ITT: favorite vidya podcast

ITT: favorite vidya podcast

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>game sleuth cancelled
>it wasn't already?

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thanks ultima

>more streams
>less edited content
at this point I would be glad if they go banrupt

If you count up the ones retired and the new ones it's basically the same amount

I'm just glad Don's Design Lab is back.

Alright I can't defend Brad anymore. After the phase 4 announcements he's clearly just not as dedicated. Still he's more valuable than Damiani. And Kyle will let Box Peek go on for two more years if it means he can continue having an excuse for not doing anything but """preparing""" the podcast.

Brad realizes he's got it made. He has nothing to contribute. Kyle, Huber, and Jones and to a lesser extent Ben are good infront of the camera. Don edits well and works two fucking jobs. Ian is the only one who has any idea about the technical stuff, even if there are constant issues. Blood keeps them reeled in, and holds it down behind the scenes. Damiani doesn't do shit anymore apparently except his Nintendo podcast that is basically obsolete. Brad has nothing. "I've got ideas for a show". Yeah, sure buddy. He has to know that he's only around because he was grandfathered in from GT. And he only got that job because he knew Huber.

Is box peek worth watching. I watched half of the first episode but couldn’t stand the main characters voice

It's just quirky Kyle humor for 10 minutes. If that sounds up your alley, then yeah.

Get the allowance song stuck in your head.

I wonder if they will revisit 'It's ez to like anime'. I always liked the laid back talks about series. They should implement some 3 episode rule though and switch if a show sucks. I think they had pretty bad luck picking the turd that was OPM S2 and it hurt their motivation when they stuck with it.

Phase 4
more like same as before lol

They should do EZ anime again but don't have a particular host. Change it up like Spoiler Mode changes.

Castle Super Beast is great
Just wish they took in more guests

>damiani when he gets fired in a month for doing absolutely nothing for the company

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yeah the fact that at the end of the announcements that he had to come out and try to defend that he has absolutely nothing was super awkward. You could tell even in the room

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What do you mean? He now has time for twice as many FF14 streams!

Wasn't the whole announcement of cutting back on solo home streams a non direct way of them realizing no one wants to watch damiani stream that shit? I think after people realized he streamed 400+ hours of that shit to literally no viewers they needed to cut that shit out

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>new show that's just Huber trying to force people to like a game

yeah okay. I think I'll settle for anything that isn't another stream/podcast at this point. I actually stopped following these guys entirely a few months ago because I lost interest in their weekly main podcast and realized outside of that they make literally nothing that interests me outside of the random once-every-six-months produced content (that isn't patreon locked because that's such a good idea.)

>tabletop escapades won't be continuing in its current state
>by which I mean it wont be continuing at all, its canceled
they had some good unintentional comedy going on

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bitchass Ben took ten minutes to present phantasy star online, and the other allies were cool with it, but when Don goes slightly over time they make him stop talking.

Glad his game didn't win, even if I prefer it to the other two candidates.

>sbfc is still dead
>castle superbeast is alright
>liam is slowly dying
What a shitty birthday that was.

they had a bunch of "extra time" that they didnt know how to use so they randomly allocate it to whoever wanted it instead of just sticking to the format
I wonder if PSO would have gotten in if it didnt have double the normal presentation time

>liam is slowly dying
context? Other than the fact that he's probably starving to death due to being a loser faggot that burned all his bridges for no reason other than not being able to take a joke

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I think Michael Damiani seems like an okay guy

he's fine, v only hates him because he's literally v but with different politics

he's worse than ian unironically
like I don't like ian or 95% of his content but I can at least respect him to some degree because of his work ethic within the group compared to others

He seems nice enough, I just would never want to work with him since he seems like the laziest fuck ever and turns into a child when he loses in multiplayer games

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"poo poo pee pee" - Bosman 2019

People that find the need to cheat at something as pathetic as speedrunning tend to not be very okay


This. When they opened their Phase 4 announcement with "more streams!", I thought they were joking.

I assume Twitch bucks > YouTube bucks which is the reason for more streaming content.

I'm happy with Dons Design Lab and more Mysterious Monsters. Don't care for anything involving Damiani and group streams in general just serve as background noise.

I like Kyles streams though.

The quality of content at EZA after the patreon is the prime reason I'm deathly afraid of how death stranding will turn out.

already wrong

He'll have to go back to cheating on speedruns.

Didn't they made an opening for that and paid for IT to profesionals?

>watching phase 4 reveal stream
>underwhelmed as fuck by the end
>say as much in chat
>Brad's SJW Groupie/Hanger-on GF pipes up that "I came in late and didn't see the whole thing"

Fuckin hate Kristen. Not only did I get a summary of what I missed from somebody in chat but all I missed was them cancelling stuff and saying they're gonna stream more. Fuck I hate her.

