How do you insult people and not get banned for it in 2019? Even if we invent new insults...

How do you insult people and not get banned for it in 2019? Even if we invent new insults, they will get listed by normies eventually. There must be loopholes to exploit. Extreme sarcasm maybe?

Attached: bannedlol.jpg (490x417, 40K)

The game has changed. Now you troll people by baiting them into being toxic and reporting everyone.

play better games

I just type the first letter then stars
E.g: n***** , f***** , k*** y*** s***

I unironically stopped playing R6S because the community is so fucking shit. I don't know what it is about that game but it just attracts the absolute scum of the internet, not even a full-ruski CS-GO match is as bad. And no, I don't give a fuck about their insults or whatever, it matters because people like that are impossible to actually work with as a team. This obviously makes a competitive team-based game very difficult and not fun to play.

Maybe shut the fuck up and play the game.

You troll them into saying nigger and watch as thy get a nice vacation.

Just play the fucking game instead of trying to shitpost everywhere.
If someone is making you so buttdevastated that you feel you need to insult them consider one of these solutions.
>git gud
>report/votekick them because they're griefing or whatever

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You play single player and couch multiplayer exclusively, idiot.

you can mute the text chat of the entire enemy team as soon as the game starts
there's nothing to be gained from talking to them

Reminds me of the time League was banning people years back for saying "GG" in-game. Really makes you think.

Yea, who the fuck plays online video games to talk to other people?
I want to sit in silence like the autistic white loser I am and say nothing so no one hurts anyone's feefees.

Ubishit's existence is toxic.

I don't give a fuck about what the enemy team are saying, in fact I actually like shittalking between teams. It's my own team that I find issue in. The people in R6S are fucking impossible to work with.

>You're a [Racial Expletive]

I used to be banned all the time but i found a way to stop it. i do all kinds of gay shit. they can't ban you if you dress up as a girl and kiss them. i dont like doing it but it works

maybe, just maybe hear me out on this but you could try being a little polite to others instead of lashing out like a raging autistic asshole everytime you don't get it your way?

call them silly liberals

Play games where they don't have a reporting system.
>hey guys lets talk about niggers
>I sure do hate niggers
>I don't mind niggers so much
>Niggers are alright people
>I only hate the niggers who don't cap the point, rest of the niggers are ok

Also report black people for saying the nigger word.

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Have you tried not being an asshole?
That's an option.

I have never ever been banned from any game ever, I have no idea how you get banned unless you go out of your way to do it.

t. underage faggots who cry about mean words

Play games where they don't have that bullshit implemented in them.
The moment you see a game being heavily policed that way by faggots, you know it's not worth playing. Either you get the freedom to do and say whatever you like in the given limit that always used to be or you don't at all.
All these new faggot rules are just being forced in, they were never an actual thing until more recently, don't treat them with any sort of respect, they're as retarded as they can get.

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Why should companies cater to people with sadism fetish where they only get satisfaction out of being able to antagonize people and having that person forced to listen to it?

Nah, when I see an idiot behaving like an idiot, I feel a need to call him out on it. Call me crazy.
Also reported for toxicity, don't call people assholes.

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you can't, the internet as we knew it is dead. maybe something new will pop up in the future

These two get it. "hey guys, my boyfriend is letting me play his games so please don't get mad if I'm bad! I'll show you girl power!" Then mass report. Some will say sexist stuff, some might say you suck, some might even say gg or give an okay emoji. Report all of them. The system is so broken that everyone will probably get into trouble. Adapt. Overcome.

not crazy, just idiot as well

Ah, a fellow TF2 player.

>Been constantly Team killing for the last 3 years
>Still not banned
Nice job Ubisoft

what does toxic exactly mean?

You have to use subtle insults to bait angry responses
>man I sure love trash strats
>gg bye bye
>I'm sorry that happened to you
>gg easy breezy beautiful covergirl
>gg all me
>oh sorry I was afk, what did I miss
>gg oui oui
>I'm gonna need you to cease
>wow what a lamer
>I'd like to apologize for [enemy player] he's new

Well to be fair, there are solutions the devs can use. Players being able to blacklist so you aren't matched again and/or blocks all communication. Or the offending player being put on mute for a time period instead of something as extreme as a ban.

You better watch it, keep insulting me and I'll call the cops on you.

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be creative you dumb nigger

Basically ruining the game for everyone else because you want to talk about how much you hate [insert race here]

You don't, people can't take any kind of bantz nowadays


That and intentionally play like shit to feed the enemy team.

>Screaming nigger is bantz
Can people be creative anymore?

