>best girl
>best ost
i think platinum win
>best girl
>best ost
i think platinum win
Other urls found in this thread:
This game will inevitably flop
too bad I have to justify owning a switch
>Switch first party
>will flop
>first party
Don't have a switch to play it on but it looks good and I hope the people that are hype for it have fun when it comes out.
With the revision out and the Lite launching soon, you're bound to find cheap older Switch models if you don't want the cheaper Lite.
If you play mainly docked or portable with the charging cable ready or have a power bank, then the shorter battery life isn't a big deal.
Switch games make mad bank even if they're garbage user. The Bloodstained situation made me realize that it doesn't matter how bad a release is, or what better options you have, the Switch port was total dogshit and it outsold every other superior version combined.
Yes? Are you retarded?
Her head looks weird as hell
Hopefully main story is longer than 15 hours
You're retarded
You're a good user
gtfo tripfag
Leave aceman the heck alone, he’s cool.
How is the game not first party you dumb retard. Nintendo owns the IP.
>dump images with one word irrelevant comments
>supporting tripfags ever
end yourself
oh sweetie , Nintendo bought Platinum Games a long time ago, you must be living under a rock
>best ost
>posts some shit from 2000s
Technically it's second party, but so is Pokemon and Kirby.
First party means that they develop for a certain company or console only. At best they would be considered a second (Or third even) party. One that favors Nintendo. Astral Chain's IP is owned by nintendo. But they still make games for other people. It's just that Nintendo is the only one that works with them best.
By your logic smash bros is second party because it's developed by bandai namco
Is this the theme of a police station or a European dance club? Geez
both you faggots are wrong , its not the games that are categorized as first party, second party but the developers
Companies use first and third party to refer to the publisher.
It's as first party as TW101 which did flop for what it's worth.
What Platnium game hasn't flopped aside from Nier Automata?
Right. But I'm saying that Astral Chain can't really be considered straight up first party outside of it being a Switch only game. I mean, I guess if you really want to consider it one anyway then I guess I can't say anything else.
>another title from an established series
Wow fammy, and unlike Nier Automata it doesn't have it's fan service to sell on.
Lol we must have played different metal gear games
Nintendo bought Platinum, you dunce.
>d-d-d-d-doesn't count!
Ok retard
Maybe in a different timeline user.
Well watch as astral chains sales count fails to meet 200k units.
WTF is second party developer? What count as one, cause there's a lot of other company that only makes nintendo games but aren't owned by nintendo
What you said is true, but Nintendo themselves list Astral Chain as a "first party" game, don't blame us.
Nintendo itself list AC as first party, if you download the source here.
You get the official nintendo investments briefing document where they list AC as first party.
Well damn. I guess that's that then.
Don't worry man, you aren't the enemy, is the port-begging fags.
That was on the Wii U, everything on the Switch sells, even Wii U ports.
When Bayo 1 and 2 got ported to the Switch, they outsold the Wii U versions´ life time sales in like 2 weeks or something.
Except sushi strikers.
LOL no.
> there's a lot of other company that only makes nintendo games but aren't owned by nintendo
That's the description of a second party game dev
They have free will over their own dev studio and company but they only produce Nintendo hardware exclusive games, pretty much like rareware used to be like in the 90s
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe not only outsold the Wii U version, it outsold the Wii U itself
The First Parties are the platform owners.
>Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony
Second Parties are related to the First Parties, but for one reason or another they aren't completely under the First Party
>Game Freak, and Atlus
Third Parties are completely independent companies that can work on any of their IPs, for any playform.
>Team Cherry, and EA
anyone got the ass webms?
Meh, seems like an okay ass.
>visible pantyline through leather shorts
Game Freak and Atlus are both fully 3rd party studios, Nintendo just owns Game Freak's only successful franchise and Atlus is super autistic.
>tfw it ends up selling well and leads to more collabs with nintendo
can't wait to see PS4 only poorfags seeth
>Nintendo just owns Game Freak's only successful franchise
Yes, making them a second party. We have this same exact back and forth every thread and you never learn.
Holy fuck, I didn't notice until you said that
This. The game would sell if the sister didn't look like she had fetal alcohol syndrome.