The thing that made Dons Design Lab was the smart editing, so if they don't still have that then I don't give a fuck.

Michael Damiani is a speedrun cheater, even though to this day he tries his best to hide it.

>loved at funhaus
>loved at EZA
>has to edit for both
At that point the dude should just get his youtube and stop working for these crackers

>getting mad at someone like that
just dont even bother thinking about her

I think this could actually be great if its edited well
Everyone loved that clueless gamer shit from Conan and this is like that except the participants actually care about vidya. Also I think it would be interesting to see if he can actually win over someone with weird autistic hangups about some games like Kyle

Yeah she is really annoying and you can tell she probably considers herself a member of EZA just for fucking Brad and probably threatening to kill herself if he ever dumps her. When they mentioned on the stream how they thought about in the future possibly hiring more people I immediately got worried that she would be brought on even though she has no skills and has been trying to single handedly take over every platform that an EZA community is on. Even the subreddit fought against her. I don't even get what brad see's in her since she is really frumpy looking and he's a good looking guy that could land someone way more attractive and probably a better personality

This, Ian and his occasional SJW ramblings and constant victim complex is annoying, but at least he provides technical knowledge that no other Ally has and works on a lot of things. Not only does Damiani look like a fat slob, he is a fat slob, the only thing he provides is a redundant podcast and streams that sometimes has viewers in the single digits. And just from Patreon money alone, he probably gets paid 30,000+ USD to do that.

What fucking race is Damiani anyway?

what in the absolute fuck did he mean by this


>I lost interest in their weekly main podcast
yea it's been crap the last year or so

>Jones takes a break
>awful podcasts, worst hall of greats yet

That unregulated creators being provided free money are likely to produce garbage content

I assume that he thinks EZA is bad compared ti GT because they are no longer beholden to any business that directs their content and enforces rules and he is afraid that DS will be bad because Kojima is now popular and no longer beholden to Konami's rules

You don't get it. She specifically has it out for me. I can tell. She's always @ing me when I have a hot take. I think she knows who I am. I left a mean comment about her on a YT upload and it's not very hard to link my YT username to my Twitch handle. She knows I called her a hanger-on.

I miss them

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then she's obsessed and lashing out because she knows you're right. You're living in her head rent free now. Dont even the odds, if she's seething about you 24/7 and you stop thinking about her youve won

Listened to Bombcast, Gigaboots, EZA, Castle Superbeast and Let's Fight a Boss. All of them I dropped except Gigaboots but I might stop giving a shit like all of em. I just want some good vidya podcast

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They need someone to push them a lot harder. They need their own Khoo. Bloodworth does the best job he can, but I really feel they need someone who's outside of their group dynamic to actually get them to make shit.

It's a sad thing, because they're obviously much happier now and any non asshole would be happy for them to create content at their own pace and with their own ideas, but at the same time it has clearly gotten a lot worse and a lot of them are just coasting.

I don't think about her much. Don't worry.

like some kinda corporate structure that pushes goals and mandates compliance? Maybe some sort of strucure that controls the money to incentive them, but also manages the smaller day to day things so they dont have to worry about them and just focus on content

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Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast

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its the tradeoff for leaving a company, theres a clear benefit to being looser but corporate does make sure shit gets done at the end of the day.
Its easy to hate the big business but sometimes you need them to stop shit like Star Citizen from happening

>e-cleleb zoomer cancer
Not video games

the problem I think is that the freedom of not being on a leash by companies isn't the kind of freedom they want or at least are looking for. That kinda freedom mostly benefits you creatively, but the kind of stuff they create could be done under any banner. I'm not saying they have to get hardcore super-NSFW or anything like that, but their clean cut "good vibes" image combined with a content showcase that mostly consists of podcasts based on popular media at the moment or streams of the same thing isn't what people expect when they hear a group say they're happy they aren't under "the man."

Easily the Weapon Wheel podcast. They're literally sonyg gerrs, except for one Xbot, but they don't censor themselves at all. This last episode they were laughing and calling some gay streamer gross.

honestly the friendly veneer is probably the best thing they have going for them
They're open to anyone which makes people comfortable to have them on in the car or around the house with you kids or people that they dont know real well when an edgier podcast would be something to hide away. As much as the love and respect shit insulates them from criticism in an annoying way it probably does well for their word of mouth. Its just baffling when Bosman chooses to make off color jokes or try to address sexual issues
Id rather they just leave it all alone

do they still do the nintendo achievements thing? i only saw 2 eps

yeah they did 5 or so but its behind the paywall. They said a new season is coming soon and that it will be all timed exclusive.
For now just search the archive for "achieve it yourself" to find the paywalled episodes

Yeah. There was like 3 episodes. They announced that it will continue, and future episodes won't be behind patreon.

the excuse is so Damiani that it hurts