I'm undecided between hunter, druid, lock, mage and rogue.
Which is the most interesting, least boring leveling experience while still being viable endgame?
What should I roll, Yea Forums?
you can pickpocket with rogue
Every class is viable at endgame. Every class is also shoehorned into pressing 1-3 buttons during raids as well though. So it doesn't matter what you pick as long as you enjoy it.
More importantly, don't listen to the autists who think everything is about raiding. Vanilla WoW is so, so much more than raiding. It takes so long to hit the level cap that at least 75% of players will never see the inside of a raid. For the average player, quest and dungeon content will be the bulk of your experience. So pick what's fun to play from 1-60. Worry about endgame later. Nobody in 2004 was even thinking about raiding when they picked their first character.
Before you reach a single instance portal, you'll already be investing hours into your character. So pick what you want to invest time into, not what will be "viable".
Vanilla WoW wasn't a sprint to the finish like retail, which is why people want to return to it
It's a series of consistent, enjoyable progressions through all kinds of skills, and creating in-world hijinx
Kinda like how Old School Runescape has no real end game raids, it's all about the player and world interactions
Warlock. Pets, dots and fear gives you great soloing potential.
I'm in a 5 man group, priest or shaman?
Depends on what you're friends are playing. Both will be fun though if you're just looking to play a support/healing role.
You don't "roll" anything fucks sake i'll bet you call single solitary enemy or monster "mobs" too god damn I hate retarded MMORPG lingo
For me it's, Warlock.
With the release of Classic WoW in a few days, I figured it would be a good idea to let people know of a guild a couple of guys from Yea Forums and /vg/ made a few years back (EU) as well as the existence of the /wowcg/ general that can be found in the /vg/ board, for those that didn't know!
Anyway a couple of anons from here and /vg/ managed to clear all content up to Naxx and pservers and we're currently LFM, anyone is free to join or just check it out I guess, feel free to join the discord -> /vUdNjSA
Mandate of Heaven EU PvP
15/15 Naxx Experience, Two 40-man and Five 20-man experienced raid leaders.
Join the Discord for more info and shit -> /vUdNjSA
Know of any other Yea Forums based guild that's in the EU or NA? Post it!
Reminder that further Classic World of Warcraft discussion can be found in /wowcg/ over in /vg/..
It will be a warrior, mage, druid, hunter and me.
>playing with anybody from Yea Forums
they're all socially retarded memespouters who don't have personalities outside of referencing things they saw on Yea Forums.
You sound upset.
Also leveled two priests in retail, it was ok, I guess. Never played shaman before.
Uninstall Wizard
lol #rekt
tanks will always prefer shaman to priest unless its dmw and tank is undergeared
>mandate of trannies
Talk to your Druid friend about what spec he wants to play the most. When it comes to dungeons, Shaman is good so you and the Druid can tag each other out between healing and damaging if one of you gets bored of the role. If you picked Priest, you would probably want to take a few Shadow talents in order to fill that damage slot if your Druid wants to heal, or else just heal every time while he does something else.
Again, this is all about dungeons though. That's really the only place where you composition is going to matter the most, so if you plan on running them a lot, think about who wants to do what role. Outside of dungeons, you'll have a blast regardless of what you play. Just keep in mind that Shaman offers you a lot more flexibility in playstyle. But if you're dead set on a healing role, Priest is the way to go.
Also consider you should probably have an alt that you level solo when your friends are offline. Shaman would be more fun to solo than a Priest is. So that might influence your decision.
Druid is dead set on feral, so I'm sure he won't heal in dungeons / open world. Heard about priest being dot, mind-flay & wand spam all day.
Yeah then if you want to do a lot more than heal and buff, I'd go Shaman. It's not like you will need hugely strong heals anyways since you'll be rolling in a big group constantly.
Playing WoW with you ugly losers is the most fun a man can have