"second party" is just jargon video game folks spout, it's literally just first party or third party. you can have first party games done by outside studios, but it's still first party.
Why are you all so excited for a kiddie game? You're not teenagers, are you?
Sushi Strikers really is an outlier, but the whole thing makes it sound like it was a 3DS game (it is) pushed to have a Switch port
>"second party" is just jargon video game folks spout
Okay? All words are usually just said by people.
>it's literally just first party or third party.
Well, the "video game folks" disagree with you on this.
the video game folks also coined the term "core" game which is retarded
You mean the Core Gameplay Loop? That's pretty important to game design.
This is coming to pc and ps4 in like a year right?
no, "core gamers"
I remember back then when gaming mags just use players
Never ever
That makes Pokemon second party, not Gamefreak itself
Okay, well "players" includes mobile shit and madden fans.
That looks pretty fun
Yes, but gamer talk also says things that are "hardcore" gamers but are actually casuals.
My point is that it's all marketing speak vs. established terms of what first and third party mean i.e. point of view.
Pokemon is partially owned by Nintendo. What the fuck would it be considered anyway?
Anybody that unironically uses the term second party outs themselves as retarded.
Pokemon is a first party franchise but the developer isn't owned by Nintendo
So for instance, something like Cadence of Hyrule is a second-party game because it was made by a studio that Nintendo doesn't own but the game's IP is owned by Nintendo.
The PS4 Spiderman game is another good example: developed by non-Sony owned studio Insomniac but Spiderman's IP is owned by Sony still
With LM3 in Fall, this is a solid second half of the year for the Switch, not even including non-first-party exclusives like MUA3 and DXM
>best ost
Not nearly as kino.
Cadence of Hyrule is a third party game with exclusivity. Same with Spider-Man. How is it a hard term? Same with Bayonetta 2 (note the publishing is co-owned with Sega there).
I think DXM isn't third party exclusive since Marvelous is publishing it in Japan.
congrats on finally accepting it haha
I'm really hype and even brought the collectors edition (lmao get dabbed on amerimuts) but I really hope there is an option to disable the pauses in combat
I have seen some people suggest it is to give you more chance to execute combos so maybe it will be disabled on the highest difficulty like witch time in bayonetta.
Chances this game will be good?
Very high.
Good enough.
Just quit my job, have about $6k in the bank and not sure if I should buy this or not
Wow, that was awfully generic.
What? What aren't you getting here.
>Nintendo owns Pokemon, it's a first party IP
>Nintendo has made Game Freak, a third party company, their pokebitch
>this makes Game Freak second party
you guys playing as the girl or the guy?
i think it will be good, im more worried about the length/replayability
>Cadence of Hyrule is a third party game with exclusivity
>a Zelda game is third party
Actual retardation if you believe this.
Guy because you're forced to interact with your twin, so you might as well self-insert to fuck your sister
Wow, that was awfully awful bait.
>not wanting to be fucked in your tight pussy by your big brother
What are you, gay?
It's technically a separate IP using another franchise. So it is mostly third party using Nintendo's IP.
Don’t. You shouldn’t buy pointless things like video games unless you have disposable income. If you don’t have a job and aren’t making money then you don’t have disposable income
I'm leaning towards the girl, simply because the trailers all seem to pushing her and I've already sort of gotten used to her as the protagonist.
Game Freak still makes games for other platforms. Second party implies ownership of the studio.
I’m ready I already preordered the deluxe edition from Amazon.jp
Dude using Amazon japan is easy
The sister for about the same reasons as . They're also pretty blatantly telegraphing that the one you don't pick will turn heel and it just seems more appropriate for the brother to do it.
I want my big titty black waifu with gray hair and glasses
>first party developer: Nintendo studios EPD or owned subsidiary like Monolith or Retro
>third party developer: studios not owned by Nintendo; e.g. Game Freak, Platinum, Intelligent Systems, Namco Bandai
>first party game: game published by Nintendo
>third party game: game published by third party publisher like Capcom or Square-Enix
There is no such thing as second party. I don't get why this is so difficult.
Just because you can't dismiss what I said doesn't make my post bait.
