>playing MMO
>join guild
>everything going fine
>"hey dude join voice"
Playing MMO
>have expensive usb microphone
>never use it
Whats your problem, are you underaged ?
>play MMO
>play female avatar
>guild assumes I'm female irl
>never correct them
>"hey join chat"
>It keeps going fine after joining voice
>banter everywhere and nobody is such a pa su that they can't take a joke
>well liked member of the main raid team quits
>causes a snowball effect as more and more people quit, either the game or join a new clan to keep up on raids
>clan dies out
>but the community is still good and you still play other games with your clan mates because they're good company
>someone tries to talk to me on voice chat
>close out of game and uninstall it
>playing MMO
I spotted the problem user
literally no one cares how your voice sounds, just don't be a beta faggot and speak confidently
i forgot how to talk to people properly
>join voice and start talking to them
>things are good for a couple days
>start getting tired of it because im used to doing my own thing
>ghost them and start a new account
I can relate to this
Not like it matters for multiplayer anyway, all the kids nowadays just repeat memes and scream toxic shit... its actually just like this place. Just pretend like you dont care
You’re locked in playing the same damn game as the other losers in the guild so what’s the issue?
Nobody gives a shit what you sound like. Just talk, or say that you don't want to. Dot even bother coming up with excuses. You lot are more annoying when you begin speaking and notice a female is present. Fucking Yea Forums-/vg/ monkeys are awful around females.
>reddit toad
>Play nothing but MMO games since 15
>Actually 28
>Never had a mic before
>Hear any disgusting voice in a MMO game
>Immediately leave voice chat.
I hate people talking in my games they distract me or they talk with music on BG oh and fucking CHRIST those retards with open mics on every single game.
>Open mic with mechanical keyboard.
>play mmo
>doesnt listen to powermetal so loud he cant use voicecoms
why are mmofags so trash at their own games?
Micfags are fags and we don’t want to talk to you but we’ll suffer playing the game with you on text at least
i thought he was from twitch
>join voice
>scream profanities
>join a social group
>"omg why do I have to socialize"
> tell them "cant, sorry my chick is asleep" works for me
Im not a micfag, just annoyed by the kids on this site so I try to filter them out
>play video games
>devs keep implementing social media shit gamers don’t care about
>omg why don’t gamers want to socialize
Fuck off fags and dykes
Seems strange to attempt it when they’re showing good behaviour. Makes me think you’re a micfag or a kid or both.
>Fucking Yea Forums-/vg/ monkeys are awful around females.
That's why every guild needs a chain-smoking post-menopausal matriarch.
She'll keep the bitches in check and shit talk the horn dogs until they focus on the raid.
>allowing females into your guild
shiggy diggy
>You got a mic, man?
>being so beta you play multiplayer games and don't use your mic
this used to be me but I stopped being such a bitch
>log in
>relog to get something from other character
>bong sounds
>vape sounds
>talking to 40 people living in house
social anxiety's a hell of a drug.
Based. Also if there’s music in the background and a dog barking.
very self conscious about my accent, highly relatable.
>Poor mic quality
>100 people talking
>Mother screaming and vaccuming
>Dog barking
>At least 10 fans pointed at the mic
This is usually every person who speaks Spanish
and you know i'm right.
>"I don't have a mic"
That simple.
forgot the CASOOO CERRAAAAAAAAADO voiceover
This isnt 2008 man
>"I don't want to talk"
That simple.
>Buying headsets
And don't say a standalone mic. Not one person I know who voices uses a stand alone mic.
Fuck, nigga. How do i stop this?
This. If they get upset and take it personally, explain it's not like that (unless it is, i don't know you), and if they still feel the same, then they're pussies seriously not worth the time. after a few times they'll just probably stop asking you.
Social ability and self-confidence that may come naturally to you is a serious ordeal for some of us.
>be spanolo
>enter game lobby
>"hey pal join the voice chat"
>"err I'd rater not, my english is really poor but I can totally understand you guys"
>"aww sweety it's a-ok we won't say anything, don't be afraid"
>a-alright then -joins-
>HAHAHAHA holy shit user you sound so funny, can you say, Say hello to my little gun? HAHAHA
every fucking time
Yup. Amazing how ignorant people are of other's social abilities or really the lack of, considering how popular these problems are.
>play first mmos on dialup
>voip software was not used back then
>learn how to play the game, notice what was happening around me, learn how to identify what i should be doing at any moment
>everyone else also learned this
>you could just play together and appreciate how everyone simply did what they were supposed to with out anyone having to tell them
>when someone made a mistake it was kind of jarring and they would get embarrassed
>fast forward 20 years
>little zoom zoom is paralyzed with uncertainty if he does not have someone telling him what to do every step of the way
>basic combat mechanics are just too complicated for him with out 'communication'
>almost everyone is just shit at the game but instead of people calling them shit everyone just agrees we need to communicate better
>nobody has any situational awareness, because they think situational awareness is voice chat callouts and not fucking looking at the fucking screen
these people are garbage, absolute garbage
you dont understand how much i hate
not doing something because you're anxious about it just makes you a pussy
>Now showing your moor BVLL genes
what a shame.
