Do you play old FPS games?

Do you play old FPS games?

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i don't play any games

Why would I? The only reason people played that shallow garbage back in the day was because there were no other options.



I did

based fortnite chad

Yes. I finished Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition. Nice game.

I play UT3, and I'm thinking about getting into UT2004.

yes, waiting for Ion fury

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ofc i do user? do you?

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Only on Switch.
I prefer Immersive Sims though.

only brutal doom

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UT04 was the shit back then
I dont even know how many hours I clocked into it

>check out Duke Nukem: Forever steam community forums
>mfw all those DNF apologists and their hot takes

Worst ones are the retards who accuse fans of old school Duke suffering from nostalgia. They honestly believe DNF is the same as DN3D but with better graphics. That would be like saying Phantom Menace is the same as Empire Strikes Back but better because Phantom Menace has flashier special effects.

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Is there a community for the fans of old first person shooters? Duke, Doom, Blood, Wolfenstein, Half-Life, Deus Ex and so on.

Yes, the best
It exist but not too much content
It doesn't exist anymore but there's lot of content
>Deus Ex
No, there's like 1 or 2 good mod

Its called being a boomer

I'm talking about a community for these type of games in general. Talking about them, playing them in multiplayer and all that good shit.
I would join in boomer online community if I knew one.

Its mostly Doom then. Go lurk the Doom thread on /vr/ i don't post until you lost your virginity.

I play Painkiller Black Edition and Killing Floor 1 SP from time to time.

I would play more boomer FPS if they didn't have horror elements, I"m a colossal pus