archebros...were going home.....
no shards......just the sea bros......
Archebros...were going home
Other urls found in this thread:
Roll em boys.
I missed playing this game and Yea Forums told me that early times of the game were actually mega comfy. What is happening? reboot?
Oh boy! I can't wait to wait!
No one knows, the negative quotes imply they're fixing the problems tho
What is this? Full reset?
lmao couldn't even reach level 20 on this fetch-quest faggotry MMO
you niggers should stop playing MMOs
god I hope I got 36-37
I can't believe I'm actually hyped for this. Fuck Trion, it's gonna be more of the same.
one last ride bros..........
it's time.
What race/build are you playing, Yea Forums?
>tfw biggest nut i ever bust was to a big tiddy succubus hentai on sadpanda but I can't remember the name or find it anywhere and I'll prob never find it again
Dwarf female song raft main
battlerage + shadowplay + something else. might drop shadowplay tho
trion got bought by gamigo
>Restart the world
>Milk them again
Looks like they're pulling a secret world.
I’ll play if i get land to farm.
The poorly managed land allocation turned me off the first time.
fresh start servers again? lel
>literally just uninstalled this yesterday
its fine tho, I read somewhere that gamigo was looking for UE4 programmers, maybe they're moving the game to UE4 so you'd need to download again
so what's coming soon? archeage was ruined by hackers controlling every single bit of player controllable stuff. if they haven't fixed that it's not worth playing
is this a good game aside from p2w bullshit?
i think i've read that the space available for player housing is extremely limited
? what are you talking about. The site is back, litearlly.
its one of the best mmos around before they messed with the drop rates of crafting things.
even though most of the areas are dead it's still a fun game to play through.
the combat with gliders and mounts is pretty fun.
occultism, sorcery, witchcraft.
race depends on where friends go.
Also that depends on how shit these changes are.
71 72
we're going home....
Trion got bought by gamigo
For scale Gamigo threatened to stop publishing Archeage if XLgames didn't let them reduce the p2w, and p2w started getting pulled back since gamigo entered talks to purchase trion.
It actually had a bit of a revival because of this so people are hoping for the best.
You're missing malediction m8
read the thread shitskin.
then get the fuck out
How is that pserver? (ArcheRage)
i will shit on trion and their p2w games whenever i want nigger
I would agree with you if you weren't a 3 iq neolithic period amoeba that wasn't aware trion was bought out by a different company and only exists in name. The people who worked there and the policies they held no longer exist.
trion is no more, take the gamigo pill
Anything short of new sub-only server with cash shop removed, regrades removed, and labor points removed should be considered a failure.
It started pretty good but its kinda p2w right now, it was good while it lasted, only gamigo has the power to give us something good, they will probably fuck it up but at least they'll give us a few months worth of fun.
labor points can work if they remove the ability to buy more. It would give an actual basis to the economy.
gib justice
Rolling lol
>i want to pay monthly to play video games
Is it still subscription based?
64 please god
>I don't understand the concept of a subgate that keeps out subhuman brazilians, pinoys, and russians
>I am so unoriginal I am going to post wojack edit #8745 because I am a newfag 2016 tourist posting the equivalent of rage comics
Stop posting. Leave this board.
Why not? My best MMO experiences have been sub-based with no cash shops (UO, EQ, DAoC, SWG). Only since the advent of f2p + cash shop has the general MMO experience drastically decreased.
Gib cutie
seething goy
>Oh no someone has dared to disagree with me better scream JEWS, that will give me more credibility
stop posting autismo.
>Trusting Trion
Nah m8
Played this when it first came out with a friend. It was a lot of fun and full comfy. We had a house with some ducks and sheep and went fishing in the deep ocean
>I don't understand the concept of a subgate that keeps out subhuman brazilians, pinoys, and russians
and underageb&, ideally
Why would you trust trion on this one? trion is dead, this is gamigo which is shit too but its not trion.
Trion was bought buy another publisher.
Gamigo is even fucking worse.
How's the erp
Shoulda been bought by nexon aka the only publisher worth a damn these days for mmos.
The recent shit they've been doing with their games having only cosmetic cash items and no pay to win is great. Reboot, ms2, HU, etc all had/have great cash item models.
Give me the fucking ugly one like you always do.
they fucking killed ms2 you retard.
Unironically this if it means no cash shop. I’m so fucking sick of it tainting every fucking game.
better not get fucking trash
u wot m8
Ara ara ~
>tfw I really want a sandbox game to play and then this happens
Now I don't know what to do the next few days, fantasy sandbox games are so rare and I just want to play a songcraft/bard.
>Website is named Trion
>Trion logo
I don´t care. Till those gamigo guys make public executions of former Trion employees i won´t trust´em either.
Only way to be sure they cut ties and it´s not just another bait to lure people in. Also anouncing shit with most MMO autists waiting for Wow Classic is sure a great idea.
labor points need to be account wide and non transferable
They killed it because of how overturned the first raid was. Nobody complained about how it was monotized and having poor balancing was not part of my post.
Theyre a lot better than they were. Most publishers are still rocking the pay to win model and milking players. Nexon has moved towards just cosmetics. Look at maplestory 2 they completely had to overhaul how progression worked because they removed all the p2w shit for the global release.
the people who used to work at trion dont work there anymore. They literally cleaned house, user.
You didn't play. It wasn't overtuned. They didnt explain how important epic pets and gems were, and locked both behind autistic rng on top of rng on top of rng.
They did this because they did not balance the game around no p2w, they just ripped it out and left gaping assholes of awful gameplay in the voids left behind.
ArcheAge really is comfiest open-world sandbox MMO made in the past decade. Unfortunately its cash shop is so bad and debilitating the game is virtually unplayable unless you are dropping hundreds of dollars on regrades to keep up. We'll see what this announcement is. If it really is a new server sans cash shop, it could be a real gem.
>completely remove paid ways to acquire labor
>labor is now account wide
>one account per IP
>reduce crafting RNG
>more ways to acquire gear by grinding instead of crafting
>actual alternate ways to level instead of boring fetch quests instead of fetch questing to 40 something THEN doing something else
archeage is fixed
Im fine with any
They didn't overhaul until everyone quit, I still played 2 months after the first raid and nothing. Remove P2W and buff bosses to be insane timed HP sinks while removing weapon drops from first raid.
It was overtuned, both of those are RNG and massive time gated content, all the retarded Korea players lied about their usefulness while hording to charge for runs while getting them buffed by insane amounts, amazing devs listen to people who illegally play on overseas server to help them ruin their own game.
Just play archerage bros
>one account per IP
what does this solve? All this does is fuck over people who live together and people in college.
My guild cleared it within the first two weeks, it wasn't overtuned. people straight up just didnt know how important gems and epic pets were. People tunnel visioned boss damage and piercing. You don't know what you are talking about and you really come across as an imbecile to people who actually did the content.
Crafting rng was replaced years ago with 3.5 and it totally killed the crafting market. Instead it costs 10x the materials
I really dislike private servers because its hard to feel invested with something that can be taken down at any time.
