Black Flag > Origins > 2 > Brotherhood > Odyssey > Rogue > Revelations > 1 > Syndicate > Unity > 3

Black Flag > Origins > 2 > Brotherhood > Odyssey > Rogue > Revelations > 1 > Syndicate > Unity > 3
Mobile and handheld don't count.

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Origins is carried heavily by the time period and likability of Bayek.

For me, it's:

Brotherhood>2>Black Flag>Revelations>1>3

I stopped playing after Black Flag like a sane person.

You're missing out. Origins is pretty fucking great.

Odyssey is just Origins: Action Edition. Also Revelations was worse than Syndicate.

Without a doubt, Syndicate is better then Rogue, Revelations & 1.

Is Odyssey worst than Origins? How so? Never played them, but im willing to try one since i heard theres grinding involved.

Brotherhood >Rogue >Black Flag > 2 > Odyssey > Revelations > Syndicate > Origins > Unity > 3 >1

And thats all an Asscreed game needs because Lord knows we've all done "press X to assasinate evil villain who wants to misuse powerful artifact " a million times already

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ezio auditore > a hot, freshly shat out pile of dogshit > all the other games

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I played 1, 2, some psp game and now liberation on the vita. I heard the series took a massive nosedive after 2

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All shit.

why did you end up docking odyssey so many points, user?
it was released so close to origins, i heard that they were of comparable quality
not bashing you, just would appreciate an explanation (waiting for both to go on sale)

Am I the only one who enjoyed Syndicate? Traversing London was so fun, especially with the Zipline.


This is actually the worst ranking of any games series I have ever seen, congrats user.

If you like any of these games then you are the MOST wrong.

Based and piratepilled.

AC 2 > Brotherhood > 3 > Revalations > Black Flag > Syndicate > Rogue > Unity > AC 1

Haven't played the new ones yet

revelations > brotherhood > 2 > 1
never fucked with anything else but I heard after 4 the franchise takes a massive nosedive

Black flag and origins were made by the same Dev team and creative directors

In particular Ashraf Ismahel really prioritizes the authenticity of the setting and the development of the main character. It's a big part of why I like those 2 games so much. Way less gimmicky than some of the others

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Yes for a multitude of reasons but I'll quickly list off the big ones for me

>Takes itself less seriously
Normally I don't care about this kind of thing but it's the obnoxious marvel movie esque kind. Main character is sarcastic about literally everything and it's full of pop culture and "wink wink" type quip moments.

>Way grindier
Self explanatory. Bigger map means more areas to clear, exp takes more to earn, you have more armor pieces to upgrade, have to upgrade ship, and much more. I wouldn't be surprised if 25% of my playtime was spent in menus or mindlessly doing exp quests.

>Can't use a shield... In ancient Greece

>Choices don't matter
There's dialogue choices but all they do is let you select which quip to dispense, if you want to ""romance"" someone aka do a fetch quest for them ,kiss , then fade to black and also which 2 characters die at the end.

>It's a clusterfuck of fantasy and normie-tier Greek tropes
Your grandpa is King Leonidas. Your father is Pythagoras (who is 300 yrs old.) You can do the Sparta Kick. You meet Sokrates and every other philosopher and leader of the era. Your traveling companion is Herodotus. You visit places and collect armor from myths. Hercules, Jason, etc. You kill a Cyclops, Medusa, Sphinx, and Minotaur. You visit Atlantis. And so on.

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People that rank Syndicate this low didn't play it

Loved it. Just kinda wish the combat wasn't so repetative. This is one I hope they remaster one day. Game is comfy as hell

why the fuck people hate on unity?

it was literally unplayable at release and still is fairly glitchy

Rogue>AC>>>>>shit>Black Flag>rest

Contrarians tend to overrated rogue. It's not bad but it's short as hell, lacks substance, and is very unpolished. Could've used another year in the oven to become something really great.

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I would put Black Flag high if not for a replay recenly and how heavy it is on the escort/trailing missions. You even trail someone using the fucking boat. Rogue is a better Black Flag as it condenses the best beits of 4 into a shorter more focused game.

>Rogue that fucking high
Literally one of the worst memes on this board. Rogue is very average, even within this series.