>best friend for like 8 years
>play every fighting/shooting game together
>constantly shitpost together
>in the same FC and guilds in the MMOs we play
>talk about personal shit together
>after 8 years he still won't use a mic
i grew up online after phones were phased out and before people started speaking to each other with their voices over the internet
inhaling enough to make audible sounds is very taxing on me and speaking is basically too hard to do for any length of time.
He sounds based can i be hsi friend too?
You dont know how many squeaky voiced basedboys Ive heard speak in the years Ive been gaming and nobody gave a fuck. Dont be a huge fucking faggot and coordinate with your team a lready.
>tfw awkwardly trying to communicate with your guildie who's on voice by typing in the chat box in response to their every comment
>things that didnt happen
Fuck off back to Tumblr
lol just talk bro, whats the problem
>want to play MMO and do all the content myself like a wolfaboo edgelord
>it's all balanced around teams and guilds, so it's impossible
I just want my lone knight fantasy.
>inhaling enough to make audible sounds is very taxing on me and speaking is basically too hard to do for any length of time.
I hate how much this resonates with me.
>have male avatar, speak politely, never correct people's assumption of 'he' to avoid drawing attention
>"hey dude join voice"
>make excuses about broken mic, having a bad voice, etc.
>"dude join or we'll kick, chat is too slow for raids"
>join voice
>guild devolves into people wanting to kick me for existing or guys trying to e-date me despite being landwhale tier
>often breaks apart in the following months
I hate this shit so much. Now I use a voice modulator and just tell people that I'm paranoid about privacy. They laugh at me and call me a tinfoil faggot but at least it's been going strong for over a year.
I assume voice mod people are Chinese, but this is another explanation.
oh no poor sissy an*mefaggot got bullied
I don't have a squeaker/based boy voice, but I'm terrible at small talk and can't help but give off the vibe that I'm not interested in whatever shit the other person is talking about.
>everyone's got a different bit rate and different audio quality
>its so stressful to listen to them all
I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.
>mfw thinking about you hurting
I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London.
>chat is too slow for raids"
call them casual scum and leave
Why are you lying on an anonymous image board?
>Be ESL from some 3rd world country in Asia
>Been learning english with British accent
>Joins SEA server whose players mostly speak with broken grammar and try hard American accent
>Gets compliment a lot even from a gurl gamer due to my accent and how sexy I sound sometimes
What the fuck. I thought everyone hates brits, no?
>use old microsoft lifecam from 2008 as mic
>nobody has ever complained about the quality of my sound
>still self conscious about it
my story is 100% authentic
That doesn't sound physically possible.
>be with guild for a while
>its an RP server because there is no more content in WoW and I enjoy being comedic
>majority of the group are playing male blood elves with very few female blood elves within them
>get asked to join voice on discord
>not a pussy so I join but always try to somewhat deepen my voice to sound manlier
>EVERYONE is a fucking girl
>there are about 3 other guys in the guild, I believe those two guys are gay and 1 is an orbiter
>no drama between any of them
>the girls actually are somewhat decent players and act like bros
>don't try to hit on them at all or build a relationship outside the game because that has never ended well for anyone 95% of the time
>get flirted in game with some of the characters but since they are all guys in game, my character acts completely oblivious to their advances and never engages in ERP at all
>instead start getting into a mom/son relationship with the guild leader
>get called a chad constantly and always wanted at events
it was enough to convince me that the problem with guilds and women are the ratio and beta orbiters. Looking forward to playing with them more once I re sub
No, everyone loves brit accents.
how old are you? because I think I'm older and I remember using voip for mmo's and this was pre WoW
>grew up around a smoking parent
>have a natural gravely voice
>people either ask me if I had just smoked, or they say they like my "deep, sexy voice"
>always self-conscious regardless
im 35
i started playing mmos in 1998
I'm 34, why weren't you using voice clients back then?
Mics are for faggots?
I never even heard of voip until the early 2000s, and i was also playing starsiege in the top clan of the time and we didnt use that sort of thing, i also never heard of people using it during that era.
The very first time anyone asked me to download a voice communication program was in WoW
absolutely based and metalpilled
most mmo twitch streamers listen to shitty techno bleep bloops so i assumed no one listened to good music
also sick 40404
>have the gall to utter a single word online
>mfw I'm not even English
>joining discord is in the guild rules
>officer tells you to "be more active" in discord
>enjoying game
>join guild
>immediately lose interest in game
why am I like this
People like this because it gives the impression that you learned English through hard work and education rather than by watching American movies and playing video games.
that's why i always say that women aren't the problem, beta men are.
>playing some casual in cs
>the server is dead silent
>no one is even talking in text
>woman joins
>suddenly everybody has mics
>suddenly everybody plays like a retard to make girl laugh
>"hey guys lets all push a! yolo xD"
now i just kick girls whenever they turn on their mics. bitches need to learn not to speak.