Plus generally speaking private servers are never going to really have "new" content.
i meant upgrading gear, not sure if that counts as crafting
Don't really want to run a bitcoin miner
Plus archerage still has p2w
Wow guild in first two weeks, I pub cleared it in a day, doesn't change it being a massive waste of time, the drops are worse than the dungeon shit you farmed for weeks unless you are a run selling nigger, even if I cleared it multiple times in a day and the the reset that happened a few hours later it is clearly overtuned as fuck, it was the first raid and this was a casual game, if it wasn't overtuned the game population wouldn't have been free falling.
I'm sorry I dropped out of Le Happy Merchant Guild without a word, you guys were cool.
Is the countdown for whatever the fuck is happening or it's just the announcement of an announcement?
>ywn have that feeling of building your first ship ever again
>I pub cleared it in a day
nobody cleared it for the first 48 hours unless you were sucking marksman bryans greasy neckbeard cock. Stop lying.
The population dropped into the floor because of how shit the RNG was on upgrading gear, not any other reason.
Were you in Le Happy Merchant Inc?
Labor points should not exist. Period.
What the hell are you talking about, people cleared it in the first few minutes?
Loved this game, but the end game luck based gearing is shit. Still, the PVP was a lot of fun during the first rush. I forget all the skill names, but sleeping someone into a meteor nuke that nearly one shotted them was the most hilarious shit ever.
This game is the one I'll always fall for.
They absolutely did not you are an awful liar.
nobody fucking knows
??? I don't play this trash anymore but they literally have a first clear ranking, it was literally a few minutes after launch, multiple times in a row and then more people did soon after, from what I remember.
Yupp and I hated your guts until I got the equip to 2shot everyone wit my primeval.
The only people who cleared early were people who played on korea and knew the importance of an epic pet and high tier gems. That wasn't a lot of people
Understandable. The instants build with meteor nuke and backflip dodge was insanely good, but got shit on by anything tanky typically. Stone Arrows or whatever they were called absolutely rekt me without lucky RNG on my side.
So who wants to play Archeage RIGHT NOW.
I am not redownloading to check but there were multiple pub groups who clearly weren't in the same guild on the list a few pages after.
You are misremembering.
Can't be me you were already wrong about people clearing at all, I had been leveling a blue pet and gems since the beginning so I was able to clear it in the first day, concept was easy as fuck to never die.
I think they should seriously rethink the pvp scaling in this game, even at endgame most of it is just whoever cc's first wins instantly the damage spikes are too high
so will they add the new races that they promised like 10 years ago?
Fucking LOVED archeage. Then they made it pay to win. What is this update gonna do?
I tend to disagree with that, since world pvp is the most fun and if you get the drop on a group of people even, you can pull it out if you've got a good build. It adds to the fun, because 1v1's are never what the game should be balanced around
Get this. They'll make it even more pay to win by adding a subscription along with a patron.
Hopefully remove p2w, but i doubt it. Though it is owned by a German company now and they seem to be very against p2w/rng bs lately.
>Were you in Le Happy Merchant Inc?
Yeah, relatively soon after it started, one of you faggots tried to hustle me and I told you to try hustling someone who actually had land (and didn't browse /vg/). You guys didn't even care that I was a shit-tier player playing a shit-tier class. Good fun was had being one of the tiniest guilds in a game about zerging. Then my life went to shit and I dropped the game without even saying thanks for the good times.
I was the guild leader of that guild user. Do you remember your IGN?
Do you remember when we scammed retards out of their farm houses?
>tfw just want to glide and sail again
How is the game as of now anyway, I haven't kept up with Archeage in years.
Do you like card games?
I do actually.
until they get rid of the cashshop there is no good version of this game.
>tfw theres a weeb furry in the discord server complaining about shills on Yea Forums
This game will never be as big as it was at launch before they committed literal suicide in a week with p2w trees.
They need to go back to Archeage Internation alpha. Where there was no cash shop, opening loot bags didn't cost labor. Everyone has patron, status there is no f2p. remove the stupid RNG they added to the game, refine crafting.
Oh fuck, Crow? It's been years and I don't even remember what IGN you're referring to but I remember getting people so pissed they would get grinding parties to boot me out of spite. I sucked at scamming though so I just left that to you guys.
They were very comfy. Some of the best boring in vidya, which is my vidya fetish
Ayy you actually remembered my name. That's surprising considering I was technically the second guild leader. I have forgotten a lot of peoples names to be honest. The only name that I really remember is Edgemasterr because he was the one I did the most content with.
Still tempted to reinstall and dick around in it now to see what's changed.
Play the stupid private server archerage
Any weebs wanna play when it releases?
What else is new. We're everyone's boogeyman.
I'll see you fags on release date, one last ride before I realize they ain't ever gonna stop fucking us over
I dont think anything changed. that's what the countdown is for.
Yeah boi. Shame I have a life now. No way I'm ever gonna get far in it
Archerage updates every few months to newer versions + custom changes.
It was overhyped but it was pretty good in the beginning and how badly they fucked it up is impressive.
It was way more than a week that trees were added, more like 2-3 months, trees were my last straw though.
trees were everyones last straw. they did it like a week or two before warlords of draenor too.
The /vg/ guild fell appart when they dropped.
imagine if they simply removed all quests
Wont be the same. Not because of any mechanical shit, but because I wont be able to be part of the absolute most notorious and hated guild in Inoch that singlehandedly threw me into the wackiest and shittiest situations the game had on offer. In the years gone I've come to understand that ArcheAge was lightning in a bottle for me for that exact reason and I'll never capture that experience in any MMO every again.
Long live Purge.
I remember them.
Long live Inoch
Why is archeage so special?
You can easily ignore its quests and just do trade runs or whatever the hell you want.
Why hasn't any other MMO done the same?
It's a pretty good sandbox in a genre that hasn't had a good sandbox in ages.
They're fixing the P2W and making the game more accessible. This is going to be amazing.
Source: dude trust me
No proof of this, and the only fix to p2w is its complete removal.
>ignore quests
you must do every quest to make the quest marker go away user
i dont like it, but it has to be done
i wish they would stop making so many fucking quests
>"The P2W is strong with this one... Really hard to recommend it with something like that weighting down the whole experience."
>Clusterflux - 2016
>We value the feedback from our community. Sometimes it takes a while until changes can be implemented. Be a little more patient, what is about to come might be what you have been waiting for!
>We understand that not everyone is able to spend money on a regular basis. Rest assured we heard your feedback. Stay tuned for what’s about to come!
Just like what they've promised to do multiple times across multiple fresh start servers.
I'm an optimist but I need actual proof before I buy into that instead of just "hey we know p2w sucks haha".
i just want to pay a monthly subscription that gives me the entire game
Just turn the quest markers off or finish what you have and don't take any more
Is it real, bros...? Be it true? I paid 150 to get into the alpha... got max level and had the best time of me life.... is it true? Can it be saved?
based autist
I mean they also threatened to stop publishing the game in the west if XL games didn't let them reduce p2w soo.
Isn't that funny we've come full circle now.
>People say subscriptions are terrible so we just want f2p and b2p
>After seeing f2p/b2p business practices
>Can we just have subscriptions back?
Its a given that you won't have the same experience as the first time, though.
wut was this
Did changes already happen?