>what does toxic exactly mean?
It means that your jests are beloved by both teammates and enemies alike, but some tranny got upset that people were enjoying themselves and had to start dilating.

Stop being mean?

>have weapon proficiency be distributed to different attributes for different weapons rather than tie it to one (e.g. endurance for shotguns, speed for SMGs etc.)
>proficiency allows player to be able to reload faster, increase accuracy, and be able to use higher tier weapons of the same kind, as well as gaining abilities such as akimbo mode for pistols and smaller SMGs, crouched fire for machine guns, bullet time for revolvers
>firing modes for certain weapons
>weapon damage not proportional to proficiency and is instead constant, with damage dependent on what kind of bullet is being used
>weapon mods are dependent on both proficiency and intelligence
>ammunition is not abundant, but not in complete scarcity as well, with weapons in reasonably high prices rather than having shit weapons at shit prices
>health system that makes fights quick (e.g. counter-strike), but shots to the limb are non-fatal regardless of how many hits and instead render characters crippled/crawling/unable to use anything, endurance increases health and damage resistance but only marginally and not to the point where characters become bullet sponges
>headshots are guaranteed death unless with good gear, and even then would leave you at an inch of life
>bullets do not travel infinitely and only deal maximum damage at certain distances, interface that highlights when targets are at maximum damage distance accessed via proficiency
>cover system that allows you to stick to to a viable position to let you peak from them, and allow you to switch/exit positions, but speed of moving/detecting positions dependent on perception attribute
>bullet penetration is present, but depends on the bullet and material being penetrated

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being mean

Why insult them though?

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Have you played siege?

I thought trannies don't play games?

use ur mic next time nigger
Nobody is going to waste there time to report you and record u

Because they deserve it.

Sure, just pretend that everyone that has a problem with the shitty hugbox that modern online gaming has become just wants to scream nigger, that way you don't have to actually think about anything or consider the fact you're a thin-skinned little girl who can't handle anyone being even slightly unpleasant

voice bans are fine in things like dota 2, where the communication wheel is probably more than enough to get through pub or even ranked games.

But in Rainbow 6? How do you use the chat wheel to tell someone that the enemy is using X hole at some wall? Leaving that voice banned person alone to queue with normal people is just saddling one team with a handicap.

>never heard of gdq
Also, they play online games for the brief period between when they reach a popularity threshold, and die out because they're far more obnoxious than whatever "toxicity" they whine about.

Imagine getting mad at video games LMAOOOOO

b**** and r********

THIS cuck is PROUD that he REPORTS TOXIC BEHAVIOR before watching TYRONE fill his WIFE with CUM

>samefag ITT complaining about R6S
Looks like Autistic_Frog is at it again.

Maybe just don't be a toxic piece of shit?

If you are over the age of 18 and trash talking I just laugh it off because I know you're effectively a man-child with a shit life and shit mental state.
t. chad.

i copped a two week ban in GW2 because i was talking about how stupid unskippable dialogue is in an MMO in map chat. fucking niggers

Hardly anything has changed. You'd have to be a huge sperg who can't control their autism to get banned from online vidya.

tfw have done this multiple times without consciously realizing what im doing

Just don't insult people, and don't use curse words. You can critique peoples game play and decisions without getting banned if u don't do those two things

wow, the irony of your post was totally lost on you wasn't it?

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passive aggressive ironic compliments.
or if they're really bad at the game and still won't shut up, point out their mistakes constantly.

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Reported for toxicity. :^(

You use voice like you always could you stupid fucking faggot, are you mentally impaired?

Rent free

>cuck score
Trannies act the same way on Yea Forums.
Everyone's having a great time, and some dilating tranny slams the report button because they got upset at how much fun everyone was having, then the tranny jannies come to shut it down.

I don’t insult people

If you're joining a game to talk to people instead of playing the game, then you might as well.
It'd be a step up from where you are now, bothering legit players with your needy attention seeking.

Sounds like a bigger handicap would be having to be on the same team as a tranny, who AFK's as soon as they hear something they don't like to spam report it before 40%ing themselves.

Yea, fuck talking to people, I'm an autistic white loser so everyone else should be too.

I love how you faggots imagine someone on the other end upset and crying when they report to ban you and not an actual troll who simply knows how to bait you into getting banned and knowing he hurt you where it matters. They know what they are doing and laughing their ass off the whole time.

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>blacklist so you aren't matched
That gets abused, because everyone just blacklists people who are better than them. I remember hearing one story about an Overwatch player who was so good, he legot couldn't get any matches due to the number of people blacklisting him.


Maybe find other words to say, and you won't get banned. Is one word legitimately that important to you?

