting a day only restores 5
>the weapon does less damage than a steel sword
this thing is fucking useless for such a powerful "relic"
>does less damage than a steel sword
How the hell did you manage that?
it quite literally has less might than a steel sword
>Dimitri can't support with Petra
>Dedue can’t support with Petra
A truly heinous crime
It's situational before it gets a power up, after that it's one of the best weapons in the game
is claude the best lord gameplay wise?
is this your first fire emblem? play the damn game
Why didn’t Byleth warn Jeralt he was about to be stabbed so he could defend himself from Kronye?
My doodoo also has like 50 HP so even with only 5 res he can still tank most mages well since they can't double him usually. I should try and raise his faith for more stats though
Anyone have any advice for how to beat the last level of the BEagles? Rhea and her toys keep fucking me in the ass.
I think she looks cute post-timeskip too.
With that million-dollar smile, of course!
>Your heart is beating, right?
Dedue not being able to support Hilda irritates me.
When I found out that I had to grind classes for skills I kinf of detoured Dimitri, Ingrid and Catherine into mercs, as well as start to pump up Silvayn and Dedue’s sword skills for that.
I guess I should focus more on stats instead, Ingrid was a peg knight and dimitri was a cav before that. Also, what are good classes for Flayn, Dorothea and Sylvain?
>is this your first fire emblem?
Dimitri is better, character and story wise imo
It just occured to me that Edelgarde also underwent Crest transfusion, which means her lifespan is also shortened.
I guess that explains her hastiness to war. She doesn't have long to live. She just doesn't let it consume her like Lysithea does, because she doesn't have to see it through, she just has to set the wheel in motion.
You can put pretty much anyone on a wyvern but Edelgard has raging storm which is a literally retarded broken skill that lets her do so much shit, she also has her two crests
Cyril can so it's OK
Dancer, Gremory and Bench respectively
So what are the use of shields? Are they what raise your heavy armor skill? I wanted to make Byleth a hero so he could run in with a sword and shield paladin style but if its going to slow me down too much i wont bothehr.
>Dancer flayn
good one
>Bernie can't support with Marianne
Should I worry about maxing out classes or should I just go straight to my desired class route upgrading whenever I can?
>you cant look like this in battle
>instead youre stuck wearing a fucking hideous bath robe for some reason after abandoning the best looking gear in the game at level 5.
Why the fuk does class mastery take so goddamn long?
Even with the 2x buff I feel like my units are in ruts.
Hell, I don't even have Advanced seals yet but I'm over these Intermediate classes already, nevermind the seemingly redundant Master classes.
I wanted to be able to do two Intermediates (I.E. when the skills become worthwhile) before advancing, but my fucking units are almost 21 and still have like 20 encounters before they master their first intermediate, and I imagine Advanced seals are around the corner.
>infantry unique
lol no
all lords get broken unique arts
>>can't turn Seteth against Rhea
You can have him kill her in the Church route at least.
I figured they just raised your physical defense
I didn't even read the description lmao, just slapped one on everybody and replaced them as better accessories became available
She's twenty!
Only some classes if you care about their skill. Brigand is a common one because death blow is great.
Were male and female Blyat designed by the same person? It's ridiculous how much better the male looks.
>Play BL
>All the early missions are related to BL characters
>Wow, this game has more separation than I expected
>Play the other routes, expect tailored stories too
>Nope they're all BL related missions
So, BL is the protagonists right?
Does anyone know if using an adjutant raises support rank? Say, Flayn attached to Byleth, does this raise their support at all? I know it gives exp.
But Edelgard’s allows her two actions in one turn so instead of overkilling she can kill two enemies
I married Flayn, so it worked out.
Still better than
>Major Holy Blood makes you a one man army
>Chrom and his spawn are no stronger than any other Awakening unit
I think Edelgard has a throwaway line about her she has no trouble with her bigass axe and heavy armor because of the power of Crests.
Don't worry so much about class mastery, you won't even use most of the abilities you get. The early ones are good, late ones great, middle ones mostly skippable
It does and it also raises support of others around them
she has second thoughts towards the end of edelgards route
Deer or Church bros?
Pretty much, Part 1 is literally all about BL. Part 2 has great BL and GD campaigns, BE is shit and Church has too much reused from GD.
It does
>Not wrecking shit as a Commoner
Honestly? Just look up the mastery skills and plan a build.
Noble/Commoner is pretty worthless, but you'll more than likely end up maxing it at level 5 if not 4 anyway so whatever.
Beginners are mostly garbage IMO, but some people have had some fun with the arts you get from them so maybe look into that.
It's all contextual from there. Brigand and Mage are the highlights, everything else is just subpar, but again if you're RPing instead of building the dream team then go for more RP-worthy skills.