Not to mention boring as hell

Is Rogue worth 15$ ?


Assassin's Creed Unity is one of the only games in the franchise worth playing and revisiting. It's the last good game in the series as well. There's much more emphasis placed on stealth gameplay. Assassin's Creed Unity is more of an evolution of the original Assassin's Creed. Chain killing has been removed, though you can still parry and stagger enemies in open combat. Unity has plenty of weapon variety and customization options for the character. Pole weapons, axes, one handed swords, maces, cleavers, much more. Though you have to enter numerous sub menus just to change your gear. The game needed some sort of radial menu to swap out weapons.

The story isn't too bad either. As a character, Arno doesn't amount to much more than a retread of Ezio in Assassin's Creed II. I liked the situations that Arno was placed in, however. Unity was pretty interesting if you find the time period of the French Revolution interesting. For a good chunk of the game, you're on the side of the French Royalists who defend the monarchy. Some missions have you doing activities such as destroying letters of correspondence between King Louis XVI and the Parisian leader of the Assassins, there's another mission where you put a stop to an assassination attempt on King Louis XVI, and you bring an end to the Reign of Terror when you capture a stereotypical demonized Robespierre. In Assassin's Creed Unity, the Reign of Terror is portrayed as though it were some sort of Templar conspiracy to gain control of the middle class through paranoia. When Unity first released around the end of 2014, there were a few leftist French critics who condemned the game for fueling counter-revolutionary narratives, but Arno speaks in favor of the French Revolution when he talks back to his assassin mentors from time to time, so the game isn't wholly counter-revolutionary.

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It's a natural course of action for conspiracy theory cliches (Unity's depiction of the Reign of Terror) to come about through a counter-revolutionary narrative, and conspiracy theories are part of what made the original Assassin's Creed compelling. If anyone claims that Assassin's Creed Unity is purely counter-revolutionary it just exposes that person as short-sighted.

If there is anything weak about Unity's story, then it all comes down to Arno and his Romeo/Juliet romance with Élise . Arno is born to an Assassin father, then later on Arno is orphaned and the Parisian Templar leader adopts him. Arno's adopted father has a daughter (Élise) and she eventually joins the Templar cause while Arno follows in his biological father's footsteps. Even though Arno and Élise are of two different factions they love each other. As the French Revolution comes to a head, the Parisian Assassin leader and the Parisian Templar leader wish to secure their power structures so they sort of come to a temporary truce. And with Arno as protagonist, we see the story through his eyes and he longs for the days of security from his childhood. That's also why Unity gives the impression that the populist revolutionary movements are wrong, though some of the antagonists in the game have compelling viewpoints. There was plenty of nuance in the story. Arno was just too weak of a protagonist. Ezio playboy 2.0 doesn't fit this type of story that well. A more ideologically driven protagonist could navigate the mess of the French Revolution and find a better alternative. Unity raised a lot of questions regarding stagnation, extremism, corruption etc but everything gets swept under the rug in favor of Arno's romance with Élise.

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i loved syndicate

Why was Black Flag so kino?

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Huge departure for the series with tons of new assets and gameplay modes
Exploration is actually fun and comes with a huge map
Beautiful scenery with more seascapes than any other game
The pirates and locals are way more colorful than the stodgy lampoons of historical figures shown in previous games.
The main character is excellent
The story is largely unimportant but still fun and has more feel of adventure than the usual AC stuff
Gameplay itself is solid with good upgrades
Ubisoft actually tried to make their own thing instead of trying to milk the previous "trilogy" any further.

origins is worse than odyssey in every single aspect. every single fucking one.

no way. odyssey is worse in every conceivable way.

Yeah the story was absolutely bland and lame in Unity.

Other way round pal. Origins is miles better. Odyssey was a total mistake. Funny how they're 90% identical yet that differing 10% makes so much difference.

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i would say odyssey is worse in every way but the skills that you unlock, it looks worse, performs worse, worse voice acting, worse protagonist and so on

I find the magical power cooldown-MMO esque skills really dumb. I think the combos and blocking and parrying were better in origins. Felt more intense

Black Flag isn't an Assasins Creed game. The last actual Add Creed was Unity.