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gg all me


Oh, I'm sure that's how it goes. It sounds like you're having a bad time here if you're so convinced that things are stacked against you, champ. Have you thought of leaving this board?

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That's entirely his fault for play Oversoi.

>using the word toxic outside from its original meaning
Mean words are not poisonous you amerifaggots.

Play games with dedicated servers. I still find some that don't have active admins or specifically allow trash talk.

Speaking of which, does anyone like to talk trash just because it's fun, and not because they're trying to be a griefing asshole? I always play the game properly, help teammates, etc. but I still find it fun to talk trash as part of the competition with someone. It's always great to find someone else who won't take it seriously and enjoys it too. But I get tired of stupid assholes who don't even play the game properly and just try to be an epic troll the entire time.

>Have you thought of leaving this board?
And let the trannies win?

>immediately starts thinking about a black man's penis
You got mental issues.

>Speaking of which, does anyone like to talk trash just because it's fun
That's literally the only reason to play online games.
If you're not talking trash, you may as well just be playing with bots.

friendly reminder that this is the kind of person who makes these threads

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But they outnumber you by an immeasurable amount, at least by your estimate, and you're just you. Surely you're never going to get very far.

In NK, there is a unique form of protest that is, simply, to sing patriotic songs very loudly and passionately. You can't go to prison for that, but it still works.

>Play games with dedicated servers
Compared to pre 2008 pc era all the way back to the 90's , most of today's games don't have support for dedicated servers.

use hex code when you insult someone.
Try this.
66 75 63 6b 69 6e 67 20 6e 69 67 67 65 72
You won't get banned and you can claim that the player is too stupid to understand it.

That's true, but there are still games active from that era. Another bonus is that a lot of them don't have cash shop bullshit.

>calls others redditors
>is actually an election tourist from r/the_donald
Why do they always do this?

Treated as a concession. +2 to my opinion. Thanks.

Tfw my name is all in kanji on bnet and I have people constantly calling me a chink and fuck china, go eat dog etc. I just say thank you, have a great day then report.

Go back to shit like how we called niggers googles for a little while

Extreme sarcasm/exaggerated "kindness" doesnt fool anyone and you'll still get banned for it like how people get banned for saying gg

Why is not one AAA making a shooter without this mollycoddling horseshit? It'd sell millions.

>the nigger word
kek'd audibly
Poetic use of the censored structure for the term, but chucking the term itself in there like a champ.

How do niggas even get banned in this shit? Can you simply not stop typing nigga when in game, nigga?

How hard is it to just no insult people you nigger faggot?

>protesting through fervent patriotism
sounds like the system is working, then.

big if true

Literally this. The people who review reports are on such a hair trigger that even if nobody hurls slurs at you they'll still probably get banned.

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as a retired troll i like to keep my insults positive . rocket leaug "what a save" , mhw "thumbs up picture" , just compliment them everytime they fuck up. that dead teammate was really good. and be polite for christs sake, never swear. the landscapes changed from when i was a little troll. im pretty sure the ignore feature was implimented universaly soley to conteract my online behavious.

I remember the days where bots in games like UT and Quake 3 would shittalk you too if you were getting your ass kicked.

Shut up tranny.

You better not have misgendered them when you replied to them. We know you replied. We all did.

My team sucks! I'm gonna tilt them even more so that I'll have no chance to win at all! Haha, that'll show 'em

Play on private servers.

i dont shit on my team when theyre doing badly but if someone says some shit to me and theyre not carrying best believe theyre getting lit up

ive gotten 3 perma bans from league this way

>how do I act like an underage /pol/tard and get away with it now!?
You don't. Thank christ. Enjoy the ban.

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Why do most /pol/tards look like underage mutts or fat spics.

One offense won't give you a permaban, if you're getting into it that much and that many people are reporting you, it's safe to say you're pretty shit at the game too. If you carry your carry in the start then they'll carry you at the end

>Well to be fair, there are solutions the devs can use
They have one. Banning you.

provide them with enthusiastic praise when they fuckup

you could simply not insult anyone

no, faggot, he really can't

Kek. Screencap of that caliber required effort. Props for that.

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then the culture went hard retard and never recovered



>"why aren't people allowed to banter anymore???"
>thinks that "get raped by a pack of niggers" is banter

There is nothing fun about taunting others, at least to me. After three years of playing mario kart and smash with friends even though I take over 3/4 or so of the victories I don't boast, not ever.
Because it's not fun to tell others that you're good at video games. I'm all for telling weaklings to git gud at games like DMC, Souls, Cuphead etc. but boasting just makes you look like an ass, always has, for every hobby, and always will.