I did Unarmed Combat on my Byleth because he was a mercenary and should know the basics of CQC.
Who deserves to pound professors pussy? I bet femByleth is a size queen.
But if I explore every week to plant and harvest I can't do any battles.
Just use Stride and have one of your mages blow up the commander.
Deer, the Deer cast is fun as fuck and have great interactions. Eagles has some okay characters but they don't mesh as well since the priority of Eagles was shilling Edelgard.
Since it seems that soulblade is a meme, is she better off going pure magic (gremory)?
But they still do have natural advantages. They are objectively superior to someone who is the same as them but without a crest.
Thanks guys!
>Byleth is less of a character than Robin/Corrin
>Can't customize him because of arbitrary pre-rendered movie shit
Time to get busy, then
BE cast is also fun as fuck though, they have a lot of bantz between them and the hatred between some of them is pretty funny.
Her everything is a meme, worst stats/growth, best spells, best equipment utility (including meme savant), worst char in GD.
>want to pair Ashe and Ingrid
>don't want to cuck ashe with sylvain
>get that A ingrid and sylvain support
>B support is quite literally all you need
Not true, I missed 4 different people despite having B support with them
The game's UI straight up tells you this shit anyone else is in denial
>Red Enemy
>Blue Good
>Yellow Other
Yes, she also gets 2x Warp with Gremory.
Dark Knight is also great if you prefer horse mov/canto.
If you're only gonna do only one then Deer. You actually get a lord to accompany you post-timeskip and if you already/are going to do BE then just having the BE house again but without Edel/Hubert is kinda lame
is there any reason to even make any of the class leads a Lord, barring their Advanced/Master counterparts?
Subdue/Res 2 just seem so fucking gay and underpowered.
Also what the fuck does Charm even do? Like the stat, I assume Charm (Skill) is the same as previous iterations, I.E. worthless.
where is the best skill in fire emblem?
>over level 20 and not triple digit str
I'm lmaoing at your life
Ferdinand is the obvious choice. Watch and laugh as the whore empress dies of crest AIDS and you and your husbando gain absolute control of Fodlan.
Charm makes Gambits stronger iirc
>worst stats/growth
Are you off your fucking rocker? She gets as much mag as Dimitri gets str and her spd growth is only beaten by the super fast units like Petra.
Church. Split Edelgard's head open and marry Rhea
It honesty feels like they wanted to rewrite a bunch of the story relatively late in development or something, but had already paid for several of the prerendered cutscenes and had to clumsily work them in and didn’t have money/time to make more of them. The writing takes a fucking nosedive around Chapter 8 and never really recovers in any of the routes.
>Can't customize him because of arbitrary pre-rendered movie shit
the problem is your byleth looks fucking nothing like the pre rendered cutscenes because in those hes magically wearing the commoner set again.
I was surprised by Ferdinand, I thought he would be a pompous douche but he's actually a pretty cool guy.
>2x Warp
Are you saying she gets warp twice or just warp and an upgrade?
Why didn't Edelgard try to enlist Dimitri for help? Why didn't she go to him with the truth about what happened in Duscur? She knows he's obsessed with her and would do anything for revenge, and having the king of 1/3rd of the continent on your side would probably help
Quick post kino Supports
She can use Warp twice as a Gremory.
He has one of the best supports in the game, being the one with Hubert
bruh I don't even want to think about this shit
>Game comes out on my fucking birthday
>Two days later nearing the end
>Mount Rainbow or fucking whatever
>Chrom is about to get fired
>Naga randomly interjects out of nowhere that she's not a God and didn't create anything/anyone
>Nobody reacts or says anything
>Lol my sword is a lightsaber
You definitely won't want to see the A+ support then.
>but m-muh stats are gud, she gud!
Dur, a fucking mage obviously has magic stat dur Hur, no shit brainlet. Easy with your retard and read an actual growth chart
I know...but the C game is just so fucking strong.
You got fucked really bad by RNG. At your level, only your speed is any good
Because the writing that isn’t the direct character interactions and lore is terrible and contrived throughout most of the game.
Sorry I don't speak ESL subhuman. Try again when you know the language.
Cope waifufag
Because that would be hard since pre time skip he’s not a king yet and like all of the kingdom is religious
when the fuck am i gonna use gambits my dude
apparently they're supposed to be effective against the monhun fights, but I just shot one D-level Rank-2 at the wolf-thing in the BE route and then pounded it with magic
the fuck these gambits for bruh the game ain't balanced enough to warrant then
infernal difficulty when
Nah, the Lord class is lame. It even makes you focus on swords to access it when they should be going all-in on their signature weapon
>that'll be $4.99 + tip
I mean really the statue buffs are fine
fuck microtransactions
so basically you make byleth a hero and never look back?