How are they gonna fix the bots/hackers from buying all the land?
Same above question with uh, well the entire economy
I only ever hear people talk about doing trade runs and PvP. What else was there to do in Archeage?
Captcha for land and auction purchases.
Trade runs, PVP, owning a castle, becoming a fisherman, exploring the seas, owning a farm, buying a house, doing dungeons, crafting awesome gear, the list goes on.
Is there a good PvE aspect to this game? I couldnt give a fuck about PvP or trading
Land boat party through capital city while playing the lute.
More than most sandboxes, I think Archeage resonates with a lot of people because of that. It's probably one of the closest games we got that felt like it had some dungeons and bosses to fight while also maintaining that sandbox-y feel of the world.
So what exactly does this do right that trion did so wrong? Why should we be hyped?
We shouldn't.
We have no idea, that's the whole point.
Archeage could be one of the best MMOs on the market but the monetization is so baked into the game it's impossible to get around it.
It gets people excited to picture Archeage with that stripped away and rebuilt to not require it. The only glimmer of hope is that the new owners gamigo apparently are taking a stance on no p2w.
Shame Rift is just beyond hope though.
I want to go back to the glory days of Archeage...
Harani Hexblade. Played it all the way from alpha to 2.0.
Lots of things, but not all of them are good. The good parts are the pvp, pirating (slightly different), boss contesting, exploration, farming if you're into that, etc etc. Archeage is a fantastic game that's suffered from "feature creep" because the devs needed to make money. In the current state, it's garbage, but a sub-only 1.2 or 2.0 patch with all the p2w gookshit removed would be the mmo of the century
i was always a proponent of subscriptions
the best model is no box price at all, just a free trial and then a subscription to keep playing
I fucking miss Rift, i hate how that game turned out
i miss sailing the seas with my bros...... i miss comfy trade pack running and the stress of passign through the pvp areas at off hours and gambling that nobody finds you
i never found trade packs comfy, they were one of the most stressful things in any video game i've ever played
thats part of the fun
Safe trade routes are super comfy.
PvP trade routes are sweaty but fun.
Hopefully it will be decent. I liked to travel around the sea.
is AA making a come back?? where can I follow news on this?
I know they wont even touch how unbalanced the class combinations are. It's going to be the same shit but a different company, gookMMOs will ALWAYS disappoint. Always.
RP. It's just a sea game really. Not much to it but if you enjoy autistic grinding like on BD then you'll enjoy AA.
This game is max comfy.
But fuck, Classic is coming so I won't have time to juggle 2 MMOs.
where my niggas that know what I'm talkin about here?
Are you fucking kidding me? Nexon? holy fuck piece of shit mongoloid get out of here.
Absolutely retarded opinion.
I'll play again, this was my favorite MMO. What are we gonna name the Yea Forums guild?
Has Trion stopped being a black hole that absorbs fun and money since their takeover? Are the new owners just MTX whores like the old ones or do they have a modicum of human decency?
>One account per IP
Most people aren't on static IPs so this won't work. One account per Hardware ID though maybe? Or submit some sort of proof of identity?
Is it F2P? I might give it a try if they fix it
mrm if youre reading this you're a dumb nigger
They threatened to cease publishing the game if XL games didnt let them remove pay to win aspects.
I miss Yea Forums guilds. They aren't perfect but /vg/ is just so awful.
It's going to be another "from the start" server like they've been doing with rift and all their other games. It'll launch and it'll be the same version from the actual launch of the game, it'll be fucking fantastic for a week, maybe even a month.
But it'll quickly get snapped in half because everyone knows how to farm thunderstrucks, and people will just naturally get bored of the bullshit like labor points and massive plot buyouts by guilds leaving you forced to spam your thunderstruck farms in little geometric OoBs.
nexon is p2w garbage you stupid faggot. always has been
archeage is owned by nexon.
and archeage is p2w garbage lmao
/vg/ guilds back when this game came out were bumping. some of the best mmo times ive had.
>I haven't played a nexon game since 2005
>i don't even play mmos
no it isnt retard.
I'm playing maplestory right now you stupid piece of shit, Nexon still fills their fucking shit games with pay to win. Jesus christ Fuck off really, i fucking hate retard apologists with sunken cost
maplestory 2 has no p2w so you are literally wrong.
Nexon is one of the worst offenders of p2w shit, what?
Yeah a decade ago
They've recently been very good in the west about p2w shit
Would something like this build work? I just want to lasso edgy Shadowplay faggots into my rapecage and then suck them dry.
guys I think an actual unironic Nexon shill is in the thread
You mean the fucking dead game they couldn't balance around not having p2w shit on their cash shop when they ripped it off from korean? You mean the same game that has a VIP premium club subscription for advantages? You mean the game that encourages buying mesos from chink sellers otherwise you can't fucking keep up?
you mean ONE game out of the fucking dozens they have?
What do you mean exactly you piece of shit?
How far we've come.
Stop getting assblasted you faggot nigger. You said all of their games are pay to win. They aren't, so youre inherently wrong regardless of whether the game is alive or not. Calm the fuck down you angry bitch.
Imagine defending Nexon.
>gets told why the game is pay to win
>i-it's not!! calm down!!
this user is right, there's an unironic shill, get a trip so I can filter you.
its literally not pay to win though. Pay to win doesnt apply to buying currency through third party means you ape brained niggerfaggot. Premium does fucking nothing advantageous.
People disagreeing with you =/= shill you safe space bitch.
Get a trip shill, last (You) you'll ever get
This might mean as far back as Korean closed beta 3. The game as an extreme sandbox back then. Afterwards they made it more themeparky.
On some old fansites you might be able to find a writeup explaining it all in detail.
cope harder mentally ill faggot.
You're not tricking me again
Oy vey goyim, there will be no pay2win. We at (((Trion Worlds))) promise, just like we promised last time.
they didnt promise anything because its literally not trion anymore. read the fucking thread you daft bitch.
Stop shilling your dead game, Trion. ArcheRage and other private servers buried your rotting corpse of a game and gave us something so much more.
>Everyone has Patron
>Accelerated leveling
>Can only own land once at 52
>Quintupple Labor regeneration
Absolute kino my man
the russians are just as bad
>gamigo implements all this into new AA
I would die happy
But it's dead except for furries and brazilian cheater land barons
I was so traumatized by Archeage that I haven't played an MMO in years. The community was so fucking bad and the BRs hackign everywhere and literally flying and raining down lightning was insane.
>Played for 4 years
>Didn't pay a dimme
>Quit last year with 200k gold and 50 apex sitting in my inventory
Joji 11.2k gs healer
Reckoning (which was merged twice because there is only 2 servers now)
Archeage was the best experience I ever had in a multiplayer videogame while it lasted.
I don't know if we can ever get back what it once was and could have been, but if there's a chance then I'll fucking get excited.
I would give anything for a version of the game built around a subscription model and less RNG in character and gear progression.