I absolutely fucking adored the customization in the game, despite how cumbersome the menus were at times.
Walking into a sword fight with a rifle on your back and using it to beat the ever loving shit out of French soldiers didn't really get old.

Plus, it was the first AC that made high numbers of enemies actually dangerous instead of fodder for your 90 kill combo. Brotherhood was terrible about this, I could just walk into the Vatican and slaughter my way through the Papal Guard without taking a single hit.

>Black flag isn't an Asscreed game

Arguably it has the most godawful Asscreed elements like tailing missions but the rest of the game is so unlike those that it blows them out of the water

>best tier
AC2, AC4, AC Origins
>Good tier
AC Revelations, AC Rogue, AC1, AC Unity
>Meh tier
AC Brotherhood, AC3
>Bad tier
AC Syndicate, AC Odyssey

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it was pretty boring and repetitive. story was forgettable and i still can't believe that most characters have an english accent when it's clear they went to massive lengths to make a period accurate france. overall the game felt more like a shitty playerless MMO. it's unfortunate because the game actually made some overall improvements to the series like making stealth more challenging and you can't just brute force through everything because they made it so the combat isn't "press X to dodge every attack and instakill enemies" also guns are harder to dodge

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i agree with your first paragraph but it doesn't change the fact that the world is made up of repetitive boring tasks outside of the assassination missions.

Anyone else fondly remember the shipping mini-game in Blackflag? That alone was better than Odyssey.
Any standalone games that capture the same amount of fun?

Is Syndicate really that bad? I was planning on pirating it for the setting

i wouldn't call it straight up bad. just painfully mediocre

How so?

>likability of Bayek
even with all the problems that the plot has i still find most of the protagonists of the franchise consistently likeable
connor had the bad luck that everyone around him was an asshole, alexios has his moments but i don't like the dialogue choice thing in this games

funfact: that statue actually existed
it also was wood painted in gold and not actual gold(same case as the Zeus Statue of Olympia)

Funfact, the game made it about 20 metres too tall

Funfact, the game puts gigantic Godzilla sized staues all over the place for no reason

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its kind of like unity but with the old overpowered combat put back in. if you aren't paying money for it i'd say give it a go to see if you'd like it

Yes, just expect it a shorter game, everyone feeling like they're acting like idiots especially the Assassins (This includes Shay), hearing shanties way less often because icebergs and other random things disable them constantly, a much more annoying wanted system for ships, and some harder Legendary Ship battles. Seriously, the one where you have to go up against dual Man o' Wars or the one where you have to deal with like 13ish ships while getting mortared are ridiculous. The vast majority of the problems are most likely just because of how much development time it had.
The game has way better islands than BF does, Shay's got pretty much the best outfit in the series, the Adewale assassination is amazing just because of the dialogue, the Puckle Gun is lovely even if the swivel is better in the damage department, and the modern day segment is pretty neat because you get to see how ridiculous the modern day Templars are at slaughtering the Assassins.

Does anyone know if tablet guy in Rogue is the one from BF? Because I thought BF's tablet guy basically got coerced into the Assassins due to all the dirt they had on him or was killed by Abstergo Entertainment because I believe redhead said "It didn't work out" with their previous guy.

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Shay sucks. I mean he's nice enough but his transformation into a Templar is so forced.



Didn't play Origins or Odyssey

>Assassins creed
>You join the Creed for all of 5 minutes before they kick you out and exile you.

Whose that nig(?) in the middle if its going by order shouldnt Edward be in the middle?

Who do I believe, every normalfag I know and """"reviewer"""" I watch says Odyssey is better and the only way you'd like origins is if you like the setting more, but in the same review they'll say how they didn't finish Odyssey while they give it a 5/5. But I don't wanna spend money on a game I'll hate either.

Origins is worth a play even if you're disinterested in the "RPG" style gameplay. honestly the RPG elements in that one are as light as ever, it's just skill trees which are in multiple other games and "crafting", I guess. Which just means you occasionally loot a carraige or kill some crocodiles to upgrade your hidden blade to keep it's damage 1HKO. The map alone is worth it just to explore. It's really cool.

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Wait can you actually fight the Sphinx? I just answered its questions and it gave me whatever the fuck.