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Anyone against shit-talking is a pussy. Either autistic, tranny, low test or all 3. It's a universal truth.

i take 4/4 victories and call my friends useless niggers
maybe if you tried you would be good at video games like me

it's losers with anxiety disorders and bougie corporate drones mostly

i mean its tribe and lefties are all butthurt qbout proper labels, but it shouldnt be a ban

looks like banter to me

>haha I win post

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Try coming up with insults that don't just revolve around saying words you think will offend them. Nobody gives a fuck about getting called "nigger" or "faggot" in a game, but it actually stings if you call them out for whatever the fuck stupid shit they did, and not only will it not get you banned but it also might spur them to think about how they're playing and not do the same dumb shit again.

Also, this should obviously only apply to your own teammates, if you're trying to insult the other team you're either going to come off as a butthurt bitch or just somebody who needs therapy depending on the situation.

This is a good point too. Sometimes shit's already hopeless and talking shit's all there is left to do, but a lot of times you can actually turn a match around with what you say to your teammates, especially if the problems are mostly bad plays. You don't even have to be nice about it, sometimes you can be harsh and prod the team into winning if you're not just a shrieking autist about it. That obviously only works if you're actually good at the game and know what the fuck you're talking about, though, otherwise you're right back to being the whiny bitch who insults the whole team despite doing no more to contribute than anybody else.


Good job, retard, you got the joke

Tell them that they're a nigger. Then leave.

Things I don't like

>getting upset over words
>words from a complete stranger on the internet
It's one thing if someone said it to your face IRL. If you think the internet is anything but a place for people to be their true immature selves you're probably as boring of a faggot in person as you are online. Dilate.

Own your own server you fucking gaylord.
Stop playing games where you have to be on their shit.
Any faggot could ban me for anything from anywhere.

>join game
>say nothing
>team is really annoying
>get sick of them and start throwing real hard
>team starts raging a little
>still say nothing and throw even harder
>team finally loses it completely and start calling me a retard/faggot/nigger
>still say nothing and report them all
fuck it, if I'm going to be forced to play games under this shitty report system i might as well use it to my own advantage

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By not acting like you're on Yea Forums outside of Yea Forums you fucking retards.
Everytime I see one of these threads it's because you jackasses were calling people niggers and telling them to kill themselves.
Of course that shit's gonna get reported anywhere that isn't here.

yes, reporting people simply because you know that people that get mad playing games will get mad being banned is the best game there is
no sympathy for the xanax monkeys that get hurt feelings over video games tho.

>stop resisting censorship culture
>just follow the rules man
>this is just Yea Forums behavior

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He's correct. Try a real argument

Arrest yourself
Go to bed

>say nigger
>gets banned
KEK, maybe stop being an autist

woah buddy i don't think anyone can think of a counter for the argument "he is correct"

(You) need to dilate and commit 40%.

Any game that uses "toxic" to describe being a baaaad wittle boy is not worth your time. The devs are worthless cucks and they likely are also pozzed up

>play overwatch
>teabag after every kill
>post lenny face in chat
>people get angry and talk shit
>report them for abusive chat
>cant report back cause i broke no rules
feels good logging back in and seeing "thank you for your report" the next day

>sit in silence and play worse if you obviously have tilted teammates
>they kick off and start acting "toxic"
>report them
>they get banned
thats how you troll in 2k19 goyim

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Common sense tells you that 90% of the shit that gets posted here is only posted and accepted because it's an anonymous website.
You fucks go on Overwatch or whatever other game is popular these days and call people niggers and say shit just to piss people off and then throw a hissy fit when it works and you get banned for acting like edgy little kids.
It's not about censorship culture,it's about not being a dumbass.

reporting u for virtual sexual assault and implied homophobia

They can't, shit talkers suck at games.

They also suck at shit talking, but at least there they can tell themselves that quantity equals quality.

Embrace the gregorpill and become the silent slayer of the lobby.

This works so well you'll even get the occasional salty post from an user who fell on Yea Forums, or on /vg/ if your game is in that cesspool.

this has never happened to you even once

you'd be wrong

You are missing the point, is censorship the natural state of things? Why accept this as the status quo?

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no i wouldn't

>maybe 1 out of 10,000 players reacts this way
>the rest mute/ignore your autism


Looking up this image on the archives is always good for a laugh, you are more pathetic than that guy ever was

Thats amazing user, got any moar? Might reinstall some of the big games if they are full of serious tryharders

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Case in point.

Its extremely easy to insult players without resorting to slurs and expletives. Sorry you have to resort to “nigger” to get your point made. Maybe you should take a break, you double nigger.