What are you talking about? What the fuck is wrong with the things I mentioned? All of the options in the game being free to you, with none of the dumb gimicky kickbacks designed around computer cafe hourly rentals. Every private server for every game ever is going to have some dumb bullshit cash shop - it's not justifiable, but if you think you'll get a niche game without one, you're dead wrong. Sorry bud, but it's best to swallow that pill now so you can enjoy your game for free without excess bullshit. Not to mention there's a NA server and an EU server, and the Russians' asses are so available to kick.
Fuck off, shill. If not, play a superior private server, literally any of them, for free.
>They promised and lied before
>Dude they totally won't do that again
Fuck off, shill.
>private server
>has a patch past 2.0
dogshit tbqh, you couldn't pay me to play that
You retarded shill can you at least resume shit on your OP because everyone keeps playing the old
which is way less now and you can go pvp in 3 months if you are not a casual garbage WoW gibs player.
Trion is dead
Probably new server
Begone, shill.
>It can be taken down at any time
>Has literally been telling himself this while it has been up for almost five years now
>It, in fact, introduced new content
Congratulations, you cucked yourself.
>It's dead
>So much popular demand it opened an NA server
Guess what, faggot? Do you think these private server shitstains make servers like this out of the kindness of their hearts? No, they're money-grubbing faggots. You know what makes them different? They don't cut off vital parts of the game behind a monthly fee and add arbitrary timers and costs for actions in-game with a monetized workaround. You're probably the kind who'd bitch their 16th birthday Corvette was maroon instead of red.
new skill tree, its basically like Sorcery but with less damage and instant cast times. good for magic damage tanks.
oh boy here comes the raging autist
Understandable reason. Have a good day, user.
>to unique IP's
man i keep looking for this old archeage video of a guy in a submarine getting chased by people underwater because he said he'd give them money if they caught him
could never find it again
>find an old video a friend made in 2015 of us bullying quebecians fishing
I want to go back bros, it was so fun
>Getting this defensive over someone calling people shills
>Implying shills ever come alone to not falseflag as interested players
I wonder why the faggot is worried of discontent, hmm? It couldn't possibly be the hook-nosed menace.
Game was basically WoW with a trade pack system added. It was pretty fun for that reason alone but I don't understand the massive hype some people had. One of my friend shills for the game 24/7 and it's pretty embarrassing because the game is mostly shit except for a few aspects that set it apart like the tradepacks/ganking and ship combat. I admit those are pretty cool for an mmo but in the end you're still doing lame ass dungeons/raids/dailys 80% of the time if you want to keep up with gear and stuff. I guess you could technically do pirating 24/7 but then you'll eventually fall behind all the hardcore grinders. Also a lot of the PVP just ends up being third worlders zerging anyway which is just as shitty as any other F2P korean mmo.
Hope you know you are literally as bad as a weeb furry.
>getting this defensive over someone calling people shills
It's not defensive, its aggravating to see people resort to a weak as fuck ad hominem that is entirely baseless because they cannot form a cohesive argument and cannot mentally bear that someone might have a different opinion than you.
I am so tired of you millenial newfag niggerfaggot bitches thinking anyone who is not with you is a shill or a jew or your enemy. You are a fucking pox on this board, and existence as a whole.
lol hoes mad
>Killing actual furries
>as bad as a weeb furry
Haranyan detected.
>Game was basically WoW
Since when WoW you can dominate a server in PvP? scrubs only excuse is being bad.
kill yourself autist faggot.
>female character
>slav tier settings
>uses the word "shill"
holy red flags
Time to scratch the itch, can I combine that new Malediction thing with Songcraft for anything that's a good, fun meme?
Hello retarded
My computer was a potato I was on and it was on a Russian private server because I refused to give Trino my money while they had a raging SJW tranny as their community outreach idiot. I'm sorry if you feel so insecure about your sexuality that you'd never make a female character. Besides, fuck playing a bishi korean bitch boy. Their customization options were ass.
no u
Hoped you pick a good private server, faggot.
Im talking about a weeb furry that was complaining about shills on Yea Forums in the discord where the gamigo CMs are shitposting.
They gonna keep the Abyssal patch where Ferran lose their fall damage 20% reduction (which also reduces the fall threshold levels by 20% so it's really strong) and give them that garbage 30m cd active 100% fall damage reduction?
Did they actually fucking remove telekinesis?
what the fuck
I miss this game, fuck.
since the game came out in 2004?
>Using Discord
Now see, that's where you fucked up, user. I'm sorry that you've elected to expose yourself to that.
>Removing game content
>Considered an upgrade to the game
What in the goddamn? Why the fuck would they do that?
i havent played in like 4 years i just noticed its not under occultism on the most recent skill calc
Lets see what they reveal in 4 days and then decide if we are gonna play at all, if its good lets play together user
can i be a cat girl in this?
Used to use skype, but my bros wanted to move to discord.
Only channels im in are the servers with my bros and servers that I watch for info on games I like, which is why im in the server where the CMs are shitposting.
Wish I was in the one that one of the new CMs made to introduce herself though.
She decided to make it an open forum, couldn't handle the heat, said nigger and got fired.
I hope their disgusting tranny freak CM/GM is still around so I can call it names on the forums and twitter
Apparently if you say it's name on the gamigo announcement discord you get muted.
Is that a good or a bad thing? like does it mean hes gone or still around?
All the moderators are blank nameless accounts so who knows.
Oh they're gone.
He got replaced with Brasse for a good while, who was then replaced by someone else after Gamigo took over.
do not speak 2 me
What is the Pirate Class combo of skills?
basic ass bitch nigga
What are they doing this time?
ur done
what this? some jew trick
So is there summoner in this game?
You faggots have been falling for it for ages. Rift Players KNEW how fucking trash this company was and told everyone to avoid AA like the plague. Lo and behold, people got burned.I'm out of the loop but that fact its not owned by Trion anymore gives me a sliver of hope. Am I in the wrong here? I never got to try this game because of my autistic rage at Trion. fuck those kikes.
>People still bashing Trion
>When Trion is dead
>Gamigo have the reins now
Reading comprehension is beyond some people.
Sounds good. See you in the next thread!
I could never choose between Battlerage, Defense, Shadowplay, and Auramancy, they are all so goddamn nice. Can anyone remind me how weapon types/armor types work per class again? I would go Abolisher/Blighter if I could tank with a 2h in a heartbeat, shame Defense is mostly focused on shields.
If I play with you, will we kiss?
I'm going to beat the goddamn corpse of Trion for what they did to Rift.
I'm mad too about Rift m8... but they are dead already (until Gamigo suprises us all with new retard shit like any fucking chink company)
Are you a cute girl?
hoe many times are they going to reboot this game lmao
i dont know whats more sad, trion rebooting the same game 4 times or the mongoloid cucks who will keep falling for the same bait
girls are gross dude
Gamigo bought arche cheap so they can do the last cash grab and let it die. Also my prediction of what will happen in 4 days....
>try it out and download it
>only get two character slots
>both are filled but i dunno wtf im doing
>wanna start new, delete character
>takes 24 hours to delete a level 10 character
Fuuuuuck, Im gonna forget about this shit
Wait why are people talking about this again
Completely p2w korean garbage, the reason the 'early times' were better is because everyone was benefitting from the pay to win items being super cheap due to the duplication glitch
I had a lot of fun snatching up houses and selling them to people for tons of gold, though.