>every normalfag I know and """"reviewer""""
The answer is right here my friend. Normalfags and reviewers aren't exactly known for their taste in video games. And while Assassin's Creed is not a particularly stunningly refined franchise to begin with, each game does indeed have it's pros and cons.

No. When you solve it's "riddles", it dies, so technically you killed it.

Yeah, from what I've gathered Odyssey is more quantity over quality in relation to origins, does some stuff better and the lows are overall lower while origins stays consistently pretty good? I just figured I'd ask some anons to see if anything confirms my suspicions, pretty much.

Brotherhood was the best. It had the most fun and purest form of AC multiplayer and the singleplayer/story had not gone to shit yet.

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>connor had the bad luck that everyone around him was an asshole
Connor himself was also an asshole though.
>Talks crap to Achilles when he's spent well over a decade of his life training the kid.
>Constantly argues with Achilles like he knows better yet never really explains why his point of view is superior to anyone else's.
>Treats Paul Revere like he's an evil alien despite Paul literally being nothing but friendly and thankful to Connor.
>Gets bitchy at Sam Adams when he's literally trying to help him or diffuse a situation Connor started.
>Treats people like Lafayette like his best friends and he lets them pat his shoulder or let them reassure him but Paul Revere is, again, treated like he's insane.
Achilles was definitely an asshole for not really explaining WHY people actually had to die outside of "They're Templars" when when Connor was insisting on an answer when he was going to go after Haytham. When he's with his people and Haytham he actually acts friendly or concerned, but outside of them he's incredibly rude.

Homestead Connor was a way different character than main story Connor though, it's so weird. Homestead Connor is friendly with everyone and does what he can to help Achilles while main story Connor will shove people away or yell at them for brief slights.

>Not recognizing Ade.
Picture's probably from when Freedom Cry came out.

>does some stuff better and the lows are overall lower while origins stays consistently pretty good?

That's a pretty good way to describe it. Basically yes they're very similar and ultimately it's up to personal taste but I would say Odyssey is grindier and is more copy/paste or quantity over quality.

It comes down to how much tolerance you have for the game dragging on.

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Unity>2> Rogue > 3 > Brotherhood > Odyssey > Origins > Revelations > Black Flag> Syndicate > 1

Anyone play freedom cry? I loved AC4 but a lot of that is because Edward was great. Is it worth 9.99$?

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Supposedly it's at most eight hours long if you go for 100% so bare that in mind. As far as I understand it has some sailing and the main story revolves around freeing slaves.



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So here's a question, what in the hell is up with the Hidden Blade in terms of development?
>1191 (AC1)
It requires a cut finger and functions just as a blade would. Around 20 or 30 years later Altair adds in the Hidden Pistol portion of it.
>1476 (AC2)
You don't need to lose a finger anymore, you can poison with the blade itself, and you can use the Hidden Pistol portion of it.
>1500ish (AC:B)
Introduces the ability to shoot poison darts out of it as well as all the others introduced by AC2.
>1510 (AC:R)
The Hook Blade is introduced which is an outright improvement on the original concept in every way on top of having every feature from before that so poison, shooting poison, and a pistol.
>1715 (AC4)
We regressed back to only a blade. (Though this makes sense since Edward basically just pilfered it but still).
>1752 (AC:Ro)
Still just the blade.
>1754 (AC3)
The blade now extends incredibly far and turns into a knife you can actually hold like a dagger, this includes both Haytham and Connor's Hidden Blades.
>1765 (AC3:L)
The blade regresses and loses the dagger mode.
>1776 (AC:U)
The blade loses its dagger functionality and can now be fired out like a crossbow but it means you need to carry extra blades around for it. It also functions as a mini-dart gun so it regained that functionality.
>2012 (Desmond)
It's just a blade again but no one uses them anymore because they're a dead giveaway and suppressed pistols make more sense.

The thing gains and loses features that make no sense, the Hook Blade should be a thing that stays forever as well as the dart functionality and the dagger functionality but they seem to randomly regress. I understand using a rifle to fire darts or a blowpipe because it's more accurate with better range, and I understand losing the Hidden Pistol for just using a pistol, but it seems to lose more features than it gains. Do Syndicate, Origins, Odyssey, or the Chronicles games have any special features for them?

