We're going home.
Ion Fury (formerly Maiden)
Other urls found in this thread:
Who here has played the full game
I live in the East coast of the United States when can I play this game tailor the answer to my timezone I don't care about PST, MST, UTC, GTC, WTC, BBQ whatever just give it to me in EST.
Remember to report marketing threads like this.
You guys staying comfy during the wait
if you can't get the mouse to feel good tomorrow, here's the mouse setup I've been using on the preview build (and for eduke32) and it makes mouse movement feel smooth.
It comes out 10am PST which is 1PM your time.
Fuck off zoomer
What does filter input do?
This is gonna be really good. I can feel it in my bones. Midnight can't come soon enough.
game come when sun high in sky
You got a very clear and concise answer.
Daily reminder if you are actually angry that the main character has clothes and need to patch bikini mods to play you should fuck off back to /pol/ and not ruin another thread with that bitching.
Thank u
Does mouse aiming even matter in a build engine game
thanks for the ad op
Me sendem big smoke signals in sky, when you see buffalo game ready be careful white man not steal it from you
>literally nobody brings that up
Go back to /pol/ with this shit loser
I'm getting it for Switch, I need a handheld 90s FPS that isn't DOOM.
It does in Ion Fury.
I fucked that up, it was meant for
i already have cool shooters from the 90's with genuine 90's graphics which have better protagonists as well.
why would anyone want this game? Is this another one of those woke moments in gaming when there's gotta be something just for the 3 or 4 girls out there who feel the need to self insert their gender into everything? Nothing says "desperate for attention" like literally going back 20 something years in game technology just to be a virtual strong independent woman.
If you play like a real man with auto aiming off, yes.
why make any new games at all when old games exist
Hey look its a liberal false flagging as a /pol/lock and doing a really bad job of doing it. This post was literally a left wing caricature of what they think right wingers sound like. KYS faggot
Shamefur dispray. Commit sudoku.
I'd be her loverboy.
shelly fucking horses when??????
>Ion Chuck's
>Formerly Sneed's
>duke nukem for women
literal regressive leftist agenda: The game
now this is based.
Why is the bar that long?!
When is switch release?
Holding off, but it looks fun for the pc folks later tonight. Hopefully it’s good.
>she shaves
This game is going to be better than Doom Eternal.
>implying real girls actually play games and this wasn't created as a circlejerk by duke4net
WHere is this shitty 3D model coming from if the game is pixel-based?
Duke nukem 3d is already better than this game
Its a prequel to the shitty 3D TPS Bombshell
We're finally getting Duke Nukem 3D II
This is it.
What, it wasn't obvious enough?
Here we go with the /pol/ incels and their mods
The blimp is back baby
not really, the long white thing is simply covering her super long STD ridden pubes
>prequel/side game based on older adjacent genre turns out to be better
This is got damn Bloodstained all over again.
God this character design is shit
glad it's not canon anymore
I hope we get a good version of Shadow Warrior's Skyline level.
you wanna dance?
even resetera is seething over that god awful fucking RPS review.
Why do you know that?
Like Q3 2020 if at all. They haven't even started the console versions yet.
i cant wait to dl it from cykablay tracker
the escalation in this comment is staggering
user, those niggers are the one shitposting all threads here on Yea Forums and /vr/, by forcing the /pol/ boogieman meme if someone praises Shelly's new and OG Duke designs while bashing the Bombshell garbage.
even 3dr Acknowledges that Bombshell and shelly's design was garbage.
If you are going to pretend to be from /pol/, you have to use words like cunt and roastie and sluts.
This game looks better than Cyberpunk 2077
>falseflaggers falseflagging falseflaggers
That's all these threads are now.
>IGN guy had to use cheats to clear the final level
Wait, its not simultaneous release? Fuck, I'll probably just play something older and wait for it to hit $10 on Steam
>being this mad that your shit didn't work
>They haven't even started the console versions yet
that's a lie. they have the ps4 version running as far as I know
What do you guys think of Hedon?
of course
In how many hours does it release?
Like 17 or so hours.
What's the big deal with using the build engine? What's so special about it that people still make games in it? Has nobody made a worthy successor for this kind of game, to keep the look and feel and portability while improving it?
>Gman review confirms my biggest fears of the game
Thread theme for those 1997 feels
>my biggest fears of the game
how about you share those instead of leaving us hanging
>watcing gshill
>MUH E-celebs
remove yourself
Don't leave me hanging, tell me your biggest fear.