>Trion worlds
>Not being greedy bastards
>Listening to the community
oh wait...
No seriously, fuck them, they fucked up every game they have touched (rift, defiance, trove, archeage) because they are the greediest bastards ever.
Rift was actually the best WoW alternative back in the old days, taking everything that made WoW good and improving it, and they fucked up.
They are just trying to pull an EA "we are the good guys!" because ArcheRage is a better server, and is a FUCKING PRIVATE SERVER.
oh man this brings back memories
unless this shit game is completely free with reduced grind and improved pacing its gonna fail again
its literally just a generic mmo wow clone with a small amount of building elements that took a billion years to do
it even railroads you all the way too like a shitty mmo
So in five days...
What Build can go solo for leveling then?
>pay to win mmo
This system was shit but at least comfy with friends
honestly when is a single fucking time any company, especially koreans, actually fixed their game in response to being called p2w? fucking never
I am still amazed how Trion managed to fuck ArcheAge so badly. For god's sake, it's not like they were releasing a new game to western audience - that shit was out for a year in Korea. And western version still somehow had launch problems.
Fuck them for ruining Rift.
Can some vet redpill me on the boat gameplay? I remember the sailing got me exited years ago, but the p2w and grind put me off.
>OS: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista , Windows 7
>CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo.
>Memory: 4GB System RAM
>HDD: 40GB.
>Graphic Card: GeForce 8000 512MB or >Radeon HD 4000 512Mb.
Is this still true or do I need to upgrade my toaster to play it?
>quick i'm out of cannonballs someone help
>nevermind i'm being boarded
>he has 20k health and 5k gearscore
the boats were literally just a launchpad for wallet warriors
>archerage needs 40gb hdd space
What the everloving fuck.
rock n roll
I loved this game so much. It would be perfect with just a sub model, stripping all of the cash shop upgrade enhancers. It has such a horrible reputation I think not enough people would come back even if they got it right.
Who needs compression anyway.
>being bad at driving
It was awesome.
>tfw you will never prone bone a ferran
why even live trion
>NA server
Yeah you fucking nigger I played on the NA server when it launched. That's what I'm talking about.
It's fucking dead now aside from cheating Brazilians and whale furries who haven't got bored dumping money into the cash shop.
Fuck off.
Blade Dancer, currently.
It's Battlerage, Shadowplay and Songcraft. The self buff from perform skills makes your skills hit like fucking crazy and you can dump your entire rotation on a dude in less than 2 seconds. It's pretty fun.
Just as a quick tip i learned very recently: try to get the 6th songcraft passive, the one that lenghtens your perform skill buffs. That helps a lot with getting the very end of your rotation buffed, especially if you're going two handed and lack attack speed.
Riding out into the open sea was fantastic. You could go fishing in the middle of nowhere and be interrupted by a big guild's trade caravan pushing through with pirates chasing them right behind, and it turns into a huge battle so you book it to shore before somebody decides to destroy your boat and lose you all of your fish.
You could stumble upon some half-collected sunken treasure packs surrounded by the ruins of player ships and a dozen bloodstains in the water, pick the rest of the treasure up and head back to sell it off in a major city, but find yourself being tracked and attacked by a scouting clipper from whoever found the treasure the first time, manage to kill them but now you have to come up with a way to get the loot to a major city when there are most definitely a few of their galleons standing guard at the nearest port and you can't sit still for long or you'll be found and killed.
It was great. The sailing and trade systems really enhanced the economy and guild politics. Looking out for pirates, purples, and mercenaries all the time, novel sea trade routes being discussed, trade plans that significantly impacted the economy, information and intelligence gathering, sea combat,
Sea combat was great. Boat vs boat stuff was hard to manage and you had to have somebody competent at the helm and some decent cannoneers, but the real fun was once you got close enough for players to actually attack eachother. So many creative uses of skills and combos you could pull off.
Oran'Thul is cancer and Nekbeard is personally verifiably a faggot.
My small guild has been doing sunken cargo ships for a while now. It's fantastic how all this crazy bullshit can happen to you.
We once thought we were being chased by a Harani boat that was actually pursuing another cargo ship. We got caught up in the middle of the fight and managed to take both ships down and sell their cargo.
This game is amazing. I love that feeling of risk associated with sea trading.
PFFFT Yeah right, Trion will put a stop to anything resembling fun
they can still make it p2p and with a cash shop
I don't seem to have the screenshots of anything from my inventory, but it was quite a fun game even after I returned in late 2015/early 2016. A number of changes, like Ship regrades, but it had some definite appeal, doing world bosses and the like.
Game had a great concept (might be outdated with black desert and others, but it was the last MMO i played)
But there was so many dumb design choices. I mean, people had to camp to by pure chance get a spot for their house (which in villages looked fucking terrible due everyone having entirely different architectural designs),
And getting those thunderstruck trees or whatever they were was retardedly hard (on the flipside, finding some poor smucks hidden woodfarm containing one was great)
And the gila grinding to get an actual ship holy fuck
Shit I will need to give it a shot
>might be outdated with black desert and others
still nothing better out there
the amount of stuff in archeage is huge but a lot of it is fucking useless
Honestly, out of all MMOs i've tried (anarchy online, EVE, extremely late WoW) this one's the best. But was marred by Trion's constant delay of updates and progress when russia and korea where miles ahead
Every time i consider going back to an MMORPG, or try an old one, i stop myself realizing it's probably filled to the brim with autistic minmaxers who have mastered every aspect and forced meta strategies into it.
It's definitely not outdated at all.
Even if it released today it would be considered revolutionary.
Black Desert is fucking garbage and I say that as someone who's played for hundreds of hours.
it's a real shame that an amazing game was driven into the ground by trino being spineless/scum and XL being retarded as well.
Don't get me wrong, this game IS about making your numbers higher. But the fun of it is finding what works best for you. There's honestly so many methods of making money and variables you need to consider, together with the risk of being robbed and the like. That's what makes it feel fresh.
I personally play this game for the thrill of risking what i have and coming off richer than before. There's no real milestone you need to minxmax towards to achieve, unless you settle one yourself.
The endgame is what you want it to be.
some people on russian servers used to say that trion servers are better never believed them
This is exactly why I'm not even going to bother with classic WoW. The Twitch crowd is one thing, sharding is another, but poopsocker classicbabies who've been playing on every single private server since their inception and who've mapped out the entire game in their minds just isn't fun. Half the fun of MMO's is experiencing things for yourself, and having other people experience things alongside you. Playing a solved game just doesn't appeal to me.
Do you guys think a general over at /vg/ would work? Do we have enough people to sustain that?
I feel like this game severely lacks documentation and discussion, the only place to go for information is r*ddit.
How did you make so much money?
Please respond. Am poor as fuck.
As soon as someone tells you how they make money, that method becomes outdated. That being said, selling lunagems from the Honor Shop can fetch you a nice profit, you just gotta do the daily events of your nation.
You can also look into trade running if you already have patron. Costs a shit load of labor but it's truck simulator for gold without any real risks if you're doing it in your own territory and during peace times where theres pvp. Always check mat prices and demand for packs (shift+O ingame) where you want to sell them, though.
