this has to have the most boring open world of all time. You ride in a wateland with nothing between question marks, and when you do find a place 99% of the time it's a bandit camp
This has to have the most boring open world of all time. You ride in a wateland with nothing between question marks...
I wouldn't say it's the most boring, but it's pretty bland. Skellige is cool though
Sounds like every open world game ever made to me. When are we admitting the genre sucks? The sooner we realize this, the sooner developers can focus on making games that aren't designed to waste your time.
It's ok, we get it, you don't have to like it. But it's pretty pathetic still making these threads 4 years after release
Witcher 3 is terrible but it's vastly superior to any of the piece of shit PC games that Yea Forums claims is a masterpiece
Open world is not a genre, for starters.
Fine, it's an archetype. Whatever. It sucks.
I hope this is bait and you actually don't play through Witcher 3 going to all the question marks instead of doing quests.
that's pretty much every more modern open world game that i've tried. you just forgot stopping and collecting crafting shit every minute
That wouldn't be so glaring if literally ANYTHING about the game were interesting, engaging, cool, or fun. But it's just all boring garbage. Terrible combat and snoozefest of a story.
download a texture mod
Same threads, same shit bait, same uninspired posts.. Why do I even bother staying on Yea Forums but I literally don't know where else to go. I'm tired man..
You just mad Poland is the #1 video game maker in the world
These threads will stop being made when the open world meme finally mercifully dies.
Yeah we get it, you’re still obsessed with a game you don’t like.
>The combat is terribl-
Listen, m8, The Witcher 3 is a garbage game and the point of no return for CDPR. It's yet another series that fell for the open world meme and became a tedious chore to play as a result.
With that said, these webms are completely meaningless. You can do this for any game ever. If you play like a retard, the game looks bad.
Open world games have been around since the 80s.
Yes. It really is.
blah blah blah
blow it out your ass faggot
Every witcher game's first 1/3 is crap. I don't know how they kept that up so consistently...
Yeah, I know. Elder Scrolls Arena was real bad, too.
does anyone else remember on Yea Forums when you could hardly ever speak ill of open world games, "linear" was used as a negative and Japanese games, for their linearity, were basically a taboo subject?
This was before the era of Yea Forums where you mentioned a game you'd want made and included "developed by Platinum".
Exactly, I had to force myself through Velen, but after you find Ciri the game picks up pace.
4 years later and still seething.
Fallout 1 and 2 were good, as were many other open world RPGs from the 90s.
I mean, games can be overly linear. Final Fantasy XIII is an example that comes to mind. With that said, I'd rather have something overly linear than another open world trash game. Although, of course, the preference is in the happy medium.
>Fallout 1 and 2
>Open world games
>When they have an overworld system that has you essentially "fast-travelling" between locations of interest
Is this the "if a game is non-linear, it's open world" meme? If so, you're retarded.
You can literally go anywhere at any time in Fallout 1 and 2, even straight to the end of the game. Ironically, they are far better examples of an open world than Witcher 3.
>You can literally go anywhere at any time in Fallout 1 and 2, even straight to the end of the game
Yeah, that means they're non-linear. Open world games require both non-linearity and a humongous scale. If the average millennial was told Fallout 1 was open world and picked it up, he'd cry that there were "invisible walls" forcing him to go to a map. Either you're really stupid or you're willing fully misinterpreting what open world means.
It seems you don't know what open world means.
It seems you're retarded
>No argument
I accept your tacit defeat.
Right, whatever. Next time you read someone bitching about open world games, try to keep in mind people mean actual open world shit like the Elder Scrolls games, Breath of the Wild and The Witcher 3, not whatever your dumb definition of open world is. Saves you the effort.
Witcher 3 is literally gen z's ocarina of time. Are you retarded? They're probably the ones that give it the most praise,since they don't know any better.
>gen z's ocarina of time.
That's Dark Souls.
wow can this lose any more pixels
gayme came out in may of 2019. to see fags like you still butt hurt over a vidya gayme. top kek. DLC is where it's at in that game.
2015. my bad homies.
Is it not true the open world is incredibly boring? The writing and stories is really good but that's about it
i would change that award to "GAME OF THE GENERATION"
>be Skyrim
pic unrelated