Was it really that bad?

Was it really that bad?

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It was less cringey than Xenoblade

Story is shit across the board but Conquest is good and Birthright is alright
Revelation however can choke on my gigantic 12cm dick

>people will still deny birthright being awakening but better and less rng shit

It was worse.

It's that bad, but I still liked them anyway. Also, Conquest is objectively a top 3 FE game no matter what storyfags say.

Conquest was pretty good and there was an attempt with birthright. Revelation was absolute shit and not even worth it if you got it for free. At best it was a free dread fighter or dark flier or whatever the three route bonus was.

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Conquests maps were all gimmicky shit. The fact that the wind chapter can fuck you over for it's gimmicky mechanic is pretty bad design.

Also, I hate the fact that the only viable units early on were the royals. I like Fire Emblem games where I can build up anyone to my liking. Fates practically forced you to use characters like Camilla. And unless you showed bias to the other Gen 1 side characters, they weren't worth squat.

>weren't worth squat
Sounds to me like you suffer a severe case of being bad at videogames

>The fact that the wind chapter can fuck you over for it's gimmicky mechanic is pretty bad design
The turbines literally go off in a pre-determined, looping pattern and cause the same effect every time. If you're getting 'fucked over' on that level because of the wind, it's completely your fault.

I only played the openings to both routes, the character designs are fucking awful

I find 3 houses better in everything, but I've enjoyed replaying Fates more.
Doing pre-timeskip 4 times should be against human rights.

firemblem died with gba

Motherfucker, have you PLAYED Xenoblade? Everything in that goddamn game is like the retard pickle guy's supports. Even in Japanese.

Forgot to say in everithing but the maps, three houses maps are large and empty, Fates had a bunch of really good maps

I think some Conquest maps were pretty good, but I agree there are tons of annoying gimmicky shit that shouldn't have been there. The map with the wind currents, the pots, the teleporter stairs, those can fuck right off.

To be fair, in my playthrough, Elfie and Belka were complete unmitigated garbage, and Nyx was teetering on the brink of being benched for like ten chapters.

Cyrus and Zero were gods, however.

>form fitting armor and bare feet
for what possibly purpose

Go back to Osea

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>the teleporter stairs
I don't even remember what this was.

FE experts please tell me the OPTIMAL conquest lunatic ironman pairs, assuming no grinding

I believe he's talking about the early chapter on top of the mountain seeking a sage and shit? You use stairs to teleport to a different room and there's two routes

Story was bad, Revelation's maps were bad, but Conquest was otherwise great and Birthright was pretty good. 8/10 game cause I can look past a shitty story in wake of fun gameplay and characters, best game in the series. (3H is a 7 at least until they add lunatic)

Oh yeah, that one. It was forgettable, but nothing worthy of being called 'shit' in my opinion.
I still hold that Kitsune Lair, Great Wall of Takumi, and Endgame are the only truly trash missions in CQ.

I last played Fates like 2 years ago but I can recall a a majority of the Conquest maps off the top of my head, and most were enjoyable. Playing 3H for 2 weeks straight now and I already can't remember more than a couple maps, and the ones I do are just like Marianne's paralogue because it had a gimmick. They're incredibly dull and lacking.

Absolutely not. Not even close actually.

No. The music, maps, graphics and gameplay were all better than 3H. The only 3H does better is lore but that comes with the shitty school mechanics.

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It's a beginners first trap. You aren't gonna know how that shit works the first time around. Bad design.

Conquest was fine, Birthright was okay, Revelations was terrible

Great wall was inoffensive at worst and endgame is fucking sick
>retainers sacrifice themselves to hold off the waves of enemies while the hero pushes through and defeats the final boss
If that's trash I want to know what you think a good climactic final chapter is

Conquest is the peak of the franchise, the fact people think 3H is better is just further proof FEfags don´t care about gameplay.