Oh, I already knew all that. You must have put in some really heavy grind to make that amount of money then if that's the method you used.
post cat ass
I'm not the guy you originally replied to, i just thought you were new to the game and figured i could share how i started out.
Does anyone else wish they were some kind of Asian, not because of the chicks or food or being a weeb but just because of the orderly rows of housing in asian server land plots where they worked together to maximize space compared to the slapdash retarded shit we had in western servers?
Oh no, I'm very experienced in the game. On Live I have a full blown car, had a load of property (before the wipe last October) and a 5k gear score. Hell even on ArcheRage when I started playing that, I'm now 5k GS with 20k in the bank easy.
It's just that guy has an insane amount of money, and I'm not sure if it's legit.
Thank you for being a cool dude and trying to help me out though. What an absolute lad you are.
Didnt get to play Archeage before, sell the classes to me, anons.At least your main if not all
play female dwarf healer
>archeage releases their new server a year ago
>make character
>join guild
>hit max level
>get land
>make one of the first schooners on the server
>set up a cheese farm
>grinding for flippers for 50 hours
>finish a cheese run then steal the cheese of people that have to drop their cargo because they drive like a chink
>no reason
>no appeal
>bye fag, hope you didn't want to play our game
Battlerage basically stun locks you and shit outs damage.
Shadowplay works with literally every other class, no exceptions (also helps battlerage stunlock you more), take stealth.
Songcraft makes you(and your allies) hit harder and faster AND makes your opponents hit softer and slower. All while having some pretty killer passives.
>Wanting Yea Forums to play pay2win trash
Might be advisable to wait for their announcement before making a general. That being said, there are plenty of Borderlands shitters making dead generals for their game that isn't even released yet.
>Yea Forums
>playing p2w trash
Oh the irony.
OS Runescape is literally the only example I can think of.
this game is very comfy though, gonna get myself some land and tend sheep. pvp is for faggots and is boring unless it's a multiple raids shitfest in the sea
I've never played Archeage but was always interested in it's sandbox nature. Is it worth checking out the private server as a newbie?
>yet antoher weeb MMO
oh boy I bet this is gonna be so fun and original
nice bait fren, you deserve a reply
I'd say yes just to experience what the game mechanics are like.
Archeage is a fucking genius mmo covered in an extreme layer of bullshit to keep it from being a fantastic game.
These trips remind me of Planetside 2, Tribes, B.o.t.s online, s4 leauge and mini fighters
Fuck this world
I'll give it a stab.
Anything I should know before going in? (build traps, what to look for or avoid, etc)
Are you sure you didn't call everyone a nigger?
leveling is pretty basic
pick battlerage or archery+auramancy and shadowplay or songcraft for basic bitch builds
or sorcery+witchcraft +anything if you want to go caster
it's hard to explain all the different shit there is to do at max level but don't expect to be able to compete in gear unless you play for 6 months of hardcore grinding or spend a few thousand dollars
>don't expect to be able to compete in gear unless you play for 6 months of hardcore grinding or spend a few thousand dollars
lol wtf
I don't think so.
My character might have been a black human named tyrone though that wore nothing but a black speedo.
yeah it's a lot easier to get gear on archerage so it doesn't take as long
they give you a free set of high tier gear once you hit level 50 if you go to your account and ask for it
>it's hard to explain all the different shit there is to do at max level but don't expect to be able to compete in gear unless you play for 6 months of hardcore grinding or spend a few thousand dollars
I was kind of expecting that, especially on a private server where people probably have been maxing their characters for a while now.
Thanks for the info and wish me luck that I don't get giga-ganked too hard.
just running around and looking at everyone's houses pimped out with cosmetics is fun as hell
if you get high enough level to make a clipper so you can run around the sea make sure you get a booster and maybe buy a higher level of sail so you can go fast
the basic problem with the way gear works is there is a tier level and a enchantment level
each level of both is significantly harder to reach than the last and the powerlevel is exponentially higher
everything is boe and everything you do in the game is to acquire gold, a lot of the ways to make gold are harder for a newer player because player housing is limited or an undergeared player because pvp can be a good moneymaker and an inability to defend yourself can really hurt your bottom line
Just play wow classic you fucking snowflake.
Hold on, the timer says 4 days. Doesn't gamescom start in 4 days too? Gamigo is a German company, which means whatever is coming will be presented there with a playable build, right?
Who in Aria here? Cat niggers need not to reply.
>Join a guild call Somali Coast Guard
>We were pirates
>Roamed the seas and stole shit
>My class had a ranged rope grab
>Would sit on the bow and rope niggas off their fucking boats and jack their shit
>Could lurk in the water, rope niggas off their boats and jack their shit
Game was fun as fuck, shame the Jewtastic microtransactions ruined it
What do you mean?
I don't think it is a new game, it's a new server with less p2w hopefully.
But they might shill the game over there at gamescom, which is an extremely good idea if they really plan on unfucking it.
Classic servers when?
A shame I missed the launch thanks to no friends wanting to play it. Only tried it in the second expansion where it was decent. I wanted to wreck shit with my aoe life steal tank build...
>second expansion
first expansion*
got to kill the last big bad dragon and quit it to play GW2
the first expansion was the high point of Rift, you missed nothing.
According to the guys I played with around then, the first raid patch (water temple raid) was the high point of the game. The launch is always the best time in any game since you get to experience it before/as the meta sets in.
>4 more days left to dream before the dreams are crushed
Oh god not sure what I would do if they just trolled us.
I need something to play, the whole classic hype made me crave for a MMORPG so badly fuck..
general when?
So what exactly is happening in 4 days? total reboot? massive changes?
When it doesn't ruin everyones hope in 4days.
>So what exactly is happening in 4 days?
in 4 days the counter on this website
will reach 0
So it's a sandbox mmo? How is it different to black desert? honest question
archeage is actually fun in gameplay.
Probably massive changes to how the cash shop and labor works. I'd hate to see another fresh start since that'd split the population of all servers one more time.
BDO is a themepark with sandbox elements
archeage is a sandbox with themepark elements
both are honestly too themepark for my taste, but then 'sandboxes' are a big fat meme too honestly, the good old mmos were neither of the two, but more like pre-built sandboxes to keep the players from fucking things up too badly.
fishing is fun in archegae and an afk activity in bdo
>fishing is fun in archegae and an afk activity in bdo
A shame it's so fucking risky, though. Catching a boat full of fish only to be robbed is the worst feeling ever.
They're completely different games that only look similar at the surface level.
I remember one human city being incredibly beautiful. I will play again in 4 days just to reexperience it. Also driving around with my tractor was fun too.
did the massive fishing fleets it had at launch disappear after a while? i only played the game a few months right after launch
But it's what makes the game stand out. The only way to fish was in a group, bringing along some body guards to share your fishing boats with since you couldn't leave the helm and risk losing your boat if you got attacked
I don't know in what way BDO is supposed to be a sandbox game.
In ArcheAge you build your own house and garden where you grow stuff to craft, you build your own ship,galleon, fishing boat, or a diving suit and fins to go dive etc.
You can also plant stuff almost everywhere else, but it's not safe and people can steal it, but you can do the same.