I'll dismiss what you said, then.
Complete opposite of generic.
Generic synths and strings orchestra. I've quite literally heard a track like that a billion times.
this is what we all expected since fucking childhood
this is what we always needed
attention to the goddamn details
look at the clothing
look at that ass
there is DETAIL on it
the fabric changes
the shape changes
this shit was happeing back at ps2 with silent hill 3 bros, where did it got so goddamn wrong? we were after this all the time, attention to detail
I'm worried this game will only be 25 hours long.
That's long for a pure action game.
Maybe so but the European/australian special edition has a better box than the jap one
Kind of surprising Australia doesn't get the jap box though, seems like it would be cheaper to ship given its so close to Japan.
What? The japanese box is much better.
nier 3?
Halfway on my third playthrough of FE and Kino Chain at the end of the month, 2019 looking crisp
The game comes out in a few weeks, why hasn't Nintendo done a mini direct or even put a modicum of effort into advertising this game?
They make Twitter posts on the official NoA account. Which is arguably a bit more effective then just betting on traditional advertising.
They could do a direct though. There's still enough time to remind people that Astral Chain is only a few weeks away
Japan at least made a direct like vid already.
Game looks and sounds like generic anime, and gameplay reminds me of retarded BudgetPlatinum games.
Will Kamiya go on a depression therapy after astral chain fails?
He is not even working in this game, falseflagger faggot. "Supervisor" is nothing, they used his name for PR.
Show me those inevitable cute crossover pics of characters from this game, Persona and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
"Second party" doesn't actually have a proper definition.
imagine thinking that platinum wins anything, if the game they make isn't named bayonetta it has awful mechanics and as a result the game has no replay value
you are fucking retarded, are cd-i zelda game first party nity games too?
Ah, that explains why they released the Nintendo exclusive: Nier Automata. Why Grandblue, Babylon's Fall, and the ill-fated Scalebound are all destined for the illustrious Nintendo Switch™.
Do I think the games made for an entirely different platform are first party? No. Cadence was made with. Nintendo characters, for a Nintendo console. CD-I, if you couldn't tell by the name, wasn't. A false equivalent the likes of which only a supreme retard could come up with.
Yes and? Still owned by Nintendo.
Gonna buy this game day-one and thoroughly enjoy it but I am definitely worried about sales. I hope it does well.
I say 500k to consider it a success, but I'm positive retards will call it a flop even if it sell 999k and doesn't break 1mil.
Imagine how he will feek whenngame with his name attached fails horribly.
based strokeposter
>anti-Astral Chain shitposters are stroke-ridden retards
Yeah that makes sense.
>feek whenngame
You okay there user
But I wait for this game.
You retards have no idea how licenses and publishing works.
she has a cute butt
>Nintendo owns a portion of the companies involved in it's development
I guess Nintendo will be earning some money from the titles Cygames puts on the other systems. But then Sony also owns the rights to the music found in Xenoblade X
I don't even think this game is average, yall niggas on the switch just barely have titles to play at all so any game technically looks goat.
The way the graphics are and animations look like they wanted it on switch because it has the mechanical gameplay of a play station 2.
This sounds exactly like that song that's in every notepad instructional youtube video.
That user was retarded. With that said, Cadence is more like Necrodancer with Zelda IP at the forefront. They can release a similar game with the trademarks filed off for instance.
>"core gamers"
Damn, I remember reading this term multiple times a day when the Wii got popular
Afaik 1st bayo flopped hard on PS3/X360 at launch. Later ports went much smoother.
Babey Time for you.
What are the chances this game gets released on other platforms? seems like it’s in octopath travelers situation and if that’s the case I’ll just wait for the pc release
Octopath isn't owned by Nintendo.
Ain't happening.
>release october 29, 2009
>By March 31, 2010, Bayonetta sold 1.35 million units worldwide.
According to who? your uncle?
not my point, Astral chain doesn’t seem to be first party
>seems like it’s in octopath travelers situatio
>he doesn't know
every thread
W101. And Bayo 2 and 3. And Astral Chain will join them. You best just for emulation to progress than a actual PC port.