That's cool. I already started with her five years prior.
No, you let him keep specialboi class
>t. c support lorenz
Yeah Seteth is fine with putting Seiros down, but not when this century's token Red Emperor manipulated by a cult wants to
Can Edelgard safely skip lord and go for something like brigand instead?
>Edgeville w/ Reason Budding Talent
>Can't use MAG as Goddess-Emperor
really tho budding talents should've been randomized
Based and Mariannepilled
She being a gold digging slut is constant all her supports.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the DLC story pulls out some retarded fucking retcons at this rate to be honest.
Doubly so if it’s a golden route and not just flashback shit focusing on Sothis and Nemesis or something.
Harder than a five year war that no one has any clue why you're waging?
>hero is cucked again
I wanted him to be a hero but swordmaster is objectively better if you max out mercenary. Heroes can't stop getting cucked in the recent games.
Because he personally wanted to kill Kronya for the murder in the first time around.
literally nobody wants to look the way enlightened one makes you look
Yes, do that instead. Brigand is way better since it focuses on Axes and gets Death Blow when you master it
She's got the cunny though
Have you actually tried to use Edelgard? She has an auto I-win button with her axe.
>(You) will never experience swordmaster for the first time again
If you haven't used Edelgard's special axe much it has a combat art that is basically galeforce.
I've seen people one turn the map by warping her up there and going to town.
why the FUCK are both of Igor's VAs in this damn game?
I need more Mariannes, can you guys help?
But she's so fucking slow and I don't want to lose anybody.
>That spoiler
And I was wondering why I didn't see her when I was kicking GD's ass after the timeskip. Kinda regret not getting her now.
shit is only for OGs
go ahead and wear your plate armor, normie fuckboi
Also you can go Armored Knight if you want to train her heavy armor skill but Death Blow is way better than Armored Blow. Just make her pull weeds if you want to work on her heavy armoring
Shit that's a pretty good idea.
enjoy your bath robe
Pretty much anything with Felix
Again, have you actually used her? One stride &/or warp and she can end the whole thing in less than a few turns at most.
Hanneman is Ikutsuki's VA isn't he?
>he is as he always has been
>he has always been to kind to the kind, he has always felt too much for the weak and the dead. That is why I look up to him
Fuck bros this route is hitting my feels too hard,
did you see that collar my man?
FUCK peripheral vision
goddamn Van Wilder up in this bitch
Wait, can you use it multiple times until you run out of durability or what?
Maybe IS thought that having MAG Emperor for Edelgard would be broken or something.
Was it just me or was his A support with him gay as fuck?
>there's an actually nice looking game over screen in this game
Loves handholding!
Big tiddies!
Good stats!
Fun paralouge!
It was pretty homo, but in a good way.
Yep, and Igor.
Doing the same exact voice.
I don't even know why this game needed voice acting.
I mean Hell, its practically a spoiler because of how lazily it was done for the Flame Emperor, not that it's all much of a heavy spoiler anyway.
>if attack lands, user can move again, effective against Dragon foes.
It's practically made for this map.
Nothing but soul
>Big tiddies
They aren't really that big, more average really.
Lysithea is supposed to be fast? Mine is pretty slow compared to the rest of my team but she can still kill things in one hit so it didn’t bother me
looks like a newground production desu
Damn, my cancerfu looks like THAT?
She's on the higher end, especially after the time skip.
>promoted every female a warlock for titties
I thought this support was cute, but I didn't get why Dorothea was interested in Felix in the first place. She just decides to fuck with him for no real reason.
>have sex
She also gets the funniest Lorenz ending, and let's be honest, Lorenz deserves it.
If you're playing BL give her to Dimitri though. They're very sweet together.
She's got a 50% speed growth. And before the mastery classes none of the mage classes give you a negative spd growth.
Granted they don't give a positive one either.
idk dude, they look like C's at least
weeb titty connoisseur here, from what I've seen she has the third biggest tits out of the students. Hilda and Dorothea are first and second respectively
Literally because she’s bored and she’s a diva. She develops too as a character which was pretty strange to see
what kinda work does Cyril do for Rhea?
Dimitri is for Marianne or Ingrid, depending on who the player chooses for himself
Felix is such a fucking edgelord, I love it.
whew lad I love shitty endings too
Why does her support mention how often she's going to die due Crest experimentation if not outside intervention while Edgelord's epilogue never mentions it and it's implied she lives a long life?
Dorothea surprisingly has some of the most development of the characters I've seen, she gets really solemn post timeskip and seems to be the only one really depressed that there's a war going on
Hilda or Ingrid for my BL wife?
Felix is the Huey Emmerich of FE3H
He's absolutely right about everything and did nothing wrong
Any advice on the Dudue prologue chapter? The map is so cramped that once I even make it to the general almost all the Duscar soldiers have been killed already.