Because the censorship it agrees with his personal agenda.

They want you to be quiet and stop criticizing them.

"excuse me, but have you simply thought of not blaspheming against the prophet muhammad?"
the nigger defense force is the best part of these threads

very offensive post

Being a passive-aggressive dick works. Just say things that aren't explicit over and over and let them flip their lid so you can report. Things like questioning their skill, telling them to play a different character, asking why they are playing the role they're underperforming in, etc.

>Autistic_Frog is in this thread right now telling people to dilate because they're not dumb enough to spam "nigger" in game chat and then cry about it when they get banned

>typical delusional who thinks the moment anyone responds with criticism to their objectively bad opinions is "LE SALTY XDDD"
You can't commit 40% soon enough.

calling people trannies and telling them to dilate or commit 40% isn't offensive, it's just low effort shitposting

if you get banned for it it's because you're tiresome and predictable, not because anyone is actually upset.

if u reply u gay

totally not mad tho

Jesus christ dude, it was sarcastic. Did you even read through? I literally called him a double nigger, you kike.

extremely calm poster raised by a single mom

There's nothing wrong with being Jewish.

If you were good at gaymes, you wouldn't get this upset about banter.

It's not the fact but it's probably because OP was probably screaming nigger whole bitch and when you are playing online you need to have common sense and behave like an adult

>There's nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Attached: 1555860915411.png (262x289, 64K)

Ever heard about ICQ? Discord? Facebook? Mmorpgs? Pornhub comments section? Get your socialisation needs fullfilled there.

Voice chat and

Attached: w.gif (500x281, 2.12M)

get a load of this icq grandpa

I am just 28 years old boomer who killed diamond industry...

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Yeah it's basic powerlevel shit. Don't sperg out in public. Even the socially challenged denizens of Yea Forums have historically been able to do that much so I don't know why so many people have trouble with it nowadays.

You're literally in your room alone right now sipping on a latte grinning to yourself like a freak thinking that people are behaving in a certain way to fulfill your wet dream of schadenfreude. Anyone who has been through the "U MAD" spamming horrors in the past decade knows that the people screeching it are often the most troubled. "Salty" and other variants are just that except version 2.0. It's honestly a little more pathetic each time I see it happening, keep your chin up nigga.

it's tea actually, and you're still mad

>How do you insult people and not get banned for it in 2019?
Call them nazis, incels, virgins, manbabies, mysognists, alt righters, trumpkins, etc. It's really easy and 100% socially acceptable.

>permantly banned
they gonna give you back the money you paid too? Seems a little bit like a scam.

fetch me some cold green tea boi
this guy is living the dream

I dunno what you gys are arguing about but I just wanted to but in and say you sound like a faggot. Cheers! :)

just beat kids and friends out anger

subhuman spotted

when you "buy" a game it isn't really yours you are just leasing the game

just give 'em the chargeback

No because it's in the TOS you're paying for the multiplayer experience and you forfeit that experience if you break their rules.

I mean, I get it. But it still feels weird. Giant companies banning people for saying get gud but letting people call each other incels and nazis really doesn't sit well with me.

god you're still seething over this?

rent free

You insult people by using your brain and creativity in new ways dumbass.
Don't fucking copy what you see on Yea Forums and just proliferate it on some other video game platform, but make up your own insults you dickless dog.

why do you care?

the guy he's following around comes from the_donald, so he'll be spamming that image for ten years
he'll accuse you of being autistic frog for just acknowledging him

instead of shitting on people over chat in game, why not just relieve stress through domestic abuse like they did in the old days

>objectively worse beverage
>still spamming
Think you schizos need to take your meds already. Literally no one in this thread is getting upset yet you're still repeating the same phrase ad nauseam. Fishing for a screencap to post on reddit or something?

Calm down autistic frog

Absolutist freedom has never been tried because it doesn't make sense.

>tea is worse than sugary milk coffee

Feels good getting proven right lmao. Hang in there bud.

you convince companies to bring back private servers
matchmaking sucks a giant dick if you want to have fun

>liking bitter dirt water
Even though coffee sucks ass I'd rather drink the version of it that's an obvious improvement over that swill. Caffeine addicts will be caffeine addicts I guess.
I mean, I know what time of year it is, but my God.

I never knew heihachi got into drug dealing

Nice try, Rabbi.

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Play better games.

>Be racist in mordhau
>Someone attempts to kick you
>It fails
>attempt to kick them
>It succeeds

play better games

Attached: 1562047516731.jpg (640x794, 80K)

>Game dies

> Dota has Social Credit System
Valve surely knows how to please their Chinese overlords.
