I'd like to speak with the CEO of Satanism

I'd like to speak with the CEO of Satanism.

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Other urls found in this thread:


How can I help you, Doomguy? Looking to have your franchise ported to our store and taken off Steam?

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I said Satanism, not Taoism.

To be fair, not having to pay a single dime for Doom Eternal is like a dream come true.

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nice armor free arms dick

Why thank you. I was thinking of letting loose like old times.

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>visible face
Aaaaand dropped

Whats wrong with that?

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Sorry Goyimslayer Netanyahu is preforming a brit milah at the moment rates may apply for your wait

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We all know what he looks like (because his face was CONSTANTLY on the screen in Doom 1, remember?) & the mask covers just a bit more than Samus (eyes & nose, as much as any ninja/mysterious character). Chill...

Sounds like the ending of Serious Sam 3

it was visible before fucktard

Maybe my inner Halofag is revealing itself, but I prefer Doomguy with a blank visor. Even if the original has his face slapped in the middle of the HUD. He's a silent protagonist, essentially just a force of nature. The face detracts from that, it's unnecessary detail.

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Why can't I enjoy Doom?

I played the most recent one and I still can't seem to enjoy the series.

I'd say the z-word but that's below me

I only want one thing in life
Can you make doomguy real and sick him on the elite
Or make one of us as badass as doomguy

>He's a silent protagonist
>what is unf

He lets his guns do the talking.

Its ok dude, some people just have shit taste.

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If you watched the playthrough panel they make a comment about how the visor should be a little darker so in the shipping game it might be adjusted.

"OK sir, what is it concerning?"

E v e r y t h i n g

I'm sorry sir, but "everything" is not an option.
Let me put you on hold and think about it.

From the thumbnail I thought his face was a crying wojak

stop posting this
boomers fucking hated halo

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I personally wouldn't say "hate" but I will agree it will never top a boomer's list of good games.

You NEED to get away from this website.

Doom 3 was good, though

*2/3rds of Doom 3 is good, the beginning is shit.

Halo was still better than Doom 3

Try Project Brutality

Doom 3 was good
better art design and music than new Doom at least

>Doom Slayer is not the Doomguy

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From the thumbnail, I thought the dude in the background was an arm-mounted weapon.


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Rip and Tearpilled

Is Doomguy the most “Chad” videogame protagonist

What is Duke Nukem

A frat boy douchebag from a dead game series


This aged badly.

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Why are almost all fps protagonists super muscular white guys

That’s one doomed space marine....

No. Doomguy is a silent protagonist but his face being invisible dehumanizes him. Master Chief is clearly a machine-like blank slate but Doomguy's humanity is absolutely integral to him being one man against the odds.

White guys tend to go on shooting sprees.


>people upset about visible arms and face as if they've never played DOOM prior to 2016

Dear V,
Why are you such a retarded faggot?


Cause fuck 'em that's why

No, because tim sweeney literally said it's ok if people pirate because epic promises the devs a guaranteed amount of sale revenue regardless of actual sales

based, fuck tim sweeny

EDIT: Wowie this blew up, thanks for the gold kind strangers! Anyway imma use this opportunity to shamelessly plug the best subreddit on this site: reddit.com/r/fuckepic/
Give it a lil subscriby so we can stick it to that nazi Tim Sweeny.

And remember everybody, FUCK EPIC xddd

I understood the hate, but couch-coop is basically cheating for making a game fun

because white is right nigger

>essentially just a force of nature
The whole reason doomguy is cool though is because he's just an ordinary human. He was sitting on a space station when demons happened, and he killed the demons, and kept killing the demons, and went to hell and killed all the demons again, and came back to Earth and they killed his bunny, so he killed the demons even harder forever and forever. Unlike Master Chief who is a genetically engineered super soldier with bullshit modified forerunner DNA doomguy is a grunt marine who is just too pissed off to die.

lol valve drones cope in the most bizarre ways

This. I really hope they don't lean into make Doomguy an epic demigod of death meme too hard in Eternal, that whole shooting himself with a cannon scene was retarded. Doomguy IS an unstopable demi-god......in the gameplay. But many games have this. What makes it fun is fans trying to draw the line of where cool gameplay and how badass he actually is. Can Doomguy actually run that fast? Like a fucking horse man? Or was that just a gameplay mechanic for the sake of speed and fun? That sorta shit. Also show don't tell. I feel like a badass already when I kill half of hell with a shotgun and sheet fucking rage. I don't need to see him fucking punt Goku in the dick to establish some sorta lame power level thing.

The best one is an asian man though

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Those exposed arms look so fucking retarded its insane,
Overall the suit is ugly as fuck, the helmet is the only thing that looks nice, rest is too busy and full of random shit that makes 0 physical sense.

>Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him...

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Because whites are the most advanced of the races shut up don’t talk about how the Asians and the Muslims were ahead of us for a while

You talking about old doomguy, doomguy 4 guy is some alien with angelic powers or something.

That guy isn’t Doomguy loser
Doomguy/Doomslayer is a pure virgin

>doomguy 4 guy is some alien with angelic powers or something
Nigger, it's already heavily implied Doom Guy and Doom Slayer are the same person. Fuck, Hugo even referred to Doom Slayer as Doomguy during the Quake stream.

it's undeniably a shitty aesthetic choice

idk this sounds like crazy levels of nitpicking. It is very cool for Doomguy to be an epic demigod of death. Just because it's not the way you would prefer to write this character doesn't really mean anything honestly

Blow it out your ass.

Fuck off with your fanwank, its already confirmed they are not the same person and we already got a lot of info about the plot of eternal that will reveal the history of this incarnation doomguy.
Random slip of the tongue and some twitter posts dont matter, what matters are the games.

Reminder that Halo 4 and 5 are not canon and that Master Chief is just lucky and not some space Jesus.

He's not supposed to be a "character" that is the point. Doom 2016 was great because it harkened back to the old days when it was all about the gameplay. Not about hubs that show what he does during downtime or cutscenes that wank on power levels like god of war.

keep seething buycuck, no one is gonna buy shit on your platform
All DDCs are cancer save for the based GOG. If you have to play games with DRM, you don't own your game.

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>its already confirmed they are not the same person
Sure buddy. Sure.

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if you thought about it for two seconds without filtering everything through a political narrative, you might answer your own question

>Being strong is advantageous in combat
>Most big FPS games come from majority white countries

>gameplay is all that matters!
>i won't buy a game because the minimal lore and story don't fit my exact interpretation
so which is it you fucks

Despite being only 13% of the population...

Who the fuck said they weren't buying it? You can criticize aspects of a thing you otherwise like. Not everything has to ne perfect or shit in someones eyes with nothing inbetween.

Story and lore affects your interpretations of characters thus affecting gameplay. Not literally, but the perspective will make you feel more or less enthusiastic about the game itself


Yeah really bizarre considering doom eternal is on steam anyway

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I agree with that but I just don't understand this board's fixation on little details and blowing them up to warrant several threads about them a day. like when there were nonstop mk11 threads for weeks about females not being naked enough when the majority of those people probably had no intention of buying the game or even were mortal kombat fans. it's just rage porn. find something, anything to make a hot button issue just to complain about it until something else comes along.