Quick Yea Forums, fix Edelgard's route. And no you can't just say 'go church route' or 'delete it'.
>bulli lorenz
Man has a fucking heart of gold, pay your goddamn respect commoners
Either you abuse fliers or use the usual warp bypass.
Edelgard attacks slitherers directly, they rally the other kingdoms to attack her. Basically just copy World War 2.
>Don't forget, you're hime forever
Edelgard has Galeforce on cocaine and Dimitri's stats are minmaxed to perfection. If Claude had Deadeye in combination with Canto than maybe he could keep up, but as is, he's merely one of the best units in the game while the other two are fucking phenomenal.
It's fine for what it is. It's just blatantly missing the slitherer's content that went to make the Church route.
>make Felix, a edgelord character
>also make Hubert, another fucking edgelord
>"Shit, how should we make him different?"
>just make him a beta too
Why does this character exist?
Add some maps where you kill civilians. They can't even fight back and cry in fear, you just walk around the map killing them.
Looks real and not a fanart, care to drop me the info on this bad bitch?
Give it as much content as the other routes. Nothing wrong with having an evil route and more games should have them.
She's a minor antagonist that kills your daddy and then dies the next chapter.
>Ferdinand and Hubert's mutual hatred turned bromance
Have Bernie get blown up in that route too.
The boar...
I can't decide if I want to have Dimitri marry Ingrid or if Ashe should have her. I also recruited Catherine and Marianne as potential queens for Dimitri so if he doesn't marry one of them I have to recruit husbands for them as well. No one can end up alone.
does anyone have that image of an army sergeant looking at an explosion reflected in his aviators? I need it for a byleth edit
Rhea spills the beans in a fit a rage and it gives Edelgard clarity. She ends hostilities with the Kingdom and the Alliance, but they're too battered to continue so they pledge to the Empire and Edelgard to redirect her forces on the Slithers. Molemans dead, Byleth restructures the Church, Rhea takes a long ass nap.
He's prostrating himself for the art you pleb.
Are dark mages any good? I kinda wanna make a magical Byleth but I assume he's always gonna be better off as a wyvern lord or enlightened one.
Honestly, the single biggest and easiest fix you could apply is to change the happy ending into a "and then Edelgard's empire fell apart" ending. Establishing how fucked up Edelgard is in every other route, just to have her route make her appear right just feels incohesive narratively. There needs to be some twist of the knife to cement it as an evil route. Edelgard fails to take into account human nature, Edelgard dies, you die, the dubsteppers get away, something that doesn't feel slapped together.
Aside from that, just a more focused story would help greatly. Ed's path is way too all over the place, compare it to BL which focuses entirely on the war, or GD which uses the war as a convenient way of segueing into the cult stuff. Ed on the other hand is just "kill faction in a few chapters, kill new faction in a few chapters, kill new faction in a few chapters, done." It feels rushed and it doesn't really make anything feel resolved in a satisfying manner.
And a more personal thing, as said the whole "you're the bad guy" thing should be stuck to a bit harder, it really feels like the game is afraid to let you be the bad guy so it kind of just destroys everyone else's character to make it work. Let the player be a monster, that's the point of the route, that's why the church route exists for people who are too pussy to go through with Edelgard's ambitions.
They're pretty dogshit in my experience since almost nobody has dark magic in their spell pool. Or maybe I just got unlucky and Byleth, Lorenz, and Hanneman are all crappy dark mages.
>not playing as a girl and keeping Dimitri for yourself
Have each route have greater divergence early on instead of basically being a carbon copy of each other pre-time skip, maybe throw in some optional scenes that would make Rhea seem less trustworthy and then have them take on the Slitherers instead of Hubert saying “we’ll take care of them later” and pushing it into the epilogue.
Claude does have deadeye aka wind god for him when he is a Barbarossa.
It's too bad her timeskip hair didn't look like this.
wait so as soon as I pass the exam I just keep the free points forever? I don't have to master certification?
It's ok but I don't like the skills much. I don't find Poison Strike and Lifetaker that great but they are still useful. I'd just rather have a mage go Mage for Fiendish Blow then Warlock for innate Tomefaire until Dark Knight for Tomefaire on a horse. The exception would be Hubert who has dark magic and wouldn't be able to use Warlock's Black Tomefaire but having him nab Fiendish Blow and end on Dark Knight is still my preference
>Actually fighting enough to master master classes.
You generally maybe get one or two units enough xp if you hand them knowledge gems.
>Not posting the one where Flayn tricks him into cutting up vegetables and firewood for her
Shit was hilarious
Only like 3 characters learn a good selection of Dark Magic IIRC and one of them is Lisythea who can’t even use the class.