Lackluster weapon roster
What is your biggest fear?
My fear is lack of guns (only 5 guns, 1 melee, 2 throwables)
>15 min past midnight
>immediately put the review up
Is he even trying anymore? Shillman should sit down and think his reviews through before posting them instead of trying to be the first to review something like it's a race or something.
This faggot is the shttiest reviewer on youtube who the fuck cares what this ugly fuck thinks?
>shit sjw game
Neck yourself.
When is this game officially leaving early access. Is there a multiplayer or coop?
he clearly post here, so there is a chance you are actually replying to him.
Holy shit that rps review. Its 60% of complaining how the game isnt for the reviewer and 40% saying that its good. Wtf.
>What are advanced review copies for people with 100,000+ subscribers
He got the game like a week ago dude. Like all the other game sites and blogs
Tomorrow is full release. Multiplayer will be added later in a update.
I'm watching his video right now and he's complaining about hitscan enemies
There's no hitscan enemies in this game
Shelly in a one piece swimsuit when?
At least he is 100% correct about the weapon selection.
Why do reviewers review a game they do not play?
You're 30 years too late with this, gramps.
This guy is something else.
He's pretty clearly played it, he's just a tardo bitching about it being too hard, as usual
>that gman fallout 76 review
I am convinced he bots and buys clicks because no sane human being can go through an entire one of his reviews
I love when people pretend like they actually autistically can tell that a bomb in level 5 doesn't display the right flame sprite for 2/4ths of a second or some other miniscule inhumanely minute detail as if it's a game breaking bug
He is correct about the weapon issue.
The selection is small. Majority of time you will be using 3 weapons because no ammo or niche weapons for the rest.
Weapons are the main gameplay element you are interacting with the world in an fps.
Dude even someone who has played OG Blood for a few minutes could tell you that Fresh Supply is nothing like the original game. It was a goddamn mess upon release.
Yea Forums is nothing but a honeypot/viral marketing shithole for years now
>buying SJW shit
Look how salty he is
The weapon roster is relatively small compared to the other build games, but cretinmanlives is just being a reactionary crybaby bitching about the game being too hard like he does with nearly every other game. Just because he was a stubborn idiot who only stuck to using the pistol/shotgun/smg (and somehow kept running out of ammo for them) doesn't mean that that's how the game is objectively going to play out for everyone.
God this game is so fucking gorgeous I unironically want to lick my screen
I can taste the salt through my screen
I criticized the weapon roster long before shillman. And I stand by it.
Look at the sink taps. Look at the downard lighting. Look at the pulsing neon light in the back. I'm gonna fucking cum it's so perfect
Watch Lazy Game Reviews video on Ion Fury if you have to. Don't give that shithead Gmanlives views.
why does he hate us?
Funny because it's true.
You do you user. I do think it's a shame that there's no rocket launcher since it's pretty much my favorite weapon in Douk/Blood/SW.
Literally who. Gimme a quick rundown?
an australian mongoloid who has played FPS games for nearly the entirety of his life yet can't play them for shit
Lgr is alright in my book, his pc restoration videos are actually pretty informative
Guy who reviews "old school" FPS games on youtube. Rarely has anything insightful to say, is constantly factually incorrect about things he does say/complains about and generally is just a bit of a poser. Exposed himself really badly when Blood: Fresh Supply by claiming it was a perfect remaster despite it having major bugs on release.
I know this word gets used here all the time but he's LITERALLY a shill
Don't forget that he claimed that "it uses the source code".
Terrible fucking reviewer who knows nothing about what he reviews despite portraying himself as some boomer who grew up on duke and doom.
He's right though if you couldn't look at mirrors there would be like 20 OH NO NO threads right now
Can't wait to see the community mods. I'll have to try and make at least one map.
That robot arm design is bad. It's too long and it would be so heavy it would be harder to run
A one armed character having to actually deal with one arm would be cooler
I once commented on his video about Duke Nukem Alien Armageddon
>shit sux yo
Now he made the video praising it lol
>Here's your redesign, bro.
gib demo link pls
Kill yourself stupid tranny
Does this game have titties in it like Duke?
Shelly is Manga and Anime Motoko mixed in one character
I came
but where's the porn?
>>buying SJW shit
You really think I'm going to buy this game?
SJW shit? because they didn't use shitty bikini drawings from the 90s for the character model? 95% of those drawings are garbage, 5% are completely forgettable military woman, and one of them is halfway good but still derivative because it looks like a female version of duke