Apparently not satisfying enough because Nintendo bought them and they were glad. Also they were forced to give some cut to their publisher at the time, Sega. 1,35M worldwide is small number compared to other games.
It's not a zelda game retard. Heck, even the same title says COTN FT. TLOZ, Brace yourself games just got a license to use zelda shit on their own game.
Still not flopping hard by any means
And obviously the publisher takes a cut, they always do, that's literally all they do
>Astral chain doesn’t seem to be first party
Basically this in like another week fire Emblem ads will die off and astral chain, DQ 11S and DxM will start popping up
Fuck off ESL
I thought the game comes out at the end of the month
Can i fuck the girl if i play as a Male though? If yes the GOTY
>thinking anything that isn’t mario and zelda won’t eventually get multiplat releases
you might aswell cope now
>MUA3 flopped
>waifu emblem flopped
>but but guys this will do great I already preordered!
>Thinking anything like that will happen
>Implying that even if it does it would take years and by then everyone who would have wanted to play already did
They're twin siblings so no, it's not that kind of game
>They're twin siblings
Can't see any problems here captain
What does this have to do with anything? Reply to the wrong one, maybe?
But they didn't flop.
>snoyboy says Switch game will bom
>Switch game releases
>breaks sales records for the developer and/or series
how's that drought going m8?
That looks awesome. Can't wait to kick arse with doggo legion
Yeah, definitely sounds like a company that was bought out without an announcement and isn't doing a licence deal.
Not even Next Level Games, who has done nothing but make Nintendo games since 2013, and announced they will not do anything but work with Nintendo from 2014 on, who is actively making Luigi's Mansion 3, is owned by Nintendo.
Are there different kinds of weapons for the human character or only swords?
>platinum game
I think there is a gun on their hip.
"party ownership" is based on who owns the IP, not who makes them
those sold units were already bargain bins though. I need those MC numbers.
Yeah, when Wii was big they used "hardcore" and "core" gamers.
it's like going almost 2 generations back to play some mediocre action game.
That's fair.
>some smelly third worlder will leak this soon
>have to sit and watch pirates have fun playing it
it’s smash/fire emblem all over again
>generic anime
>anime tier story
>animetier music
>anime tier combat
Based nintendo selling shit to their cult.
Well, the sci-fi cop thing is cool. It's been done before, sure, but not very much.
I can't help but to feel dumb, being a paying customer these days. Switch is so new and people have been getting their games both early and free. I could do the same on any of my vitas, ps3s etc but I choose not to. I just like doing honest business, but it is a weird feel when such a new platform is being pirated so soon
>posts a western game
>had no memorable ost and very little content
>whogivesashittier story
>was filled with shitty dlc practices
>company got burnt to the ground too
Im playing Okami while I wait...I forgot Kamiya did work on that
this is the worst part
Krillin is a hack. Watch him get full credit for this game if this doesnt flop, just because his name is well known. He's not even the director
Honestly debating whether or not to hack my launch Switch. I know you can still play online but even a small chance of having my main account banned freaks me out.
You dropped this my nigga
There's three. Sword, baton, and gun.
>guzzling kamiyas cum
Sad. He hasn't directed anything worth a shit in 18 years
Who cares about having your account banned when you can save money on every single switch game
>post memeable picture
You seem to care about dead space 3 more than I do user. Calm down.
Sorry your brain is fried from westashit
I'm fine with buying a release or two every couple of months.
I don't even play western games mate. Chill.
I like that you use stands. Which also means this is and DMC4 are the closest we’ll ever get to jojo character action games
>platinum win
This is pathetic.
I can only hope for Yuzu progression.
I refuse to play 30-fps-with-dips "action" game. Bloodborne was enough for me.
Nobody really gave him credit for MGR or Nier though
shut up retard.
>first 6 months from release
>4 months of western release
>i-i-i-it was in bargain bin, total flop I tell you
What's with fags and their dick related insults...I maintain your saltiness, and proved your shit taste in video games.
I support games where the police are the good guys.
Any good retailer bonuses anywhere?
Pic related is the free Legion pin from Nintendo UK's store.
he will make it pretty clear on his twitter that he is not the director after telling us 100000000000000000000000000000000000 times.