>Felix eventually stops killing people
What a good guy.
Aren't the only dark magic users Hubert, Lysithea, and Edelgard?
Honestly I'm kind of disappointed that they brought sex-locked classes back. One thing I really enjoyed about Fates was the fact that anyone could jump into any class potentially.
>soulblade is a meme
thats a shame wanted to make her a mortal savant because they look cool
1. Give you a reason to side with her beyond "Muh dick". Rhea is at least mostly on the level, you've seen Edelgard doing dodgy stuff and now you know that she's attacked and tried to kill her schoolfriends multiple times by now, there's no reason to side with her.
2. Have her fucking talk to someone else instead of being such a silent autist.
Dimitri and Ingrid is my OTP for them. Very cute A support. Ashe got Mercedes for me and Felix got Annette.
Someone explain this fanart?
>flayn makes an old man juggle fruit for her amusment
worst girl
Anyone has official arts on the 10 Elites?
Can you come back to paralogue fights? I don't have a pegasus knight yet and wanted to come bakc to do the Dedue paralogue once I have one.
>Old man gets to fuck an eternal loli
By the last chapter, the only units I had master Master classes were Lysithea and Marianne. Lysithea probably did it because of her personal skill and Marianne did it because she usually spends any turn not attacking healing someone from anywhere with Psychic. It doesn't matter much though since most of the Master classes' mastery skills suck dick other than the unique classes and Warmaster
That and Fates having a whole boat load of new classes. Let me have Ninjas back even if you won't give me maids!
These prologue files, they reminded me of Suikoden. I guess it can live on through FE (which miraculously survived).
maybe but she can one shot the Death Knight soooo
Best girl
Yes, just retreat and return to monastery.
They're just generic classes with pale skin if you're referring to Nemesis's puppets.
Oh they are? I was hyped, thought they had special designs even if they're just one-offs. Thanks.
When do they expire? I have two weeks in the month left, my initial plan was to do the paralogue this weekend and the story battle this weekend.
Speaking of Nemesis do you think we'll get more from him in the DLC?
Each one has its own date listed on the battle menu. Most are 2/22 with a couple of exceptions.
Didn't notice that, thanks user.
Losing hidden weapons in general was a shame.
Fist weapons don't make up for the loss.
Are they supposed to be in the void of nothingness here?
>playing Deer
>have to chose between Marianne and HIL DA
Fug this is hard, Hilda is super fun and Marianne is super cute.
Yes, it's a pitch black room. But the whole screen should be black instead.
Fist weapons on a battlefield, against armour is so fucking dumb I've refused to let a single one of my units learn brawl or fight with fists.
Holy Knight Lindhart or Dark Knight?
It's too dark to see anything.
Always marry story characters user. Flayn, Rena, or Hilda.
Terrain resistance + cooler armor vs black tomefaire and faggy armor.
Holy Knight
HK it is for the sickass cape
FUCK Marianne's paralogue
>Warp her to safety
ez pz
Just send Marianne to the fort and go clockwise dude.
Why is there no love for Annette anywhere? Am I the only one that married her
>no special dialogue if you attack with their descendants
one job
>wanted to fuck her because she's cute
>turns out to be a huge bitch to everyone
Boner lost
The boss won't aggro until you either attack him or move someone else into range.
Don't even need to do anything with her. Just have her wait in place while the rest of your army catches up to her. The boss monster doesn't attack her until another unit gets in striking range
>the only one depressed
I married her too, she is very cute and definitely the best BL girl.
Annette is a very cute dork
But I went with Mercedes
>that jeralt scene
fuck it made me emotional
I liked her a lot, and she's very hot after the timeskip. I didn't marry her, but she's definitely a top tier cutie.
Eventually one of the patrolling beasts can find and attack her.
I picked her because she was the one at the tower during the ballroom segment.
Yeah, I’m not a fan at all. The class system as it is is pretty wonky, hoping the DLC will maybe bring some more classes to round things out but not holding my breath.
Sick of maps with scripted trigger shit like this, the caspar and mercedes one does this too
>uh oh units are far off in enemy territory and are probably in danger
>fly a dude to help
>lol retard now we spawn 38493843 units around them have fun or rewind
Most white heads are like that in anime.
Gremory or Holy Knight for Mercedes?
Loved that they used Divine Pulse there too
I liked that till he only tried it once and gave up, he could of rewinded further or some shit but nah lol give up
Gremory (or Dancer)
So everyone will eventually face their significant others or relatives huh? Sounds like Edea from Bravely Default where she had to go against all of her comrades.
Seeing our husk man emoting for the first time and having Jeralt comment on it was good shit.
Honestly I go Gremory for all my female mages, since mages should have both faith and reason anyway.