If you steal or murder people, other players will through you into jail.
Almost everything was made by players back then it was so much fun.
>Best of the best gear was player crafted
>the regions in the north were claimed by having someone craft a special pack and you pretty much had to practice roman formations to defend them while they carried it
>the castles they built to defend them were completely designed and built by players, and they could do whatever they wanted with the land around it
>all the siege engines to assault these castles were built by players
>all of this was using player-gathered materials
one of the only MMOs in the past 10 years that actually felt like an MMO
I am tempted to reinstall it right fucking now, or should I just wait?
Don't, it's extremely pay2win and 99% of the playerbase left because of this. ded gaem right now.
>Heard this shit years ago and now i'm repeating non stop
t. Gamigo shill
enjoy your ~300 player pop on Steam
at least wait until we know what the fuck it even is.
Last I checked, you can still buy infusions from the real money shop to boost success rates of upgrading gear. Since its still very rng heavy high-grade gear is very expensive. AP potions to continue crafting without waiting are also still being sold in the real money shop, letting you effectively buy ingame currency to buy high-grade gear from the auction house. Just from browsing the Archage forums, some Russian guy topped the NA pvp scoreboard in 3 days by simply dropping 11.7k bucks on buying gear, earlier this year. Since every single rarity grade exponentially increases stats, even a single rarity grade difference is the difference between doing 1k damage per auto attack and 10.
But hey, please point out how this is no longer the case.
the other guy was asking about playing Archeage RIGHT NOW, not when the new server releases. atleast read what you are replying to.
I played the game years ago and I'm repeating it non stop, because it was true when I played. I haven't seen anything to indicate it's changed and the players I talk to haven't talked about it changing either. Hopefully that's what this thing in 4 days is about, and hopefully it'll revive the game because I really did have a lot of fun when I wasn't farming gold to pay for apex and labor pots so I could keep my land. Keeping up with taxes in Archeage was more stressful than paying taxes real life.
gear should not be upgradeable in these games.
daoc had the best crafting system. There was rng in the form of the quality %, but all this did was modify the base item. The top rng was a 100% piece, the worst you could get was like 84%, meaning armor would give 84% of its stats, weapons would do 84% of the damage, etc. Most people settled on the fairly common and easy to obtain 96%
So the difference between every day generic stuff and the absolute best was 4%
the spellcrafting system added another layer on top of this with its overcharge mechanic, but even trying to overcharge a 100% item you were still unlikly to end up with anything better than a 10% improvement gear wise over a normal 96% item spell crafted to its normal tolerances
>the new server releases
at least we know now.
I can tell you because i don't play anymore, my server Reckoning was pretty empty, so i built my own scout network with alts to do sunken ships (they are still in the game but they were nerfed in number overall across the sea and more labor per pack extracted). So i did it non stop for 2 months, you could buy labor potions in the AH, these potions have no cooldown, worst sunken ship were 160g+ and the labor potion was 100-130g at the time, with 1 potion you could pull up 3 sunken ships, 2 potions 7 ships.
Did around 20 sunken ships+/day, with scouts i barely lost anything to thieves in Freedich and i used to flip AH with all the gold i had to invest (most superior red regrade charms buy low/sell high)
it's worse now because the best gear is more expensive
They're completely different games. The gear system worked in DAoC because it's a PvP game that doesn't need a gear grind to keep players entertained. You can't really say the same for Archeage, as there are many players who just do the PvE for gear and ignore the other content entirely. DAoC crafting system in Archeage would literally kill the game.
someone refresh my memory
does this game employ an account name/family name/account ID system that causes you to be interacted with in game (friends lists, any ui element display) as anything other than the immediate character name you are playing as?
Because my mental illness has advanced to a point i can not handle this, and must avoid games that do it.
Imagine getting your hopes up even a tiny fraction for an MMO in 2019
IF the russian guy did this in 3 days, good for him? could have played 3 months dropping way less money into the game, he bought time with that amount.
Everything you said can be done in game without using IRL money, infusion are daily quests, potions you can use gold to buy and last...
>a single rarity grade difference is the difference between doing 1k damage per auto attack and 10.
PFFTTTTTT HAHAHA tone down the lie ok? say this next time "Higher grades has more hp"
>I played the game years ago and I'm repeating it non stop, because it was true when I played.
Explain how it isn't pay2win then, nigger.
Oh wait you can't.
I don't like the sound of that system either. If everyone could just go and craft their own near-best gear that's only 4-16% worse than the absolute best, they'd all just do that. It'd feel a bit more like just another singleplayer MMO where you just grind for materials and craft everything yourself. Having the best gear be (meaningfully) better than the rest AND impossibly hard to obtain facilitates trading, which facilitates the "MMO" part of "MMORPG". Even if you crafted half a dozen bows every day, you'd most likely never ever end up crafting a Delphinad Volcano Bow yourself, but odds are that someone somewhere ends up getting one, and if you want it you need to get it from them.
It's a pay to play server like rift prime was. $5/month for access, but it's also going to face the same issues as rift prime. Namely that they're going to have to update it for new content eventually, and that's going to make people quit.
Friend of mine went back to the game in January 2019 with nothing, grinded a Hiram Plate set in 4 months, 5th month was already in PvP as Skull Knight with 6k gs, not a single penny used to do this. Like you said yourself, years ago buddy... now go around telling everyone how p2w it is... you are just a bitter loser.
If the game has changed, I'd be interested in hearing about it.
It's p2w no matter how many stories you roleplay up.
means nothing unless you also include how fast someone with infinite money could accomplish the same thing
So we don't know whats actually happening in 4 days?
>5 months to hit 6k gs
People had 6k gearscore 4 years ago. Has the game really stagnated that much?
Des, is that you?
there is no reason to have multiple characters on the same account in this game because changing your class only costs about nothing
Game should just go B2P and dump ALL p2w features.
Since last year, a patch introduced Hiram items to the game, a chance to new players to catch up to old ones gear... not gonna lie you need to grind everyday to get Hiram gear you desire (Cloth for healing, Cloth for Magic dmg/Plate/Leather etc...) because this is a fucking MMO still, you can pay like any other game to catch up if you wish to do so.
in 6 months you gonna be PvP able, and in 6 months you probably gonna learn how to PvP low/medium/high geared people and the gold methods, dungeons and little stuff. Paying without prior knowledge is dumb and only thing you have to pay IRL if you wish to save gold in AA is the Apex (monthly acess to labor offline, rights to own land)
>korean game
>remove pay2win
Just wait user, wait till the timer is out and check what the announcement is about, it could be literally nothing.
but im asking if there is some alternate form of identification apart from character name that gets used
i hate those things and can not play games that do it
No, alts aren't automatically added to your family and there's no surnames or anything.
very good
i await the anouncement
Just because they weren't in the same guild doesn't mean they were pub groups.
Yeah nah, it's shit.
The guy with most gear on my server has about 17k
Why are you calling pugs pub groups?
What do you think pub is short for?
it cant do the same thing since he mentioned hiram gear but someone willing to spend silly amounts of money could probably get an equivalent of it in like a week, so thats a 4 months diference between p2w players and f2p players currently, although obviously now at least f2p players can be in the same playing field with just a few months, which was not the case in the past.
