It took me 3 months but i'm finally on Yea Forums

it took me 3 months but i'm finally on Yea Forums

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Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board

Shut the fuck up, tranimefag

hey /whkg/ whats up, got any new shades?

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I have some bad news for you, Ryoga.

>daily Takahashi spammer

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Ryoga, not again. Yea Forums is four blocks to the left. Happy traveling.

So how did this show end?

We told you to take a left from /e/ and keep heading straight.

>tells him Yea Forums is four blocks to the left
>it's actually six

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The leather club is two blocks down.

Ranma develops gender dysphoria and starts taking estrogen


just follow this bro


>go there
>see this

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Was it autism?

Welcom to /A - The Animation Rouga!

Ranma-chan with b-bigger hips and tits?


I never watched Ranma and never can because of tranny fear.
I'll just stick to my YYH and Sailor Moon, desu

Ranko is best girl!

Non-ending. Manga had Ranma back out of the wedding at the absolute last minute to keep the status quo. Nobody got cured, half the cast still hates the other half and the sociopathy continued.

You picked the wrong neighborhood to get lost in, Ryoga.

>tranny fear

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On a what?

Ranma used his dragon step shit to blast some fag into the aether and they put their wedding off until after high school.

Don't listen to this dumb debiru Ryoga, I wouldn't lie to you. Just take the shortcut.

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I hate you mousse

My boi Tatewaki Kuno absolutely wrecks Ranma.