I think it's more that the endgame of 2kumi was a pain in the ass with kamikaze faceless and the waves of noncombat damage

The pots map on lunatic is great

You forgot the mentioning of Echoes and Genealogy.

How do you expect to be accepted by the cool kids with such a shit post.

LMAO2TAKUMI is just a pain in the ass to actually play with how much spam the game decides to throw at you.

>tfw when playing youtube.com/watch?v=eJA8-utSQso in endgame
Shit was great, fuck off Azura

>using Belka when Camilla exists
>using Nyx when Elise exists
>Effie's worth is only good as a meat wall for earlier chapters

I'll give you Zero but truthfully, most of the Gen 1s are just mediocre all around.

When compared to 3H and Awakening, sure it's pretty bad. Compared to Echos it's like a Rembrandt, though.

conquest lunatic would probably be more popular if it had the divine pulse system

Divine Pulse is the worst thing in the franchise. In Three Houses its just encouraging me to go for the most absolutely stupid strategies such as trying for low percent criticals and other awful decisions that should never actually be made. What the fuck is the point of a strategy game if I'm not punished for my shitty strategy? I think it would be fine if it was only available on casual mode and casual mode still had permadeath.

Yeah, it sucked. A handful of nice maps out of 60-70 don’t make up for the rest of a $100+ game being shit.

what made revelations so bad? I never played it

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This is retarded reasoning. The same kind of reasoning where people play classic mode and restart the map regardless.

Either iron man it or don't bother at all.

Theres nothing to iron man when you can rewind 11 deaths per map
>Just don't use it lmao
That doesn't suddenly make it not a shitty gameplay element. I do wish the series had a built in iron man mode though

>Game dedicates a whole button to a mechanic
>Just don't use lmao

I could understand if it was in the menu and hard to reach, but it was so accessible it's hard to ignore temptation when it's literally just a game. It should have had real cost associated with it instead of being a free get out of jail card.

I was constantly abusing it to get kills with specific characters against named enemies.

I beat lunatic Conquest multiple times using mostly gen 1s and never felt that held me down. It's not nearly as significant as Awakening's gap between the children and parents. You can use basically anybody you like in Conquest because the game is pretty well balanced. I'll give you Nyx being shaky, but Effie always held up all game long and Beruka's a based tank and I always used her despite Camilla being around too.

I couldn't even fucking play it. People told me Conquest's gameplay was alright but it was like 10 chapters of fucking tutorials until I just said fuck it because the story was giving me cancer and the maps weren't fun (supposedly) yet.
I think it was just a trick to make me play this shitty excuse for an FE game.

Divine pulse wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have 10 bloody uses per map. It's nice to have since I occasionally misclick due to the Switch's less than optimal wireless controller connection, but 10 uses is just excessive.

>using Belka when Camilla exists
Belka naturally grows thanks to Camilla only getting 1 EXP from killing dudes early on, instead of wasting kills on her you get Belka to do it and by the time it becomes more viable to kill shit with Camilla Belka has already grown enough so you walk around with two flying powerhouses

Gameplaywise, it's one of the best in the entire franchise if not the best. Also the combat animations is really fun too look at, unlike 3H.

Does she actually become good? I use her every lunatic playthrough just to fly people around but I never actually have her fight. Her and Wyvern Lord Gunter make things so much easier

Well i married the damn thing so it was kinda inevitable that she became good since she was hanging around Dan Green all the time so i guess i can't speak objectively for the late game, i'm currently replaying on chapter 14 without aiming for her clay if you catch my drift hehehehhe... Anyway, she's notably weaker than last time but damn she's doing some nice damage together with Leo wielding this shitty hand axe +1

She's pretty nice, since a flying wall with decent damage always felt pretty useful to me. Not as good as Camilla, but still good. I liked to pair her with Benny and make them an unkillable tank duo that shares her flying movement. The two of them paired up could even clean up the ninja rape cave chapter by themselves if needed.