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Because assassin's Creed lore was always stupid and never mattered and only autists try to analyze it

an easy, dismissive answer to that is that different assassins modify their hidden blades to their will and that they don't use a uniform "standardised" version

>Never mattered
Well, someone on their team does care about continuity considering Bayek is missing his finger.

It works to an extent but you'd think when it comes to the later years such designs wouldn't just disappear. 3 itself would imply the British Assassins and Achilles' side used the dagger version despite it not being in use in Rogue.

being in use for you or other assassins as well?

Except for origin and odyssey i 100% agree. 3 was fucking awful

What's your ideal Asscreed setting Yea Forums?

Hardmode: No Rome, Middle ages europe, or Japan
Iron man mode: No China or post 1800's

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The setting of Egypt was entrancing. I always wanted to see what was around the next corner and over the next hill. I can't say the same for Greece

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either Mesoamerican or something Babylonian or Persian

It's fun just to play such a beefy guy and totally brutalize people

I tried to get into assassin's Creed but I just find it so boring. I played maybe 10 hours in AS II and 1 hour in Unity (since the game was made free for a limited time) but it just isn't worth playing.

It doesn't seem like anyone had the dagger blade considering Shay didn't and his best friend didn't when he assassinated one guy and I think threatened Shay. Achilles having the same blade type as Haytham to hand over to Connor would imply it got standardized to use that one yet Achilles was on his own for decades so it would have to mean they'd been using it since Rogue days or even further back.
Of course the simple answer is laziness to give both Haytham and Connor different blades or they just forgot to account for it.

Return to Renaissance Italy on next gen

Honestly, just redo the Chronicles games and give them all their proper outings, the settings deserve more than small side games only a small amount of fans will play because they're so different. It also doesn't help that with China's story Shao Jun apparently learned nothing from Embers so they could retcon that game entirely. Nikolai's design is also completely wasted to just have it only in a Chronicles game. They could still use the new formula for China easily since it could be enormous with both city and fields/mountains, India seems like that has a lot ofhistory to work with, and Russia's the only one I'm not too familiar with so I don't know how that would fare as a fully fledged game.

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music, setting, and protags are all fantastic but i just could never get engaged in the story. i have played the game 3 times and still never made it to the end because I get bored every time

Game gets a ton of undue hate. It's nothing short of a visual spectacle coupled with actual stealth focused gameplay .

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It's because the stigma of the launch stuck witj everyone and so no one cares to give it an honest shot. Arno's pretty crappy and the story's pretty boring on top of making no sense due to how Arno progresses it, but the side content is great (Even though the building hunts are pretty ridiculous), the customization is amazing, the focus on stealth is wonderful, the co-op missions are fun, and there's a lot of good to be had in it. Plus starting off from where Shay murders his dad is neat if you've just come off of Rogue, I love that part, I just wish you could have seen Shay walk by even if it was in the background as an Easter Egg.

i always wanted egypt and i am satisfied, i guess the next one on my last would be indian or maya but i am still salty about never getting the modern day desmond game

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>>but i am still salty about never getting the modern day desmond game
>Small hub areas taking place in various countries where you meet up with the various Assassin groups that are still around.
>Shaun and Rebecca feeding you intel while Bishop and the other guy from BF help you out.
>Erudito sending you stuff to help annoy the Templars.
>William sending you missions and Desmond's mom sending him reassuring e-mails.
>Suppressed pistols and concealed weapons to fight with, high emphasis on stealth.
>Getting to climb skyscrapers, jump from rooftops, and scale a bunch of modern-day objects in general.
>Game would revolve around losing people to Otso Berg and trying to take out some Templar Leadership at the very least.
It would have basically been a Bourne game. I mean, besides the actual Bourne Identity game.

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based, Conquest of Mexico would be the best setting possible easily

>Meeting of two alien, foreign landmasses
>dense jungles, ancient ruins, mountains and deserts
>huge, fantastical Aztec, Maya, Mixtec, Purepecha, etc cities with unique aeshetics not really ever seen in mainstream media, with also more familar colional towns
>Traditional political asscreed plots involving the Game of Thrones-esque realpolitk of various city-states trying to sabotage and one-up each other, and both them and the Spanish all trying to manipulate each other to further their own interests

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