It would have just been redundant, especially if you levelled the fuck out of your statues at that point. A dramatic 30 minute scene of Byleth save scumming and getting frustrated.
>5 move vs 8 move and canto
Lorewise we don't really know how far back Divine Pulse rewinds time, hell for all we know from a story perceptive it could only do a maximum of like a few minutes or something.
Have you seen Mercedes or Flayn's fortify ranges once they hit Gremory?
>Healer with 40 Mag needs movement
Damn, Ingrid looks like THAT?
>relevant with map-wide physic range
>losing double fortify uses
>Putting points into meme skills just for more movement
>On a healer with ranged healing.
Where my /Manuelabros/ at?
Big titties!
Lost her underwear!
gee Lynsithea how come you get TWO (2) crests
My Ingrid has actually had some really good str growths so far, though that's probably in part because I shoved her into Brigand first.
Definitely. In typically any other game, they would just happen to forget Divine Pulse was a thing
>just finished Edelgard route
>I chose based Bernie for a wife, she helps me wipe out Those Who Slither and she becomes hardcore
>Petra becomes Queen of Brigid and Linhardt taps that fine foreign ass
>Lysithea and Ingrid each do their own thing
>Ferdinand and Dorothea had gorgeous children
>Hubert was associated with Edelgard because why not
>it literally states that the nature of their relationship never changed
I don't know what I expected there.
She's voiced by Aoi Yuuki, therefore she's automatically better.
Dorothea fucking Manuela gay with her futa cock!
Dancing cake with the milf hair
No its just bad story telling with the main character having access to a time rewind feature
plenty of opportunities that could have been dealt with rewinding time but the game wants you to forget about it because of course it does having that sort of power is over powered as fuck
>the attack on the monastery on BL/GD side cutscene
>doing nothing as you fall down the chasm
plenty of this shit too
Annette's already my Dancer
She just wants to fatten you up
>doing nothing as you fall down the chasm
Did Byleth even have another option other than run away like a fucking pussy for that?
Ferdinand and Dorothea A support is so fucking good. I'm recruiting and shipping them every route
How long did it take you to finish your first playthrough? I'm 65 hours in and at chapter 14.
>Not letting Ingrid be a proud knight who learned to be flirty from Catherine
His death scene was probably one of my favorite in the Blue Lions route.
42 hours for BE, 44 hours for GD.
>implying looking like invoker isn't cool as ice
Just move her a couple tiles north and she can sit there forever
thats what anyone would do if the alternative is to fall down a chasm
evidently everyone named runs like a pussy too anyway considering they all live
90 hours first playthrough for BE. Working on church now.
>Not forcing Ingrid or Leonie into a slutty dress
I would have made Catherine into my dancer if I could.
I'm not denying that but it could have been that Byleth couldn't just run away so just accepted it at that point.
I did BE, got Flayn and saw she could take the certification for a Pegasus Knight, used her in an auxiliary, hated her, never used her again and poached Ingrid from BL and she became an absolute beast as a Falcon Knight, flying around and destroying shits.
somebody didnt do his supports
>I would have made Catherine into my dancer if I could.
What a shame that you'll have to settle for tanned titty warlock in a white dress.
what a dumb decision on not allowing you to select everyone's outfit, even if it was a NG+ only thing
>Playing Blue Lions
>Get to the bit at the end where Dimitri meets with Edelgard to maybe talk it out
>Dimitri argues that change should be brought about by the people when they know they want it and that the role of the strong (rulers) is to respect and carry out the wishes of the people. Condemns Edelgard for trying to impose her beliefs on everyone for their own good.
>Almost sounds like an Enlightenment era philosopher who believes the government only rules with the consent of the governed
>Edelgard believes people don't know what's best for them and can't be trusted to decide for themselves what they want. Thinks she isn't among the strong even though she's emperor of the largest country in the continent. Believes she knows what's best and forcing her will on people who were perfectly happy is for the best.
>Sounds like every dime a dozen dictator in history who ended up being oppressive tyrants "for the people's own good"
Yeah, I know her backstory boo hoo woe is her. Given that she was explaining why she started the war, you can't tell me those beliefs aren't core tenants of her character, with or without sensei. How the fuck can anyone unironically think she's better than Dimitri after that scene
Is GD the comfiest house?
55 hours for deer 40 for lions
Close, I made her a Bishop so she'd be submissive too.
Who should I make into a dancer in my BL run?
>I know her backstory boo hoo woe is her
The funny thing is that part of the reason people hate her is precisely because of said backstory, like bitch why the fuck are you working with the people that tortured you?
You can though?
in battle?
To be fair Rhea is insane. You never see it outside the BE route if you go with Edelgard.
