Daily reminder that Gamefreak will NEVER create a Pokémon game this good looking

Daily reminder that Gamefreak will NEVER create a Pokémon game this good looking.

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Literally who are you quoting

I want the "Pokemon should be BotW" meme to end. Pokemon shouldn't be anything like that. It should just emulate the anime, but with live players rather than NPCs. In other words, be an MMO. And Game Freak/Nintendo will never allow that because it would destroy the handheld games. Though it looks like Sword/Shield may do that as well...

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I don't understand why they don't just outsource it to a competent dev.

That looks empty and barren as fuck. What amazes me is that it DOES look better than anything from GF.

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>empty field
>empty ocean

There are very clearly pokemon in the fields and ocean, user.

Who says these worlds would be empty? Imagine going scuba diving in coral reefs filled with Pokémon. Wouldn't that be fun?

It was fun indeed.

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>I want the "Pokemon should be BotW" meme to end
>but I also want Pokemon as a MMO
nah man, people just want a decent graphical upgrade thats actually immersive, the BOTW style would fit well with the series but they could also try many other things

>you only say that when someone greentexts newfag

People would bitch about these graphics. There's nothing to look at besides clean celshaded models. It isn't good, it isn't anything.

>I want the "Pokemon should be BotW" meme to end.
finally someone with tast-
>In other words, be an MMO.
never mind.

Probably because Game Freak doesn't want to split the revenue even further. Though between Town and the quality of the yearly Pokemon titles it seems like money is the only thing still motivating GF to work on the franchise.

>but with live players rather than NPCs
Fallout 76 is a perfect example of why that idea is retarded.

Gamefreak will NEVER make a Pokemon game worth buying ever again.

Any sane person would stick to Gens 1 through 5. Anything after that is shit.

there is a sense of scale absent from every pokemon game

>mfw when I'm getting nostalgic over XY and thinking it was better than SuMo

Oh fuck, was SM that bad that it made XY good or was XY actually good?

I wanna ride my arcanine ;)

Pokemon into a MMO is a worse meme. Why ask for litteral who's running everywhere, wanting to fight you with either their shitty adventure team or smogon copypasta; never resulting in a balanced nor enjoyable fight ? You'd have to change the core mechanics to have a good MMO out of pokemon

You can fix one but the others continue to stagnate. Which do you choose?
Hard Mode: pick two and the last one gets even worse.

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That looks awful, also KANTOOOOO.

Put everything on postgame content.

>nah man, people just want a decent graphical upgrade thats actually immersive,
All Pokemon Sword/Shield needed to do was use the same repetitive formula, but make it look like the anime. Didn't even need to make it immersive. A few people like me quit the series because we got tired of it being so repetitive and lacking immersion. But 99% of fans still want the same regurgitated shit. They could have even got away with keeping it 2D. Game Freak have only themselves to blame for trying to go 3D. Then half assing it.

>the BOTW style would fit well with the series but they could also try many other things
The style maybe, but not the free roaming world. Which is why I'm saying people need to stop pushing the BotW meme. To make a free roaming game work, you need to have so many gameplay and design changes. Game Freak hasn't even been able to polish the crap they've been doing for 7 gens. Imagine if they tried to make a new game that requires them to change literally every mechanic in the game.

Keep Pokemon exactly the same, but just improve the visuals to be cel shaded and look like the anime. That's all they need to do. Not a free roaming open world.

Pokemon is already a single player MMO. It just replaces live players with NPCs. The next logical step for the series would be an actual MMO with live players replacing the NPCs. But Game Freak would never be able to implement it so they should never try. As I said.

>a game nothing like Pokemon shows how it's a stupid idea for Pokemon

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>get rid of gym leaders, training archetypes, evil teams, rivals, Pokemon Centers, and shops
>this will somehow make Pokemon better

I didn't say to get rid of any of those things. Try again.

what is this new tranny meme

>"I want to get rid of all the NPCs!"
>"What? I didn't say to get rid of all the NPCs!"

t. newfag

NPCs on the field. The ones that randomly challenge you. They can be replaced by humans. Heck, you could have both AI ones and human ones. The point is, getting more human player interaction besides just the post game. Also, you can open up trading with human players. Need a specific kind of berry or ran out of repels? Talk to someone out on the field and get more.

good meme tranny
I'm sure you'll take Yea Forums by storm with this fresh material

What did he mean by this?

I hope nuzlocke is possible in new sword and shield otherwise I will not bother - modern pokemon is disgustingly easy

who are you quoting?

So basically the PSS from gen 6 except it ties your handheld game to an always-online connection. Sounds genius.

Dive was the only good HM