The best gear is tradeable so someone with infinite money can just buy the best gear as soon as they have a character to trade it to. Delphinad weapons used to go for thousands of dollars.
is the thing being talked about some kind of maximum progression cap?
Public. What the fuck does that have to do with the MMO term Pick Up Group?
gear based progression is so lame
man, the way some of you anons talk about early archeAge makes me feel like I missed out.
yeah, once you get to that part, its basically just minmaxing on what you want but it aint that hard once you get there once
>The best gear is tradeable
what is the best gear tradeable nowadays?
The only one who said anything about pugs is you. My point was that it's not necessarily a "pub" group even if the guild tags are different. Friends or elite players in different guilds grouping together does not mean the group is open to the public.
I will always say that the Alpha was the best modern mmo experience, it might be really stupid but im kinda hopeful on what gamigo is gonna announce, i only played on launch for a few months and on the first freshstart sever and even then it was fun but nothing trully compares to the alpha experience it was just so free.
You did, the closed beta and first month after release were magical.
I know I'm the only one that mentioned pugs. That's because I was wondering why the fuck you are calling a pug a pub group. So, why the fuck are you calling a pug a pub group?
Firrans have a based african culture and make excellent pirates.
Will probably take archery and shadowplay.
I'll roll, anything is fine.
>So, why the fuck are you calling a pug a pub group?
I haven't "called a pug" anything. I never once said "pug" outside of pointing out that you're the only one in this chain of replies to have used the word "pug".
That's the whole point you fucking double nigger. I never said you did use the term pug, I said you didn't. Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck is wrong with you retards?
I cant bother to read all the thread, when is the new server coming and will it be monetized like Trion did?
I remember having this exactly same thread last week, shills working?
After reading it all, it is like half of the 152 single IP posters in this are stuck in the past and spouting their past experience as reality. Really lame to be honest.
ArcheAge was a really good game, with new mechanics to Sea, great battles over Kraken and DGS for me when i retired, game was really p2w back then with people spamming their credit cards to buy Regrades, Apex to re-sell in game and RMT'd gold from the big guilds or Gold-sellers.
Did a bit of research, unlike these guys here talking non-sense, found out the game after losing tons of players and reducing NA/EU to couple servers, XL games with the original Dev Jake Song, he came back to change the game so new players would catch up with Hiram gear mechanics.
Seems like a good game now, but MMOs with low amount of players are bad, the announcement must be for a new progression server, which is cool! i still remember how fun was Morpheus rush.
>this exact thread last week
the announcement didnt happen until like 3 days ago you lying hack bitch. Stopped reading there.
Check back on 4 days, we'll keep you posted user
pretty sure the welfare set they gave out for free was 5.8k GS and took literally 0 effort besides logging into the site, and this was in 2015
May have been 4.8k honestly it's been nearly 5 years
That was other gear which i think no longer exists, i think it was the obsidian stuff were still a thing.
was obsidian gear removed? I think I was around 8k GS (or maybe higher, had full divine gear, mythic perfect costume+underwear, epic bow). I sold my account after my guild kinda broke up.
it was when* im sorry im retarded and thats why i like Archeage
Just wait for the announcement or play ArcheRage meanwhile.
oh wow look concept art
that's some of the most generic concept art i've seen in my life, is that all you have?
hes also got a battle royale cash grab :^)
So if i understand this correctly, this game is being made by some of the people who worked on Everquest Next, the game who had a side game called Landmark which was a voxel miner(popular trope at the time) to help fund it, and it eventually ended in the thing being scrapped with Landmark becoming it's own thing until that too got scrapped, now this Ashes of Creation has a BR(popular trope today) side game i presume exists also to help fund it and people don't realize where this is very clearly going?
how do I unsubscribe from your blog
But user! It will be full of innovative features like mixing and matching classess to create new classes! and 'no grinding', i bet you never thought of that? Its all so emergent and free! Dont you like freedom? To choose? Player choice matters! You can choose, your freedom. And whats best, is its definitely not going to be pay to win!
Remember to buy the $375 preorder pack to reserve your name.
>Everquest Next
More like "Everquest? Next."
>Published on Jun 2, 2015
>Published on Dec 13, 2016
Pretty much a TL:DR of this fucking thread desu
Bunch of retards talking about their 4years ago experience about the game and how they know everything.
>and Yea Forums told me
if you were smart, that should be a gigantic red flag for you
>trusting trion not to fuck it up
>the people who at every single point in the games lifespan went out of their way to fuck it up either with sheer incompetence or through malevolent cashshop garbage that they knew fully well would hurt the actual game
>the people who hired that freakish tranny
>the people who fucked up the auroria launch so badly that archerage despite being a shitty russian private server managed to do it better
Can't wait for archeage genesis and for this shit company to finally die
You typed all that up yet didn't read any of the thread.
Trion exists as an entity in name only because they are the owner of those intellectual properties, they were bought out and shucked by Gamigo.
>a shit company is bought up by another shit company
could have been worse and had nexon buy it but anyone who has hopes for this shit not to be riddled with p2w hasn't paid attention to any korean mmo or that entire bless online shitshow in the past 6 years
Except for the fact the company that bought and gutted Trion threatened to cease publishing ArcheAge if XL Games did not let them remove p2w aspects.
Your continued ignorance is a blight on this board and this thread.
You're either a shill or legitimately retarded to think they won't throw in p2w after launch
but can't expect anything less from Yea Forums the place that shilled garbage like bless online as the next upcoming mmo of the year and it died in a month due to absolute sheer incompetence
>He says that X company demanded to remove some p2w aspects
don't know if it is the same retard the whole thread, but if it is, wow bro good job.
Maplestory Reboot has no pay to win. Neither does Maplestory 2. If Nexon can remove pay to win, so can these people.
I fucking hate faggots like you who automatically call anyone who dares differ from their opinion a shill. You are weak minded, or downright mentally ill to think anyone who differs from you is getting paid to do so, explicitly to sell a product even.
Sure trolling everyone amirite? teehee you are so pesky user :)
>Neither does Maplestory 2. If Nexon can remove pay to win, so can these people
No instead they killed it by trying to make raids in chibi waifu simulator mythic raiding with overattuned raids that took insanely high end rng gear to beat and lied to everyone's faces when they said they didn't change anything.
the months of no content either except another overattuned raid that not even half the playerbase could do.
but keep hoping that some shit company already known for shoving p2w inside their products won't or won't fuck up the launch even worse than trion originally did
>insanely high end rng gear
it was never overtuned
the gear is ridiculous but it wasnt just the rng, it was pure lack of knowledge that gems and pets were as important as they are.
You are spouting the same dumbass talking points another user did earlier in the thread before being subsequently btfo.
You are bitching purely about p2w. When theres no p2w, you bitch about something else. You do not get to move the goalposts like that if you want to have an actual discussion.
Literally nothing is worse than trion. You could not fuck up ArcheAge any more than it already is. The only place to go is plateau, or up.
You can play it atm and isnt PW2
Why are the icons so ugly, fuck.
screenshot from from 2013 pretty good