Not that Edelgard is an image of mental capacity either, it's just your presence makes anyone complacent to you as you give orders. Without you everyone turns into incompetent morons.
>disappear and "sleep" for 5 years
>return and your house has done next to nothing in that time
I picked Golden Deer just to romance her but after seeing a lot of her supports and how bitchy she is I swapped to Marianne.
underused antagonist that kinda dies as soon as she shows up
Also a recluitable unit in FEH bizarrely enough
Nice, good job dude.
It's only whether they use their pre-timeskip or post-timeskip models. Or is there a hidden menu buried away somewhere?
Cute monks...
Nah. It's useful to keep it alive just to weaken some enemies tho
>making anyone but edgelord dimitri dancer
Do I haver to be at a certain chapter before being able to do lysithea A support? I'm at post time-skip and see it in the menu but the game tells me It will take some more time to develop
I don't think anyone does. She's the villain in every route, and clearly completely flawed. She's only even doing what she's doing because of her own personal stake.
Edelgard gets jerked off a lot less than she used to. Punished Dimitri is the best Lord.
>That scene at the end where after EVERYTHING he still spares her
>Is still willing to hear her grievances and help her
>She throws it back in his face for nothing
>Dies for nothing
>Dimitri pulls the dagger out and just looks completely done with all this shit
>He asked her to cut a path to the future with it, she ends up throwing her future away for pride
I basically said "Fuck this." along with him
I'm about 40 hours in on Golden Deer and just hit the timeskip
It's more than just "who's better," that's a 3rd grader's take. It's about what kind of rhetoric from "strong" people you tend to believe.
They are BOTH claiming to have the will of the people at their backs, like in ALL wars.
Your premise that people "were perfectly happy" is completely untrue. Nearly every character in the game hates the crests and the system they create.
Is this a video game, or a harem simulator
Which does it do better?
I know all the goddamn lore, I'm saying Edelgard's values are fucked and siding with her because Rhea has schizophrenia will only install another tyrant in her place. And while Rhea knew she had problems and wanted to pass the torch, you can't read that dialogue and tell me with a straight face Edel would willingly give up power in her lifetime
>inb4 BEagles epilogue!
That epilogue, unlike the other 3, is in no fucking way what would happen if some warmonger forcibly conquered the continent and told everyone the beloved archbishop was secretly an evil dragon they had to kill for the greater good. That load of shit reads like propaganda or doctored history not a genuine account of what happened
Optimal: Flayn or Dorothea, Annette works too
Possible: Marianne or Lysinthea
Funniest: Ingrid, Leonie or Bernie
Yup, I was rooting for a golden route but after that last cutscene edgelard can rot in hell. Bitch doesn't deserve a happy ending
>Based /OURGUY/ Hubert
Damn! That's some good stuff
>A beta orbiter fag
I guess you are right.
The weak are average joes, peasants and common men. They had no fucking problem going to Church on Sunday and living their lives in peace. By every metric we can see, 99% of Fodlan is fine before the war (minus brigands and shit that will always be around). Then Edelgard uplifts all that for what she thinks to be right and Dimitri tells her she's full of shit for ruining countless lives because of what she believed in
Rhea and Edelgard both should've fucked off. It's both of them that makes the story bad. Rhea doesn't step down as Archbishop because Edelgard offended her and she won't let it stand, and Edelgard has convinced herself (Hubert's "consulting" sure didn't hurt) that she and only she can topple the Church.
Everything seemed fine until both of their lies were revealed.
Sorry I asked.
It's a testimony to the incompetence of everyone that war lasts for 5 years.
Like holy fuck Edel you literally have every advantage possible without the MC around and you still can't win.
He's a creepy beta-orbiter who threatens his teacher in their C support.
He's probably the one who came up with the retarded plan to assassinate Dimitri and Claude before the year started too- given how it backfires and almost got Edelgard killed.
I was just thinking about who would be the best fit for the class, and it turned out to be Flayn.
If anything it's closer to corruption.
>its practically a spoiler because of how lazily it was done for the Flame Emperor,
That's because at some point it becomes incredible obvious who is the Flame Emperor is meant to be, to the point in only one rute the reveal gets any sort of fanfare
Huber's plans are all flawless and he is never wrong.
When I have to recruit someone it says I need to master 2 skills up to C, or do I get to choose one of the two to master? Is there anything else I need to do before asking them to join me?
Should I be working to recruit as many people as I can, while I have the chance?
mom milk etc etc.
After sothis and Byleth fuse, it doesnt seem like Byleth has that ability anymore lorewise, it was sothis's doing.
So how many characters in the game ended up being CRAWL'd in the end?
All the endings are shit because they're too clean and happy. I hope you didn't think Rhea apologizing in the other routes made any more sense.
"whoops, my bad" isn't how tyrants respond to being deposed.