>Is told the game relies on quick communication so text won't work
>Exclaims: Nuh uh! I am good enough to do it with text git gud
>Proceeds to fuck up encounter and gets booted or quietly leaves in shame.
Every time.
>women aren't the problem, beta men are
>respond to this by kicking women
Now THIS is epic.
I have a speech impairment that I used to go to speech therapy for, it makes pronouncing certain sounds difficult. Plus I also spaghetti and stutter hard when talking.
beta men are the problem, but women are the catalyst. i've noticed more people have caught on and now i dont even have to start up the vote.
Why not ban the beta men?
are you me
How can i find a voice modulator? How use
>Guild is full of shitposters who antagonize other guilds on the server in world chat
>Everyone hates us to the point where we're banned from PUGs
>Server merge coming up
>End up merging with another guild after the server merge
>Their first guild rule is no shit talking other people
isn't it obvious?
>shit talking other people
What's the point? The politics were half the fun.
>not banning the faggot problem players
>posting reddit tier reaction gifs
True story:
>Meet shy, introverted QT in college.
>She plays WOW.
>Told me she was in a guild with her two brothers.
>No one in the guild knew she was a grill.
>Two years go by and they still don't know.
>She's away at college.
>Gets drunk and joins voice chat.
>Guild mates are shocked to find out she's a grill.
>They demand nudes.
>Shes takes some and posts the imgur link in guild chat.
>Her two brothers saw all this go down.
>join guild
>hey user whats up
>leave guild
actually think about what you're suggest. you want me to kick several people instead of one.
im not trying to be a dick, but ffs man you should be able to piece this one together.
I had a good laugh user, good shit
>Start new MMO
>Randomly join a new guild
>Instantly become good friends with the core group over the course of 2 years
>Slowly stop hanging with them and eventually disappear
>See the different members each sent me a message
>Don't have the heart to look at them and abandon the account altogether
I don't even know if I could return at this point
>never correct them
You do it on purpose, faggot.
>hurr hurr u thawt i wuz a gurl but im ackshually a guy
Making that post means you're too ignorant to be making comments about something you clearly don't understand.
Just come out tranny
Sounds like the methead that raised me
100% doubt
>be in guild
>"Attn all: As you know my girlfriend is joining the guild!"
>"She is a cool and awesome mage"
>"So as your guildmaster, I'll be laying down some new rules and minor changes to our raid schedule"
>"We've already had to ask one silly goose to leave for trying to have a debate these changes"
>"Keep them in mind and everyone will have an awesome time!"
>regoconizes beta horny virgins as the problem
>but I kick the women anyway because the virgins can’t habdle themselves
Not them but I assume it’s only like a few girls and mostly beta so it’s easy to kick the few than everyone I guess but also aren’t voice changer software I think so it wouldn’t be hard for a guy to sound like a girl if he wanted I doubt most of them are actually girls but instead trannies
>John guild
>going okay
>uhhh we need u to do x with us
>uhhhh haha okay....
>leave guild like a minute later
Hahha no way fag I can’t handle stuff
the absolute state of Yea Forums faggots
>not replying them with
>Kick me you faggot, your guild is smelly anyway
what a cuck.
>mfw sound like a 40 year old trucker
>tfw sound like a retarded southern who never hit puberty
I've sounded this way since I was like 15, it's pretty great.
he's a girl
>join guild
>get told to join discord
>faggots in discord play shitty music 24/7
>faggots in discord try to bring personal drama into the game
>faggots in discord act faggy in general
>quit game out of disgust for the sort of people that play it
ok pussy
>unironcally stutter
>sound like I’m straight the Deep South
>have slight lisp
>people always call me a dumb inbred hick and to shut up while mocking me
>14 year olds have a deepr voice and I’m 22
Hahhahah :( help
This but unironically. I use regular headphones and see no reason to spend $50-100 on a standalone mic.
>"okay, just making sure you're still here"
same here but sometimes you gotta nut up and realize almost no one gives a shit
>be male with fem voice
>never join vc
>have headset on, wasn't aware it was on
>everyone in vc can hear me
>wonder why everyone is silent
>the stupid thing on the headset wasn't properly all the way back
>notice they been hearing me eat, moan, cough and complain about the weather
>delete account and quit mmo immediately
never going to make it bros
Am I the only one who can type fast enough to keep up with what they could say on mic while playing an MMO?
>have desk mic
>too annoying to use so never talk
thinking about getting a modmic to slap on my sennheisers, are they any good? I just want to be able to talk without sitting in a fucked up position to have a big ass mic infront of my face
just post some shitty memes once in awhile
I actually find it faster and more convenient to communicate via text, with audio there's the chance their mic cuts out or they just mumble and you don't understand the fuck they're saying etc.
>>playing MMO
>>join guild
>joins guild
>hey user, join voice
>join voice
>blast rap music into the mic
>burps, farts and takes bong hits
>laugh like a maniac
>gets banned from the guild
I never last more than a week after joining voice :(
Just tell them you're mute and can't speak
>act really annoying
>wwwwhyyy do I keep getting kicked
I whnder