Ah yes, the simple pleasures of being a serf with no rights or power.
If only we had kept up feudalism IRL, we'd be in much better shape.
>Loses the war in all but one route
>His plans are completely overshadowed by the MC in the one route they win
Damn imagine being this bad at your one job.
Is her insanity actually explained in the other routes? I've only done BL.
She used to be a hero, now she's a tyrant.
>like bitch why the fuck are you working with the people that tortured you?
Because she needed someone willing to do the shadiest stuff you can think of and those guys happened to be available (much to her displeasure), to the point it's incredible obvious she's using them as much they're using her as well and she ain't happy about it
>>Lysithea and Ingrid each do their own thing
You monster!
>It's okay that all these people died, they died free!
She started working for the Slithers. She's the only post-timeskip slither you kill in BE.
>watching her talk to Gilbert
>she just does an expression like pic related
Thanks for the art, I don't have enough good Annettes
I'd rather die on my feet than be a cumguzzling noble bootlicker.
>Sothis felt gratitude for killing bandits in Zanado.
Is that why you lick the Empress' boots?
i think i got jungle fever
Is there permadeath in this one? Classic mode?
She got a hard on because they reminded her of nemesis.
Wow holy shit it's almost like as society and technology moved onward we evolved beyond feudalism into the systems you see today. Feudalism was a thing because people were too poor to forge swords or spend years training how to use them. They plowed fields and swore fealty to a lord in exchange for the security the local lord's riches afforded
You can't fucking FORCE revolutions people aren't ready for because you have to resort to tyranny to keep the changes. Democracies started to pop up en masse around the 1700s/1800s because of things like widespread firearms putting power in everyone's hands instead of in the hands of people wealthy enough to afford weapons and armor.
When Gilbert talks about her he basically says she was always sketchy as fuck. I took that to imply she was a slitherer since the start or got replaced shortly after curing the plague
Literally fucking how?
Yes. And no replacement units.
Yes and yes. However I only play classic, I dont know in casual mode how they treat death though.
Also, even in classic some situation and battle wont have permadeath. (Like school 3H fight)
To be fair who needs other units when you have THE BOAR?
I wish I wasn't so slow with vidya
I'm like 70 hours in and still not done with BL
Surely you didn't get through typing all that and not notice the clear parallel with the crests?
I haven't even played the game yet since i'm still so busy with Shadowbringers
Really looking forward to finally picking it up though
Nice. Who can die? Anyone? Is there special dialogue for the deaths?
I'm not sure who can actually die. Maybe Cyril or the teachers after the timeskip. Students just get crippled and unable to fight anymore.
Everyone but Byleth and the leader of the house you choose.
Alrighty, I was a bit worried. I like that sort of thing. The only FE game i've played if Awakening and i'm in the beginning of it. Still learning the ropes but I had some characters die and it was kind of shocking. Can Chroms sister perma die?
>make Dedue into Wyvern Lord after having him as Fortress Knight for most of the game
>now he's outspeeding Sylvain
Horses were a mistake
I take every turn real slow, and take my time whenever I explore the monastery. I know that feel.
I think Lisia is story relevant and can't die. On awakening I fucked up and lost Cordelia and saved over it because her line was that she was just retreating.
is LUC worth a shit in this game? specifically if I want the highest crit rate possible
Dex gives crits, luck prevents being crit. Some skills like miracle depend on luck. It's easily the worst stat.
>not making him a war master
>suddenly huge damage, fast, invincible, and crits all day
I don't have him trained in punching.
Gonna mix up what classes I do next time I run through BL
Luck raises crit avoid (lowers enemy crit chance) and gives you +1 hit and avoid for every 2 points of luck. It's the second shittiest stat after charm
uh, bump
You need both the stat and the skill. Getting supports with them lowers the threshold. It's around 15 and C with C support and 10 and D with a B support.
>"Fuck this"
Punished Dimitri. Everything fucked him over, but he was still the best.
You're lucky that you and THE BOAR can duo the whole game because wow
Story relevant characters just get permanently wounded and can't fight anymore, so Lissa won't die. But you won't be able to use her anymore that game.
Most other characters will die fully.
Huh, permanently wounded eh? That's an interesting twist for story characters. Do they get some kind of eye patch or crutch they hobble around on or is it just a "trust me this is how it works" kinda thing?
You need 15-20 on the stat and C for the skill (B if it's your character's favored skill).
Alternatively, just rank up affection, get to B rank and they'll just join you.
nice. I got pissed how in fates all the dudes would live even if they got killed while their waifus would go "welp, I guess I'm dying now"
It’s because the fathers appear in their kid’s paralogues, so they need to stay alive.
>rank up affection
That sounds pretty easy, honestly. How do I check affection rank?